Lady boss part 1 [M/F]

You could hear people talking from the other end of the open space. Conversations flowed and voices crossed and intermingled. Every morning, no matter what happened, my dear group of female colleagues would meet for a coffee for about twenty minutes. Just to catch up on the news of the day before and to exchange on all possible subjects, even the most boring. Especially the most boring. It really didn’t help me to stay awake, it was not yet 9 o’clock in the morning and I had the impression to have already cashed all my day, or made a sleepless night. My eyes were heavy, so heavy, I could feel the air from the heater caressing my neck more and more as I slowly became unconscious. The ambient noise was slowly fading away and giving way to the beginning of sleep when suddenly two new sounds caught me. I had clearly recognized the particular sound of the stilettos pounding the ground with a decided foot. The other sound was also familiar to me even though I had never heard it for real before, a sound that woke me up right away but did not clearly wake me up from my torpor. I could feel the excitement rising unconsciously as they got closer and closer to me, the more the noise came, the more the conversations in the back of the open space faded away until they were replaced by the frantic pressure of fingers on their keyboards. The serious atmosphere was back in the office, the calm before the storm surely. The sudden silence had allowed me to concentrate a little more on the voice in my head, the part of my brain still active while my body was hesitating to fall asleep, the one that had just made me suddenly understand that the rubbery crunching noise that accompanied the heels really looked like latex…

*knock knock*

Three little knocks sounded a few centimeters from my ear, little knocks of nails tapping my desk. I opened my eyes with a start before raising my head in the direction of the noise.
It was incredible, really, like a dream. She was standing next to me, sure I was sitting down, but she seemed fucking huge.
I don’t know how many inches of heel she was on but she was over six feet tall. Her skirt, probably made of latex, went up to her extremely narrow waist and hugged her rather wide hips. A thin leather belt held her black satin shirt inside. My glance had almost reached his face when the bright reflections of his skirt caught up with him. It is at this moment that she cleared her voice.

– the night was short?
She was soft, almost hypnotic.

– Pardon?
– I said, the night was short? You seemed to be sleeping.
– Oh yes, well no, sorry… I was thinking.

It was the worst excuse and it was out on its own, shit. I had to concentrate, I couldn’t look like an idiot in front of her.

She continued,

– I prefer that! I hate slackers, and it would have made a bad first impression don’t you think? What’s your name?

I barely had time to answer. She was already setting the pace after five minutes in the office, her charisma was insane. She was staring at me with squinted eyes, still very close to me, I had the impression that my nose would touch her skirt if I lowered my head.

– Max! My name is Max and…
– So you’re going to assist me?
– Yes. I mean, are you the new manager?
– Not just manager, boss. I’m taking over the company today.
– Oh, wow! Well, welcome! And you…

Again, she didn’t let me finish. Except that she had taken another step towards me, I was already stuck to her but this time I could almost feel the cold of the latex on my chin. I could not lower my head and it was impossible for me to look away from hers, I felt my heart racing more and more.

– I need someone to introduce me to the staff and the place, you’re my assistant so I guess you’re in charge.

She didn’t wait for an answer, I think it was an order. I started to get up while she was already turned to join the corridor of the open space.
To introduce her to the place I had to go in front of her but it was complicated, she didn’t let me. The corridors went by and I introduced her to everyone by staying two steps behind her, as if I was her dog. Everyone I introduced her to was suddenly extremely serious and involved. She would say a few words to them each time before leaving without warning, I had to keep the pace, all without being distracted by what I had in front of me. The advantage of being behind her was that I could briefly look up and see her lower back, her buttocks were crazy, perfectly round and her arching accentuated even more their roundness. Her wide hips perfectly complemented her ass and seemed to have beautiful dimples, it was stronger than me I imagined her on my shaft in full action, unleashed to the point where I clung to her hips to resist. The pressure was mounting more and more while I was lost in my thoughts, at the moment or I wanted to return to reality her latex skirt was slightly up on her right thigh, revealing the beginning of a garter belt. It was too late I started to get hard, my pants yet already tight became revealing my feelings of the moment. It swelled little by little along my thigh, it was already too visible but in some seconds it was going to be impossible to hide anything. The panic rose in me but all was not lost, still one meter and we arrived at side of the toilets. We were right next to it when she turned around. I froze and prayed she wouldn’t look down, I was about to speak when she beat me to it.

– Are you all right? You look like you’re shaking.
I jumped at the chance.
– Yes, I really need to go to the bathroom, I’ll be two minutes.

She looked down just as I jumped in the door. What the hell did she see? How could I pass by her? I had her diagonally on my thigh. Shit. Total shame…

In the end I had lied to her for two minutes, it took me much longer than that to gather enough courage to continue the visit. But strangely enough, when I came out of the bathroom, she wasn’t there anymore. I went back to the path we took a few minutes before to find her, she had continued alone and was talking with a group of employees. I could see the looks on the faces of the others, they were either evasive or full of judgment, already, this outfit was going to make a debate it was sure but some other things seemed strange, everyone looked suspicious. I turned around and went back to my office, my eyes on the floor, I still felt the shame and too many questions were running through my head. Was she going to tell the other? Would she complain? But no, who was she going to complain to? She was the new boss! I sat down and as best I could, I got back to work.…
