A new acquisition for the Hive [Insect] [NonCon] [Fantasy] [Lactation] [Oviposition] [MindBreak]

Tags: non-con, oviposition, lactation, slight breast growth, slight nipple penetration.


Somehow through the fear and agitation of the moment, Marla sees another opening at the opposite end of the small jungle, almost 50 meters away. Unfortunately however, her little attempt to be quiet did not work; one of the creatures flared its wings and began buzzing menacingly:

With a powerful flap it darts at Marla, latching onto her with its long insectile arms as it tackled her to the ground; the longer arms holding her arms at her side, and her legs down to the dirt.

The two smaller limbs at the front under its head seem to open up, like a three-fingered hand, and small, lithe and sticky tendrils emerged from underneath as they clasped onto Marla’s breasts tightly. The outer arms suctioned her chests in place, while the sticky inner tendrils seemed to begin molesting them more thoroughly, one tightening around her nipple, while the other seemed to try and press its narrowest part into her nipple as if it wanted to penetrate her. The remainder began coiling around her breast, tightening, squeezing the fat underneath.

Marla squirms, shaking every part of her body as the insect continued to try and milk her breasts for some reason she didn’t understand; but her fear, shock, and rather light physique make it a futile struggle. The bug doesn’t look that strong, but its still holding her down.

The tendrils on her chest have now completely soaked Marla’s breasts in some kind of mucus, a sweet-smelling secretion that had the consistency of slime or saliva, now running down her breasts and onto her belly as well; some even leaked down her side, down to the dirt below, staining her back and turning it sticky as well.

She then feels the things stinger like appendage… against her thigh… she wondered why it was slowly spreading her legs, but as she feels the wide tip – perhaps the size of a human penis – rubbing itself on her cunt, she feels its leaking something all over here there too. Something just as slimy, something that seemed to make her loins burn…. arousal building up….

Her vagina is now covered in her releases, a thick coating of grool of her own added to the gelatinous mass the bug seemed to be slowly releasing on top of her pussy, making her cunt burn up with need, a need for sex, penetration, more, more-

Marla manages to shift the bug off her, the tendrils losing traction as it wobbled unsteadily, popping off her nipples as the suction teased and knocked them around. The bug is momentarily off her, giving Marla a chance to do something. The other bug is still busy with it’s flower it seems…

But her scampering was a little too passive, too slow, giving the bug ample time to regain it’s balance and dart back at her. This time it brings its body down on her, it’s chitinous slimy thorax pressing into her pale back, as its long two front arms landed on her hands and pinned them to the ground. She felt the two pairs of rear legs pressing on her thighs, pinning her there as well.

With its chittering body pinning her down it was able to reach around her sides with its little arms again, the three pronged hands clasping around her breasts once more, the slimy tendrils returning to her already shiny, moist breasts. They were even more aggressive this time, perhaps conveying anger on the creature’s part, as a few tightly pinched her nipples, while another pressed hard, and penetrated them. Marla felt the tiny pen-sized tips going inside her bosom, seeming to lick inside her nipples, vibrating as if a tongue was shaking rapidly. Her breasts shook from the rough molestation.

Marla felt the stinger once again, it’s moist, soft, dough like consistency as it pressed against her pussy; yet this time it didn’t wait for more goop or lubrication… it entered into her slit, taking her virginity. Marla felt the cock-like stinger press in slowly, its soft dough exterior belying a harder core of muscle, yet the pain was bearable; her own lust, and the creatures stimulating releases, had left her little hole amicable to violation. It started to gently probe in and out of her, over and over again.

Marla goes limp, resting as the bug fucked her. Resting as an animal took her virginity; an insect’s stinger with its soft, womb-seeking tip, pounding in and out of her, each thrust leaving long sticky tendrils of gel and goop. Both from the creature, and from Marla’s defeated slit, as she dripped profusely.

She moaned, she rocked her hips, her eyes were lust-stricken and gone in thought; the fondling of her breasts was matched by the bug buzzing its wings… almost in a pattern. A sign that proved to be true, as the insects companion arrived from the flower, its own stingercock still dripping with pollen and nectar.

It didn’t hesitate as it saw Marla’s state; it moved towards her head, getting as close as it could, placing its legs at her sides so it could climb high over its companion that pinned Marla down and violated her pussy, and left it’s stingercock with all the room it needed to reach full length.

A full length which it immediately put to use, sliding the tip into Marla’s mouth, continuing to push in. The poor girls eyes grew wide in shock, fear, tears running down her face as the insect slid its soft, mushy stingercock in and out of her protesting mouth, before beginning to press down her throat.

Marla thought for a moment she was going to die there from suffocation and… yet… she didn’t feel out of breath. She didn’t have time to wonder why as the creature continued pressing in, as it’s stingercock now reached the middle of her throat.

Her pussy was still being violated, the poor girls labia now red and sore, as the creature continued its assault.

The stingercock in her mouth continued, terrifying Marla. She felt it seem to reach down so far that she was forced to tilt her head up as she felt it reach her stomach. She felt something churn within the stinger, like the sound of a faucet being turned, and that proved to be something the insect was pumping into her belly as she started to feel full. She shook her head, but it was no use, the stinger was already at her belly.

More and more churning pumped into her; her belly was now a little swollen, hanging underneath her as the insects kept pistoning in and out of her.


