Roommate’s Forbidden Temptations Part 2

I’m sitting on the bed, and I’m looking at my phone. 3:47 a.m. Who is this? Send.

Tess, this is Josh. I was hoping that you would be home so that we could have a little chat.I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I wanted to run things by you before I did anything stupid. What do you think?

Josh stares at me for a few seconds, and I feel my cheeks flush. Shit, I didn t think he would remember my name. “Sure, come in,” I say, waving to him. “Why don t you take a seat over there?I’ll go make us some drinks.”

I turn to the fridge, and see that we are out of everything except vodka and lemonade. I M FUCKING STARVING, and the thought of making a drink makes me want to puke. So instead, I open a bottle of water, and pour a little vodka in it.It helps calm my nerves.

I should have trusted my gut instead of my best friend sipping tea with me while I confessed my love for her. I should have known that Josh was up to something when he stopped by our apartment unannounced last night.If I had turned him away, maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe…

“So what kind of chat do you want? I ask Josh when he takes a seat across from me. “Are you going to ask me to move out so that you and Katherine can have the room?

Or are you going to ask me to leave because you two are going to have sex?” I wait for his answer, but all he does is stare at me. Nice try, Josh. I know that look.
