Wrong Number 21+ [M32/F29] [Straight Sex] [Interracial] [Busty] [Cleavage]

I barely heard my phone go off as I sat down to watch a movie, but when it chimed again. I sighed and picked it up, expecting my boss to be calling or text again. He was an absolute asshole.

Instead, I received a text from a number I didn’t know or had saved when I opened it. I sat upright immediately.

What I saw was a woman’s body. She was wearing a bra and panties. Her tits were huge and barely fit in the bra.

‘This is what you are missing,’ the text read.

I was stunned. It was a wrong number text, but her body was amazing.

The picture didn’t show a face as it only showed from the shoulder down. She seemed to be lying on a bed or a couch.

The bra was tanned, and the panties barely covered anything. I could make out everything.

‘Shit!’ the following text came.

Whoever it was must have found out she sent a graphic picture of herself to a total stranger.

I knew I should reply to make her not feel so bad.

‘Sorry,’ I sent back.

I knew it was dumb to say, but I couldn’t think of anything else.

‘I put a seven instead of an eight,’ she returned.

‘It happens,’ I replied.

‘I meant to send that to my asshole of a boyfriend,’ she said.

‘Well, from what I saw, he is missing out,’ I replied.

The number called me, and I answered right away.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to text back and forth anymore,” she said.

She sounded annoyed and must have walked outside as I heard cars.

“No problem,” I said.

“Emma,” she said.

“Drake,” I replied.

“Well Drake,” Emma said. “You just got a picture of me, and what I was supposed to be wearing under my clothes tonight,” Emma said, as I could hear she was angry.

“What happened?” I asked.

“My, well ex-boyfriend, text dumped me, for his ex-girlfriend,” Emma said. “I thought she was his ex, and it was in the past, but low and behold the bitch is back!”

Whoever this guy’s ex was she better be something, as the picture of Emma was mind-boggling.

“Still there Drake?” Emma said.

“Yeah,” I said. “So where were you guys going?” I asked.

“That new club downtown, The Attic?” Emma said.

“Ah, I have seen it in passing,” I nodded.

“Yeah, he was DJing there tonight, and wanted me to come along,” Emma said.

“So, still go,” I shrugged. “Show him what he is missing in person.”

“She will be there,” Emma responded. “No doubt she will rub it in my face.”

“Go with someone else,” I said.

I knew the women at work always hated when a new woman came along. They always tried to bash them or put them down.

“You mean go with another guy?” Emma asked.

“Sure, why not? Show them both you’re not bothered by it,” I smiled.

“I like it,” Emma said.

“I am sure you got a few guys in mind,” I smiled.

With a body like Emma’s, I was sure there were guys lined up and ready to go with her anywhere she wanted.

“Not really,” Emma said. “Well, not any I want to go to a club with, if you get my drift.”

“Ah, the desperate kind that would see it for more than what it is,” I nodded.

“Definitely,” Emma said. “What are you doing tonight?”

I couldn’t believe it. Was Emma asking me out? “Nothing,” I said, shaking my head as if she could see me.

“Want to go piss some people off?” Emma asked.

“Sure,” I nodded.

“Well, want to meet up in about two hours?” Emma asked.

“Outside the club, in two hours,” I nodded.

“See you then,” Emma said.

“Okay,” I smiled.

I practically jumped off the couch and ran into my bedroom to prepare.

I was not much of a person to go clubbing, so most of my clothes were mainly outdoors, as I liked hiking.

‘Fuck it!’ I thought as I wore some clothes, I had worn to my best friend’s party a few weeks ago.

My phone chirped in my pocket as I got ready to leave.

‘To go with the rest of me,’ Emma sent a selfie of herself.

‘Damn!’ I thought.

Emma was a total knockout.

Long blonde hair and blue eyes, with a great smile. All of that on top of a great body with huge tits. I didn’t know how I got so lucky to receive a wrong number text from a woman like her, but I was glad it happened to me and not some other idiot.

‘Your turn,’ Emma sent.

“Well, this is where I will fuck it up,” I said to myself as I sat back in the driver’s seat of my car.

I was no looker. I was tall and had a bald head. My face was completely shaved, which for some women was an instant turn-off as the bearded look was an in thing for most of the women around here. Throw in that I was a black guy, and most of these country women looked the other way quickly.

I snapped a quick picture of myself and sent it. I grabbed the door handle and was ready for a text or something saying she wasn’t interested in a polite way or give me some excuse as to why she couldn’t go. The usual thing that happened to me often.

‘Well, now I know what to look for when I pull up,’ Emma returned.

I stood reading it for a second, then got back in my car.

‘See you there,’ I replied.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I pulled up and parked. I looked around and walked towards the front of the club. Immediately I could see Emma standing at the door.

She looked amazing. Tight blue jeans and a top that showed off her massive rack, a long line of cleavage popped out at me when I got closer to her.

