Shy Guy At Work Reveals His Hidden Talent [F/M]

Sienna walks into the kitchen to find Henry making tea. He spins around when he sees her, spilling his drink in the process.

Henry works in tech and was excellent at his job. There was just one problem. He was painfully shy, to the point where he was awkward to be around.

Awkward for most people anyway.

Sienna smiles at him only to see his face turn red in response. “Hi Henry. How are you doing?” She beams at him, hoping her friendliness will ease his discomfort. He looks down at his mug and quietly speaks. “Hi Sienna. I am ok thanks. I’m good. I’m fine.” He mutters in a fluster.

Men often found themselves flustered in her presence, not because she was unkind or unfriendly, because she was sexy and beautiful in an effortless way.

Pretty much everyone found themselves flustered in Henry’s presence, purely because of his bashful and introverted personality.

She grins at his shyness, finding it almost endearing. She reaches behind him to open the cupboard, her breasts inches away from his shoulder. She is almost enjoying seeing him squirm in her presence.

She is surprised to find he has not left yet and even more so when he tries to continue the conversation. “Erm…how is your website coming along?”

Sienna looks at him slightly perplexed, trying to recall when she told him about the website she was trying to set up outside of work.

“It’s not. I’m not great at that stuff. It’s taking me far longer than it should be.” She sighs, thinking about the time she’s wasted so far.

“Erm…I could help…if you want.” Henry doesn’t take his eyes off his mug as he speaks and turns a deeper shade of red.

Sienna is a little taken aback by this offer, but desperately wants to get her website up and running. “Sure, that would be great. It’s not related to work though so if you wouldn’t mind popping over to mine some time, that would be great. Do you have your phone? I’ll give you my number.”

Henry looks at her in disbelief, before fumbling around in his pockets for his phone. He unlocks it and hands it to her. She types in her number and hands it back. “Are you free tonight? I’m keen to get this thing live.”

Henry smiles for the first time. “Tonight? Yes…yes I am free. Sure. Tonight.” Sienna finishes making her tea and shouts as she’s leaving, “I’ll text you my address!”

There is a gentle knock on the door. Sienna opens it expecting to find a coy looking Henry. She is pleasantly surprised to see how different he looks outside of work. He seems relaxed in his jeans and hoodie. She notes he even looks a little sexy in his casual attire.

“Come in. Would you like a drink? I’m having a wine if you’d like one.” Henry nods and Sienna pours him a glass. “There’s my laptop, it’s logged in. Go ahead and take a look.” She gestures to the dining room table and sits in the chair next to him.

“So, this is what I have so far. Like I said, it’s not brilliant.” She leans over him to move the mouse pad and brushes his arm slightly. He wriggles a little and takes a large swig of his wine. “Ok I’ve got it. I can fix this easily. You go ahead and leave me to it ” Henry starts working and looks transfixed.

Sienna smiles and goes to speak, but thinks better of it. He is concentrating so hard she doesn’t want to disturb him. She decides to take a shower and goes upstairs.

She smiles to herself in the shower. Henry is such a great guy, she thinks. Handsome too. She’s never really noticed that before. Afterwards, she puts on her robe. Still unable to shake the idea of finding shy guy Henry from work attractive she laughs to herself and reaches for her wine before realising she left it downstairs.

Henry glances up and stares at her coming down the stairs. She is in a white robe, her dark long hair dripping wet. “Sorry, forgot my wine!” She laughs.

“I erm…I’ve nearly finished.” He calls out to her before she goes back upstairs. She rushes over, unable to contain her excitement. “That was fast! Let me see.” Once again she sits next to him, even closer to him now. Henry gulps as she leans over and takes control of the laptop. He finishes the last of his wine quickly. “Jeez, it’s hot in here.” He quickly whips off his hoodie. Sienna glances down at him, noticing his lean body in a tight fitting t-shirt. “Henry, this is fantastic! Thank you!” She hesitates slightly before reaching her arms around his neck to hug him. She lingers a little longer than necessary, noticing his subtle but alluring scent. “I’m sorry, I’ll get changed, I’m dripping all over you!”

Sienna gets up and turns to head to the stairs when she stops dead upon hearing his voice. “Don’t. Please.” She turns slowly and looks at Henry in disbelief. His demeanour has changed. He doesn’t look shy or awkward. This is a man who knows what he wants. He wants her. Her mouth opens to speak before she is interrupted. “Take off your robe.” Her heart pounds as she looks at him. His face is serious, his arms crossed. He doesn’t break eye contact and waits.

Sienna takes a deep breath. As though hypnotised, her hands move to the belt on her robe. As she slowly undoes it she realises she is trembling slightly under his gaze. “Go on.” He commands, his face still serious.

