[FxM] Young and Beautiful

**Synopsis:** A woman who’d left the music industry – *and a stint of fame* – behind decades ago has taken up a position at a college teaching. A young man identifies her and remembers her voice. He remembers the way she looks in the light, and wants her to shine forever ~~young and beautiful.~~

Inspired by **Lana Del Ray’s** [Young and Beautiful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_1aF54DO60)*.*


Things change. Fall’s crisp golds faded into noise obscured by the bleach tresses of youth roaming the campus. Crunching beneath my boots was the impression of white; soft and crumbling. Fresh and vulnerable~ like powder I’d once used on the cheeks which grew rosy every time I’d got onto the stage. That same red bled into my cheeks as the hairs on the back of my neck bristled; Georgia’s kiss was cold and muggy this time of year, but my skin burned anew beneath the spotlight of eyes as I stepped inside and onto the dais.


Fortunately, it was just the first day of the first week of class. I offered my apologies, but nobody answered; still, the pressure made my hands tremble more than they should. The silence left rang in my ears as hurried breaths only fogged the frames which threatened to slip down my posh nose.

“Just a moment, class.” I offered formally at last, looking up. No experience had prepared me for that moment, though; not all the years before so long ago. The lights which burned so bright seemed to blind… but I felt them looking. Waiting. For me to get ready; for me to set up. For me to entertain their ears and minds. They paid to see me. They’d paid for the **treat** of my company. And…

For a moment, I felt that glow resurface in my chest.

For a moment, I heard my breath exhale and drown out all the *noise.*

But the laptop in my hands was not a microphone. The rehearsal didn’t lead to me gripping a stand while I poured my heart out for the world to hear. **No**. The only words from my mouth began to explain that the first week was orientation; that as undergraduates exploring musical theory, they would be embarking on–

*For a moment*, I’d felt like they’d come to see me. But the time for that had long passed and so, too, had today’s lesson in how to skate through syllabus week. In encore, I made myself available for questions, but the rows and columns had filed out just like record labels when the glitter and glamour had faded. Only one remained and whose gaze was rife with confidence through his lips. It was the kind of smile that reeked of trouble~ though he was quiet for a few seconds watching *me. Admiring me. Memorializing me.*

It was only as **I left the light** that he leapt to his feet.

“Stay there-!” he said, breathily pulling his things alongside so quickly. “-please!”

“**Professor**.” he corrected himself, zipping his bag on the move and remembering his manners. He must’ve enjoyed the smirk on my face.

“Talking and walking at the same time” I replied with a smirk. “Impressive.”

The smile on his face faded, but the red in my cheeks must’ve reassured him.

But there was something about his olive eyes as they looked back at me; pupils sharp and focused. Aware. Focused intently on my face and drifting only as low as what must’ve been my jaw before darting back up with a **glow** that sent ice down my spine. Between the two of us, a brief silence set in and I realized that we were so close I could smell *him*; but **why**?

*Why* was I so tempted to-

Looking him over with my light blue eyes, I raised my eyebrows and cocked my head while my heart raced and I concluded that my stomach was full of butterflies.

“…What can I help you with?” I asked quietly. **Meekishly**. I felt it, leaning in; two aches in my bra as I looked towards the floor. Silver locks flirted into view, accented by streaks of black renewed but artificially so unlike the **stir** of desire in my chest.

“I just wanted to see you- for *real*” he sighed, a heaviness to his voice as his hoodie-draped shoulders reached up. Straightened. Red rushed into my cheeks and winter snapped through my spine as one of his hands *so soft* took the warmth of my cheek. So brazen the action and so pathetic my whimpering lips that smiled as I leaned a crow’s eye into his grasp.



The whimper took to an exhale into his palm but his feet moved… and so did mine. Warmth and vitality washed over my body then as my eyes rose to look at his while he *walked me back*. Eyes so kind as he took my weight once the shone on me again but didn’t falter; but there was something **otherworldly** about his unwavering… *aura*.

“I wanted to see you *in the light*~” he explained a little further though my was swimming in woes. Protesting in mind – needed to stop~ unprofessional – my heart and face chased his hand; shifting in the strength he possessed. But then his thumb adjusted and flirted across my face in a way nobody had in decades. And then he said it plainly; in a way that made my eyes open wide but his thumb pressed flat against my lips.

“I grew up with you in my ears… **all** these decades…”

Warm saliva rolled down my chin as his finger depressed my tongue and **his taste** filled my palette. Heat dripping down my throat as a muffled succor of tongue and lips wrapped around his finger with a **pull** of air as I sucked. As if I’d rehearsed the motion, my hand reinforced his cradling own as I nursed on his finger and my cheeks *burned* with shameless invocation. My eyes looked to his, so full of innocence and his olive eyes wincing. Sides of his face pulled in as he tugged on his lips watching me.

*He likes it.*

“I always wanted you to-”

His voice cracking as my suckling takes him deeper. I know I shouldn’t. I know I should stop. I know that it’s wrong, but all I can think about is the gulp of of my throat and how I’m leaning back against the piano-

How my legs are shifting outwards as he tells me about how he always wanted me to sing for him. The swell of my bottom spilling out with earnest as my work dress stuffs itself upwards is already making sounds as I huff warm air across his finger and use my free hand to pull him closer by the collar. There’s a staccato of groans and panting as his arm flings over my now bent leg, surrounding my hips on either side as his hands shift from the old wood to the meat of my bucking thighs.

*I should stop. We~*

“Should stop” the mindreader says, nibbling on his lip and gently pulling his decadent thumb from my lips.

