What Lurks in the Mud [Fantasy][Noncon][Worm/Tentacles][Dark]

Kahlea placed another clump of herbs into a light wicker basket slung around her shoulders. The basket was already nearly full, though she had been out for barely half a day. That morning she’d decided to set off west of the village, instead of going east like she normally did and it had paid off handsomely. She’d been told many times by the elders of her village not to bother travelling west, as there was little between their hamlet and a large bog that ran for many miles, which the young woman was forbidden to enter. But she knew with winter drawing closer there would be an influx of illness and the herbs would be well needed. Now she stood, looking at the thicket of trees that marked the edge of the swamp, and the murky water between them.

She was about to turn back when she noticed something from the corner of her eye. There, growing at the base of many of the trees in the swamp, were small bushels of a plant which shone silver in the afternoon sun. Kahlea’s eyes widened, wondering just how this abundance had been ignored by her people for so long. Surely even just at the edge of the marsh was enough to get through not just this winter, but the next! She sized up the distance between the start of the mud and the closest tree. It would only take her about five steps to reach it and one of the tree’s long limbs hung low enough for her to grab and hold onto for the final few. Placing her basket on the firm ground, she lifted her dress up to her knees. It was worth it.

The first step into the muck was easy. With a squelch, her boot sank, and she shivered as the cool liquid ran over the top and began to fill it. Still, she could feel the solid ground beneath and steadied herself. Another step. This time she sank deeper, gasping as her leg was subsumed by the swamp, right up to her knee, staining the bottom of her cotton dress black. Yet, once again, she managed to find solid ground beneath her. She looked at the tree in front of her, reassessing her approach. She was halfway there already, and could practically reach out for the overhanging limb now. She took one more heavy step, dropping her skirt as she reached for the branch.

Kahlea’s shriek echoed through the skeletal trees as her foot plunged deep. There was no foothold this time. No solid ground beneath the mire. Her fingertips wrapped around the branch, her arms just long enough to reach it as she was nearly sucked entirely into the mud. She hung there, waist-deep, slowly feeling around with her feet, her lower half completely submerged in the filth. But there was nowhere now to stand. She couldn’t even go back without letting go of the branch and plunging into the bog. The soupy mix was so heavy on her dress that she couldn’t pull herself out either. Her mind raced as she tried to think of a way out of her predicament when something made her scream again.

Something had touched her. It had been brief, but unmistakable. Something, crawling and squirming in the mud, had brushed up against her bare leg for just a moment. She tried again to wrench herself up, fighting the sucking quagmire, but it was no use. Then she felt it again. It lingered longer this time, sending shivers up her spine as the slimy mass slid across her exposed skin. Yelling for help, she kicked at her attacker, though the thick mud made it not just impossible to strike a solid blow, but also to get away from the probing creature. Her throat strained as she continued to yell, even though she knew she was unlikely to be heard. No one travelled to the west.

The unseen beast moved quickly, wrapping around her leg, its slimy body intensely hot compared to the bone-chilling mud. She couldn’t help but wonder about its nature, or shape, even as she fought back with futility. Was the part tightly wound around her leg the body of the beast, like a worm or an eel, or was it simply a single strange appendage of a larger thing that only dwelt in nightmares and stories? There wasn’t much time to think about it, however. Just as quickly as the first, another of the things wrapped around her other leg. Both spiralled slowly upwards, entangling her more and more as they went. They tugged at her, an inhuman strength well beyond her own forcing her legs apart even as she used all of her might trying to keep them closed. Both tendrils finally coiled around her thighs, as yet another began to wrap around her thin waist. She looked down to watch the writhing mud, the beast only barely obscured as it turned the surface into a storm of wriggling horror as it looped around her hips three times. Then they all went mostly still, only gently squeezing to hold her in place.

Kahlea’s further cries for help caught in her throat as she felt something else; something that had been a nagging worry in the deepest recesses of her panicked brain. A fourth vile thing had found her body in the mire, free to explore her as it pleased as its companions held her, completely helpless. She bit down on her lip and redoubled her struggles against the living restraints as the new beast pressed against her inner thigh, deep beneath her ruined dress. It crept further, the sickening touch making her wince as it drew closer to what she instinctively knew was its ultimate prize.

She tried her hardest not to whimper as it first slid against her pussy lips, grinding its slime-covered body against her exposed sex. She tried again, to close her legs, but it was useless. The tip of the appendage pulled back and placed itself against her entrance, its intentions all too clear now. Kahlea begged and pleaded in her mind; a last resort just as hopeless as anything else she’d tried. As if acting directly to oppose her, the head of the tentacle slid between her lips, pushing forward. She clenched against the pressure starting to build against her pussy. It was her last hope to stop the inevitable invasion, but it too was in vain.

A grunt gargled up from her throat as she was violated. The thin tip of the thing, coated as it was with slime, had no problem breaking through her resistance and sliding into her helpless pussy. It wriggled faster as it continued to push into her, as if it was excited by the warm hole it had found. Deeper and deeper it wormed into her, the frantic movements pressing against sensitive spots inside her. It almost seemed purpose-made to use her like this; the tapered body and slimy lubricant built to take her as its own. Even now, as the body of the thing thickened to nearly the size of her wrist, stretching her pussy wide, she didn’t feel any of the pain she’d expected. In fact, the longer the thing thrashed about inside her, the deeper it went, and the wider it opened her; the less she could deny the forbidden thought that she tried to push to the back of her mind.

Still further the beast pushed, coiling over on itself in her depths as it ruined her cunt. Kahlea was no longer fighting back against her violator, her mouth hanging open and freely letting lewd gasps forth as she fought against something else instead. It was undeniable now, the pressure and heat growing in her core as more of the worm-thing crawled into her. But she couldn’t deny it any longer; it coursed through her body like lightning. It felt *good*.

Kahlea moaned deeply, her body tensing as the last of the beast’s long body entered her. At the end it tapered off, confirming that it was in fact several creatures attacking her. The horrible thought that the thing was now completely inside her bubbled to the surface of her sex-addled brain. Still, the creature wriggled in her gaping cunt, ravaging every delicate spot with its unholy body. Drool dripped from the girl’s open mouth as she howled, her body right on the edge. Then, finally, she couldn’t fight it any longer. She thrashed, screaming as she came, the tendrils still holding her tightly through her orgasm. Her pussy clamped down on its intruder, though that only seemed to excite the beast. Its frantic movements prolonged her orgasm and, eventually, even coaxed a second from her. Finally, she collapsed, letting go of the branch she had still been absentmindedly holding, letting the beasts alone hold her above the surface of the marsh.

She tried her best to ignore the further movements inside her, or how she could already feel the heat beginning to rise in her core again. She reached out desperately for solid ground, a pitiful last attempt at escape. A deep groan left her lips as another of the creatures pressed against her already-full pussy. The ones that bound her began to move, dragging her through the mud slowly, bringing her further into the swamp, until she could no longer see the shore at all. All she could do was cum again as she realized what was in store for her now. One by one more of the squirming creatures found her body, and it wasn’t long before she lost count of how many had slipped inside her ruined pussy, or how many orgasms they had given her.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/109slzv/what_lurks_in_the_mud


  1. Hey all, if you enjoyed this story you might want to check out my subreddit /r/GridoonErotica. I’ll be uploading shorts much like this one there as frequently as I can, and there are links to my longer paid stories that tie into the ones written here on reddit!

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