The Contract: Justice. (Femdom)(castration)(mind breaking)

Nerinne had to kneel in the dungeon room and count the strokes as Claire punished Mike exactly as she had been and tagged ten on for his behaviour at the cabin. To her utter amazement Mike went to work on Wednesday. She was aching all over and barely able to do anything.

Over the next month Nerinne forgot all about getting into Claire’s bed as she spent three pain filled night realising that Claire would not allow two sets of rules in her home. If she wanted to be there she would have to come in on very similar terms as Mike. Claire had made it clear that it was a bad idea to do that.

She was introduced to a police officer who gave her a phone number to call if she ever needed witness protection. Her matric exams location had been moved to a school near the gallery and she received a driver’s licence in the same package. It was no surprise to Mike.
At the gallery the refurbishments moved fast. Mike pushed the contractors to their limits and was on schedule to finish on time. He started looking at the work for the farm. As Malcolm started setting up the exhibition Mike travel between the farm and the gallery frequently. Nerinne was writing her exams and would spend afternoons or off days at the gallery helping out. This taught her a lot about exhibiting, how Malcolm zandrews used shading for depth while Mike used tinted varnish.

Sarge moved off the farms and started training his team for urban security. His guys were already manning the security. Mike came in one afternoon meeting Nerinne at the teaser exhibit in the parking lot. They were joking as they came through the doors.

“Art manager’s office sir.” The guard said as Nerinne was signing in.

Mike was over the access turnstile as if it was a picket fence. Nerinne raced to keep up. Mike wasn’t running but he was taking large strides very quickly. He turned at the admin door and was past that guard before he knew who was coming. Nerinne was just in time to see the door to Gerhardt’s office disintegrate. She heard the scream as Mike stood in the doorway. She beat the guard to the door and saw a boy on perhaps thirteen standing at the desk, his trousers were down and he was bent over. His shirt was missing. Mike had already moved to stand over a cowering Gerhardt, who was shaking in a corner, his trousers around his ankles, his dick was out with no chastity cage.

“Mike… We cannot survive a rape and murder scandal.” Peter said from behind Nerinne.

“I’m not going to kill him Peter. See to the child.” Mike replied.

Peter moved in swiftly. He gathered the boy’s clothes up and had him dress where anybody looking in would not see him. Nerinne turned to see Renata staring at Gerhardt in utter revulsion.

“Renata, Ingrid will need to know now. Claire too.” Mike said.

“Get him out of here now!” Renata ordered.

Peter was nodding agreement.

“Lourens, get the duty vehicle to the side entrance.” Mike ordered.

Officially Mike had no authority to after one of Sarge’s men. Unofficially the men agreed that Mike was the law under Sarge. Besides the security guard was hoping to get a few kicks in on the way to the door. He got on his radio and ordered the duty vehicle to the side door. He left to unlock it while Mike stood guard.

“It looks like I’ll get to cut your balls off. Don’t worry, I’ll make it fun!” Nerinne said and giggled her most girly giggle.

She was calling Ingrid before Mike and the guard physically dragged Gerhardt out of the building. Mike just grabbed the chastity cage on his way out. Ingrid was in a cold fury. She ordered Gerhardt taken to her house before answering Nerinne. Nerinne asked if Ingrid remembered the day she had received the portrait.

“You promised, I promised, you get first refusal girl.” Ingrid said.

“I want. He needs to agree though I suppose.”

“Persuade him then.” Ingrid said and hung up.

Claire got the news as she walked out of a meeting with a psychologist who had been seeing Malcolm since his assault. Malcolm had asked for the meeting being ready, since the assault the two people who had supported and helped him had been she and Mike, and he had an unusual need now. She called Peter to arrange to see the boy. She needed contact details. Mike called as she hung up and started her car.

“If you want to help that child, look at two sets of genitals.” Mike said without needing to mention any names.


“The boy is growing tits and has a very small tackle. The set of the pelvis, a few other things.”

“Ok. I’ll deal with the boy and family. Make dead sure he never has the capacity…”

“Nerinne is on that.”

