The MILF Saga. The Education of Will. Chapter 1 – The Seduction of a Young Man Behind the bar, Will

The MILF Saga. The Education of Will.
Chapter 1 – The Seduction of a Young Man

Behind the bar, Will was a pleasant figure. A nice young man of 22 with a quick wit, earnest attention and the gift of easy conversation. He smiled easily laughed pleasantly. He looked like an athlete with broader shoulders than most young men his age with strong, muscular arms that peeked from beneath his well fit polo shirt. His shoulders narrowed in a V down to a size 32 waist. As a former collegiate athlete, a pole vaulter, he came by it naturally.

Women liked him, college coeds and young working women found him desirable. They patronized the popular bar and restaurant where he worked, by the dozens. As a group they all dressed the same, similar styles of the day. Dating them or finding a sex partner came fairly easy almost too easy. To him it was like eating vanilla ice cream, each bite tasted delicious, but in the end it was still vanilla.

Then there was another group of women. They were older. Most were divorcees in their late 30’s or 40’s. Will found them intriguing. They looked different in their maturity. They dressed different, with a style and class. They smelled different, they smelled sensuous. They carried themselves with a sense of confidence. Unlike the younger women, they never looked around at every new person who came in the door or to see who else was there. They drank and had a good time, but were never the loud, drunk chicks in the room.

Will had gotten to know all of them by name and always said hello. One woman, Catherine, had made a point to sit at the bar every now and then to visit between Will’s busy work. They came to know each other well. She’d tease him about the young women’s attention he seemed to get.

“You must get fucked a lot..” she’d say with a wicked little wink. “Getting fucked a lot doesn’t mean you’re getting fucked well…” as she held her gaze on him and sipped her martini.

When the group of older men came in to drink with her group regularly, she’d leave them after awhile and join Will at the bar. She’d complain how boring and full of themselves they were. One night she stayed with the group. As closing time neared, the crowd began filtering out, her party broke up. Catherine walked over to the bar and apologized for not sitting with him tonight. She asked what time he was off and what he had planned later.

“I’ve got nothing going on. I might head over to The Crow’s Nest for a bolt or five.” He smiled.

Handing him a card, she said; “I’m having a late swim party at my house. I’ll make up for ignoring you. Here’s my number. My address is on the back.”

As she turned to walk away, she stopped and turned back to him; “Will, I only ask once, sweetheart…” she slowly winked and kissed the air in his direction.

Looking at her as she invited him home, sent a deep, throbbing tingle into his groin and stomach. It was palpable. A feeling he’d never felt. Catherine was a vision. She exuded intense sexuality in that moment. At 40, she was in her prime, a tall brunette with very womanly curves. Her eyes were large and green. Her lips were full, very attractive physically. Her spirit was intoxicating. So different than the young women he was used to.

Will drove home to shower and change clothes. His roommate was relaxing on the couch when he walked in their bachelor pad.

“We going to the Nest, bro?”

“Na, I’ve been invited to a swim party. You know that older gal, Catherine, from the bar? She wants me to come over.”

“Dude, really?! She’s probably only 5 years younger than your mom! Fucking smok’n hot though.”

“Actually 8 years younger. So my mom’s not hot?”

“Bro your mom is really good looking. I didn’t mean that.”

Will laughed; “Thanks I guess, you fucking perv.”

Will pulled into a long residential culdesac. A nice neighborhood, well groomed. Late model cars in the driveways. Catherine’s home was at the end. A stylish single story, Spanish design with a tile roof. No carsbwete parked in front, only her black Lexus was in the driveway. Fuck! He thought, am I late? Everyone gone?

The front porch light was on. He noticed a note taped to the door. Hmmm…maybe something came up. Will walked up and pulled the note down.

“Will, I’m in the pool. The door’s open. Come in and head to the patio, you can’t miss it. Beers are in the fridge if you’re thirsty. 💋, Cate ”

He walked through the house to the kitchen area. It was adjacent to a den furnished with an overstuffed leather couch and large recliner chair. A sliding glass door that strangely reflected like a mirror back at him. Sliding the door open he was greeted with a scene almost out of a movie.

There were no lights on under the patio cover. The pool was lit from underwater, the only source of light. A lone figure silhouetted by the light slowly and smoothly breast stroked toward him. Her frog kicks were elegant, long and efficient.

“You made it… I wasn’t sure. I’m so glad.” She said quietly.

“I thought you said a swim party?” Will chuckled

“It only takes two to make a party, sweetheart.”

The deep tingle hit him again and got more intense as she came out of the water and walked up the pool steps, totally nude. He had never seen a woman like her in his entire life. Her hair was wet, swept back by the water. Her face was gorgeous. Her breasts hung in a perfect droop, heavy and natural. Globes that swayed back and forth as she climbed the pool stairs. Her nipples were thick and erect from the cool water. The slight pooch of her tummy took his breath away. It trailed down to wide hips and a perfectly trimmed pubic mound. Her pussy lips purtruded between a pair of strong thighs.

Catherine didn’t pause. She came straight to him and kissed him deeply on the mouth. Pressed her wet body against him. He was intently soaked.

“Ohhh …. I’m sorry” she whispered in his ear. “You’re shirt is wet…”

Catherine grasped his tee-shirt at the waist and pulled it up and over his head.

“I want to feel your skin on mine.”

Turning back and forth, her hard nipples brushed his hairy chest. It was spectacular. Skin on skin. Her full, round, swaying breasts…her wide areolas had puckered into big, thick nipples. He could feel them not just against his chest but deep, deep into his soul.



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