“Drake!” Emma said as she smiled at me.

“Emma,” I nodded as I got close.

Emma hugged me. “Thank you,” she said as she released me. “Thank you for not being some weirdo creep about all of this,” she nodded.

“No problem, so what now?” I asked.

“First things first,” Emma said as she walked to the door.

We walked into the club, and the strobe lights and the loud music hit us immediately.

“There he is,” Emma pointed to the DJ booth on the second floor.

“Okay,” I nodded.

I didn’t see much of him through the darkness and the lights flashing in my face, but Emma smiled back at me.

“Ready to do this?” Emma asked.

“Do what?” I asked as she pulled me forward.

Emma and I got on the dance floor, and she started dancing to the music. I followed her lead and started dancing with her.

Emma was a great dancer, and I felt like I was being watched by most of the people there as she moved around me and held my hand.

“Come on,” Emma whispered in my ear as she gripped my hands and placed them on her hips. “Make it believable.”

“Okay,” I nodded as I gripped her hips and pulled her toward me.

“Much better,” Emma said.

We danced for a few songs, then went to the bar. I ordered us both drinks and sat down.

“Think it worked?” I asked.

“Definitely,” Emma said as she motioned to the stairs.

I saw a guy and a woman walking toward us.

“Emma,” the woman said.

“Daphne,” Emma said.

“Who’s he?” the man asked.

“None of your business, remember we broke up,” Emma responded.

“Right,” the man nodded. “Second pick, got it.”

“Rick!” Daphne said, smacking his arm.

“It’s okay,” I smiled. “Second is much better than nothing.”

Emma smirked.

“Hey!” Daphne said as she looked at me.

I couldn’t believe this Rick had dumped Emma to get with a toothpick. Daphne was flat all over. Even in the tight skirt she was wearing, nothing about her shouted, ‘pick me over her,’ but as the saying goes, everyone has a type.

“So, what’s your name, second?” Rick asked.

“Drake,” I responded. “Nice music by the way, got us dancing really good,” I said as I put my hand on Emma’s thigh.

“Really close too,” Emma said as she leaned in, and we kissed.

“I am done,” Daphne said as she stormed off.

“Daphne!” Rick shouted as he chased after her.

Emma and I both laughed as we watched them go.

“Thank you,” Emma said.

“You’re very welcome,” I smiled.

Emma’s phone went off, and she took it out of her pocket. She laughed as she showed me a text message. It was from Rick.

‘You can be such a bitch!’ it read.

“I guess you ruined his plans,” I smiled.

“Good,” Emma said as she put it away.

We sat in silence for a while as I didn’t know what we should do next. All of this was to get back at her boyfriend, and now that it was done. It felt awkward to sit here.

“We should go,” Emma said as she stood up.

“Yeah,” I nodded.

We walked out of the club, and I finally got my hearing back.

“Thank you again, I really appreciate it,” Emma said as we stood outside.

“Again, no problem,” I nodded.

We hugged each other, and I watched as Emma started walking to her car.

I got in mine and headed home.

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~

It had been a month since the night out with Emma, and I hadn’t heard anything from her. Of course, I kept the picture, and I had to say it came in handy on some nights, but I knew a woman like Emma was already onto another guy or guys by now.

“Asshole!” I shouted at my phone as my boss texted me another stupid question.

It was my night off, and he asked me question after question.

I finally answered most of his questions and started to relax on the couch. Then it went off again.

“I swear!” I said as I picked it up.

It was a text from Emma.

‘So, what did I do wrong?’

I read it over and then quickly replied.

‘What do you mean?’ I asked.

‘You haven’t texted or called, I thought it was a great night, and I just wanted to know what I did wrong,’ Emma replied.

I quickly called her.

“Nothing,” I said.

“Well, usually a guy calls or texts, if things go good, so why haven’t you?” Emma asked.

“I thought everything was done, and you didn’t need me anymore, you got him back for dumping you,” I said.

“Yeah, but the rest of the night was good right?” Emma asked.

“Better than good,” I smiled.

“Okay, you scared me,” Emma responded.

We talked for most of the night. Emma was a waitress at a restaurant, and I told her I worked in a warehouse. She had a dog named Cleo, and I told her about my cat Felix.

Emma liked to write songs even though she said she couldn’t carry a tune to save her life and that Cleo often howled at her if she started singing. I told her that I liked to draw in my spare time.

We decided to meet again soon, and I saved her number this time.

~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

“No way,” I said, shaking my head.

“Scared?” Emma smiled back at me.

“Yes, terrified,” I said, staring up at the fake rocks at the rock-climbing center downtown.

“You have ropes, and they won’t let you fall,” Emma laughed.

“I am a big guy,” I shook my head.

“So is he,” one of the instructors said, pointing up at a large man climbing.

