**Pat was 76 but had the libido of a 50-year-old. My only regret was not fucking her sooner.**
**Hannah, a 69-year-old widow, hosted us weekly at her house. She, too, had a strong sex desire. I called them wrinkly, ripe, and randy without their knowledge.**
**My sex sessions had become virtually daily while Susan was away caring for her divorced mother, who had injured her arm. Hannah, unmarried, witnessed more action than Pat.**
**My wife called Monday morning. She would return late Friday afternoon.**
**I heard a knock while arranging a special homecoming. Pat smiled mischievously.**
**”I’m here for a fuck,” she said.**
**My semi-on before answering the door became a full-blown erection. My loose joggers showed it.**
**Pat looked down before looking up. Nobody spoke.**
**Pat wore a silky dark purple blouse. A lighter purple, lace bra supported huge white breasts underneath. A long dark blue dress had a tight red belt. Bright crimson lipstick complemented the belt. Her powerful, costly perfume assaulted my nostrils and caressed my erection.**
**Pat’s blue eyes were dilated as she slowly stroked my swelled member, alternating between my face and crotch. She occasionally stroked my balls.**
**Pat broke the silence by whispering in my ear after licking my neck.**
**”I’ll tell you.”**
**Her voice and breathing were excited.**
**”Hannah caught Andy and Chrissie in bed.**
**She spotted them in Andy’s house. Unlocked back door. Hannah escaped after witnessing them. She said she was turned on by it and has been fingering herself crazy since.”**
**Hannah’s children, Christine, who was in her third marriage, was known for her promiscuity, and Andrew, who was single and considered a wimp, surprised me.**
**”Fucking? Brother-sister! I said.**
**”Hannah spotted them sleeping with three or four opened condom packages by the bed.”**
**While she spoke, Pat moved her hips, ground herself into me, and panted loudly. I took her by her upper arms, twisted her so her back was pressed firmly to the wall, and pushed into her with a humping movement. Pat closed her eyes and crushed her lips against mine. An eager tongue probed my mouth.**
**Pat whispered:**
**”More. Hannah wants me to fuck Andy. “Tell her everything.”**
**I stepped away to slip my hand between her thighs and slide two fingers inside her while Pat spoke.**
**I want to fuck Hannah’s daughter.**
**I talked with my fingers, matching Pat’s breathing.**
**”You’ll get me off,” Pat snarled.**
**When I sensed she was close to climaxing, I homed in on her button and pressed hard. Pat erupted.**
**”Fuck! Good. “Fucking great.”**
**Pat’s screaming, yelping, and grunting orgasm continued as I squeezed harder.**
**After one last groan, Pat said “fuck” at least 20 times in a monologue full of sexual intensity. I expected a fuck or one of her top-notch blow jobs, but Pat shocked me.**
**Can we hang fire? Visit me at eleven.”**
**Although I was about to blow a load, the new arrangement had its perks. I didn’t want Pat’s aroma on the bedclothes when Susan returned.**
**”Yes,” I said.**
**”But I’ll still be around at eleven.”**
**The pause allowed me to shower before checking my emails.**
**The tremendous surge of warm water in the shower soothed me but did little to lessen my erection, which was red, rigid, and proud. Looking beyond my eleven o’clock promise, I imagined Susan’s homecoming and all the fun we would have.**
**By five to eleven, my erection had mostly subsided. When I closed my front door on the way to Pat’s, familiar stirrings reappeared.**
**I was surprised and disappointed to see a small blue hatchback on Pat’s drive. A bigger surprise awaited.**
**I rang the bell and closed the door, figuring it was broken.**
**I tapped Pat’s living room door before entering.**
**Pat was sitting on the settee with Hannah’s children, Andy and Chrissie.**
**”You told me you wanted to fuck Chrissie. She’s here. Tell her yourself.”**
**Chrissie’s eyes were locked on mine as she smiled, showing a set of teeth with a pronounced gap between the middle top ones. She wore black high-heeled shoes and a plain white blouse buttoned up to her neck. As I stared back, she slowly and carefully unbuttoned the cuffs.**
**I spoke gently despite my racing heart.**
**Open your legs, pull your cunt flaps, and let me eat your pussy. I want to taste my fuck.”**
**Pat murmured, barely above a whisper, as I waited for Christine.**
**Andy, will you attack me? You’ve never licked someone my age. It’ll satisfy. Bring me off and you can fire spunk up my wrinkled slit.”**
**While Pat spoke, Chrissie rolled a pair of skimpy black panties down her legs, picked them up off the floor, and placed them on the arm of the settee. I stepped forward and knelt down in front of her, my face six inches from her knees. She lifted her skirt and parted her thighs, slowly covering her shaved heaven with both hands.**
**Chrissie and I were ready, but Andy beat us to it. In seconds, he unzipped his erection, ripped Pat’s underpants off, and pressed his tongue hard on her 76-year-old glory hole. Pat didn’t mind.**
**”Lick faster, nasty little bastard. Make my cunt painful, nasty fucker.”**
**Chrissie, unlike her brother, was in no rush. When she opened her beautiful pink pussy, she did it carefully as if she were opening the petals of a delicate flower. Kneeling in front of her, I lowered my head, ready to home in on her bud. My tongue was close to making contact when Chrissie replaced her hands, blocking access.**
**”Titties before clitty,” she murmured, waving me away.**
**Her breasts were a good handful and firm with dark, noticeable nipples. I teased her by trailing the tip of my tongue around each nipple, barely touching her skin, which was turning a deep crimson on her upper body. Bra, skirt, and shoes followed.**
**Christine was two years into her third marriage and a year from reaching 40. When she married her first husband, George, a young lawyer with strong religious beliefs, she was sexually naive.