She gently pushes one side off her shoulder revealing her right breast and leg. Completely composed, he commands her once again. “All of it. I want to see you.” She pushes the other side off and her robe drops to the floor.

Sienna smiles shyly as she stands naked, placing her hands on her hips in an attempt to hide her nervousness under his spell.

She feels his eyes going over every inch of her body. “Go to the bottom of the stairs and get on all fours.” Henry says authoritatively. Sienna takes a small breath as she does as she’s told. She walks to the stairs. Placing her hands on the third step and sticking her ass out she waits.

She waits for what feels like an eternity, breathing rapidly, feeling exposed and vulnerable, yet not wanting to move from her position. Her heart beats harder as she hears him approach. Her body tingles with anticipation when she hears him get closer.

She jumps a little as she feels his touch, rubbing her back, his soft warm hands caressing her slowly, moving down inch by inch. She exhales quickly as they move to her breasts and she finds herself pushing backwards inviting him closer.

She can’t help but cry out when feels his tongue on her labia, lapping her up slowly. When he reaches her clit she shudders. He laps at her and rubs her clit gently with his fingers. She rocks back and forth in time rhythmically before climaxing hard. “Fuck!” She cries out. She turns to look at Henry, shocked and delighted at his talent. “Hi.” He grins at her, her wetness all over his face. She launches herself at him, kissing him desperately and forcefully whilst unzipping his jeans. She yanks them off and sits on the stairs, placing her face in the perfect position. She stares, still in disbelief at his cock. Henry’s cock. The guy who could barely say two words to her earlier. Her mouth hangs open.

“That’s nice and wide. Perfect” He says with a devious look on his face as he enters her gaping mouth. He pushes her back and forces himself into her, gripping the stairs as he fucks her face. Sienna grabs his ass cheeks and guides him back and forth into her mouth, loving him taking control. His grunts and groans make her moan in response as she feels him getting close to orgasm.

He pulls out of her unexpectedly, speaking in his commanding tone, “Turn over.” Sienna obliges quickly, spinning around and sticking her ass in the air. She grips onto the stair bannister with one hand and the step with another as she feels him brushing the tip of the cock up and down her lips and her entrance. She opens her mouth in shock as she feels his hands gently grasp her neck and she hears him speak once more, “Tell me how much you want me to fuck you. How much you need this cock inside you” She nearly loses balance at the sound of him cursing, but realises she is gushing even more. She likes it. A lot. She whispers quietly. “Please. I still need your help. I need to be filled by your cock. Right now.”

She gulps as he continues to tease her entrance, her labia swollen and clit throbbing. All at once she is in heaven. The feeling of his cock entering her and filling her completely, alongside with his hands grasping her neck is enough to make her scream out in pleasure. He fucks her delicately, slowly withdrawing his cock and entering her deeply and fully. In and out, occasionally grunting with each penetration. He is cool, in control. He shows no signs of coming yet.

Sienna’s knees are sore, but she can’t get enough of Henry fucking her. She feels as though she could be fucked like this forever.

Ever so slightly he ups the pace, lowering one hand to circle her clit. He quickens his movements and knows Sienna is going to orgasm soon. Her noises are getting louder and she’s pushing into him deeper. He rubs her harder and feels her contracting on his cock in another spectacular orgasm. Quickly he spins her round and strokes his cock aiming it at her face. Still in the midst of her orgasm Sienna willingly opens her mouth, staring into his eyes as he cums on her face and in her mouth.

He lifts her up in an embrace and smiles at her, breathless and happy. Sienna looks at Henry, still in disbelief that this is the same guy from work.

“Fuck Henry. That was unbelievable! I mean you’re so quiet at work…I had no idea.” She says with a grin.

Henry smiles back at her. There is silence between them for a few seconds before he speaks candidly, with that effortless charm he keeps well hidden in the workplace. “It’s the quiet ones that are the most observant. The ones that pay attention.” He nuzzles into her ear, his hot breath making her shudder.

“To your every want.” He whispers, Sienna bites her lip as he kisses her ear lobe. “Your every need.” He kisses her neck and her thigh twitches. “Your every desire.” His face turns to hers.

Sienna looks at Henry, completely lost in his presence. No words are needed. Instead she embraces him with a kiss, soft, sensual and slow, before leading him upstairs.



  1. oooo, this has all the elements that I like and it always is the quiet ones, isn’t it?😈

  2. I’ve been saying for decades that it’s the quiet, shy type of man that many women should be looking for.

    Or I would have been saying that, if I wasn’t so shy and quiet. So thanks, on behalf of all of the quiet ones

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