“Will she do it?”

“She made a fantastic start.” Mike said.

Nerinne called Claire to ask if she could borrow a few things from home. Claire agreed. Nerinne moved fast as she broke speed limits home. She had more money than she knew what to do with from her wages which was basically spending money, twice as much as her father had earned when he worked. Most of what she need had been given when she moved in. She spent some of it but not a lot. She drove to Matumi View with two things in her mind, plan your work was from Mike, make the fucker believe you’ll change his sex life was from Sarge. She was planning as she raced. She borrowed some of Mike’s tools, then retrieved his crossbow.

“Nobody complains about a crossbow except the guy with a bolt through him.” He had said when he showed her where it was.

She knew how to use it too. She grabbed a site light, two rolls of insulation tape, and the coffin hoists. Then she grabbed a canvas and a jar of poster paint. Then she took her tablet and speaker. She thought a bit, then raced for Nelspruit stopping at a sex shop to buy restraints. Her eye caught an outfit and she bought that too. She dived into a shoes shop and bought shoes to match the outfit, it was the fastest a girl had ever bought shoes. Then she bought a few hardware supplies. She was back at the gallery before the doors closed. She snuck into Gerhardt’s office and search his computer. She found what she was looking for and downloaded it to her tablet with a data cable. Any transmission over a wireless network would be a bad idea.

She stopped at Ingrid’s house before Ingrid did. She tried the door and walked in when it opened. Gerhardt was restrained to the diningroom table with cable ties. Mike was sitting watching him, a scary thing to experience. It was made a hundred times worse because Sarge was sharpening a dagger.

“Hello, I suppose Ingrid wants to see.” Nerinne said brightly.

“She said to wait.” Mike answered without taking his eyes off Gerhardt.

“Oh hello eunuch! Don’t worry we’ll keep you out of prison! Those nasty convicts won’t stretch your rectum…”

Mike watched Gerhardt’s reaction to Nerinne and nearly laughed. The man went white and shook more at the words prison, and stretching his rectum.

“I’m going to get ready. It’s a special occasion. You know how we dress up!” She said cheerfully.

Ingrid came in and dropped her briefcase on the table. She thanked Mike and Sarge before turning to Gerhardt.

“I am waiting for a divorce contract and the settlement. The boy only has his mother. Claire and Renata are there. They want a gaurantee that you will never do that to anybody. They are being nice because Mike stopped you before the boy was actually raped. You can choose. If you do not sign the divorce I will lay a charge of sexual misconduct at the Child Protection Services, I will lay charges of fraud, and I will bring those contracts out when you were curator and charge you with sexual harassment. If you choose to sign the divorce, you will get castrated before going away with your settlement.” Ingrid said.

“Ingrid it’s a misunderstanding.”

“Oh shut up.” Ingrid said.

The sound of Sarge sharpening his blade rang through the room menacingly.

“I once gave Nerinne my word that she could do it Frikkie. If she can’t you’ll have the chance. Where is she?”

“Getting ready ma.”

“Hello Ingrid! It’s such a good day don’t you think? We’re going to make a eunuch!” Nerinne said bursting in and hugging Ingrid.

“Yes we’re going to make you a harmless eunuch aren’t we?” Nerinne said to Gerhardt pinching his cheek and talking as if to a puppy.

Mike watch Nerinne with interest. She had changed and was now wearing a cheap dominatrix outfit of a leather mini skirt, and a halter top. Her shoes were matching black stilletos. Ingrid also found the transition difficult to take in. Sarge looked at her then at Mike. He knew interrogation psychology and she was playing it beautifully, a glance between them was enough.

“He needs to choose first Nerinne.” Ingrid said.

“Oh he will! You’re scared to be a kiddy rapist in prison aren’t you? Much better to be a harmless eunuch. Nobody raping you in prison that way… Yes, I’ll keep you out of prison. Don’t worry…”

Gerhardt was melting under her voice. She was the only friendly presence here.

