Fantasies F18 (part 1/foreplay)

I have so many fantasies but I was never sure where to share them, I figured I might finally try it here. Please let me know if there’s any way I can improve my story telling!! Honestly it’ll probably just turn into a ramble so we’ll see how this goes…

Currently I’m on my period, and at this time I always want to be worshipped and loved. I also have an intense need to be bred. I want to get pregnant, have a child, and start a family. So I can’t help but imagine it:

I’m at home, doing the dishes while my husband is returning from work. My back is tired, my hips ache, and I’m absolutely exhausted. I keep imagining him coming home, carrying me to the bed, and taking all his frustrations from work out on me. I can’t help but press my thighs together and squirm at the thought of it. I get so caught up in my fantasies that the plate I’m holding slips out of my hands and nearly shatters against the edge of the sink. So I take a few deep breaths, unclench my legs, and focus on the dishes. There’s only a few more left. Before I pick another one up, I feel arms sliding around my sensitive waist, grazing my sides and squeezing tight at my belly. I feel heavy breaths on my neck as a head rests against mine with a sigh. I can already tell from his scent, my love has returned to me. “How long have you been there?” I’d ask. “Long enough to know you’ve been thinking about me.” His voice whispering in my ear, causing my whole body to vibrate and grow warm. No matter how long we’ve been together, he always makes me shake like a leaf at the slightest touch. He plants soft kisses on my neck as his breathy words float around me in my paralyzed state, “It’s late and you’re still doing chores? Why aren’t you in bed, resting?” I squirm a little, because the tone in his voice already tells me that he knows the answer. I tried to rest, but the thought of his warmth, his weight, his scent… it drove me crazy. I couldn’t relax so I decided to be productive. But now he’s here, pressed against me, breathing on my ear. He knows how sensitive my ears are. My breath hitches as he pulls me into him even tighter. “I-I just felt like I was being too lazy. I wanted to do something productive.” Technically, I wasn’t lying. However, my weak excuse isn’t enough for him. He grabs my hand, making me drop the sponge I’m holding, while one arm is still curled around my waist. He leans over, staring straight into my eyes with a relaxed yet hungry expression, and kisses the back of my hand. “Are you sure you didn’t just have a lot on your mind?” I look away, trying not to melt into him. I just have a few more dishes, I can’t give in yet. Too bad my brain already stopped functioning the second I felt his touch. “Maybe,” I utter quietly, the only thing I could think of to say. It’s funny, my mind was racing a mile per second but my mouth could only muster two syllables. Just the thought of him grabbing my hips, and slamming his- “What are you thinking about?” He cut sharply through my imagination, forcing me into this reality. “Just, the few dishes that are left.” My words are even shakier than I am. He moves his hand down slightly, towards the lower part of my tummy. “Is that really all?” He knows. “Well, no..” There’s definitely more, so much more. “Hmmm, can I guess?” His voice hums as he presses his lips against my neck, making me instinctively shudder. I’m awful at hiding my true feelings. At this point, it feels like anything he says will tip me over the edge. “Go ahead.” I can sense his playful smirk. “If I want to guess properly, I’ll have to think like you.” I already have goosebumps. “I’m sitting at home, all alone, on my period. My stomach hurts and I want something big and warm to cuddle. Is that accurate so far?” I nod. “So… I hug my pillows and imagine I’m hugging something, no; someone warm. But that’s not enough, so I wrap my legs around a pillow as well. Is that right?” His hand slides further down, resting on my mound. I begin to wiggle in his arms. “Naturally, I start to press my thighs together as I check the time. Counting the minutes until my husband comes home and takes me in his arms. Correct?” I nod again, this time weaker than the last. His hand returns to my waist, and I whimper in protest. “My, how impatient.” He chuckles. “I’m sure this is how you felt when you forced yourself to get up, go downstairs, and clean up around the house. Is that why I found you here, honey? Because you were impatient? Because you knew,” he paused to turn my face towards his, “if you had laid there any longer, you wouldn’t be able to hold back anymore and you’d grind those hips into that pillow; like the little puppy in heat you are.” His hands slide up to my chest. “Certainly you can wait a little longer. Go on and finish the dishes, don’t mind me.” He traces slow circles around my nipples and I lean into the sink, trying to catch my breath.

To be continued in part 2 (maybe)
Sorry this is so long 😭
