A Rude Awakening (female pov, nc, bondage, creampie, impregnation)

My dragon called out and we swooped up fast. He always loved diving in and out of the clouds with me on his back. I laughed and urged him on, “Faster, faster!” I cried in delight as I grabbed onto his reins tightly.

We went up high, cresting just above the clouds, then began to dive. “Wheeee!” I shouted, as I put my hands up above my head. It was just like a roller coaster.

I cried again as we descended faster and faster, such a trilling joy.

Something was wrong though, I couldn’t put my arms down. This was odd.

I couldn’t close my mouth either. Why couldn’t I close my mouth? I tried to call out, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t make a noise.

I open my eyes. My dream faded away into darkness. I was in my room again. Darn it, why did I have to wake up? It was such a fun dream!

I went to roll over, hopeful I could go back to sleep and resume my same dream. When I did, I heard a metallic clacking noise. My arm was stuck? Wait… both my arms were stuck?

Wait, something is in my mouth too!? I can’t close it? I tried to bite down, to spit it out, whatever it was. I couldn’t though it was attached to my head with a strap. I could feel it on my cheeks.

I looked up, my hands were tied to the headboard with handcuffs? Panicked, I yanked but I couldn’t move then. Am I still dreaming? When did this happen? What going on? I pulled hard, but it was no use? What the heck!?

There were footstep in the hallway outside my door, I froze in fear and watched and waited, then you appeared. Your face was covered with a ski mask, but I could see your brown eyes staring at me in the dim hallway light.

“Oh you’re awake, good.” You said, your voice heavy with a sinister undertone.

You stepped towards my bed, and I screamed hard into my gag. I could barely make a noise though, it completely muffled my reaction.

You sat down on the end of my bed and stroked my legs, making eye contact with me. “I’ve been waiting for this night for a long time. I hope you enjoy it as much as me.”

I slid my leg away from you and stared back fearfully. I could hear you laugh.

You stood up and took off your shorts, then your underwear. Your erect penis made your intentions perfectly clear, if there was any lingering doubt as to what you wanted it evaporated just then.

You stretched and let out a small groan, “ahh okay, lets do you now,” you said as you turned to me.

You reached out an arm toward my hips, and I screamed and turned away.

“Ha nice try girly,” you mocked me as you grabbed onto my shorts giving them a bit of a tug. They slid down hips a bit.

I screamed again and kicked my legs at you. I kicked and kicked so hard. My feet slamming into your torso.

“Oww! Oww!” you laughed and paused a bit. “Dang girly, you got some fight in you!” you joked as you took another foot to your ribs.

Your jovial attitude angered me more and I wound up to kick you harder. My leg smacked into your hip, just as your other hand grabbed hold. I tried to yank it away, but you held on tightly. You were quite strong.

Your free hand reached around the other side of my hips and yanked again at my shorts. With a firm tug your pulled them free, my panties going along with them. I felt them slide off my hips and onto my thighs, which I pinched together tightly.

“Hey you shave everywhere huh?” You snickered as your eyes caught sight of my exposed mound, “sexy!”

I blushed in embarrassment, and you took advantage of the moment and pulled my shorts and underwear away. I yelped into my gag and pinched my legs together fearfully. There was nothing I could do to hide myself from your gaze.

You didn’t waste any time, no lingering, no hesitation. You tossed my underwear aside and climbed onto the bed with me. Your eyes seemed fixed on my bottom half, tracing my mound and legs. Looking me up and down, like you were inspecting a new toy.

“Nice, now let’s spread those legs missy.” you exclaimed as your hands found my knees. I pinched them together as you loomed over me, trying to pry them apart.

We stalemated for a few moments. You were pulling, prying, and tearing at my knees and thighs. I was straining, and struggling, my legs pinched together tightly. Sweat began pouring down my forehead, and your grunts and groans of frustration were building. I was quickly wearing out though, my legs were shaking as you pulled on them, your bare arms were flexing. Every muscle was defined and visible all down your arms. I was making you work hard.

A brief moment’s wobble in my legs was all you needed though, and you slipped your arm in between my legs up to your shoulder. Your other arm followed and you rolled yourself between my legs. With a grunt and a shove you wedged yourself in, pushing my exhausted legs apart, pinning them down. Your breathing was heavy, but you let out a satisfied sigh before turning to look at me.

“Suddenly glad I kept up my gym membership,” you laughed.

I shouted a protest into my gag, but you gave it no mind. Your attention moved my old night shirt. You gave it one firm yank, and it tore easily in your grasp, speeding up my torso from bottom to top, to its collar where it barely held together. Satisfied you had bared my breasts sufficiently you let the two sides fall apart. I was all but naked in your gaze now, just a small bit of fabric hiding my neck and shoulders. Anything I’d normally hide from a stranger’s eyes was fully exposed to you, and you seemed to eagerly drink up this sight.

You just waited there a bit, looming over me. Your torso was wedged between my legs. Your face hung over my chest, gazing down at it. With a slight chuckle you leaned down and gave my nipple a kiss. I squealed and squirmed a bit, but you didn’t mind, you just playfully flicked it a bit with your tongue while I moaned a muffled protest. I was about then I felt myself moistening between my legs. My body was preparing itself for what was sure to happen next.

I wasn’t wrong either, as your lips departed my nipple you began shuffling up my body. You gave my forehead a kiss as your head passed mine, but otherwise didn’t glance down or say a word. A moment later I was staring up at your chest, and shivering as I felt the touch of your penis on my mound.