“I have some things to finish. Can I go?” She asked Ingrid suddenly.

“Don’t!” Gerhardt pleaded.

Both Mike and Sarge nearly cheered aloud. She had him. He would confess his every sin to her now if she invited him she wouldn’t even need to ask specific questions, just ask what other sins he had committed. He also didn’t believe she would really do anything horrible to him.

“Are you frightened of big Mike eunuch? Sarge too? Don’t worry I’ll stop them frightening you.” She said bending down for Gerhradt to look down her cleavage.

“Out! Both of you out! Stand outside the door! Out!” She shouted at Mike and Sarge.
They stood up and left. Sarge turned to Mike looking upset. Mike knew Sarge wished he was filming this. It was brilliant technique. Mike tapped his shirt pocket. His phone had been recording everything. Sarge winked thanks.

“There you see? Now just wait here, yes sit on the chair, nice and comfortable. I want everything to be just right!” Nerinne said as the two men stood outside the door.
She went past them in a rush towards the garage. Ingrid came out a minute later clearly rattled. She had not imagined this.

“Frikkie? A word please?” She asked and went to the office.

Sarge came back and took his position. In the military way his face was straight, he almost drilled to take his position. He glanced across to Mike with a slight nod. Ingrid had been worried about Nerinne’s demeanour, Sarge had assured his dominant that Nerinne was working it beautifully and to give her the shot. Sarge had no idea how accurate the metaphor had been.

The doorbell rang, Sarge answered it. Peter came in and was shown to the office. There was a quiet conversation Sarge was called and he left. He returned within twenty minutes with a small video camera, brand new. Mike glancing that way could see he was delighted, he was going to have a good quality record of this. Nerinne returned from wherever she had been and sat down in the lounge and started reading a cosmopolitan.

When the doorbell rang again Sarge signed for a briefcase. He took the briefcase through to the office. Five minutes later the doorbell rang again and Sarge signed for an evelope and once again he took it to the office. He marched out of the office and took his position. It took Peter a few minutes to get the camera working then he and Ingrid came through. Ingrid gestured and Mike and Sarge came in with them.

Gerhardt looked at the two fighters and started shivering.

“Can Nerinne be here?” He asked. Incredible.

“Nerinne!” Mike called.

She put her magazine down and went to the dining room.

“Can I castrate him now?” She asked happily as she came into the room.

“He still needs to make a choice dear. And he needs to sign some papers.” Ingrid replied.

“Oh he will choose me.” She answered going to Gerhardt.

She physically ripped him off his chair to hug him to her belly. Her face was pure venom as Gerhardt melted further in the strokes she was giving his hair.

“You don’t want a big dick in your ass do you? Let alone all the big dicks in a prison.” She said soothingly. “I’ll stop that happening.”

Peter started by asking Sarge to run the camera. Sarge nearly jumped in glee.

“Renata commissioned a forensic audit on the Nelspruit Gallery and found evidence of fraud committed at several levels including the Curator. Indeed, in the Llarson Gallery we are seeing the same pattern of frauds aside from the Curatorship. As such Llarson agrees that if you resign with immediate effect you will not be prosecuted. On the other hand, should you refuse to resign Llarson will dismiss you on the grounds of sexual misconduct and then prosecute a fraud charge against you. This document is your resignation.”

Peter read the short letter out and put it down. Nerinne had let Gerhardt go but he was still sitting on the floor, she was standing a few feet away from him, he sidled to sit at her feet while Peter spoke.

“The terms of the agreement with your victim’s mother are simple, visual proof that you will never be able to molest a child again, or a criminal trial. That is the reason for the camera. It can link to a phone and almost any phone will send its recovering as a video call. Sarge could you set that up? Thank you.”

“A video! Wonderful, it’s my first castration! Oh! You’re popping my cherry for castrations eunuch, isn’t it wonderful? I’ll get a video of the whole experience..”

