Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.17 [f/m][20s-30s][oral]


Tess and Jennifer strolled around the party speaking with people here and there, but none compared to their new Korean friends.

Making their way to the pool, they found it was nearly vacant, with only a few people swimming naked in the warm water.

There wasn’t anything overly interesting happening there, but just before they moved on, Jennifer spotted Will on the far side and waved to him.

“Who is that he’s with?” she asked. “He’s cute.”

“That’s Marcus,” Tess replied. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

After meeting him, Jennifer clearly understood why Tess had been so eager to track this man down. He was hot, and in an instant, she knew he was going to be the one. The one to bend her over and take her ass.
*’Tess would share, wouldn’t she?’* Jennifer thought with a sly slime.

After some small talk, Tess said, “Could you two excuse us for a minute? I have to speak with Will about something.”

“Uh, yeah,” said Jennifer, “Sure,” said Marcus.

Tess and Will moved off a ways, near one of the canopied day beds, that littered the pool deck.

Jennifer and Marcus stood in silence for a moment, waiting for their friends to return. It was slightly awkward, as neither of them knew the other, and didn’t have anything in particular to talk about, until Jennifer glanced over at Tess and Will.

Tapping Marcus on the shoulder, she pointed behind him.

“That doesn’t look like talking,” she said.

He turned to find Will sitting on the edge on the bed with Tess on her knees in front of him. His pants were pulled down and she was slowly stroking his swelling cock.

Marcus turned back to Jennifer.

“Humph,” he snorted. “I know they have some history, but I thought I was the one she wanted to be with,” he said, sounding put off. “I don’t think there’s much sense in me hanging around anymore.”

“Hold on a minute. I have no idea what’s going on, but believe me, she wants you. Tess hasn’t stopped talking about discovering your identity, since that last party. She was constantly talking about how good looking you were that night, and how much she wished she was that woman you were with.”

“Are you sure?”

“Trust me, I know a bit about obsessive desires. Let’s sit over there and see what happens. Okay?”

“Alright, if you say so.”

“So what did you want to talk to me about?” Will asked as they walked away.

“You’ve done a lot of for me lately, and haven’t ask for anything in return. I’ve been wracking my brain, trying to think of some way to repay you, and I just came up the the perfect thing.”

“Oh? And what would that be?”

“Take off your pants and I’ll show you,” Tess said, a mischievous look in her eye.

“I appreciate the offer …”

“Please, just sit right here,” she said, indicating the large day bed.

Without any further argument, Will slid down his pants and sat at the edge of the mattress. He thought back to the last time they were together, and it stirred something in him. But when she pulled his underwear off and grasped his cock, all he could think about was the present moment.

The way she slowly stroked his swelling shaft. The feel of her soft lips, kissing him. Her tongue, darting out like a snake, to lick the drop of pre-cum that oozed from the tip.

Will continued to grow in her hands, and Tess could have sworn that he was larger than before.

She opened her mouth as wide as it would go, taking him in. Try as she might, Tess couldn’t get much more than the purple head and a few inches of the thick shaft past her lips. *‘How in the hell did I fit this inside me?’* she thought.

Will was watching intently as she worked his cock, and in no time at all she had a good rhythm going.

Slick with her saliva, Tess used both her hands and mouth together in perfect synchronization, as a rumbling moan escaped his lips.
