
The air smelled sweet. Her perfume settling on my nose as i stepped into the room.. my chest tightened at the sensation. I pause a moment to enjoy it as i close the door, then turn to look at flower that made it..
She lays on the bed, hands cuffed behind her back, black lace panties and thigh highs to match them. A blindfold snuggly over her face, headphones deafen her to the room. Her skin is in stark conrast to the black sheets and glows even in the dim light of the room. I can hear her breathing, and i can smell her perfume~

I stand at her side, watching the rise and fall of her back with each breath. Unaware of my presence as i hover over her, planning in my head my coming actions like an artist plans brushstrokes. I prepare myself, slowly undressing as i look down her body. I was suprised but thrilled to see her this morning. Standing on the stoop outside my door, a blue sweater and scarf over black pants. Her face looked embaressed.. but you could see the glimmer of hunger in her eyes even as she blushed while talking, a subtle need. Hushed tones and quick words. I only registered a few parts as i lost myself in her gaze..”Sorry to bother… need you again…. can’t wait….please..” I pull myself from memory, set my clothes on the dresser and return to her.~

She waited so patiently lost in a world without sight and sound, what thoughts must be going on in her mind.. the anticipation as she awaits me, unaware of how close i am. Could she smell my cologne as i amended her perfume? A gentle tease of soon to comes… I feel a hunger grow within me, I too have my needs.. *Not yet* i say to myself, and quieting the calling in my heart.. restraining the fire in my loins I reach for her~

Her skin is soft, and cool. It gives slightly as my fingers press, and the response is near immediate. A shiver runs up her back like a ripple in water, an audible change in her breath. I slide my hands along her, pressing against muscle, letting my fingers trace every line as i curve up into the shoulders and down her sides, she is exquisite, and unique, every curve and line masterfully placed. My hands graze past the swell of hips. Across lace and down her thighs and legs, firm and strong but not without give. Then back up the inside, making sure to press more as i caressed passed the inner thighs. The tremor as i did showed both on body and breath. I pulled away then, leaving her in a moment of anticipation. Reaching under the bed my hand finds the handle of my tool. And standing again i pull out a wide paddle. I rest it against the round of her ass. Watching as she stiffens at its touch with a slight smile.
*No pleasures in life come without pain* i whisper to myself.
A pull back and swing. Not too hard so as to injure but still enough as the sound of impact filled the space, mirrored by another sound as a small shout escapes into the room unbidden. A sharp intake of breath as i pull back, swinging once more, the *smack* louder now a small roll of motion with the impact as i listen to her struggle to keep her breathing steady. A 3rd..then a 4th.. a 5th.. she groans under the assault. Wrists pulling against the cuffs with every strike as she struggles between pulling away and presenting for more… 6..7..8..Her breathing is heavy, her body shakes lightly like branches caught in a breeze, shes given up on silence now and and the *smack* is drowned out by shouts and whimpers she makes.. the final strikes are punctuated by these sounds as they echo into silence for her..what is not covered by black lace is scarlet, a striking contrast to her skin. I grab her ass, a slight squeeze as i hear her react to hands on tender skin.. a slight whimper but only partly from the pain.. i feel at the crotch of her lace panties and find them wet with need.. all in time i think quietly~

It takes little effort to move her, as i roll her over onto her back. She instinctively pulls off the bed, sore to the touch of the cotton. Legs half parted. You can properly enjoy the curves at this angle. The soft thighs arching out into wide hips and a well rounded ass, the swell of ample breast, the pouch of her stomach. The dim light traces lines along her, highlighting the edges of her hills and valleys. The pinpoints at her nipples gleam like mountain tops at dawn, the soft shadow on her face, mouth open only partly because shes breathing.
It flows like water down her body untill it crashes and cascades into her groin. I drink it in with my eyes, my stomach hungering for her like a man in the desert hungers for an oasis. I manage to contain myself for now, but only just. I breathe against her, watching her shudder as my breath climbs her body, up the waterfall, along the rivers and valleys of skin and light up to the crest of the mountains. I can’t help but place a prolonged kiss on twin peaks.. a deep and needy moan echoes from her. One my hunger matches in urgency.. the will strains as i pull away snd continue my trace, along the shoulder, up the neck. A string of kisses along the jaw and a breath on her lips.. i pull back as she tries to find the source, mouth searching for mine. A desperation in the movements as i watch from a few feet back. Then a hint of a pout at the failure. I draw close again and kiss her, softly at first then roughly as she pushes her lips back against mine, a mess of quick breaths and movements.. i bite her lip and pull away, leaving her once again searching for me as i retrieve another tool~

I come back to her.. hand closed like concealing a secret even though she is rendered blind… I kiss her again.. no soft touch to this one. It is forceful and demanding~ and as she returns it i take the ice in my hand and run it down her neck. The jump at the touch presses her harder against my lips as i trace it down along her collar bone.. down the center of her chest. Along the curve of her breast, trailing the light. Watching her shiver and listening to her breath as i do.. a sharp gasp as i press it to her nipple, i lean down and take the other in a soft kiss into my mouth.. caressing with my tongue as i watch her face, caught between the sensations. I stay there, watching as i allow my self to continue.. the ice slips down the stomach.. along the waist..the inner thigh. I feel her moving beneath me as it goes. Skin against skin as she tries not to pull away from the cold. Its dangerously close now and she cant help but twitch despite her efforts.. but i am weary of holding back from my own wants while playing these games and teases.. i need her. Her soft skin in my hands, full breast at my lips.. the warmth on my cock.. the taste on my tongue. The banquet was prepared for me and i was tired of playing with my food. I kiss down her stomach slowly. Resting myself between her legs as i decend like a wolf to a chicken coup.. her soft breaths grow deeper as i pass the waist.. kissing over lace, the intricate pattern feels strange against my lips.. i lift her off the bed a bit.. just enough to remove the thin strip between me and satisfaction. As it slides away i follow the lining with my lips until i find my prize. Kissing softly as i move her legs to the sides resting her thighs on my shoulders. I can hear her clearly now. No soft touch to her breath as i massage her with my tongue between prolongued kisses. Her back arches like a bridge between us. A road I would travel gladly were I not locked in place.. thighs, soft and inviting now a firm vice around me. I brace myself, hands hooked on the curve of her hips as i press against her. I decend, i am an explorer. And i delve into this new territory with eager anticipations and purpose. Like a poet i weave my magic with a silver tongue. And my audience swoons. Her body rolls with the rhythm of ocean waves, but i cannot be sated. A hunger unattended can become an obsession~
The cries that fill the room are no longer of suprise or gentle restraint, and what i can hear over the blood rush in her thighs is a symphony of passion and release.. an operatic performance for one, i show my applause in the only way i can and am rewarded with the sweetest encore…