**
**Christine rapidly overcame her inexperience with George, a devoted Christian with a powerful libido.**
**After four years of joyful, monogamous marriage, George was slain instantaneously by a hit-and-run driver who was never caught.**
**After six months of celibacy, Christine had a string of affairs and one-night stands before marrying Robin, an accountant two years her junior. Two days after their honeymoon, Robin came home drunk and hit Christine, who threw him out and filed for divorce the next day.**
**After years of playing the merry widow/promiscuous divorcee, Chrissie settled for husband number three, Tom, a laid-back bohemian art teacher who believed in open relationships. The arrangement seemed to work well for both of them and had provided untold pleasure for many men and women, young and old.**
**After licking Christine’s nipples, I moved my mouth to her stomach and probed her deep navel with my tongue.**
**”Down,” she said.**
**”Down. Lower me.”**
**I stepped up and took a step back to undress, watching Pat writhe in ecstasy as Andy continued his cunnilingus frenzy.**
**I was untying my joggers when my phone buzzed in my pocket with a text message.**
**I checked my phone, cursing myself for not turning it off, and saw a message from my wife, Susan:**
**Taxi. 30-minute return. Prepare for long fucking.”**
**The other three ignored my whispered text message.**
**I gave myself 10 more minutes in Pat’s house to watch and compose myself.**
**Andy was kneeling astride Pat, his bright red cock inches from her belly, having called time-out on his muff-diving.**
**”I’m blowing,” he said.**
**I’ll quit. Spunking. Where? Where should I shoot? “**
**Her response, with flaring nostrils and cherry-red cheeks, will stay with me forever.**
**”Shotgun your sister.” Spunk her.”**
**Surprised and extremely turned on, I dropped to a crouching position and squeezed the base of my erection tightly. Emergency flash flood prevention accomplished, it was time to decide: text Susan back with an excuse or leave the party. I chose expediency, made my excuses, and left. As I closed the door, I heard Pat’s voice.**
**”Andy. “Fuck your sister’s cunt and I’ll fuck her face.”**
**I don’t know what happened next, but neither Andy nor his sister yelled.**
**After returning home, I splashed cold water on my face, inhaled deeply, and closed my eyes to calm down.**
**By the time the taxi arrived, my breathing, color, and erection had returned to normal. When Susan got out, I grew hard again.**
**She was wearing tight jeans and a loose white blouse tucked in at the waist, and her shoes had low heels that highlighted her shapely, well-toned rear. The taxi driver avoided my eyes when I paid him the fare and a modest tip. I carried the two large suitcases across the threshold and placed them near the stairs.**
**Susan closed the door and began a slow striptease when I turned around.**
**Susan undid the top three buttons before reaching behind her back and closing the floor-length curtains by the glass panelled front door. After carefully unfastening the other buttons, she straightened her arms, gave a little shimmy, and let the garment fall to the floor. Her bra was tight, well-fitting, and generously filled, but its decorative fabric was thick, revealing her hard nipples.**
**Susan softly massaged her breasts after unbuckling her belt and loosening the top of her pants.**
**After two or three minutes, her fingers made the return point and her right hand pressed down inside her black cotton underwear. She closed her eyes and enjoyed.**
**Her gentle but strong hand and finger movements were definitely arousing her.**
**I was about to grab her when Susan opened her eyes, grinned, and pushed past me to gently ascend the stairs. Halfway up, she turned and revealed her palm. I hesitated to follow.**
**After she turned and continued to the top of the steps, Susan gently turned and called me up, only to stop me halfway up.**
**She unbuttoned the top of her trousers before reaching behind and slowly unfastening her bra. Her enormous breasts trembled seductively, and her nipples were rock hard.**
**Unable to contain myself, I climbed the remainder of the stairs and joined Susan on the landing, thrusting my right hand down the front of her loosened trousers and squeezing her pussy.**
**After two slow thrusts, I withdrew my fingers, put them either side of her clit, and gently but swiftly frigged her.**
**I sunk to my knees and pushed her jeans down to her ankles as Susan was ready to climax. I wanted to suck pussy and fuck even more.**
**Susan groaned when I entered her and pushed all the way in. I stiffened my legs and didn’t move, suppressing the temptation to ejaculate. Pat, the septuagenarian, was very outspoken during sex.**
**I wanted to tell Susan that I’d been fucking and eating the pussies of two seventy-year-old women, but I resisted the desire.**
**I started thrusting with slow, methodical strokes, but soon I was in passionate overdrive, quick, hard, and rough. Susan pushed back equally hard and fast.**
**I pushed in all the way and froze, trying to delay my ejaculation, but I flooded her like I had never flooded her before, causing more involuntary jerking and passionate shrieking.**
**I grabbed Susan, whose jeans were still about her ankles, by the wrist and dragged her into the bedroom where we both stripped and collapsed into the bed. Ten minutes later, Susan got on top and we made love again. Susan spoke for the first time since returning in a casual tone.**
**”Good and awful.”**
**I’ve invited my mother to visit and she’ll arrive tomorrow.**
**She paused.**
**”Good news. She wants you to fuck her, which is wonderful news.**

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zgrqpv/wrinkly_kinky_and_promising_fiction