How I made my Step-Dad my ‘Daddy’ [Non-Fiction]

Hi everyone!

So me and my Daddy have started an account and began posting about our relationship. We aren’t able to be open and honest about it in real life so in that sense it is very restrictive. We agreed that maybe Reddit would be the place where we could at least be free, fairly anonymous and without the level of judgement we would receive from friends and family. We have been asked so many times about how this started so I decided to write a fairly concise story of how it all unfolded. I hope you like it:

The events of me [F19] and Daddy started fairly innocently. My biological Dad had left years ago and it was just my mother left in the house with me. I’d like to say her drinking started after him but it was her drinking that drove him away. She’s hot that’s no secret but whenever she drinks she is an utter bitch. She was a high-functioning alcoholic who was still able, for the most part, to maintain her lifestyle but in some ways this made things worse. To say she is judgemental and negative is an understatement. If someone offered her the world she would want the universe. Nothing is ever enough for her and the only thing that seems to dull her need for more is alcohol. She eventually sobered up but only after smashing her car up and receiving a DUI charge. That’s when my Step-Dad came on to the scene.

He had met her during her sober period and things had really been a lot better at home too. She had been kinder to me and dropped the abusive behaviour that had made me want to leave so many times before. The first time I met my Step-Dad he was an instant breath of fresh air. He smiled and was kind and gentle. My biological Dad tried to be this way but abuse from mum made him avoid being in the house as much as possible. My Step-Dad was well over 6 foot and mixed race. I love mixed guys and girls on TV since I was little so this was instantly exciting. I’d had friends my own age who were mixed race too but I couldn’t stop thinking about him even after the first day we met. I didn’t really understand what the feeling was as at the time since I didn’t really *know* him. As days went on he went from invading my thoughts to invading my masturbation sessions. I’d replace the faceless figures between my legs and replace them with him. It felt weird to spend time with him and my mum when, in my imaginations, I had just had him licking my cunt 5 minutes ago. To say the least it became more difficult to look him in the eyes. It started to affect me in a way I couldn’t understand very well. I had a crush that much was true but something felt more aggressive about this.

To distract myself, I start masturbating to porn to remove my imagination from the equation. Typically my interests have never lied in vanilla porn and so I frequented more amateur and less main-stream sites. On one very horny occasion, I had stumbled on a 50 minutes porn video that had inadvertently featured an incest scene between a Father & Daughter. At first I was a bit grossed out but suddenly felt myself building up to an orgasm. I’d been fucking my pussy with a hairbrush handle and the pace had picked up to a point where I was mindlessly slamming my insides. You know those orgasms where no matter what you do you can’t stay quiet? Yeah that was basically one of those. My hands were soaked and my hairbrush had my juices and white cream dripping down it. The porn videos started becoming more frequent and before long it was obvious that not only did I have a crush on our new family member but also had a thing for incest or in this case, step-family members. The realisation that it was lust I felt actually made things easier moving on.

Instead of feeling uncomfortable around him, I’d use the feelings to become excited. I’d listen to them fuck and make myself yelp at hearing him finish. I’d sneak glances as he left the bathroom and pin my eyes on the shaped in his shorts whenever he sat in the lounge. This went on until Mum started to drink again. She had lasted maybe 4 months without a sip and then on something as meagre as not getting a job promotion, she returned to the bottle. My Step-Dad was now becoming introduced to the ice-queen and he didn’t like what he saw. My Dad would take as much verbal abuse as he could and would often leave the house to chill out but…he always came back. I’d be in tears from abuse or stress of looking after her but whenever I was at my lowest, my Step-Dad was there to pick me up. He was about as fatherly as one human being could be. He would drive me places to meet friends. Take me for fast food. Buy me new games without me even asking. *I just felt wanted*. I started wondering if my Step-Dad would ever want to be with me instead. It started off as a comforting thought…a nice fantasy. However, on one particularly nasty tirade from my mother, I decided to take my fantasy and see if it could be a reality. I was doubtful it would go anyway so I it was more of a revenge based self-comforting thing at first.

