Focused CEO Part 1 [Rough][Misogyny][possessive][hand job]

Disclaimer: this will be a long read and I plan on continuing this story in further parts. The first part won’t be rough or have misogyny but will be introduced in upcoming parts. Misogyny will only be explored as a kink and not as a belief/way of life. Part 1 only has a handjob, no penetration.

I finally got my first job, and at the company I wanted most, Bellezza InfraTech, a fairly early-stage start-up company that creates virtual, and real-life infrastructure products that connect and interact with the client company’s development environment, and helps make milestoning, and communication between different parts of the company easy, and more presentable, providing an AI produced User Interface to make it easier for non-tech teams to understand the status of development, for the development team to test features, and to present to stakeholders without needing the development team to invest resources into the front end until they wish to.

The company has made its first product and in the past has only hired experienced developers to make its initial product, but now I, a fresher, have been hired as they have moved on to their scaling phase, making the product work with different development environments as it currently only works with some industry-leading development environments.

But even more impressive than all this, is the CEO, Marie, just in her early thirties, managing teams of men and women who were mostly older than herself while the company was only working with experienced employees and yet widely regarded as one of the best in all regards: marketing, understanding of tech, culture building, and leadership. And today at my orientation I will finally get to see her in person and I cannot be more excited.

So I wake up early well wake up isn’t even the exact word for it as I have barely even been asleep, I don’t think I even went into rem last night, it all felt like a dream as I quickly but carefully got dressed, trying to look casual but still sharp and well presented as the company has no strict dress code. I put on a white tee with a beige blazer over black trousers and white sneakers, put on my favorite black watch and the most expensive and elegant cologne I own, and got to the company campus before time, but decided to wait outside for a little bit then head in as I see a few more young people walk into the office. I head in with them and get seated in the third row. But even as we are ready to start, there aren’t many people in the room, maybe around 100 in total.

Soon enough the company’s existing team who were seated in the rows in front of me walked onto the stage, each person introducing themselves with their names and roles, a total of about 20 people in total including the tech and non-tech members. Once they all return to their seats, Marie gets up from her seat and heads onto the stage, my heart almost skips a beat as I see her, both from her looks, and the magnitude of seeing someone I have unanimously read so highly about on online forums during my research. She looks very different from what I imagined, not fitting the conventional definition of a modern and successful woman, dressing very modestly, in a very elegant and classy dress but not hugging her curves so only giving off a very broad estimate although she is fairly curvy, not big in any regards but giving her a definition even through the dress that is only loosely hugging her body, overall I’d describe her body as soft, unlike the tight body types you see on successful women online. But for some reason, her body and especially her cute face enticed me more than I imagined, maybe I found a type.

But I quickly snapped out of it as she started speaking, her voice filled with grace and humility even as she transitioned from introducing herself to speaking about the product, even her explanation was more modest and grounded than I’d imagined but still captivating, and she displayed the ability to be bold and passionate as she moved on to speaking about things that need to be delivered so to motivate the young incoming team, showing her skill of being an effective leader and adjusting to what is necessary at the moment.

Post lunch, we are shown the respective spaces for the teams we are hired for and get to work. A few weeks pass and I have a doubt regarding the product deployment which isn’t exactly my team’s focus as I work in the backend team but I insist that I believe I can do a better job if I know more about the deployment so I approach my team manager, Jose, he tells me about which team I can approach about it and lets me know which part of the office they are stationed at. While I am heading over to them, I see Marie and greet her, “Good morning”. She smiles at me and I instantly have a heart-melting moment seeing her pretty smile as if a teen having his first crush interaction but keeping a professional smile, “Good morning Marcus” she replies and I can’t help but be left jaw-dropped as she remembers my name even though I have never had a one-on-one interaction with her before.

“You know my name?” I ask instinctively

She giggles softly and nods, “I remember you from the presentation you gave for your team’s work last Friday”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot about that, but I am still surprised you remember my name”

“I have a pretty good memory”, she says keeping a soft smile, “you are from the backend team though right? Did you need something?”

“Yeah, I am, and I actually wanted to know more about the deployment. I know its not my area, but I think we can model the product interactions if I know the trends in deployment, so I was heading to the RnD team”

“Oh, I think I can help you with that. What do you need to know” she asks


I explain to her all that I think I need to know, and she leads me to her office and explains to me in depth about the deployment process, going over everything I want to know. I am surprised again by just how clear she is in her understanding of each part of the product. And while she explains, she again has no sense of arrogance around her, being professional but also soft and humble the whole time, making me feel at ease. I thank her for helping me out and gather my stuff when I notice her earrings, “the purple earrings look great on you” I compliment her but immediately place my hand over my mouth, just realizing that I may have overstepped.

