Jack and Amy work at a summer camp the summer after graduating college. Chapter 1. Amy meets Jack’s “little sister” Molly. [M/F 19+] [Skinny dippping]

This is part of the series I have been posting about Jack and Amy. In this part of the series, they have graduated college and gone to work at a summer camp for the summer after college.

When I was in high school and college, I spent most of my summers working at a summer camp. The summer I graduated college, my gf Amy and I did not have real jobs lined up yet and the camp director asked me if I would be the head lifeguard at the lake since the job required someone over 21. Amy thought it sounded fun to work at a summer camp, and she had previously spent summers as a lifeguard at a pool, so Amy was also going to come and work for me at the lake.

I had already worked at this camp for many summers, so I knew all of the staff and they were really like family. I took a couple of summers off from working at the camp during college, to do other jobs, so it was great seeing everyone when I came back.

There was one girl in particular who was like a little sister to me the last summer I worked there. Her name was Molly and she was 17 when I met her the summer I was 19. I had a gf at camp that summer and Molly was like a little sister to me. This summer, Molly was back and she was 19 years old, and had just finished her first year of college in the Spring. The first summer I met her, Molly had braces and was still sort of an awkward teenager. Now, Molly had grown up into a very pretty woman. She had straight, strawberry blonde hair. She was about 5’6” tall, thin, pale, small tits and a nice ass. Molly had a really pretty face with some freckles on her nose and cheeks. She was going to be a lifeguard for the first time this year.

The first day Amy and I arrived, Molly ran up and jumped on me, wrapping her arms and legs around me, her legs wrapped around my waist to hold herself up. She said, “Oh, Jack, I’m so glad you’re back this summer!” She hopped down and I noticed that Molly had changed quite a bit in the almost 2 years since I had last seen her, she was really beautiful now.

I said, “Hi, Molly I’m glad you’re going to be a lifeguard this summer. This is Amy, she’s going to be working with us down at the lake and she is my girlfriend.”

Molly seemed surprised, maybe disappointed and said, “Oh….that’s great…nice to meet you Amy.”

Amy said, “Hi Molly, it’s great to meet you. I’m glad there will be another girl down at the lake. I was worried it would just be a bunch of dudes down there.”

“Molly, can you show her where the female staff sleep, help her pick out a tent, while I drive her car down to the staff area?”

Amy said, “Aren’t I staying in your tent Jack? I’m going to be in a tent alone?”

“Amy, we will be sleeping together, but we have to at least have separate tents for appearances.”

Molly said, “Yes, Jack had a gf, Gwen, the last summer that he was here. They slept together every night and everyone on staff caught them having sex all over camp. I could literally hear them in her tent at night, squeaky cot, moaning. She was pretty hot, I guess.” It seemed like Molly was trying to make Amy jealous.

Amy said, “Well, I guess we will have to get some WD40 for my cot then and I’ll try not to moan, but I cannot promise anything,” and she winked at Molly.

Molly grimaced a bit at that comment. Those two walked ahead to the female staff area and I drove Amy’s car across the field to get our stuff closer to our tents. I carried Amy’s stuff into the female area and to a tent she picked out. Amy said, “Wow this is primitive for the whole summer.”

Molly said, “Sometimes people can’t handle it and they leave,” with an evil grin.

Amy said, “Well, the first time Jack and I had sex was in a tent, so I think he will make it fun for me.”

Molly grimaced at this. I walked Amy on a tour of the camp and as we walked off, Amy smiled and said, “Molly seems to have a crush on you.”

“No, are you kidding? I’m like a brother or something to her.”

“Dude, you’re clueless, that girl wants you. Look back there, she is standing watching us walk away.”

“She’s a nice girl, I’m sure you guys will get along.”

Amy said, “Jack, you know I don’t get jealous and she seems sweet. I think it’s cute that she likes you.”

When we got back from our tour of camp, it was time for dinner and the staff would all meet each other. Amy caused quite a scene, just by existing – she was definitely the hottest girl to ever work down there, so the guys on staff were all checking her out. Later that night, the staff were all hanging around the main lodge, playing board games or writing letters home, etc. Molly had a posse of teenage boys vying for her attention. Amy said to me, “Molly is pretty hot. I bet one of those boys will sweep her off her feet and she will stop following you around like a puppy dog.”