Peter looked as if he had just seen the impossible. Ingrid’s jaw dropped. Mike and Sarge had trouble keeping their faces straight. This girl was teaching them a few lessons.
“Additionally the Llarson Gallery needs to pay for trauma counseling and surgical procedures that will be required for the child’s well being. Mike was correct, the child does have both male and female genitalia. Surgery will be required, and a lot more psychological help for years. The Llarson will institute damages claims against you for these expenses caused by your sexual misconduct should you elect to refuse to resign.” Peter continued after he regained the ability to speak.

“Wait with signing eunuch. Ingrid wants to say something.” Nerinne said as if chiding a child.
“This is a divorce. It’s terms are simple, you get eleven million Rand, one million in cash to take away and never come near the Llarson Gallery or I or that child again. Sign it and let Nerinne castrate you and I won’t have you arrested.”

There was silence.

“Well eunuch? Do you want me to keep you out of prison and those nasty big dicks out of you?” Nerinne asked.

“Yes.” Gerhardt breathed.

“Then ask me to! You have to want it.”

“Will you castrate me?” Gerhardt asked.

“What’s the magic word?” Nerinne asked.


“Of course I will!” Nerinne said bending down to pat his head and show her cleavage. “Just sign those.”

The documents were brought to Gerhardt as he sat on the floor and he signed them. Mike and Sarge witnessed.

“So can I castrate him now?” Nerinne asked brightly
Ingrid nodded. Peter in disbelief nodded too.

“Well eunuch do you want to get out of here with your million? You just have to request that I castrate you now.”

“Will you castrate me now please?”

“Awww, it’s a service you know, you need to pay me, kiss my ass and I’ll take that as payment!” Nerinne said and turned around presenting her ass.

She flipped the skirt up and waited. Gerhardt looked around, nobody was going to stop him or her. He kissed her ass on the cheek.

“No silly, the hole, I’m not your sister and it’s your rectum I’m saving.”

Sarge’s jaw dropped. Gerhardt moved his kiss, his hand pulling her panties to the side.

“Oo!” Nerinne jumped upright. “With tongue! You must really want it then!”

She went to the door.

“We’ll come along Eunuch, it’s going to be fun! I got us a movie to watch!”

Gerhardt started standing up.

“Crawl eunuch! Walking is for men and women!” She barked.

The change was huge, the shock intense. Gerhardt dropped and crawled after Nerinne as quickly as he could. Sarge and Mike followed. Ingrid and Peter brought up the rear. Gerhardt, his trousers still around his ankles had trouble keeping up, Mike bent downd and ripped his trousers off. Gerhardt did much better after that. Nerinne led the way through the kitchen, onto the patio, then into the garage. Mike saw his old Suzuki beautifully restored in one bay. Another where Gerhardt’s car had always parked was clear. Ingrid’s car filled the last bay. Hanging from a rafter beam in the empty bay were some restraints, two sturdy boxes stood under them. There were two tables near the big door, Mike’s site light a bale of rags that Ingrid kept for cleaning, and a canvas against the wall. The four watching were at a loss.

“Oh started undressing already? That’s nice eunuch.” Nerinne said when they were in the empty bay.

She had him kneel and took host shirt and tie off. She had him stand on the boxes and put Gerhardt’s hands in restraints.

“That is for your safety. We don’t want to cut your hands off instead of your balls do we?” She said.

Mike noticed his coffin hoists as Nerinne started winding them until Gerhardt’s arms were wide apart and high above his head. The girl took Gerhardt’s shoes off and then put restraints on his ankles. Nerinne explained that she picked these because she didn’t want a eunuch hurting himself. It was her job to hurt him. Her voice was friendly and light as she immobilised Gerhardt.

She started pulling on the hoists attached to the ankle restraints pulling Gerhardt’s feet further apart. She tensioned the wrist restraints and pulled on the ankle restraints. Soon she took the boxes away and Gerhardt was suspended spread eagled.

“She’s going to tear him apart!” Sarge said.

“It’s hurting” Gerhardt said as he jerked against the restraints.

“You asked for pain. It’s pain I will give you. I’ll give it my way eunuch!” Nerinne said.

