RWBY Unleashed Part 2 – a retelling of RWBY’s story [Intersex, teasing,storyarc]

RWBY Unleashed Chapter 2

An aircraft soared through the sky. It carried all the students who would be joining Beacon Academy this year. Weiss was watching a newsfeed. Just when she was absorbed in it, she got disrupted by an orange haired girl passing by her, almost running her over. Her short bangs and fluffy looking hair bounced up and down.

“Outta my way!” she said energetically.

“This is crazy, Ren! This bus is really flying. It’s just like in Fortnite!”

“We’ve been flying for hours now, Nora… And it’s an airship, not a battle bus.” Responded her short haired purple eyed friend in exotic looking clothes.

A blonde shorthaired student walked slowly with their hand in front of their mouth. Visibly air-sick, they could barely say anything.

“So noisy in here…” Weiss complained, but noticed a red haired girl with a ponytail who seemed awfully familiar.

Before she made her way to her, Yang cut her off by running in front of her and hugged Ruby from the back. Weiss wrinkled her eyebrows, but did not think too much of it on the already busy and crowded aircraft.

“I can’t believe I’ll be studying at Beacon with my cute sister! I bet everyone will call you a genius for skipping two years ahead! I’m so proud.” And Yang made a friendly smile.

Ruby put her hand on her arm and sighed after trying to smile.

“I really don’t want to make enemies by coming off as a try-hard…”

“Easy, just make some trusty friends first then!” Yang responded with an optimistic solution.

“I don’t need any new friends… I know! I’ll just stick to you, Yang!”

Yang cleared her throat, but seemed to consider it for a moment.

“Soo… you mentioned something strange happening with miss Goodwing or who back at the police station before mister Ozpin joined you?”

Ruby fidgeted. She flushed bright red and rubbed her hands after lowering them to her crotch area. Yang raised an eyebrow and grinned smugly at her sister.

“Hmmmm, so something like that happened while I was not looking. Guess my little sister finally grew up.”

“N-no it’s not like that!” Ruby fidgeted even more. “Miss Goodwitch was just teasing me… or actually… testing me, I think.”

“So she was not nice to you?” Yang asked brightly.


“Hmmmm, so your sister is still the nicest?”

“Y-yes.” Ruby nodded smiling.

“Are you excited about making new friends?” Yang asked her in an honest tone.

“Y-yea… I can feel my heart beating in my throat almost.

Yang grabbed Ruby’s hand and began dragging her towards the other end of the airship.

“H-hey, what are yo-“

But she got dragged along by Yang who cleared a path between all the students and Beacon members towards the restrooms. Ruby noticed their goal by the way she was leading her. She flushed bright red and wanted to say something, but remained silent at the very last moment.

Inside the restroom, Yang faced Ruby. Yang’s eyes beamed with excitement, while Ruby remained shy and kept looking at the floor.

“Oh come on now, Ruby… We’ve been doing this for ages now.”

“B-but not in public restrooms… I mean… there’s a lot of students out there… what if someone sees us.”

“Oh, nonsense.” Yang replied swiftly.

She then tugged her sister farther into the restroom and entered an empty stall with her. They were quite close to each other and Ruby could feel the breath of Yang tickling her bare skin.

“Well?” Yang asked. “Much better isn’t it? A bit cramped though.” And she let go of Ruby to measure the stall by moving her hands squarely.

“Y-yeah…” Ruby could hear her own heartbeat in her ears now.

They were quite close to each other. Ruby thought about how they would usually keep a bit of a distance between each other. Yang seemed a little strange, even though Ruby knew she was just being considerate and wanted to help her feel at ease before approaching anyone to make new friends.

Before she was able to continue her rational thought process, she was overwhelmed by a sense of calmness. Yang’s familiar presence, her charming smile, her aura that just soothed her worries. Her nice scent, the curves of her body, they all filled her mind and she began to get excited just by thinking of what would usually follow.

“Glad to see you’re not that scared!” Yang stated and began undoing her belt and putting her hands into her black short shorts.

Ruby watched her do it with amazement. She could not get tired of this moment, when Yang would act out these very lewd movements. Her hands reached for her chubby penis inside her clothes with elegant simplicity and let her testicles hold down the fabric. This way she had both hands free to do whatever she wanted.