She freezes in place for a few seconds, and my anxiety rises with each passing moment but she then replies “th-thank you” she says stammering over her words a little and I nod, simply not knowing how to act as we both just stand looking at each other before I break the silence, “I will head back to my work then, thank you again for the help” I say and she gets back to her normal self now that we have moved on, “Anytime, feel free to approach me directly if you have any doubts” she says, I nod and head back to my desk.

As I get back home, I can’t stop thinking about the interaction, the feeling of having a crush on her still not leaving my head for a single second as I think over the simple conversation multiple times, not even able to understand why I feel the way I do, I have been with women before, some even older than me, sure not as much as her, she is over a decade older, but that surely wasn’t it. Her body is absolutely gorgeous and made me learn more about myself when I first saw it, but again, I wouldn’t be restless in my bed if it was just sexual. I keep thinking of different reasons for hours but reach no conclusion and just let go.

In the coming weeks, I approach her a few more times, sometimes with doubts and sometimes with ideas, just the fact that I get to spend that time with her making me more passionate about my work and trying to explore different aspects of my work without even realizing just how much I am invested in my work. But through the last week, I have noticed that I have been approaching her for things I can definitely just discuss with my team or with Jose, and conversations between me and Marie have been going into a more casual tone every time we meet, I do rationalize each time I approach her but know that some of the times, the rationalizations have been bogus when I sit down and be honest with myself at the end of the week.

The next morning, I take a deep breath as I head to Marie’s office, “Oh, Hey Marcus, Good morning, did you have to ask me something?” She asks quite casually because of just how many times I approached her in just the last week

“Hey Marie, Good morning” I say trying to keep a confident and natural front, “yeah it was actually something personal”

I say and take a deep breath as I know how risky this is

“I wanted to ask you out, do you want to grab dinner tonight?” I ask putting on a confident face again

She stammers and mumbles a few times talking to herself. I lean closer to her, just unable to hear her and not realizing I am leaning in, but she stops speaking soon after and I look at her, her cheeks red as she just stares at me and I freeze before speaking up, “I couldn’t hear you” I say being even more anxious now that I am asking my boss’s boss to speak up in such a scenario.

“When?” she asks breathily as if she is panicking

“At 7?” I ask her and she immediately nods. I can’t help but smile ear to ear, “can I have your number then? I will text you the venue after work” I ask and she gives me her phone with shaky hands, I type in my number and call myself. I save her number on my phone and hand her her phone back, “thank you” I say and she simply nods.

“See you in the evening then” I say

“See ya” she replies

I leave her office and get back to work. Once I am done with work, I send her a text with the venue, using a good chunk of my monthly salary to book a table at a very high-end restaurant so that we can have some privacy.

I rush back home to get changed, I contemplate between a grey oversized t-shirt over black torn jeans which gambles on her enjoying my youth, or going for a more decent white tee under a black jacket and dark blue trousers. I choose to go with the former as she has seen me in outfits similar to the second one at work and pair a long black necklace that reaches down to my chest over high-top white sneakers. I head to the restaurant on time and get seated at the table which is in a closed-off private room and wait for Marie to arrive.

As she arrives, she is guided to our table by a waitress, I instinctively stand up but am awestruck as she enters the room in a long black half-sleeved turtleneck dress but the dress hugging her frame for the first time and a slit on one side of the dress to show her leg, an elegant platinum necklace with a small sapphire pendant over some heels taller than she normally wears. Her curves visible for the first time as her breasts were probably C cups, her waist full as her small and soft belly is also outlined by her dress but her hips wider and giving her a great shape, her ass not visible to me but presumably well sized and her thighs not particularly thick but a good size and look soft again. I instinctively scan her body from to bottom, not realizing how shameless I’m being in the moment, only snapping out of it as she covers her belly with her hands, “I’m sorry” I apologize instantly, “you are beautiful” I say sincerely

Her nervous face lightens up a little even though her hands stay on her belly, “thank you” she says obviously uncomfortable in the clothing

I head over and pull the chair back for her to get seated, but this time making sure I don’t stare at her ass as she gets seated as I’ve already clearly not set a great look for myself off the gate.

I head back to my seat across from her and ask, “you don’t seem to be comfortable, I’m really sorry about earlier, I must’ve weirded you out” I apologize again

“No, it’s not that, I’m just not used to this clothing” she says

“Oh, um there are clothing stores close by. We can…” I start to suggest but she cuts me off

“No, I wouldn’t want to make you wait any longer” she says

“I just want to spend time with me, I don’t really care what we’re doing. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable” I say honestly with a smile

“Were-” she says but stops

I look at her confused and scared thinking I’m creeping her out more by saying such stuff on our first date

She sees my concern and finishes her sentence, “we-were you being honest when you said I look good?” She asks nervously

“Absolutely, you’re gorgeous” I reply instantly but confused as to why she’s so nervous

She simply nods, “we can start dinner then”

I nod and hand her a menu as the waiter had already left two before she arrived. We both place our orders and then turn back to each other.