I said, “Amy, she used to call me her big brother a couple of summers ago. Maybe she has a small crush on me, but I wouldn’t say she follows me like a puppy dog.”

Amy said, “Okay…no need to be defensive. I like her and I get why she has a crush on you, because I do too,” grinning at me.

I kissed Amy and said, “Well, I have a big crush on you, let’s go back to my tent.”

As Amy and I walked back toward the staff tents, Molly came running up behind us, “Hey Jack, where are you going?”

I said, “We’re going to bed…” Amy had a smirk on her face.

Molly said, “I don’t have a flashlight with me, could you please walk me to my tent, Jack?”

Amy said, “Yes, we will walk you to your tent.”

Molly looked disappointed and walked silently with us. When we got to her tent, she opened the flap and turned on a light. We said Goodnight to her and Molly said, “Hey, none of the other girls have gone to bed yet, it’s kind of creepy that this whole campsite is empty. Can you guys sleep in Amy’s tent instead of your tent Jack?” Amy’s tent was next to Molly’s tent.

Amy said, “That’s fine, I think my tent is cozier than Jack’s anyway.”

Amy and I started making out in her tent, and we got naked. I slid down her body and started eating her out. I was licking her clit and fingering her, she started whimpering and grabbing my hair. Amy quietly said, “fuck me Jack.”

I slid back up and put my dick in her and began fucking her. Unfortunately, she did have a very squeaky cot and Amy laughed as it started rhythmically squeaking in time to my thrusts. It did not deter me and we fucked for a long time, until she was moaning a bit, “oh…Jack…fuck…” and I grunted as I came inside her.

The next morning, we got up to take showers, and of course Molly appeared outside Amy’s tent with her shower stuff. Molly said, “Are you guys walking to the shower house?”

Amy said, “Yes,” rolling her eyes at me.

We walked together to the shower house and Molly giggled saying, “You might want that WD40 for your cot, Amy.”

Amy said, “Well, get used to it, because Jack and I enjoy each other’s company quite a bit.”

Molly said, “It’s okay, I don’t mind. I’m not some prude, I’m on birth control you know.”

Amy and I looked at each other.

Later, when we were alone, Amy laughed and said, “Why did she tell us she was on birth control? I think she wanted you to know that Jack,” giggling.

I said, “That was an odd thing for her to say…”

The next night, some of us were going to drive to another camp to have beers around a fire with their staff. I was waiting near Amy’s car, when Amy came walking up with Molly and said, “Molly is riding with us Jack.”

We climbed into Amy’s little BMW, she let me drive since I knew where I was going. Amy had on some cutoff jeans shorts and a white tshirt, she put her nice legs up resting her feet on the dashboard, the windows and sunroof were open and Amy was drinking a beer in the passenger seat. Molly sat in the back seat behind Amy.

It was a beautiful summer evening with the sun setting over the mountains across the lake, as we drove down a gravel road following the cloud of dust from my friend’s car up ahead. Amy smiled over at me and said, “It’s really beautiful here Jack.”

Molly said, “Hey Amy, you see that rock outcropping on that mountain over there?”


“Well, you can hike up there…Jack, isn’t that where you fucked Gwen the first time?”

I said, “Molly how would you know that?”

Molly giggled and said, “Gwen told me.”

I looked back at Molly and I swear that Molly gave me a lusty look and spread her legs, so I could see her panties. She was wearing cutoff jeans shorts, that were very short, but also baggy around her thin legs, and had a big hole in the crotch, so it was almost like wearing a short skirt and when she spread her legs, it had the same effect. I reluctantly put my eyes back on the road, told myself to stop looking and convinced myself that Molly probably did not do that on purpose.

Amy said, “Oh yeah, Jack told me about Gwen, first girl to let you go down on her, right Jack?” Amy glanced back at Molly.

I said, “That is her…”

Molly giggled and said, “she told me about that too.”

Next time I glanced back, Molly was still sitting with her legs spread and gave me a funny grin and she adjusted her shorts to expose the crotch of her panties more, I couldn’t help but look back down at her crotch, when I looked back up she bit her lower lip as she looked at me.