Her bush was neatly kept and golden yellow much like her hair. Her testicles sagged a little and looked rather round and thick. This thickness was also characteristic of her penis – it was not just unusually wide, but also chubby looking. Most of all, it was her folded foreskin, which added a lot to this chubby look. It almost seemed to create a tower shape as her erection grew bigger, and with it, the shade of her penis also got more and more distinguishable. Despite her overall light hue, the skin around her crotch was a shade darker and continued to gradually darken until the tip of her foreskin. In contrast to this, the glans sparkled almost in a lively purplish pink.

These intriguing color plays, shapes and folds had Ruby glued to the movements of her sister who now began moving both her hands around her penis. She grabbed it firmly in both hands and began tugging and pulling at it, until slowly more and more became visible of her glans.

Ruby felt the urge to follow suit. She turned her skirt upwards and freed her penis that kept gradually getting bigger. The pale beauty and size made Yang pull more eagerly on her own tool. Ruby followed her instructions and began tugging at her own penis with increasing fervor. Their faces were bright red and were filled with more and more pleasure as they kept eyeing the other’s tool.

Both of them kept jerking off their penises, their foreskin retracted, while their glans bobbed back and forth. Yang touched her testicles a few times, but was overall focusing on the shaft and the frenulum after getting enough lubrication from her precum. Her expert moves of handling her own penis still left Ruby feeling as if she had much to learn.

Ruby was unable to pull on her penis the way she wanted to. She always felt like her grip or technique was lacking. There was a lot of stimulation and it felt good, even more so when she did it together with Yang, but she had issues with keeping up the momentum and pleasuring only the more sensitive spots the right way.

During their masturbation sessions, both of them ensured that they could not see each other’s other genitalia, or too much of their breasts. For some reason they both felt a little shy about the other parts, but felt completely comfortable with showing their penises and testicles to each other. It was in some way a sisterly thing, although more masculine.

Another, more unspoken rule was to not ejaculate unto each other. But with the tight space enclosing them, this thought only popped up in their minds, when their tips began tickling and their loins caught on fire by the hot sensation that filled their crotch with a pleasurable tingling.

“I-I’m close, sis.” Yang said while she sped up her hand movement.

“M-me too…” Ruby moaned.

Both of them ejaculated at the same time. Yang managed to catch all of her own cum with her palm, but once she had collected all of the large, rather cloudy, almost solid white load she noticed that Ruby was still edging.

“Don’t do that, Ruby. I told you before, just release it when you feel like it, it’s more natural. Shoot, shoot!” She encouraged her sister in a scolding way.

And with that Ruby’s large penis erupted its white seed. It spurted into the stall in various directions. Some of it went into the bowl, some of it onto the seat. A few ropes flied all the way unto Yang’s shrinking penis. Ruby kept ejaculating with her eyes closed. She moaned passionately as more genital liquids came out of her.

Once she opened her eyes, still half-closed, partly in a daze, she began:

“That felt really goo-“ she looked at Yang’s penis and noticed her own cum on it. “Oh gosh! Yang, I’m so sorry!” she said and began pulling on the toilet paper.

The paper rolled out with a lot of force, Ruby unrolled a few feet before it ripped apart. She looked at Yang who was holding back her laughter. She looked at Yang’s palm where both of their semen had collected. Ruby tore the paper in two and held them both out to Yang. They began laughing heartily.


Once the two sisters returned to the deck of the ship, Yang looked around, scanning the area.

“Now who is alone and looks bored?”

Ruby was following her close, because Yang had once more held her hand. She tugged at her sister’s hand as she finally found someone fitting her profile. Blake, who had been also accepted into the academy, was leisurely reading a book on one of the fold down seats by the windows.

“Hello! You free for a little chat?”

Blake looked up, but her expression only changed to be more neutral.

“I’m Yang, this is Ruby, my sister. What’s your name?”

“Blake.” Blake responded and looked back at her book, disinterested.

“Oh what a wonderful name! Just like the weather we’re having today.”

“Yeah, almost as wonderful as this book I’m gonna keep reading now.”

“Is that so?” Yang said a little annoyed.

“Hm, what’s that book about?” Ruby said with genuine interest.

“A book about a person with two urges… Both urges are fighting to be the dominant one, but no matter how much they like to be a bottom or top, they can’t decide.”

“Weird.” Yang said silently.