Nerinne used the box to stand on.

“This is a gag, we don’t want your screaming to upset the neighbours.” Nerinne said and gagged Gerhardt.

She tested the restraints, tensioned a little more, then got some insulation tape and a cheap riding crop from one table near Gerhardt. He had got an erection while being gagged.

“Is that for me? How sweet.” Nerinne said.

She swung the crop twice very hard at the erect member.

“That was your last erection eunuch.”

Gerhard suddenly realised that Nerinne was literally going to castrate him. This was not going to be a beating and then thrown out in the street he thought she had intended. He was really going to lose his testicles. He was trying to get free and scream for help as Nerinne used the insulation tape around his scrotum to push the testicles to the bottom of the little bag.

“She’s fucking thought this through.” Sarge said in awe.

“Scary, she did it in an hour.” Ingrid whispered in response.

Next Nerinne went to the table an got the jar of poster paint.

“Do you like red eunuch? I do. The jar says cold water but Mike showed me that hot water works better. You don’t stir as much, and the colours become more muted, there is less air in the paint so it spreads better.” She said as she mixed the paint using a flask of hot water.

She made two hole in the jar and threaded a string through the holes. She tied the string leaving a long end. In the long end she made a slipknot. Then she went to Gerhardt and put the loop around his scrotum and pulled the loop closed. When she was finished the jar was pulling the scrotum down and defining the testicles inside. Now she took the insulation tape off.

“I was asked to make two pieces for the exhibition and honestly I was so busy with exams, and learning about electrics and painting my flat that I just had no time. So I thought I would economise my effort, Mike is big on that. I thought of making a piece about your castration. I thought of calling it Balls to the Wall, but maybe Pick My Plumbs? Or because you’re my first, Take my cherry?” Which is better… I’ll see how it looks.” Nerinne said as she moved the canvas and light.

She switched the light on that was shaded by the canvas and gave a fantastic reverse silhouette of Gerhardt’s scrotum. She had found an engine lift in the garage and used it to adjust the height of the canvas by walking to a position in front of Gerhardt to check then make an adjustment. Gerhardt was exhausted from struggling and hung there breathing heavily.

“Preparation! Mike uses acrylics, they dry fast so you need to prepare, prepare, prepare. So much time goes into preparation actually doing the art is almost a let down.” She said as she checked.

She took the insulation tape again and used it to pick Gerhardt’s penis up. She wrapped the tape around his body and over his penis holding it against his stomach. His penis remained flaccid as Nerinne worked. She seemed disappointed at that.

“We don’t want to turn you into a woman, just make you a eunuch. Cutting your dick off would not do.” She said as she finished.

“Now here is how you’re going to become a eunuch. I promised that we would watch a movie, it here on my tablet, you should like it, you watched it fifty five times in two weeks before today. I know, I checked the media player on your computer. Then when the movie finishes I’ll take your testicles.”

She came to the table near the door and flipped a cloth over with a selection of Mike’s crossbow bolts underneath. She took the bolts to Gerhardt and checked each head against the piece of skin it had to go through while she spoke.

“This one, an Ultra Heavy Broadhead! A little broader than need but that means I’ll only need to shoot once.”

“So my art concept is…. Ahhhh.” Nerinne groaned as she cocked Mike’s bow.

“Phew that was heavy! Anyway, when I shoot your balls off the paint will spatter onto the canvas creating a… Striking work.”

“Jeez! A lot more than paint will hit that canvas.” Mike whispered.

“Fuck! There’s going to be blood everywhere!” Sarge said in shock.

He thought he had seen things, this was on another level.

My alarm is set to the length of the movie. I’ll load the bow near the end, we don’t want a premature discharge do we, I’m told ladies get disappointed with those. I imagine eunuchs too.”

She started the movie and went the the other table. The movie was about a boy being groomed and raped. It started with a nice teacher helping the boy, then the boy helping the teacher carry books to the car and having a milkshake with his teacher in thanks, then it got to the boy visiting the teacher for extra lessons, then of the teacher and boy playing together, then of them undressing and touching each other.

