The swimming hall [FF&F] part 1

In the small town i grew up, there is a municipally owned and operated swimming hall. The building is from the 50s or 60s, a gray brick building, with the windows high up on the wall, you don’t even notice thee place when you drive in or out of town. The special thing about this swimming hall is that men and women each have their own evenings, where the opposite sex does not have access. Women have Mondays and men have Thursdays,

Ever since I was a kid I’ve heard stories about about the place. People swimming and taking a sauna completely naked, people kissing and feeling each other up in the bleechers, women fingering each other in the pool or eating each other out in the hot tub. As you may have guessed, I heard stories about the wildest sex orgies taking place in that gray building.

No one I knew had ever been around on a Monday or Thursday. At least not as they had admitted to me or others.

As a young, independent, playful bisexual woman, without much sexual experience with other women, looking for excitement in a small lifeless town, this place fascinated me immensely. From my teenage years, I fantasized about what it would be like inside the swimming pool on a Monday.

Despite this, there were things that stopped me from going. I’ve always felt comfortable with myself and about my own naked body, but that’s when I control the surroundings. My biggest fear was standing completely naked in front of people I knew from before. Or even worse, see them having sex!!! People like Mrs Farsund, my teacher from secondary school. Debbie Smith , my mothers best friend. Eileen Screpakova from down the street or Ginnie Goncalves, prom queen, it girl and a fucking bully at school. Even if it is unlikely (The last I heard about Ginnie was that she had moved out west, was fucking a real estate agent and snorted lot’s of cocaine) But you get the picture.

After several rounds myself, I had decided to go there. At least just to see what it was all about. Probably it was far from what I had heard (and fantasized about) Most likely it was just a bunch of old ladies, who had replaced their knitwear with flip flops and diving goggles. But, you never know until you have seen with your own eyes.

One Monday during one of the holidays from university and I was at my parents’ house, I gathered courage. I thought fuck it, what do I have to lose. I drove down there and went into the dressing room. From the stories I had heard, everyone was naked in here, but I couldn’t be sure if the rumors were true, so I had brought a big black bathing suit, which covers the whole ass. Yes, you probably know the type. But, just in case if rumors were true, I had made sure to shave my pussy bare, and made sure my calves and armpits were orgy worthy.