“I like books and stories too!” Ruby said. “Mainly about heroes. They made me strive to be a Huntress.”

“Because they live happily ever after?” Blake said with light annoyance. “The world isn’t as forgiving, nor is it a fairy tail.”

Ruby did not let herself discouraged by her harsh realism and optimistically said:

“That’s why we’re here to be Huntresses! We’ll make the world a better place!”

Blake was genuinely surprised at hearing her say such words so resolutely. It was clear to her that there was meaning behind those words, and more importantly, some form of a firm resolve. Yang cheered up immediately upon hearing these words and felt proud; she moved her arms and hugged Ruby.

“Nice one, sis! I’m really proud of you!”

Seeing this heartwarming scene between sisters made even Blake smile for a moment. Her smile was gentle and honest. However, it did not last long as the screen behind her began broadcasting:

“A riot broke out when members of the White Fang group infiltrated a protest for Faunus rights. Furthermore, they are also suspected of recent Dust shop robberies. The Schnee Dust Company urged that security be increased…”

“Hmmm… The Schnee Dust Company is quite famous, huh? But I also heard they’re quite corrupt.”

“Yeah, they treat their workers like slaves, is all I heard…” Yang responded to her sister.

“What’s that I hear?” Weiss suddenly asked with a tone of superiority. “You don’t even know anything!”

“And you are?” Yang asked.

“I am Weiss Schnee. The company’s next heiress.”

“Wait, really?” Yang was surprised and her huge round eyes and mouth close to gaping.

Ruby on the other hand was a lot more apologetic. She raised her hands as if to say sorry. The light panic from earlier when she was considering making friends came back to her manifold.

“It’s not like that! We did not mean to say anything bad about you guys! They were just rumors…”

“Guys? Rumors?” Weiss came closer and her attitude shifted completely to lecture mode. “Don’t tell me, you swallow every lie the anti-human Faunus and their robber group White Fang feed you. Surely you can see at least beyond that, right?”

“L-let’s just try to calm down and take it easy… How about it?” Yang said, joining Ruby’s apologetic tone.

“The White Fang used to be a pacifist group.” Blake suddenly joined in, her attention still on her book. “Well, at least until your company began exploiting the powerless.”

“You one of those Faunus fangirls?” Weiss asked.

“If you think every Faunus is evil, you’re quite ignorant yourself.”

“How dare you?!” and Weiss began striding towards Blake, falling for her provocation.

Yang barred her way and tried calming her down.

“We’re all Beacon students… let’s try to get along!”

“I agree, sis! Hello Weiss and Blake! I’m Ruby! How about we go shopping some day together? Maybe find some supplies or grab a drink.”

“My, how wonderful! I’d love to do that! I think we should also talk to some cute boys, while shopping.”

“Really?” Ruby said and was surprised it actually worked.

“Of course not. Did you bump your head or something?” Weiss said and turned around to walk away.

Blake also got up and began leaving the scene where the mood was suddenly all over the place and became too much for her. Ruby let her shoulders and arms sink lower, her head fell a little forward.

“I think this making friends thing is a bit too much for me.”

“Keep fighting, Ruby.” Yang encouraged her.

Suddenly a hologram appeared in the center of the deck. It was Glynda Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin.

“Welcome to Beacon. I’m Glynda Goodwitch, one of your instructors. Professor Ozpin would like to talk to you today.”

“You have all trained to become hunters until now. Today you will be taking the test to see if all your hard years of training were worth it. The stage will be the Emerald Forest below us.”

A map appeared on the floor. The imagery and the sudden notice of a test surprised Ruby.

“A test? This early? But we haven’t even studied yet. Nobody told me about this.”

“Dad did…” Yang noted.

“You will have to make your way to the old temple and get rid of any Grimm that you encounter. Otherwise your life will be at risk…” Ozpin continued. “The first person you see in the forest will be your partner. Two of these groups will add up to create a four member team later on.”

“Partner? Teams?” Ruby continued being surprised.

Yang rolled her eyes as she remembered that their dad told them about everything.

“At the temple you will find various relics, you will have to take one of them and return to Beacon cliff with your own powers. We will be monitoring you, but won’t interfere.” Ozpin explained.

“We will arrive shortly. Please prepare until then. I wish you all success.” Glynda added before the hologram disappeared.

To be continued.

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