“Rub it in,” I said, shaking my head.

“Okay, go,” Emma said, pushing me towards the rock wall.

I grabbed one of the handles and started climbing. ‘One after the other,’ I thought to myself as I began to get higher.

“Don’t look down!” Emma yelled.

“Now I want to look down, thanks!” I yelled back.

I started to go higher, and eventually, I found myself pushing myself to go higher.

“You’re close to the top!” Emma yelled.

‘No way!’ I thought as I looked up.

Sure enough, the top was only a few feet above me. I pushed harder, gripping one hand, then a foothold, and then I pushed up and touched the top.

“Woohoo!!!!” Emma yelled.

I pushed off as the instructors had said, and they brought me down slowly.

“Told you!” Emma said as my feet touched the ground, and they took all the ropes off.

“That was fun,” I nodded.

“Well, that was just the beginners wall,” one of the instructors said.

“Admit it!” Emma said as we drove back to her place.

“I did,” I smiled.

“No, I want you to say it,” Emma nodded.

“I had fun,” I said.

“Doing?” Emma replied.

“Rock climbing,” I nodded.

“Yes!” Emma exclaimed.

I told her that rock climbing wasn’t fun and was more of a chore or a survival skill.

I shook my head as I pulled up to her apartment.

“That’s me,” Emma said as she pointed to the top floor.

She had met me at the center, and now I drove her back home. “So, you need me to pick you up tomorrow to get your car?” I asked.

“No, Robert is coming,” Emma nodded.

My heart sank a little as she mentioned another guy’s name. I knew I wasn’t the only one she was dating, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

“Not like that,” Emma shook her head as she must have seen my expression. “He’s,” Emma paused. “Not in the running,” Emma smiled.

“And me?” I asked.

Emma leaned over the console and kissed me on the lips. “Does that answer your question?” she asked.

I pulled her back and kissed her again. “Just making sure,” I nodded.

“Text me later,” Emma said as she got out of the car.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~

Things were getting better between Emma and me, and I started to get the impression that we weren’t just dating anymore, especially when she invited herself over to my place, something she hadn’t done yet.

“Wow,” Emma said as she walked around.

“What did you expect?” I asked.

“Well, not something this big,” Emma said.

“Thanks, it pays to be a manager,” I said as I finished cooking.

“And you are sure this is edible?” Emma said as I plated some of the food.

“Guys can cook also,” I nodded.

I pulled out her chair, and she sat down.

“And polite, with manners,” Emma smiled. “I am impressed.”

“I just want to get ahead of the others, that’s all,” I smiled.

Emma shot me a glance. “You know very well they aren’t any others.”

‘Yes!’ I shouted inside my head.

I had won the Emma bowl and couldn’t be happier, but I tried not to hide it.

“Men,” Emma said, shaking her head.

“Hey, we are simple creatures, but very competitive,” I shrugged as I sat down.

“I can safely say, without lying to you, it wasn’t very close, at all,” Emma nodded.

I nodded. “Not another word about it, then.”

“Good,” Emma nodded.

I smiled as Emma took a bite of my cooking, and her eyes went wide.

“This is good!” Emma said as she covered her mouth as she talked.

“Another surprise,” I smiled.

After dinner, we sat down and watched a movie.

It was getting late, and I thought about Emma’s drive back home.

“You could always come back to watch the rest,” I said as we started watching one of the many television shows she wanted to catch up on and show me.

“You are kicking me out?” Emma said as she was lying on my lap.

“No, but you do have a long drive home and it’s getting late,” I said.

“Or I can stay here, and we can watch the rest of the episodes together,” Emma said as she looked up at me.

“Sounds good to me,” I said.

“Well, I better go see if I can wear something more comfortable,” Emma said as she got up.

“I will pause it,” I said.

“No, I already seen this episode, you need to catch up,” Emma smiled.

I continued watching, and then Emma came out of my bedroom in one of my football jerseys.

“Don’t like the team, but it works,” Emma said as she walked toward me.

“Looks better on you than it does on me,” I smiled.

“I might stretch it out a bit in the chest area, though,” Emma smiled as she lay back down.

“Perks of having a busty girlfriend,” I shrugged.

“You say that now, wait until they get all floppy and saggy,” Emma smiled as she placed her head on my lap.

“Another perk,” I said.

Emma shook her head.

We were watching another episode when Emma started giggling.

“What?” I asked.

“What’s got you in a mood?” Emma said as she looked up at me.

“What mood?” I asked.

“This,” Emma said, grabbing my dick. “I can feel it throbbing and everything.”

“What do you think?” I asked.

“These?” Emma said, grabbing her tits.

“Yes!” I replied.

I had never had a girlfriend with huge tits before, the biggest I had was one girl with C cups, and Emma’s were enormous.

