My Boss is into me… Part 2

So, since the events of my last post, he has definitely gotten touchier. It probably hasn’t helped that I haven’t stopped him either.

It started with little things obviously, accidentally bumping into me, or his hand would just so happen to brush against me. He started standing much closer to me than usual which meant brushing against eachother etc happened often, but it wasn’t anything worth bringing up to him, especially since I couldn’t even prove it was on purpose.

But after the night I mentioned in my last post, the touching has escalated a bit. To recap, I was venting to him about something that happened in my life, and I had a bit of a break down over it. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the office, giving me a very long tight hug, it lasted a couple minutes at least. I didn’t ask for it, but honestly I did need it, and it did help, so of course I never said anything about it after.

Well, he has started hugging me regularly now. Every day when I get to work, I like to say hi to all my co workers, and when I pop over to say hi to him, he always gives me a quick, tight hug now, and he gives me a longer hug when we are about to go home. Somtimes he finds reasons to give me a quick hug throughout the day too, in response to a story I tell him, or for helping him with something etc.

I’ve noticed a lot of the time when we talk his hand ends up on my shoulder for a moment, or he will put his hand on my arm or my side etc to get my attention instead of just saying my name. Or, he will do that thing where he puts his hand on the wall near me and leans against it. It just feels like the whole time I am talking he is wishing he had an opportunity to touch me. It seems so obviously yet no one else has noticed apparently.

I feel like everyone is just blind, but I know he waits until people leave to do most of his hugging and his staring, so maybe he is just more careful about it than I realize.

I know this probably sounds like I’m complaining. And I know this probably makes him sound creepy. Which, I guess it is a bit, since he never asked or anything before he started being so touchy. But I honestly don’t mind most of it. He honestly is a really nice, really sweet guy. And definitely pretty cute.. and we’ve gotten along mostly well since I started working there. I haven’t had a boyfriend in.. a while. Being single for so long was starting to get lonely.. and then he started touching me more, and I catch his eyes on me all the time, so he must think I’m cute, sexy, whatever.. it was a bit weird at first, sure, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t purposely ending up in the room alone with him at this point, leaning into his hugs a bit longer than before, maybe checking him out back when he isn’t looking.

That first day, in the office, he kissed my cheek before he let me go. I thought maybe he would try something like that again, or honestly have tried to go further by now.. magbe I just need to wearing something revealing again, get every bit of attention from him I can, see if he will push any further if I show him what he has clearly been wanting to see? I guess we’ll find out


1 comment

  1. No one has missed this… They all know. Everyone knows when the boss is fucking or planning on fucking a subordinate.

    Have you asked anyone at work if they have noticed his changed behaviour? Or are you thinking because no one has said anything to you that they just don’t realize what’s going on?

    No one says anything directly to you because you now have a position of power over them. You are the favorite and going against you or risking you being angry or upset means there’s the potential you will talk to the boss making their life harder.

    So I guess it all depends on what you want. How much you like your job. Etc etc…. So many factors as to answering the question if this is good or not.

    Lots of successful workplace romances out there…. Also lots of litigious sad badly managed relationships and failed careers.

    Good luck!!

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