I shook it off and kept my eyes on the road after that. As we walked from Amy’s car to the fire ring, Molly leapt on my back to get a piggy back ride, Amy gave me a bemused look. As the night cooled off, we sat having beers by the fire, Amy was sitting between my legs, using me like a chair. Molly snuggled up to me and was leaning her head on my shoulder.

After awhile, Amy said, “I have to pee,” and she got up from between my legs and headed into the woods. While she was gone Molly slipped into the spot Amy occupied and I said, “Molly…come on…”

Amy came back and I said, “Alright, Molly, get up, that’s Amy’s spot.”

Molly said, “Sorry, I just got really cold.”

Amy said, “She can stay there,” and Amy sat on the log I was leaning against and hugged me from behind.

We did not stay too late and drove back around the lake to our camp. We said Goodnight to Molly and went in Amy’s tent.

Amy whispered, “That Molly is bold. I mean she just slipped in between your legs while I was gone. You guys looked cozy and adorable though, so I didn’t really mind.”

I said, “Amy, I have to tell you something about her being bold and it’s kind of awkward.”

Amy said, “What?”

I said, “Well, in the car, I looked back to say something and…it seemed like Molly…purposely spread her legs to show me her underwear and she gave me a look.”

Amy laughed hysterically and said, “Really? Maybe it was an accident Jack.”

I said, “Amy, that’s what I tried to tell myself, but I looked again…”

Amy interrupted me, giggled and said, “for science of course…”

I said, “Look, I’ll admit I looked again and she was still with her legs spread and she grinned at me and bit her lower lip.”

Amy said, “Yep, seems like she did that on purpose, she’s very flirty with you. It is actually pretty cute, it doesn’t bother me Jack.”

We all worked at the lake together and Amy and Molly did become friends, although Molly still flirted with me. Amy and Molly both drew a lot of attention at the lake in their little red lifeguard bikinis. Of course, Amy was taller, had slightly larger boobs and was striking. Molly was more of the pretty girl next door and I could not help but notice she looked really good in her bikini too.

One day, Amy and I were assigned different nights off by the camp director, because Amy needed to supervise the evening activities at the lake with me gone. So, Molly and I had the same night off and Amy had a different night off. All of the other lifeguards went up to have dinner with the campers and Molly and I stayed behind cleaning up the waterfront, since we did not have to go to dinner on our night off.

We were almost finished and Molly was organizing some life Jackets. I yelled over to her, “I am going to go change in the guard shack, then let’s head out of here for the night.” Molly said, “Okay.”

I went in the guard shack and took off my swimsuit. I was standing there totally naked, when Molly walked in and stood there looking up and down my body. She said, “Oh, sorry I thought you were dressed,” but she had a funny smile and she did not act embarrassed. She just stood there staring at my dick. I quickly put on some shorts and said, “Jeez, Molly I told you I was changing.” I could feel myself getting hard from her seeing me naked and my thin shorts were not doing a great job of hiding that fact.

Molly said, “Oh, I guess I didn’t hear you. Looks like you didn’t mind too much” gesturing at the tent in my shorts, and giggling.

I said, “Let’s just get out of here,” and I used my towel to hide my erection as we walked up to the base camp. Molly and I borrowed Amy’s car to go into town and do some laundry. When our clothes were done in the washer, there was only one dryer open, so we combined our laundry.

When the dryer stopped, we put our clothes in a big pile on the counter and began folding them. I accidentally pulled a pair of her panties out of the pile of clothes, I was embarrassed and quickly handed them to her. Molly held them up to fold them and said, “What, you can’t touch my underwear?” with a little grin on her face. She picked up another pair of her panties and this time she shoved them in my face, laughing and said, “Oh, no my panties touched you…” She held them up to fold them and I was checking them out, she grinned over at me and said, “You like these?”

I said, “I wasn’t looking…I was folding my own clothes …and you’re like my sister, Molly.”

Molly grinned and said, “You’re pretty defensive about that…and I’m not your sister!” She actually looked a little embarrassed saying that.

We went out to dinner at a diner after that, sitting in a booth and I tried to ignore the fact that she was playing footsie with me under the table as we talked and ate dinner. When I got back to Amy’s tent, I told her everything and she had a smile on her face. Amy said, “She’s so adorable….she’s throwing herself at you Jack…if we weren’t dating I bet you would fuck her this summer,” giggling.