“They are just bags of fat, you do know that, right?” Emma asked as she continuously squeezed them.

“Really big bags,” I nodded.

“How big?” Emma asked as she sat up.

“How am I supposed to know?” I smiled.

“Guess,” Emma said, reaching for the remote and turning the television off.

“No, not playing this trap game,” I shook my head.

“No trap, guess how big,” Emma said, releasing her hold on them. “Here,” she said as she grabbed both my hands and placed them on her tits.

“Holy fuck!” I said as they made my hands seem small.

“Come on, guess,” Emma smiled.

I was no boob guy; my friend Conner probably could guess them right away and get it right. He was the boob guy of the group.

Then it hit me. Conner’s girlfriend was a G, which was the biggest I had seen, so it was the best bet I could manage.

“G?” I shrugged.

“Ha!” Emma laughed. “Maybe when I was in high school.”

Conner would have a field day with Emma. He loved big boobs.

“J, or a K depending on the bra,” Emma smiled proudly.

I still had them in my hands, and they felt great.

“So, you just going to hold them all night?” Emma asked, staring down at my hands.

“It’s a good idea,” I nodded.

“Or a better one is that I take this top off, and you can fuck them,” Emma winked at me.

“Much better idea,” I smiled.

Emma shook her head as she pulled on her top. A large blue bra greeted me, then she returned and unclasped her bra. Slowly she let it fall, and I saw just how big they really were. They were enormous.

Emma laid back on the couch. “Waiting,” Emma said as she looked over her chest at me.

“Oh yeah,” I nodded.

I had been so mesmerized by how big they were that I forgot what I was doing.

I couldn’t get out of my pants fast enough.

“Now, that’s a cock!” Emma said as I got on top of her chest.

I didn’t mean to brag, but I did have a nice-sized dick. It wasn’t huge or sex comic sized by any means, but it was bigger than average.

I put it between Emma’s tits, and she pushed them over it.

I started to fuck Emma’s tits, slow at first, and then I ramped up the pace.

“You like that?” Emma said as she wrapped her arms over her chest.

“Yes,” I said as I fucked her tits harder.

“Rick never liked fucking my tits,” Emma shook her head. “Always said it made his dick feel small.”

I could understand why he thought that as my dick barely made it out of the other side as I fucked them.

“I love it,” I said as I fucked them harder.

I never got to tit fuck any of my girlfriends. They were always too small.

“My turn,” Emma said as she released her tits.

“Of course,” I nodded as I started to go down on her.

“Not that,” Emma said as she pulled her thong down. “Fuck me!”

I got up to get a condom from my room. “Where are you going?” Emma asked.

“Protection,” I said.

“A cock like this shouldn’t be wrapped up,” Emma said, grabbing me by the dick and pulling me back on top of her.

I pushed deep inside her and immediately gasped at how tightly she gripped my dick.

“Fuck,” Emma gasped at the same time.

I watched as my dick slowly slid into her. Like most men, I enjoyed seeing my dick going inside of a woman. I couldn’t take my eyes off my cock as it slowly disappeared inside her.

“Stop,” Emma said, putting her hand on her stomach. “Not used to something this long,” she said as she exhaled.

I nodded as I started to move slowly in and out of her.

“Okay,” Emma nodded.

I started to go faster, taking long and steady strokes into her.

I was fucking the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. I watched her toned stomach as she breathed in and out as I fucked her.

“More,” Emma nodded.

I pushed deeper into her. “mmhmm,” Emma nodded.

Her hands gripped and squeezed her tits as I pushed deeper. Emma started to suck on one of her tiny nipples, then the other.

My dick throbbed just watching Emma and her enormous tits as they swayed and bounced as I fucked her.

“Harder,” Emma nodded.

I lifted one leg and then the other placing them on my shoulders as I started to fuck her harder.

“Yes,” Emma said as I fucked her hard and deep.

I had all of my dick slamming into her now. Emma was mine now. This gorgeous woman with a fantastic body was all mine.

I fucked her hard and fast. The couch creaked and rocked underneath us. I knew I wouldn’t last long inside this amazing woman.

“Cumming,” I said as I grabbed my cock, pulled it out of her, and shot my cum onto her stomach.

“Holy fuck,” I said as I tried to catch my breath.

I looked over and saw Emma reaching for her phone.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Sending a picture,” Emma smiled as she took a picture of her stomach.

“Who are you sending it to?” I asked.

My phone chirped, and I smiled.

“Oops, wrong number,” Emma smiled with a shrug.

“Come here,” I said as we kissed.

Emma was mine now, and there was no way I would give her up.

The End

***Author’s Note: This story as well as many others of my stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](https://www.reddit.com/user/Shadowforce2/comments/w4aumo/self_promo_time/)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/z6eid4/wrong_number_21_m32f29_straight_sex_interracial