“What do you like to do in your free time?” I ask her

She giggles awkwardly then replies, “I normally just keep thinking about the company, reading over documents and stuff. Sometimes on the weekends I’ll go on drives or do my nails, I really like nail art, but that’s about it”

“Oh” I say smiling finding it very cute, “that sounds like a great weekend”

“Really?” She asks surprised

I nod in reply. The food soon arrives and we both start eating, she goes silent for a bit focusing on eating before I speak again, “I was really nervous to ask you out, you are my boss after all” I admit as I know I acted confident when asking her out

“Really? You seemed confident though” she asks

“Yeah, well I tried to be” I reply

“Why did you though?” She then asks

I laugh awkwardly not wanting to tell her how I thought about her all night in my bed and just reply, “I find you very cute, in every single aspect”

She blushes and replies, “you are good looking” but doesn’t look at me while she does

I reach over the table and gently lift her face up by her chin so she faces me, then stand up and lean over the table to kiss her but stop as I don’t feel her moving towards me and ask her, “may I?”

She looks at me for a second then nods. I smile at her and kiss her, my hand moving from her chin to her cheek, gently caressing her as I kiss her soft and passionately.

I sit back down after the kiss and continue eating, she goes quiet again as she gets back to eating, but her cheeks stay a pinkish tone. We exchange a few glances but give up on speaking. I slowly put one hand flat on the table inviting her to hold it with her hand. She looks hesitantly then places her hand in mine. I hold her hand and caress the back of it while we finish eating, then wipe my lips clean and lift her hand to kiss the back of it before paying the bill and standing up. She stands up after me and we head out of the restaurant.

“I’ll see you at work tomorrow then, and maybe we can plan something for the weekend” I greet her

She nods, “see you” she says

I start walking out towards the gate when I hear her call for me, “Marcus” she calls in her soft voice but loud enough for me to hear. I turn back and see her walking toward me

“Yeah?” I ask

“Are you gonna walk home?” She asks

“Well I’ll catch a metro” I reply, “I live quite far from here”

“I can drop you off then, it’s late” she suggests

“I don’t want to be of trouble to you” I say

“I insist” she says basically cutting me off

I smile and reach out my hand, suggesting to hold hers. She blushes lightly before handing me her hand. I hold her hand more firmly this time and intertwine our fingers. She leads us to her car, a Porsche, the first I’ll ever sit in. I go around and get seated in the passenger’s seat and set the GPS to my home. She drives us to my place, the ride again being silent, I can even hear her turn the wheel as she holds it with both hands, but the atmosphere in the car is still comfortable as it almost feels natural with her. Once we reach her place, I turn her face to me, holding her by her cheek, and ask her first this time, “may I?” And she nods immediately. She even leans back into the kiss this time and kisses me back, matching my rhythm.

I get out of the car after the kiss but bend back down and ask her as the door is still open, “do you wanna come in?” I ask her

She blushes and looks at the building then back at me, “will we….?” She asks and I understand what she means even though she doesn’t actually say it

“We don’t have to” I say

Her face lightens, comforted by the answer, “let me park the car” she says and I shut the door.

She parks the car and I lead her up to my apartment, a small studio apartment on the 12th floor. She stays deep red from the second she enters the apartment. I turn to her and place my hand on her shoulder,

“Are you fine?” I ask worried by how red she is, especially since she didn’t seem to want to do it

“I liked it when you came to speak to me” she says

I get confused and just stare at her, not knowing exactly what she means. Has she liked me since the first time? Was the only thought I had

“The last week or so, you had no reason to come to me, I knew it, but I still liked it” she says getting even redder

“You knew?” I ask shocked that she answered all my dumb doubts even though she knew they weren’t relevant

“I know the company well” she says being confident in a statement for the first time outside of work today

“As I said. I like you, in everything you do” I say

She takes a step towards me then stops before taking another and holding my face. I lean down as she gets on her tiptoes to meet me halfway and we feel again. My right hand feels the outside of her right arm while the left holds her back, keeping her close to me. Her breath, much heavier than earlier as she presses her body back onto mine. “We can” she says simply

I grab her hand and lead her to the bed, getting seated on it and pulling her to straddle on top as I start to unzip her dress, kissing her cheek first then down to her neck as the dress starts to come off. I let her stand back up and let the dress drape off her slowly. She covers her belly again with her hands as soon as the dress is off, “you don’t have to” I say looking up at her