It poked me, and I squirmed a bit, calling another protest into my gag. You didn’t answer it though. There was another poke, then another, your hips shifted slightly each time, and each poke was in a different place. I arched my back as best I could, pointing my hips more towards the mattress, away from your probing dick.

You kept hunting though, kept getting closer. Your next poke parted my folds and ran along my clit. You paused for a moment, seemingly realizing where you were now, and shifted your hips down. Your next poke was lower, you touched just below my clit, and I could feel you slide down my lips, aided by my wetness, until your penis rested just against my gate.

Fearfully I tried to curl my hips away more, but your body weighed heavily on me, and I couldn’t. You must have realized this, and began pressing forward. I could feel you side along, my well moistened lips offering no resistance. Then I could feel pressure, right in the wrong place.

I screamed into my gag, my arms strained, pulling hard on my bindings. Soon that pressure gave way, and was replaced by a terrible spreading fullness as you slipped inside me.

A satisfied moan escaped your lips, and you took a deep breath. You withdrew and thrusted a couple of times, slipping deeper inside with each press, until I could feel your hairy balls resting snuggly against my butt.

“Mmm nice and tight,” you remarked as you began rocking your hips. Your dick slid in and out of me effortlessly, and you moaned in serene satisfaction.

I was embarrassed, humiliated, and beyond angry at you. I fought away tears and began trying to dislodge you from my body. I twisted, bucked, screamed and kicked. You tried to ignore me, keep your rhythm going, but it wasn’t happening, and you finally withdrew in frustration. Your dick leaving a trail of our wet sloppy juices on my inner thigh.

“Dammit girl, what are you doing?” you complained while laying there on me, “how am I supposed to fuck you if your moving like that?”

I didn’t care I screamed back into my gag, kicking my legs in defiance as I still lay pinned under you.

You just sighed, “fine, we’ll do it this way,” and you scooped up my legs in your arms. You pushed forward, pulling my hips off my bed, curling them into the air. I kicked in defiance, but you held on tightly as you pushed my legs back towards my head and spread them wide apart.

I kicked one leg free, and began pushing you away with it, but you did mind you just grabbed your dick and pressed its head into my soaking wet vagina.

You slid in so effortlessly, deeper and deeper, I gasped in a rush of emotion. Then you began thrusting. Your thrusts pushed down into me, they were penetrating, arousing, stimulating my body with every stroke. My face began to turn red, and I gasped for breath behind my gag.

This wasn’t fair! I didn’t ask to feel this way, I didn’t want this at all! You grabbed my free leg and pressed my ankles back past my head then settled into your rhythm. I tried to fight back again, but there was little I could do lying like this. I could barely muster a squirm, and could only absorb thrust after thrust, fighting an internal battle against my involuntary arousal.

I could feel my body relax as you continued, my discomfort being replaced by a warmth radiating out from my hips. You were going to drive me to orgasm it seemed, and there wasn’t anything I could do but cling desperately to my cuffs as you plunged into me over and over, it was going to be too much…

Then you broke your rhythm a bit, throwing things off. Your pace slowed for a moment, and I wondered what had happened. Then I felt something ominous. I knew this feeling from other men I’d slept with. This tenseness in your muscles, your dick stiffening inside me, a deep growl from your throat. Oh no…

I twisted and bucked like I never had before, desperate to escape, but you grabbed hold. Your hands gripped tightly to my hips, squeezing down so hard it hurt. I couldn’t even move. You just held me in place as you dick stiffened and your breath grew short.

“Ahhhh!” you gasped suddenly and jammed your hips sharply into mine.

I moaned in discomfort into my gag as my legs flew apart from your impact.

You kept pressing firmly, deeply, and finally just held your rock hard member there. We both knew what was about to happen.

As you held me I could feel your dick began to twitch slightly, over and over. That gentle pulsing sending untold numbers of sperm deep into my hopelessly restrained body. All my struggles had ended in vain, as your seed soaked deeply inside.

It just took a few seconds for you to finish, and then you pulled away. A cool rush of air taking the place of your now satisfied dick.

“All that struggling didn’t do much, did it?” I heard you gloat mockingly as you shuffled around, sliding your shorts back on. “Honestly, I don’t know why you girls even bother to try.”

“Here, you’ll want this.” you said, and placed a small key in my hand. “So you can get free. Feel free to keep those as souvenirs though. I need to head out. See you again sometime maybe?”

With a sly wink you were out my doorway and gone. I just sat there motionless, overwhelmed, and shocked. I couldn’t move, I just lay there. My only company was a warm liquid which was dripping from my battered hips, and pooling on my sheets. You left me more than just handcuffs it seems. As I heard a car start up and pull away I began to cry, it was all I could do.

After what must have been an hour I managed to get my wits together enough to use that key you left. It took some time for me to figure out how to use it, but I managed to free one arm then my other. Then, with that cursed gag finally removed as well, I stumbled sore and weak towards the shower. I desperately needed to get clean, to remove your scent from my body, but what you had left behind was far far too deep for anything in my shower to wash away.

A part of us joined together in the darkness that night. A part of you, whoever you are, which will be with me the rest of my days.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10d542l/a_rude_awakening_female_pov_nc_bondage_creampie

1 comment

  1. Mmm baby I just need you to DM me a pic of your tight pussy so I can finish stroking my cock. This was so hot 😘

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