As we approach the dark wood door, Jack grabs my hand. He comes to a halt, his hand hovering over the handle. A lustful twinkle lights his blue-green eyes, indicating that he is already itching to please me. Just two weeks after the birthday treat reveal, all of his ideas are coming to fruition. Surges of excitement and hormones flourish as butterflies in my gut, peaking in my chest and causing my heart to race. This fantasy I’m about to play out will undoubtedly consume us both and blossom into insurmountable lust. My desire for female touch began in my adolescence, but I’ve always ended up with men.

What a perfect realization for both of us. I never would have guessed it was one of his fantasies as well. Furthermore, I had assumed he wanted to be a part of our first threesome. Over the next twenty minutes, his edging will be more than intense. He is aware of the rules. He is not permitted to touch me while I am on the bed until the two women have left. As much as I want this massage, I can’t decide whether I’m more excited about the erotic touch of the women or the aftermath of Jack fucking me once the women leave. It’s like having to choose between chocolate and chocolate. Impossible.

He puts his finger to his smiling lips. I adopt his expression. It’s going to be the best birthday surprise ever.

I shift my gaze to the bulge that is already pressing out the crotch of his pants. I had to change into the soft terry cloth robe in the dressing room. My undressing fueled the lusty fire in his pants, or perhaps it was the insatiable desire to see two women bring me to climax.

He slowly presses the door handle, almost as if he’s sneaking up on me, opening the doorway that will give me something I’ll never forget. He certainly won’t. It will be a gift we can open and enjoy for years to come, celebrating and savoring it together.

I take in his expression. This is both his and my birthday treat to enjoy my orgasm at female hands—from the wonderful collaborative touches of two. We’d never shared each other in our ten years together, his yearning for the taste of a role as voyeur mirroring my own desire to be on display in the throes of passion.

This is flawless.

We had discussed female erotic massage in the afterglow of magnificent sex, which had further wetted my pussy. How had he come across this opportunity? When I finished the ride, our joint juices had migrated to his shaved balls, topping our first round in a flurried reverse cowgirl fuck.

I bite my lower lip as he gently pulls me into the room, his large warm hand never leaving mine, his demeanor, the intimacy that cradles and eliminates my worry. We’re all in it together.

If he makes it that far, his plush beige armchair awaits. He’ll play the mime, the amateur cameraman, me never seeing, touching nothing as I’m touched. The mere thought of two women’s intimate female touch fills my pelvis with desire.

The room is dimly lit and decorated in soothing beige tones with black accents. On the bed is a lush white blindfold. Jack is moving so slowly that it appears to be a dream. The music wafting into the room is seductive and mysterious, dark, with notes that ask questions while also telling us everything in a beautiful way.

Jack motions to the bed but stops me from sitting. He slips his hands beneath my robe, caressing me with his hands as he boldly exposes my naked body to his eyes. His enchantment does not stop there.

“This is the last time I can touch you until we’re alone again,” he says as he leans in and almost kisses me. “And make no mistake, I will fuck you into so many multiples that I’ll need to carry you out of here,” he says in my ear.

I want to squeal with delight at his promise. Instead, I nod while licking my lips, enticing him to kiss me while also tasting the citrus-tangerine lip balm. My tongue receives a delightful tangy gush from the taste.

I’m not afraid to ask. “Jack, please kiss me before they come in,” I say, tilting my head up and parting my lips as my hands travel from the back of his neck to his pecks, down his taut stomach, and ending in a cradling of his cock to signal my desire for him.

My thickening womanhood twitches beneath her fleshy hood as he lets out a low man growl that matches the intensity of his gaze.

“Opal, you are so beautiful,” he murmurs. I can’t get enough of looking at you. “I’m touching you.” He moves his lips an inch closer to mine. “My hands will join their hands, and my eyes will touch you alongside them.”

We have a deep French kiss, and I can’t help but want to give in to my desire, lean back onto the bed, and pull him on top of me.

He shatters our kiss. After a brief pause, he reaches behind me and cups my right ass cheek before draping the blindfold over my eyes.

“It’s time,” he says softly, as if I’m imagining it. He presses the fabric against my closed eyes before tying it behind my head in a knot.

My surroundings darken, but my senses brighten. My brain is brighter than usual. The music becomes more sensual as it progresses. His breathing is panting-like, coming in puffs against my cheek.

Even my nakedness appears more sensual.

“Sit back and scoot until your ass hits the pillows.” Then either lie down or sit. From now on, it’s entirely up to you. Remember that I will always love you.”

I won’t hear his voice again until it’s over, but his affirmations of adoration, his promises, ring softly in my head. I’m a very fortunate woman.

I sigh deeply, almost meditatively, and repeat his words. “I’ll love you for the rest of my life.”

He laughs. “Ditto. And I will delight you for a day beyond eternity.”

As I slide back on the bed, the silence seems far too long, and I haven’t even felt my cheeks on the pillow yet. My irritability is rising. My heart is pounding like he’s spanking my clit with his palm. I’m bursting inside with excitement, which I long to express vocally. But for the time being, I am content to wait.

The music does not drown out the sound of the door opening, which signals the arrival of the women. I take another deep breath to calm my nerves because I’m so excited I could scream. I twitch slightly as they get closer to me.

I’ve been untouched for an eternity.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zd9tf8/f_birthday_treat_ch1

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