The sister [F18/M25] [dubcon]

I cancelled again. I’ve made an excuse not to attend my sister’s 21st birthday party. It’s not right I know, but has to be done. I look too awful. I’m fat. In the mirror my breasts are small, my belly is huge, my thighs are barely visible due to cellulite. My face has puffed like those fish, and I’m not even special enough to have their spikes!

So I’m going to sit this one out. Again I’ll stay in my room, watch some Tiktok – maybe subscribe to a new streaming service and see what’s on, do some makeup and pretend I’m pretty. My life is often like this. It’s boring, I don’t go out. My friends, such as they are, live in my phone. It would all be different if I was my sister. She got the looks, the radiance, and the personality. I got the mopey brain that sabotages any initiative or passion I come up with.

Her last birthday I really tried to go to it. I got dressed up and ready. Then the voice said you’re too ugly, you’ll be laughed at, noone will want to talk to you. So I messaged a picture of an old covid test and got out of it. This year I’ve at least done the polite thing and not given anyone false hope.

It gets to 11pm, and I’ve at least made a decision. I’ve signed up to Amazon Prime instead of Disney+. I couldn’t decide on what to watch, I spent all my time browsing, but at least I determined which service has a better catalogue. Then I receive a message from Michelle, my sister: “we’re coming back early. Stay in your room xxx”. Like I ever go out of my room. But it seems they’ve got some dumb plan to cheer me up. I don’t want it. I might decide on what to watch before they come back, and that’s the worst possible time to be interrupted.

A few minutes later, I hear the front door open and people come in. Must be my sister. Another message: “we’re back, soon you’ll meet Jack.” Who’s he? Why is Michelle setting me up with someone? I’ve told her, I’m aromantic, I don’t go with boys or girls. I like my independence. My romantic life is the romance of being alone, not happily alone but secure on my own. Where I know my heart and my heart keeps to its own.

My bedroom door knocks. I’ve locked it, and I shout “not now”, then I hear Michelle reply “open up I want you to meet someone”. I try and ignore them for a few minutes, but the knocking gets so annoying I eventually unlock the door. It opens, and I see a man there next to Michelle. She taps him on the shoulder, says “have fun” then runs off. Jack is about a foot taller than me, dark black skin and short curly hair. Maybe he’s a guy Michelle got bored of and now wants to pass onto me. I fold my arms. I’m not interested. “Hello” I say.

“Your sister asked me to help you.”

“Help me with what?”

“Help you get over your extended covid isolation.”

“Actually I don’t need you for that.”

Jack shuts the door behind him and comes in. I’m concerned, he’s a lot larger than me and could force himself on me if he wanted. I call to my sister “Michelle, I don’t want him in my room.”

But nobody answers. Next thing, an arm is around my shoulders. His arms are strong, mine are fatty, and his other arm is soon around my back. He lifts me up and drops me onto the bed.

I go cold. Like a wave of shivers over the whole of my body. I didn’t ask for this. I’ve not seen him before. He’s come in and decided what he’ll do. And Michelle, my elder sister, has asked him to do it. “You’re free from isolation” he says as he presses his lips into mine. I keep mine shut. I don’t like this. He hasn’t asked, he has no permission, I’ve not consented. He climbs onto me. I’m wearing a black dress and dark gray stockings. He rips them down and rips my panties seemingly in half.

But I don’t say no. I’m confused. This is rape. I’ve not said yes. I know nothing about him and he’s not asked. It’s illegal, it’s wrong, and it’s not romantic. But the voice changes. What else, Harriet, will finally get you out of being alone? You’re not well. You’ve shut yourself in a cage, tried to build a steel fence to block the world. And are you happy? You can resist him, it won’t work. The physics don’t let you. So why not let this be your sister’s care for you? She understands you, and she’s arranged this because there’s no other way to bring you back to the world and give you a chance at enjoying life.

Jack hasn’t yet entered me. I feel his dick try to enter, but I am so stone dry that he can’t without applying more force than he seems willing to. So I can resist. I have power. My body can say no and refuse him, continue defending its solitude – or it can relax, accept, and learn to enjoy a man.

First, I cover my pussy with my hand and tell Jack “no”. He’s kneeling there and ready. His dick is hard against my hand but I can continue to block him. Jack presses his hands onto my shoulders, he’s now all the way over me. His arms are strong, his grip on me is firm. If he just moved my hand away with his knee I wouldn’t be able to stop him anymore.

That thought makes me excited. What if I didn’t resist, what if I didn’t push the world away and lock myself apart from people? Then I choose to enjoy. I take my right hand to his dick and pull it to me. As I do I feel a moisture there, enough to bring him in. He enters, and it’s good. He arches his body over me, and I purse my lips so we can kiss. As our tongues lock my body starts to vibrate. He thrusts, he swirls his tongue in my mouth, and he thrusts more. My body builds up pleasure, like I can feel the moisture of when I first took him into me expand throughout my whole self. I open my eyes, and imagine all of me being embraced by Jack. That would be the most memorable thing I could ever. It is so lovelier is it to connect. Why did I let myself be utterly lonely this long? I’ve missed out on life. Sex is what I needed but resisted. Sex is the only thing that could have possibly helped me.

Jack and I let out a cry together. I notice his face cringe hard, this must be when he comes. I consent to you Jack. Fill me, and tomorrow night I’ll cry for you to fill me more. I feel him go soft, and then warmly release in me completely. This is blissful. This is what I want more of. No more being the morose, ugly sister. From this time on I’m never sleeping alone, never sleeping in a bed unless I’m full of a man’s sweet and comforting seed.

Jack lies down next to me, pulls me onto his chest, and I rest there. We are still clothed on our top half – my black dress is still on, he’s wearing a t-shirt with the logo of some football team. This is nice. So much better than trying to sleep on a pillow all alone. Thank you Jack. Thank you for breaking through the defenses I kept others out with, not recognizing I was keeping my own happiness out. And thank you my sister Michelle, who understood me better than I did, who knew what I needed to have. I’m sorry for how I ignored you and pushed you away. You didn’t give up on me, you pushed for me to be connected to others again. And by sending Jack to push his way inside me, you brought me out of my depressed pit and showed me how much better life is when it’s lived with pleasure.
