My (F24] work at the library can become creepy at night

It can become creepy at night in the library where I work. Because it’s ME who turns into a creep at night. I can’t help myself. I like the night shifts: Lost souls are sitting in the great reading halls. Some of my colleagues and I are still there for the few visitors to ask us questions or get something from the archives. Hmm, the archives. Most of their area is well lit, but I know all the darker corners where you can sneak in. Best when some dorky male academic shows up at my reception desk and asks for something deep down from the archives. The visitors can go there themselves, most of the time we tell them the direction and off they go.

But still quite many get confused in the long hallways and corridors, entering deeper into the archives with thousands upon thousands of books and documents around you…. where you think and feel you are all alone. When suddenly another night creature creeps out from one corridor, all silently, with a book it has found, or scurrying from one shelf to the next. And sometimes this creature is me, being all sweet and creepy at the same time. I know of course in which archive’s section my academic gentlemen can be found. Roaming around as I indicated them the way just minutes ago.

I feel sweet when I’m wearing my sexy librarian outfit on purpose, sometimes even with my fake glasses I don’t even need….and I feel creepy when in a more evil mood: Then I also go down into the archives, sneak up to the visitors from behind or take a shortcut between some bookshelves to reach them.

When I suddenly appear next to them, they startle and get their adrenaline hit, but immediately relieve and mostly smile back at me when they see me, the young sexy librarian from just some moments ago at the reception, smiling at them. They then always agree to my offer that I personally show them the way to their book or document they were searching for. While we’re walkin through the narrow corridors I make sure that I “accidentally” bump them with my thick boobs once, hehe…

When we reach the destination, they thank me politely and I leave them alone. When bowing out, I make sure that I gently touch their arm, and while walking away I move my hips a bit more feminine so that when they turn around they can look at my thick ass that I have squeezed into my jeans or long tight dark skirt right before my shift. I can feel their eyes on my rear when they turn around to look at me. They always do.

Once they reappear on the surface, on the library’s ground floor, passing by my reception desk, we greet each other again, nodding and smiling, me looking up with my fake glasses on the tip of my nose, all innocently, wishing each other a good night when they leave.

Here you find my other [confession]( about my work as a librarian :)