I said, “Amy…she’s cute…but…no…I mean she’s like a sister…she’s 19…just finished her first year of college…”

Amy said, “We just graduated college, no big deal. If we weren’t together, you wouldn’t be able to resist her…it’s okay Jack.” Amy climbed on top of me in her underwear and in an innocent voice said, “I’m Molly and I just want your dick Jack.” She kissed her way to my crotch and pulled down my underwear.
She licked my dick and then sucked it, she paused to say in the same voice, “if I was your sister I wouldn’t be sucking your dick like this would I,” and she continued sucking.

I laughed to pretend it was not completely turning me on that she was pretending to be Molly. In her Molly voice, she said, “I wanted to suck your dick when I walked in on you naked, I am just scared to get cum in my mouth,” she continued sucking. I said, “Hey Amy I’m going to cum.” Amy grinned at me and said, “I’m Molly…” she kept sucking. I said, “Amy this is kind of fucked up.” Amy said in that same voice, “I’m Molly and I’m nervous…but, you can cum in my mouth…” I shot my load in her mouth and she sucked and swallowed all of it.

The next night all of the over eighteen staff went down to the lake at night. We loved to skinny dip, but we were very careful that only the over eighteen could skinny dip together, and Molly had never skinny dipped before, but she came down.

Amy and I got in the water and we were horse playing a bit. Usually most of the girls at camp were very discrete about getting into the water naked. Amy just stripped nude and walked in, which shocked a lot of the staff. I actually liked seeing all of the other guys staring at Amy’s naked body in awe. Molly was still up on the beach and looked really nervous. Amy yelled, “Molly it’s okay if you wear a swimsuit.” Some of the guys booed at this and then Molly ran down into the water in her swimsuit.

Normally skinny dipping was just fun, not sexual, so I never had a boner at one of our skinny dipping nights. But Amy was on my back, naked and I got hard. Molly was hanging out with us, she nervously slipped off her swimsuit under the water and threw it onto the dock. She was bright red and carefully kept herself concealed by the dark lake water, but I was kind of turned on seeing her bare shoulders and just the tops of her small mounds at the edge of the water.

Amy got off my back and there were a few of us standing in chest deep water, in kind of a small circle. Molly was sort of across from me and Amy next to me. I had quite an erection, but no one could tell in the dark water. I felt a hand just barely graze my boner, I smiled at Amy and she smiled back. I felt the hand again, more of a lingering touch. Then, just sort of gently batting it from the side, I grinned over at Amy and she grinned at me. I felt the hand close around my boner, gripping it briefly.

This was interrupted by someone throwing beers into the center of the circle. We all grabbed the beers and sipped them. Eventually my boner went down, we all got cold and left the water, heading back up to our tents. In Amy’s tent, we were making out, I moved to suck on her perfect tits. I said, “Amy, that was pretty wild, you were groping my dick under the water, I was dying…”

Amy said, “What are you talking about Jack?”

I said, “I had a boner from you getting on my back and you kept like gently grazing it and then you just held it.”

Amy laughed and said, “I didn’t touch your dick Jack…”

I said, “That’s very funny Amy, who else would have touched my dick?”

Amy was giggling and said, “Oh my god, that brazen little…Molly! Holy shit, Molly was fucking touching your dick right in front of me.”

I said, “You’re kidding…it was you…that’s crazy…she wouldn’t.”

Amy said, “It was not me and Molly was the only other person in range.”

I said, “Oh my god…that is so weird. What are we going to do?”

Amy started touching my dick, she said, “Well, I’m going to have a chat with Molly…just the two of us…”

I said, “Amy, take it easy on her, she’s just…I don’t know..”

Amy said, “I’m not going to yell at her or something. I want to hear what she has to say and she will be too embarrassed with you there. I bet you liked it.”

I said, “I thought it was you and yes it felt nice.”

Amy said, “I believe you thought it was me, but I bet it turns you on to know it was her,” and my very hard dick in Amy’s hand probably made that obvious.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10bpinw/jack_and_amy_work_at_a_summer_camp_the_summer


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