Someone like Zach [m]

I’m a pale, podgy and thoughtful housekeeper from Ireland. I’m also a sucker for a good romance, so when I saw Love Me Tender” scrawled in lipstick on the mirror, I couldn’t help but smile. It was the first chapter of Love Me Tender.

Zach’s voice jerked me out of my thoughts.”Hey, pretty lady. What are you doing this weekend?”

I squinted up at him. “Doing the usual. Housekeeping and all that jazz.”

“Jazz? That’s my girl.” He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Come with me.I need your help with something.”

I followed him through the back door and down the corridor to what used to be my bedroom, now turned into a sort of sitting room. The furniture had all been moved into the middle of the room, leaving a bare floor and whitewash walls.
There were two armchairs and a sofa, all in need of a good dusting. A window looked out onto the garden, and a door led outside. It was dark outside, so I could barely see anything. “Where are we going this weekend?”
I asked breathlessly, my heart thumping in my chest. I loved surprises. Who didn’t? The more unexpected, the better.”I need your help with something,” he repeated. “I’ve got this big project I need to finish, and I can’t do it without your help. Can you come down to the workshop and help me set up the equipment?”

“Of course I can. Anything for my handsome friend.” I patted my purse on the armchair next to me and took a seat.I knew exactly what he was going to ask me. I was prepared. I had all the answers ready to go.
I was ready to go. But something stopped me from responding. What if what he wanted was different from what I wanted? What if I was wrong? I chewed my nails, watching the clock tick away. Time was passing and I was doing nothing.I was watching and waiting. Waiting for what, I had no idea.

“Can you come down tomorrow too? I need your help with something again. The next day he said the same thing, and the day after that. It was like he was begging me to come down and help him, but I just sat there like a lump of clay, unresponsive.
“Hey, look. It’s the beautiful lady from upstairs.” Zach pulled up a chair next to me and plunked down his purse a leathery thing with buckles and zippers that made my head spin.
He opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted as the front door opened and my step-father poked his head in the doorframe.”Well, hello there, lovebirds!” he greeted us both with his southern drawl. “What are you up to this fine Sunday afternoon ?”