Gerhardt tried to not look, he couldn’t. He knew the film well, he started trying to scream and to get away as the scenes moved inevitably to guilt tripping the boy. A beep had Nerinne loading the crossbow and taking aim. The alarm started ticking loudly as the graffic sodomizing scene began. The fading out scene was the boy crying in guilt and shame and pain as the teacher was ejaculating into his ass.

As the scene started Gerhardt became utterly still, his nose started bleeding. He looked down the room and saw Mike, a man who easily outclassed him in every way. Sarge was his replacement in Ingrid’s bed and generosity. Ingrid was staring at him in disgust. Peter stared with loathing. Gerhardt knew the gay community would rejoice at this, he was the type who gave them a bad reputation. Last he looked at Nerinne, she had so much courage, and like Mike, she had no mercy.

As the alarm started ringing he knew his testicles were gone, he was now a eunuch. He heard the click of the trigger, a moment and then the bolt was coming. He felt the weightbbetween his legs disappear, felt the warm wet spatter between thighs. He even heard the bolt tearing through the canvas and thus into the bale. He knew he was now a eunuch. He fainted.

“You missed dear.” Ingrid said in the silence.

“She hit what she aimed at.” Mike said.

“Fuckit, never seen a guy’s testicles get cut out of his brain. Shit, that was good.” Sarge said in respect.

“I thought that went well.” Nerinne said.

Peter looked at the three in shock. Somehow they had worked together to do this, without a word of discussion.

“Get it out of my house then.” Ingrid said.

“My, that is good art!” Peter said staring at the canvas.

Mike nodded. Ingrid looked and agreed.

“Give it to the child’s mother. Any idea of what the prognosis is?”

“Usually they transissiion and fix gender to female. It depends on which genitals work best, it’s easier than the surgery to remove female genitalia.” Peter said.

“Give her my personal number it must have been hell on her.”

Mike and Sarge got Gerhardt down while Nerinne packed everything into her car. after cleaning him up Mike took Gerhard to the pickup truck he drove, Sarge brought the million and his copy of the divorce. Mike then went to the gallery parking lot. Gerhardt’s car was already showing what security thought. He knew they were watching as he heaved the naked and now sleeping Gerhardt into the car. Then he drove a short distance away and waited.

He watched Gerhardt wake up, get out of his car stark naked, and pee. Instead standing at a wheel he squatted. Mike followed him until he stopped at a garden flat in the suburbs. He came out dressed a few minutes later looking dazed. Mike followed him again and watched him pick a boy up then drive to a spot known for prostitutes servicing clients in their cars. The lights were out for less that two minutes when the boy got out. Mike moved.

The boy went around the car and pulled a comatose Gerhardt out of the driving seat. A vicious kicking was just about to start when Mike’s flat hand sent the boy sprawling six feet away. The boy turned to sit on the ground and looked up. He thought better of aggression.
“Want a blow?”


The boy tried to stand up. He was sent sprawling again.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“A nightmare where a complete stranger comes from nowhere and kills you. What happened in the car?”

“He wanted a blow. We came here then he passed out as soon as I touched his dick.”
“Did he pay you?”

“Yes. Man there’s…”

“A million in his briefcase. I know fuckoff or die.”

The boy ran for it.

Mike waited until Gerhardt was waking up.

“You’re a eunuch. Even little fuckboys are going to kick your ass now.”

Gerhardt looked up at Mike.

“Who are you?”

“You get a bodybgaurd for another hour. Don’t waste it. Get to safety, you’re going to need protection now.”

“Where is a safe place?”

Mike burst into laughter.

“You gave that up when you asked to be castrated.” Mike said.and walked away.

Gerhardt sat on the dark parking area at a view over the city and stared around him. The shadows had become frightening. He realised that he wasn’t big enough to intimidate, not strong enough to dominate, and not fast enough to run. He jumped into his car and raced off. Mike made sure he was in his garden flat again then went home.