I would make sure he saw me staring at him. He was beyond naïve to my feelings and would ask things like “you okay?” to which I responded with just a cute smile and a “yeah”. I’d make him lunch and give him a hug before he went out, maybe a cheeky kiss on the cheek if I could get away with it. Slowly my clothes became more revealing but never slutty enough to raise eyebrows from my mother. Just some mid-riff or revealing legs. My mother would call me a slut anyway so I may as well dress a bit like one. On one occasion we had lost a member of the family and my Step-Dad hugged me as I cried. It was here that the words came out of my mouth. “Thanks Daddy”. To this day I don’t know if I meant to say it consciously or sub-consciously. He laughed but not in a mean way. It was in a way that the words meant a great deal to him. I was releived. From then on that’s how he was known and my mum never raised an eyebrow to the term.

From there I escalated things. I’d walk out of the bathroom with my towel only just exposing just a slither of my areolas. I’d walk around the house in a fairly short skirt, no panties and then ‘forget’ about the fact when I reached down to pick food out from the bottom shelf of the fridge or the floor. I’d hear him clear his throat or shuffle in his chair and look away with an awkward look on his face. Even IF this never went anywhere, knowing he had just seen my fresh pussy was a massive turn-on and so exhilarating. I’d dance to music in my room with the door open and make sure he saw every bit of me as I moved. My makeup started getting more ‘cute’ bordering on the E-girl look with freckles and blush added. Something was very slowly changing between us and even though he never hinted at wanting me sexually, we had become closer and closer. We’d laugh at the same stupid shit on TV and want to see the same movies at the cinema. We’d both want to play the same games or chill out to the same music.

We were getting super close while mum was drinking more and more and soon he began to notice her decline. We would be laughing and joking while my mother would be passing out on the sofa with half a bottle of Smirnoff leaking into the carpet. He was feeling responsible for my mother and so at one point tried to pull away from me and start focusing on caring for her. Still, I persisted – I guess the challenge was part of the fun and would verify what I wanted to know either way. I would run my pussy until my hand was doused. I’d go downstairs and sit on his knees. I’d shuffle back and ask for things in my ‘cutesy voice’ and puppy eyes. It was so easily disguised as a simply playing and my being a spoilt brat trying to get what I wanted but the wet skid subtly left on his leg left him with a good idea of what I’d be doing in my room for 20 minutes. He’d take a deep breath and struggled to make eye contact. He’d puff his chest and lean back taking awkward glances around the room or at mum as she stumbled around the kitchen. He’d say yes to whatever I had in order to placate me and get me off his lap without verbally asking me. At first I thought he felt disinterested but after time I could tell he was instead becoming flustered. The flirting continued for quite some time. I’d fall asleep on his shoulder or lay my feet on his lap and wiggle my ankles near his crotch until I could just about feel his meat. More than once he would tap my feet and make a quick excuse to leave the room. Me and mum would sit either side of him on the couch and watch TV. Even then I’d use my little finger to brush his finger and give him little sideways glances. He never looked back at me but his fingers twitched. It was just these little things for quite a time.

Until one night. Mum had been called away to Austria on a work trip. Me and my Step-Dad had spent most of the day together and it was almost like a holiday for me, even if it was only a few hours out of the house together. I knew this was an opportunity I might not get again in a while so decided to test the deepest waters yet. We were chilling in the kitchen when I subtly brought up the subject of sex. I casually but vaguely hinted at my likes and preferences and after a while he all but begged me to change the subject while shuffling on the kitchen stall. He changed the subject to how he had been feeling about the difficulties with my mother and her drinking. He stood up, began wandering around the kitchen started to get quite low in mood and questioned how long he would be able to handle her behaviour. She wasn’t just abusive to me but him and anyone else we knew. The sex between them had basically stopped and even when it happened, she was generally a horny boozed up train wreck to which he didn’t really enjoy.

