Claire and Harold’s plaything (Part 1)[FFM][Possession][Ghosts]

Disclaimer: All characters involved in the story are 18+

It was harmless in the beginning. Random small things would go missing in my apartment. Stuff that you wouldn’t even bother to think twice about, like bottle caps that you left on the table, some of my hair ties, and even my bobby pins would also go missing. I really didn’t think much of it at first. I actually thought that I just lost them because I was used to losing small stuff like that. Even those footsteps that I would occasionally hear in the middle of the night didn’t bother me since it could’ve easily been my neighbors, after all, the walls were thin anyway. A few weeks went by before I started noticing doors that I had only recently closed were completely open. It really puzzled me.

At first, I thought that I was going mad, there was a history of mental illness in my family and I could’ve somehow inherited it. I don’t know much about the plausibility of it, but that’s what Sarah told me and I took her word for it because she’s the knowledgeable type. But then, I actually saw it happen and even got it on camera! I was recording a video of my cat, Zander, and he suddenly looked over at the open door and hissed, then the door just slammed shut! I made sure to check the windows to make sure that it wasn’t a draft that caused the door to slam like that, but all of the windows were closed.

Now, I’m not the type that’s really into the supernatural and I don’t believe in ghosts but I really didn’t have any other explanation for what happened in that video. I know, most people would’ve moved out the moment that happened to them but I’m not financially stable enough to just move to another apartment in this city, this was the cheapest one that I found and I guess that I now know the reason for that. Still, things that have happened are rather tame, so I decided that I wouldn’t provoke it and try to coexist with this spirit or whatever it is.

More time passed and I’d come across the occasional open door or find more small things going missing. Again, I didn’t do anything about it because who knows what would happen if I tried. But then one night, stuff got weird. I started to get these strange dreams that I was someone else, an incredibly beautiful woman who was way older than she seemed to be. From her looks alone she looked like she was in her early to mid 30s, when in fact she was in her early to mid 50s. It was as if I was living her life in my dreams. From her perspective of growing up, to falling in love, to getting married and even trying to have kids. It all felt so realistic to me. Her feelings felt like my own and I would also feel the sensations that she felt while I dreamt.

She and her husband had a really high libido and they were kinky in bed. There was a stretch of time where my dreams of her would only revolve around sex and I would always wake up quaking from an intense orgasm while being drenched in sweat. I had to admit that I enjoyed it. It was as if I really was making love with her husband, up to the point where I could feel him cum inside me. I was still a virgin, but that’s how I imagined what it would’ve felt like I did get creampied.

A few more weeks passed and I’d come to learn though my dreams that her name was Claire and her husband was Harold. You could say that I started to have a soft spot for this old couple. I’d greet them when I got back and I’d say goodbye when I left. It kind of felt like I had roommates that solely existed in my dreams.

After I started to acknowledge them, less stuff started to go missing but things got a little more intense after that. I’d find myself waking up in places around the apartment that I’ve dreamed about, like the time that I woke up in the shower right after having a dream of Claire and Harold having sex in the very same spot! The water was running too and I actually had soap lathered all over my body. Sometimes I’d even wake up with hickeys on my neck, bruises on my knees, marks on my ass and even rope burns on my wrists and around my ankles. I know what it sounds like, it’s as if Claire was possessing me while I’m asleep and having sex with Harold, all while I’m experiencing it in my dreams. Frankly speaking, I liked it a lot.

A short span of time passed and I started to get curious about what was happening while I was dreaming, since everything felt so real and sometimes I’d find things that happened in the dreams as Claire would be reflected on my apartment and on myself once I woke up. It was around this time too that I started to talk to them more, giving them suggestions of what I’d like to see or experience and it would actually happen when I get possessed. One day, I decided that it was time to actually get proof of it all. I wanted to prove once and for all that I wasn’t crazy, that I really was getting possessed by the ghost of an older woman and she was using my body to have sex with the spirit of her husband.

I waited for a friday night and set my camera at one corner that had the best view of the whole room. After ensuring that it was recording, I got into bed and called out to the couple. “Harold, Claire, I know that both of you love using my body to have sex, you probably know that I really like it too. I love both of you with all my heart, it’s as if you’re a part of me and we’ve known each other for years and because of this I want to ask a huge favor from you. I want to record you two having sex tonight, so please have as much fun as you want. Please put on a show for me.” I stayed silent for a moment after I told them my request and let my head rest on my pillow. I found myself drifting off to sleep a few seconds later.


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