An night at the office (I)

It was well past 9PM when I came back to the office from my jog My sweatpants, top and bra were soaked in sweat that had cooled down in the autumn winds and I was shaking as I entered the building. I had tied my long brown hair to a pigtail and now it unpleasantly banged against my shoulders. I quickly walked into my office to put on a hoodie, left my phone and keys on the desk and headed for the office-kitchen to get some water. All the other rooms were dark and silent, I was completely alone. I liked to work after hours precisely of that feeling of being on my own in the office. And besides, it wasn’t like I would go out on a Friday night.

As I flicked the switch in the kitchen, I heard the familiar humming sound and the lights began to flicker. But something sounded wrong. There was a faint scratching noise accompanying the static clicks of the neon lights. At first I thought there was something wrong with the lights, but the it hit me: Somebody was tampering with the lock of the office door. I tried to calm myself and told me, that this wasn’t true, but when the lights finally sopped flickering an only the humming sound was left, there was no denying: The scratching sounds came from just outside the office door. My pulse that had just begun to normalize after the run immediately jumped up again. Is somebody trying to break into the office? I can’t defend myself, especially not in here and I left my mobile on the desk in my office. I reached for the next drawer to find anything that I could use as defense, but at that moment I heard the clicking of the lock and the door opening. I froze as my mind revved up and flooded me with pictures of what would happen next. As I heard the heavy steps coming towards the kitchen I thought of robbers in masks, carrying guns and shooting immediately at everything that moved. Hell, I went through every scenario I ever saw in an action film. The last sane part in my mind tried to analyze the situation rationally, but only came as far as telling the other parts that there was only one pair of steps heard, so it could only be a single robber, but that didn’t really better the situation. I just stood there like frozen in front of the counter, my life flashing before my eyes.

Then the door squeaked and after a split second, that felt like a millenium, began to move. I was in no way prepared to meet my murderer, but I closed my eyes in a last desperate move like a child who thinks it can make away with the situation by simply pretending not to exist. My heart nearly teared up my chest an I could feel every hair on my body being almost violently torn from the skin. cold sweat – was it still the sweat from running? And why did I care in my last moments? – ran down every inch of my body. The steps stopped some feet before me and I awaited the harsh scream of the intruder and the sound of a gunshot. But nothing came.

How long did I just stand there, eyes closed, waiting for my fate? I don’t know, maybe just a second or two, but to me it felt like an eternity. Finally, I needed to open my eyes to know, what was going on there. What I saw, couldn’t have caught me more by surprise. Instead of the rugged burglar I imagined, I saw a handsome young man in a perfectly fitting navy suit. My boss.

He wore brown leather shoes and a black tie, on his nose glasses in a thick brown frame, that rounded his outfit well. He was handsome and neat as ever, if it wasn’t for some small oddities: His curly brown hair that normally sprawled perfectly around his face seemed a bit shabby now on closer inspection, as if someone had torn on it multiple times. An his sharp look had changed for a dazed stare that seemed to somehow have lost the control of the situation. Only then I noticed the glass of whisky in his hand. He must have drunk several before he came here. There was an awkward silence for a couple of seconds.

“Mr. L.!” – It was more of a shriek than anything, but my heart still pumping at 180 this was all I was able to mouth.

“Mrs. M.! Wha- wha-what are you doing here this late on a Friday evening?” He clearly hadn’t expected me to be here. His stammering exposed a faint slurring of words.

Normally every single one of his words, no matter how nice, would have shattered my self esteem into pieces – I recently had begun to work for his firm and still had to cope with massive imposter syndrome – but his surprise and the fact that he was drunk and obviously had not come here to work sparked something up in me. Like this was a situation that would just be here and now and wouldn’t have any consequences whatsoever. If this would be a game, then I was making the rules.

“Well, you gave me a report due on Monday this morning and here I am, finishing it.” I said with a nasty tone that I normally wouldn’t even dare to use on my coworkers.

“In this attire?” – Fuck. I had totally forgotten that I stood before him in soaked sweatpants and a shabby hoodie, like straight from the gym. I slumped on the counter, an which I had pressed my clenched fists. It had again taken him only one sentence to have me completely on the floor.

I studdered incomprehensible words with no intention of making any sense of them.