It was at this point when it happened. I put my hands on his cheeks, stood on the tip toes and said “don’t be sad Daddy” and gave him the gentlest kiss on the lips. There was an awful silence and neither of us knew what to do. Just as he said my name, likely to tell me ‘we can’t do that’, I tip-toed again and kissed him harder. I wasn’t smiling this time. We both just looked at each other. I kissed him again and this time he kissed back. Our kisses became more aggressive and soon our tongues were fighting each in a combat that lasted near 15 minutes. My pussy was pulsing from finally being so close to what I wanted. I grabbed his hand and pulled it between my panty-less legs. He pulled away and clearly began trying to calm himself down. So, I stepped forward grabbed his hard cock and squeezed. I took his hand again, slowly brought it to my cunt and pushed his finger between my lips to feel my wetness and heat. “I want it” I said and kissed him again.

At this point he grabbed my ass, picked me up and carried me into the lounge, dumping me on the sofa. We both unbuckled his belt and pulled down his underwear. I stared with deep breathes at his hard cock and pulled by down between my open legs. He asked if “I was sure” and with a simple nod, received my Step-Dad into my pussy. He stretched my hole until my wetness coated him and with another push, began to take every inch of him into my body. We both groaned as the sensation took us. He unbuttoned my shirt and exposed my tits as the bounced. The tension between us was insane and all of our frustrations were coming out in one fell-swoop. He pounded into me over and over and eventually his eyes locked with mine. I knew he was close. I told him he could “cum inside” to which he was more than hesitant but didn’t stop thrusting. “I want it” I continued, holding his cheek in my hand. As he got close he told me he was going to cum. I screamed at him “DO IT!” and with a huge groan he started flooding my cunt with his cum. He says to this day that was still one of the hottest things in the world to him. I could feel him throbbing and knew I finally had my Step-Dads cum inside me. This drove me wild and the very thought, let alone the feeling of him hitting my cervix and receiving his load sent me over the edge. I yelped and clutched his back as my entrance pulsed around his meat. His cum was being slurped up by my cervix and taking its rightful place in my womb.
Unsurprisingly we fucked like rabbits after that. It was during this that he had cum in my mouth for the first time too to which I asked for a picture to mark the occasion. I’d not been able to eat it all and some had spilled down my chin making me giggle. He hesitantly took the picture and it still remains one of my favourites now. Time went on and on the surface our relationship hadn’t changed all that much. We discussed how I still wanted and valued him as a father figure to me which is what gave is the idea of bringing in a D/s style dynamic. We still live with my mother and she’d utterly clueless to what has been happening. I think she’s surprised that he hasn’t left yet but should that ever happen, I will be leaving with him. After sometime working the dynamic and growing closer as a couple, Daddy had put a collar around my neck with a padlock on. One side of it mentions Daddy but the other side is vague enough to look simply look a piece of alt fashion. My collaring, Daddy said, was to be thought of as a wedding ring and that’s how I think of it.

Our sex life only gets more exciting and imaginative. We always push boundaries between ourselves with the only real limitation being my mother’s presence. I love to sit next to my mother with my Step-Dad’s cum flooding my insides and his sperm invading my womb. She can sit there drunk and insulting but I’m the one sitting back with a quenched cervix. I will eventually have his children I don’t doubt that. We both have a breeding kink among many others and he’s failed to pull out before when I came off birth control for a cycle. We both knew the risk was huge yet he still pushed his sperm as far inside me as he could. I still held my legs up as we looked at each other thinking ‘let’s risk it just this one time’. It’s going to happen because my pussy and my womb don’t belong to me, they belong to him. They are his to inseminate – I am his to breed at will. With everything thing going on it is likely on a matter of time before we decide to leave but even when we move away and publically become a couple he will still be my Daddy.



  1. You had a bad situation but it sounds like you actually came out in a good place. Hopefully she gets help with the drinking. Thanks for sharing.

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