Chemistry lesson Part 1 [F18/M40s]

When did he last have sex? It must have been a while.

He’s my science tutor. My parents, obsessed with me making it as a Harvard graduate, are paying for expensive regurgitations of my textbooks. I already learn this stuff all day. And now they’re making my evenings full of it too.

At least tonight they’re out, some summer party at dad’s work. So it’s Mr Plummer and I, and me again learning chemical reactions I’ve already memorized.

Mr Plummer is not bad looking though I have to say. He has a wedding ring, but his manner is stiff. There’s little in the way of smiles. I get an answer right, and it’s onto the next question. There isn’t a letter before A to represent the grade I’d need to see him happy. Clearly something in his life isn’t there.

I’ve worn my long-sleeve crop-top and denim shorts for this session. I like Mr Plummer, and something tells me we might be having our own special chemistry. I ask some boring question I know the answer to, and sit back. I breathe out, my belly showing a little. I’ve a small extra layer round there – the result of sugar-powered studying.

Then I see it, his eyes glance down. They’ve noticed my belly button. Mr Plummer is not just my private tutor. He has a strange sexiness. Maybe 40s, slightly silver hair, glasses. That intense expression, which never really relaxes, what if that looked into me deeply?

As I go to write the next answer, I make sure my elbow brushes against his. I’ve had the look from him, now I need that tangible certainty he wants me.

He has a pen in his hand, for occasionally correcting my answers. I finish writing the answer, and catch my pen on his so that our hands touch. I blink at him, and I notice his eyes shine slightly brighter, his mouth move into a genuine smile. This is it. I’m bringing something out.

But then, our hour’s lesson is over. He gets up, and I do. My mom always keeps an envelope with cash inside to give to him. I hand it over.

“Thank you very much Mr Plummer.”

“Well done. You’re going to get in.”

“I hope so. I’m trying. Harvard is just so competitive.”

“More studying. You can do it.”


“Yes. We’ve spent two years working on this. You’ll make it.”

I look down. The pressure of disappointing my parents is so strong, right now, at this moment, I want Mr Plummer to be the one to tell me I’m unconditionally valued.

He moves closer to me, and I can just see the envelope in his hand. He touches my chin, and I look up.

“You’ll get there.”

I feel his soothing voice as the greatest comfort I have. I move close to him, and put my left arm round his back. Still holding the envelope, he puts that arm around me. From here, as he’s maybe a foot taller, I can just about kiss his neck.

Then I feel a brief kiss on my right cheek. He wants me! I pull at his back, to get at his lips. They touch. Now, I can take this man. I hold him with all my strength, and finally our tongues lock. Here we are, alone in the house. Next to the dining table. His kiss – so calming, so warm.