“But…” she says

I place my hand on one of her hands and caress with my thumb, “trust me” I say and she slowly lets go letting me see her in just her lingerie. A beautiful but simple white satin set covering her lady parts. I get a good look at her, taking my time with each part then look back up at her, “you’re very hot” I say and she blushes

I stand up and guide her to lay on her back and slowly lean over her, kissing her neck softly then making my way down her cleavage then belly, going through the side, kissing her hips then down to her thighs as I can hear her breath getting heavier with each kiss, especially erratic when my lips start kissing her belly. I move back up her body and reach behind her to undo her bra, taking it off and leaving aside then kissing and sucking on her boobs softly before I reach down and grab her panties on either side by the waistband. She immediately panics and grabs it before I can even start removing it and I take my hands off it

“I’m sorry” she says

“No, don’t apologize, we can continue next time” I say

“No” she says and she raises her head to look at my crotch, seeing the bulge clearly through my pants, “can we just leave my panties on?” She asks

“If you mean you’ll satisfy me, I’d like to satisfy you too” I say

She shakes her head, “no, I- I can’t take off my panties, but I don’t want to leave you hanging because of it” she says

“It’s really fine, I understand if you aren’t ready, I can wait till you are” I insist

But she disagrees again, “it’s not that, it’s just…” she trails off again

“Just…what?” I ask unable to fill in the blanks this time

“I haven’t… I have hair…” she says too embarrassed to finish her sentences

“Oh, I don’t mind that. I’m sure you look sexy this way too” I say but she shakes her head, not even saying anything this time. I try to explain to her that I really don’t care that she has pubic hair but she stays adamant that she doesn’t want me to take off her panties but wants to satisfy me “How about we both use our hands and you face away from me?” I suggest and that finally seems to put her at some ease

“What do you mean?” she asks

“May I take off my clothes? Then I can show you” I ask

She nods and I take off my clothes, asking her once more before I take off my boxers but take them off as she nods again. She blushes as she sees me naked, seated the whole time waiting for me. I lay down beside her and turn her away from me so we are in the spooning position with me being the big spoon. I grab her hand and guide it to my dick, she gasps but gently holds my dick, feeling it with her hand as she didn’t get to see it for long either. I then place my hand on her lower belly.

 “And I’ll just keep my hand in your panties and play with you without taking off your panties”  I explain

“Promise you won’t peek inside” she says

“I promise” I say

She nods and I move my hand into her panties, instantly feeling her hair, slowly brushing past it as her hair gets wetter as my hand reaches lower until I finally feel her pussy. I first rub her outer labia with my index and middle fingers on either side and she starts to let out soft moans immediately, her hand also gently stroking my dick, mimicking my speed. Soon, I reach between her outer labia and feel her inner labia, her vaginal and urethral openings and finally find her clit as I trace my fingers up her pussy. She gasps and moans louder at each new part of her that I discover, gripping my dick harder now and stroking my shaft as the long consistent shape of it makes it easier for her to just stroke my shaft. I go back down to her vaginal opening and rub in a circle around it now that I’m familiar with her parts. She moans louder at first at the motion but soon gets used to it, starting to stroke my dick faster as she is more comfortable with the sensation, starting to include the head of my dick too but slows down again as I start rubbing in 8s, circling her vaginal opening then her clit. But this time she quickly gets herself to continue stroking my dick fast, probably trying to satisfy me, going even faster than earlier, the sudden switch in speed and her erratic breathing coupled with moans getting me much closer to my orgasm.

“I’m going to cum” I tell her

She just nods and keeps going fast. I groan in pleasure and can’t help but cum, spraying on her back, ass, and some flying over her waist and dropping in front of her, on her waist, and on her belly. Maybe watching me cum, maybe just the movement of my hand on her pussy, maybe me groaning, or maybe feeling the warm cum spraying over her. I couldn’t tell why but her hips started to buck back and forth and I knew she was close too and pushed to the edge suddenly like I was by her.

“I’m going to try something, tell me not to continue it if you prefer what I’m doing right now now” I say

She nods and I put my other hand into her panties too, rubbing her clit with my right hand while my left goes back to circling around her vaginal opening. 

“Cumming, I’m cumming” she says before I can even ask her if she likes it and orgasms, drenching her panties and my hands with her juices

I take my hands out of her panties and kiss her shoulders with my lips for a few seconds while she keeps breathing heavily. After a few, I get up and turn to grab some tissues so we both can clean ourselves with them but she’s already asleep when I turn back to her. I first clean my cum off of us then reach into her panties and clean as much of her juices as I can although I know I can’t get nearly enough. Once I’m done, I wrap my arms around her and sleep, cuddling up to her