Marla began to feel strange, her thoughts becoming slower, more muddled, *heavily tinged with arousal;* the rocking of her hips as the creatures violated her grew more animated even as her body grew more sluggish, her petite slit gushing and adding to the paste the insect’s stingercock had slathered over it, adding to the foaming as the paste and her juices were mushed into by the pounding she was getting down there. The stinger was moving rapidly now, seemingly as if the insect was pleased at her sedation, her surrender, her bliss as she was bred; it pulled out all the way before plunging in so far that her entire body moved, over and over again, the moist noises so loud that not even the rustling leaves covered it. All the while the creature’s molestation of her breasts continued, the small tendril inside each nipple secreting fluids into Marla’s nipples that made them flush, burn with sensitivity and arousal.

Slowly, Marla felt her body slumping into half-consciousness; whether it was the fluids that had been pumped into her gullet being absorbed by her body, the burning heat of whatever had been slathered on her pussy or the exhaustion of being fucked and impaled that made her so tired she did not know.

She vaguely felt other creatures arriving. She felt more of their firm, bone-like chitinous legs wrapping around her. And once she was held across her body; her legs, her waist, her arms and even her head cradled, she felt herself being lifted above the ground under the heavy buzzing of their wings.

She was flown for some time, though the monotony of the buzzing it… seemed to put her at ease. It seemed to drain her energy, her will to move, to act against them; she felt so content, so comfortable, so alright with just being moved and acted on. *She didn’t want to do anything, she just wanted to stay like that; she was too intoxicated to know it was the sedatives that had been pumped in her, but even if she knew she probably wouldn’t have done anything.* She felt the sun occlude as the cool chill of a cavern overtook her, the air growing moist and damp as they turned and climbed, dived; as the number of buzzing, chittering and shuffling noises grew.

As she arrived in a particular nook of rocks she started to hear moaning, groaning sounds; she didn’t have the strength to look around for it. She didn’t resist when she felt herself being turned upside down, her legs spread wide as her arms were brought together; she seemed to get placed on some kind of wet, moist surface, spongy, almost like flesh. *A surface that seemed to slowly grow around her wrists, her ankles, until she was pinned there; upside down, her pussy and asshole still gaped, dripping, her tongue lulled out as she mumbled incoherently. A humiliating T shape as her legs were spread almost straight horizontally, her arms similarly bound below her head.*

The first thing that appeared was another insect, this one larger, wingless, it’s body more sturdy and plump; she felt its arms around her, anchoring on the flesh wall, positioning itself over her. *Positioning a meter long orange-red tendril, perhaps half a foot thick, with an opening on the end.* It was slimy, dripping a sweet smelling secretion along its length and particularly from the tip that… *drew Marla in, helplessly.* Pointless given the fact she couldn’t move ofcourse. Even more so when… she realised her mind *didn’t want to.*

She moaned as she felt the tendril pressing against her private parts, her sore and moist cunt, drooling more of that secretion into her that made her loins burn with arousal; she felt the folds of her slit relax, gape open slightly on their own, the pleasure she felt when it started to push in breaking what’s left of her mind. She felt it push in all the way to her cervix, felt it widen slightly as if to seat itself inside her, an action that made her orgasm relentlessly. *Then she felt a hard, solid object stretching her pussy entrance, an object that the rippling muscles of the tendril was pushing more and more inside of her.* She felt one against her cervix, opening it up, entering her womb; two more followed, and another two seemed to fill her vaginal passage. When she felt her belly swell as if she was just about to go to labor, that she couldn’t take anymore, the tip retreated to her entrance, *depositing another kind of sticky, thick, hardening paste that seemed to seal her vagina close.*

Marla was moaning, shaking, her tongue out and her eyes rolled back, her drool all over her face and her spasming from the orgasms unending. Yet even then she gasped as she felt the tendril return, *this time pressing into her anus.* It was less gentle this time, using the fact that the other insects had loosened her to press inside, all the way up until the end of her colon, *when she felt more of the eggs being planted into her.* One, opening up her pert asshole more, then two, three….

Marla didn’t know when she passed out. When she awoke, she didn’t care, as the sedative ichor that the insects had put it in her made her incapable of anything more than moaning, groaning and orgasming. When she groaned a certain way one of the caretaker insects came up to her and pressed its feeding stinger into her mouth, pressing it all the way up her throat into her stomach, before depositing rich, nutritious paste in her belly. The creature seemed to make this easier for her by pressing a small antennae like organ on its head against Marla’s clitoris, *vibrating it intensely,* forcing the girl to orgasm over and over again as she was fed. Marla would groan like that often, whenever she felt the slightest bit full, unaware that the creature was basically training her to eat more by using orgasms as a reward. Like a pet. *Like an Incubator.*

Over time in this routine – time that could have been days, weeks, she could not tell – the ichor she was fed changed her body. Marla felt her breasts slowly growing – now almost twice their original size – her nipple tips leaking with some form of thick creamy nectar like maple syrup, that ran down her chest when full. When it ached too much, her breasts too full to be comfortable, she’d groan a certain way and workers would arrive holding larvae – fore-arm length, fist wide worms – that would latch onto her breasts and suckle like infants. Marla would moan and orgasm as she felt the creature’s little feeler mouths tugging on her nipple, milking her like a bovine; a pleasure that the worker would amplify by pressing its antennae vibrator against her clit again, letting her shudder and shake as the pleasure made her climax. *Once again training her to let them know that she needed to be milked, that she was ready to nurture their young.*

More time passes, and Marla feels her belly and stomach churning. She feels the vibrations inside her body, a pleasure that kept her locked in bliss, which the workers seemed to take note off. They began attending to her more, making sure her now plump udders were drained, that she was fed by proboscis, that her sopping pussy was cleaned as she seemed closer to birth.

*Closer to when the process will be repeated all over again.*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/105ptyd/a_new_acquisition_for_the_hive_insect_noncon