Sauna Checkup [embarrassment] [wholesome]

Fxf [Awkward meeting with doctor in a sauna. Fantasy]

I saw my doctor maybe every couple weeks, dealing with some back pains. It was a small clinic and she was lovely. She was quite attractive too. We had a comfortable vibe around each other. But for the past few checkups, I had been skipping. School was a lot and I felt too stressed.

I went to the local swimming pool regularly. After a good session, I decided I’d try the sauna as I hadn’t visited that one before. In a public sauna, swim clothes are usually permitted but this centre had a focus on the Scandinavian way- be naked. I felt a bit nervous about that. But I was comfortable with the pool and at that time there weren’t many people.

I went inside a little cautiously- there was nobody. The inside was a cozy, authentic wooden space. I unwrapped from my towel, sat on a bench and threw some water for löyly (Finnish sauna steam). It was quite pleasant and relaxing. I hoped nobody would come in, but the idea of being naked somewhat publicly was kind of freeing.

After a few minutes of shutting my eyes and daydreaming about what to eat for dinner, i heard the door open. My eyes flashed open, embarrassed to be seen. This increased on realising my doctor had walked in! She acknowledged me at once with a confident, zen smile. She was wrapped in a white towel, but it seemed wrong to see her black hair, wet and swept back, resting on her collarbone.

I smiled awkwardly and looked down, trying to hide my small chest with my arms a bit. Of all people, this was not great- An intimate space with my doctor who’s checkups I’d been skipping!

She (Dr Clarke), sat on the same bench a metre and half or so away. I tried not to fidget intensely whilst planning a casual escape plan without seeming rude.

“Hello, Ella,” Dr Clarke interrupted my thoughts.

“Hello,” I said, internally writhing. I had no choice but to stay now.

“How is everything going? I haven’t seen you in a while,”At her gentle but firm voice, I decided to risk a look. She had removed her towel and I could see her large breasts and shiny skin. I looked away quick.

“Uh f-fine thank you. Just a lot going on,” I stared at my feet, flushed.

“Look this is an unusual circumstance to meet, but I’m quite glad, I had hoped to catch up with you. I was a little worried at you not showing up,”

Her kind words melted me a little. “Thanks. Yeah…just a lot of school, bit stressful, you know?” I rambled.

“I know,” she smiled. “I was there- medical school. But a swim and a sauna is a perfect way to help destress!”

“Yeah,” I glanced at her face. “That’s true, does it help you relax?”

“Oh yes- I have a long day with many patients, often in critical conditions, which is a stressful situation for all involved,” Dr Clarke said. I nodded, but found my eyes glancing at her breasts again, which looked very soft.

“Ella?” Dr Clarke had an amused tone in her voice. I looked up sheepishly.”You have been one of my stress free patients though- for the most part. How is your back darling?”

Her warmness made me feel more comfortable despite the circumstances. “It still hurts, I guess I’ve been ignoring it though. Thanks,”

“Ah I see. How have the massage techniques been?”

“Okay I guess, my hands get a little tired though,” I laughed.Dr Clarke moved a little closer to me. “Mind if I have a feel?”

I nodded and turned my back to let her feel. My eyes immediately felt droopy as massages had that effect. Then I winced.



She dug in further, which hurt even more! But I trusted my doctor.

“Sorry for hurting you more dear. You’re a brave girl,”

“Thanks,. And um, i appreciate the help,” I had a question, which had been burning on my mind, and the situation was already awkward…


“Yes, what is it? You can tell me anything Ella,”

“Wellll…my nipples have felt really sensitive or tender, I wondered why?” I said quietly.

“For how long?”

“Just for the past few days,”

“Hmm, might I be able to feel them?”I blushed, but agreed. I mean, how much weirder could it get. Doctors probably did plenty of awkward things.

I uncovered my breasts a bit and Dr Clarke smiled. She placed her hands on them, grasping them in a handful, and gently stroked my nipples. Suddenly my eye shot open and I gasped as a delicious feeling shot through my stomach between my legs.

I was not expecting my body to react like this at all and panicked, embarrassed. Dr Clarke was laughing.

“Oh darling, looks like everything is working just fine at least,” I couldn’t looked at her. Why had my body betrayed me like that?”

It could be pms and we can totally check it next week at our session, eh? ” She winked.

I couldn’t take the embarrassment anymore and excused myself. That evening I couldn’t stop guiltily replaying pleasure of her naked touch in my mind. But I was set on keeping my future appointments!


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