**And he’s right.** We **should** stop.

But **should** isn’t enough for that turgid lump in his jeans to not throb and *ooze* desire against my bare legs; it’s not enough to brace his trembling frame for my now freed hand that tugs his waist into my shroud of legs that shut behind him. Eyes locked as I hold his collar; mouths matched in earnest shapes and desire. In this space; it’s just one song~ protests and pleasures entwining. Complimenting one another as my hand fishes inside his waist band; the loose jeans give me plenty of room and his mouth on my collarbone begins to nibble with acceptance before I’m even able to grasp him fully.

My hand swims into his shirt and around the neckline, easing into a tepid grip around; his hairs softly bristling around my fingers as I push his face into my chest; leaning down myself to find his ear, I write a note inside the canal and gleefully inform him that **I want** to sing for him…

The keys continue to play beneath my ass while his member soaks through with the pre reapplying off of my hand as I work his shaft in circles o’er the tip; uncut, unsullied, and unprepared, his chilling gasps each time I I manipulate his sheathe back leave fingers trailing along slowly across his exposed frenulum… *the poor thing can’t hardly keep his composure.*

By the time I’ve aided him with a full spring from his jeans as they slump to the floor, his thick fuckmeat is literally dripping with pre-cum and the needy honeydew of my cunt that I’ve scooped up. The mouth which had long ago moved to one of my aching tits locks up around a nipple, his tongue swirling chaotically an without experience *but hitting just the right spot* as the orchestra of his cum-slicked cock *squick-squick-squick* takes forefront of thought. Moaning as I lean back, we continue to pleasure one another; my eyes shut as I hold up one of my globes from the underheft, supporting it and squeezing it into his mouth.

But I want *more* even if he can’t handle it; replacing my hand with an arm to prop up the sphere, it’s not long before a **whimper** causes a cramp in his jaw; no doubt that the additional set of five warping-twisting-wrangling fingers now coordinating an alternating assault on his cock has part in the matter. Like playing strings of an instrument, the alternating directions of strokes around him kept his cock stiff and pulsing while I panted and mewled in his ear. Feeling those micro-films of air subtly gently *burst* under my fingers as his precum smeared and stretched and pulled thin, his flesh hammer was the most tender of meats marinating in its own desire.

His legs are trembling now, and my insistent encouragements in his ears have him as though I were a siren. A knee trembling against my leg but I pay no mind, *no*~ it’s exactly how I want him while I negotiate my **payments** into his ear. He whispers back incoherent thing, mouthing not words but sloppily across my cheek with his bottom lip before suckling on my ears; I know he’s close. Closer his legs push; belt clinking on the floor while he whines in my ears.

In my hands he twitches; a climactic **pulse** that trembles and brings my hands tighter than ever around him. *Swollen* as his breath hitches and he cries out; a cry as his body locks inwards and his weight collapses against me~ hands digging into my soft thighs. He *knows*. His *manners.*

“Pl- **please**” he begs, voice crackling like fire burning in my ears; the request is a molten, heady release squeezed out by my hands clenched tight like a vice around his cock; veins thrumming and his shaft a breathing vassal of denied bliss fighting against the restraints of my fingers, which slowly break against the rock of his manhood; palm of one hand swallowing into soft embrace and cloister of fingers against his head and slit, digits caressing and dancing along his underside.

My other hand’s vacation in this turgid, painfully strained state down the sides of his cock until crashing against his sweaty base and drifting down to the tormented, tight, snug, pent-up balls hugging his cock with earnest plea for release. Circle of fingers around them is the reply, tugging them **back down** while I draw him down and *tisk* in his ears a few times; dripping into his ear with tongue as his pearlescent gift sullies the floor.

**”I want more.”**

His nod is the reply, even with wincing. He’s taken aback by a cool *snap* between us after my hand leaves his cock, though; between us now is an exposed slit damp and swollen. Shaved to a strip; his needy gasp of reply looking down is the only permission I need. A tug of his balls and a yelp from his virgin throat seals the contract I’d written with his cum; one mindless rut towards me and his cock slides into the clutch of my hand; guided true like I’d done it a thousand times to get platinum status and his cock *whisks with a soppy-wet schlick* into my furnace of a cunt.

But a second or an inch – maybe a second inch – inside is too much for him and not enough for me; the lights shine brightest as my head drifts back with a cry and the lights shine brightest; my hands find his shoulders weak and clenching as his lungs choke for air. Air I inhaled and **whimpered** on as my hands which took his shoulders *slipped* with desire down his chest; *pushing* him away because I couldn’t take it. My innards were splitting and **tearing** around his cock; my body’s grip pulling tight . But my legs wrapped around and my heels dug in – hands be damned, I **needed** him and it was just milliseconds later when his spine arched and a *growl* rippled out of his mouth with spittle onto my shaking chest.

We exchanged eyes as he did~ my exhausted head nodding frantically **yes** as if he wasn’t already flooding my cunt with his virile jizz. Velvet squeeze crashing down around him, but there was no refuting his advance; with a triumphant grunt, his balls slapped against my pussy with an explosion of juices that **plapped** and splattered my cunt spin all against his groin. One hand around his neck, nails digging in while I pulled him in for a kiss; coiling my muscles as he carved me out; a singular grind back against him~ to push his exposed, slick head into the deepest tranche of my womanhood.

We stayed close, exhausted each with the thin air; my head was cloudy and heavy, but he laid me down… there was a time where his cock **plopped** out of my cunt with a gaping queef. Warmth drizzled down my leg but I listened for the keys on the piano instead. There was a head of hair between my legs soon after while he lapped and cleaned; thrilled, my hands took to those locks and pulled him deep while I prepared for an encore.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ztezwv/fxm_young_and_beautiful


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