“Shouldn’t you be out partying like any normal woman your age?” – Now there was something in his voice that I couldn’t quite get behind. It was fatherly, maybe even a bit sexist, but something in his tone made it sound kind of jealous. Was it the alcohol that was speaking there? If it was, it surely helped me regain my ability to speak.

“Not if work is calling, you should know that.” That paired with the contemptuous look at his glass of whisky surely crossed a line. But I was still high from all the adrenaline in my blood and not really capable of thinking straight. As I looked him back in the eyes I notice a blink in his stare, coming through the dizziness of the alcohol. He wanted me, I could clearly see it. And I didn’t know how that made me feel.

I had never thought about him in a sexual way, because he was my boss and clearly out of my league, but clearly even I couldn’t help but notice his sheer appeal. Now that I was filled to the brim with adrenaline, my heart pounding like a beast, there was no way of addressing this question with a sober mind. I noticed his foot making a half step towards me and like a marionet, I straightened my body from the counter and took a few steps toward him. Now we stood face to face and everything around us faded into an unnoticeable blur. His heavy parfum that had fainted during the day, the alcoholic breath of the whisky and his sweat surrounded me like a cloud of strange coziness. Like I had always belonged to him and he always to me. His eyes were wide and i saw the sweat on his forehead as he leaned in for a kiss. But something in me stirred and a thought bubbled into my head: “I can control him, he is completely in my hands”.

I didn’t know what I was doing, the adrenaline had clouded my mind, so I just followed what my body seemed to be doing on his own. My index finger landed on his lips, slightly pushing back his head, and his eyes and mouth went into a shocked grimasse. At the same time, my lips made for his neck, softly caressing the salty skin there. From time to time I bit him just a little bit and then I felt a shudder going through his whole body. with my free left hand, I tore on his shirt, first removing the uppermost buttons and then lifting it up gently. I pressed my hand on his bare chest and proceeded to caress his shoulder. That was when I noticed his left hand stroking my back. It was a limp stroking, like he had lost all self control and was completely in my hands. from his shoulder, my lips made their way to his chest, that had gone cold from my touch. I noticed his rock hard nipple with my lips and put out my tounge to lick it all around. The saliva left faint traces on his skin, but his flesh grew warm again as I pursued to do my work. I heard a faint gasp and took that as a signal, to unbutton his shirt even further. As I yanked open the last button and his chest lay completely bare, I pressed my whole body against him as hard as I could. And there it was, just above my thigh, the pulsating rock hard member, that I yearned for. I noticed how I could feel it across my whole belly his warmth mixing with the softness of my sweater and fuelling the burning feeling inside of me. Slowly I made my way downwards with my lips, kissing every inch of his sixpack hard as if it was chiseled in marble. The tiny hair on his skin poked my outer lips and tickeled the skin above my mouth. His panting grew heavier and his grip on me stronger – he had now placed both of his hands on my back but they wandered up with me wandering down until he desperately tried to cling on my shoulder. I noticed his attempts of turning around, letting with one hand go of me to reach for the kitchen counter and I followed his movement without ever stopping kissing his chest. Halfway down, I slipped my hands on his back and ran down it until I reached his belt. I briefly stopped, just to tease him, but then violently grabbed his arse. Another sigh. I took a quick look upwards and saw his face, surrounded by that sweet curly strands and framed in his costly glasses, but everything was quenched into a grimasse. He clearly didn’t know what was happening to him. This was, when my lips crashed against his belt. The cold metal of his buckle made me shudder, but I took a short sweep of my tounge, just to taste, what it tastes like. The cold metallic taste of the buckle mixed in my mouth with the thick leathery aroma of the belt and kickstarted y already heart, that already pounded on his limits, even more. I got lost in sights and smells, time froze and it was only me. My trembling hand felt his long cock through the fabric all the way across his groin and started to fondle it on its end. I realized that he tried to yank off his pants in an attempt to help me, but my face pressed against his front, denied him unbuttoning his pants first. I drew out that moment a little longer, felt my soaked panties and the sweat running across my already sweaty back – cold old sweat mixed with warm new sweat and produced a sticky goo that ran along my lower back. My hoodie and sweatpants felt shabby and uncomfortably sticky, but that turned me on even more. Just the thought of somebody catching us there, him his perfect suit yanked open, me in my sweaty, ugly gym-clothes squatting before his accurately ironed suit pants, brought me near to cumming.
