[MF][Str8] Evil works a swing shift

(Written entirely from tablet, if it’s too rough I can edit and format at a PC in a few days)

“Welcome to the team Rachel, the name’s Alan Scratch.” Said her trainer before swooping in with his hand to clasp hers in an ironclad handshake. “Call me Alan none of that Officer Scratch nonsense, I’ve been here for too long to buy into that corporate bull.”

Security. Who would have thought of all the places she would go after highschool it would be a mall cop job that would help get her through college. Her boss had told her Alan would handle all the training mainly because he had been there the longest and partly because Alan had volunteered.

“Now nothing against you, but your pretty small and a little young so I asked our boss to give me a week to build up your confidence. When someone mouths off I want you to vocally knock them down.” She tried not to take offense but it already felt like he was pigeonholing her because of age, gender, and build. Sure she wasn’t pumping iron or running marathons but she also wasn’t in a salon or strutting in high heels. Try as she might though Alan had a presence about him and continued to control the conversation with only a nod or two between his stream of words.

“Go gear up, third locker is yours any questions you can pop around the corner and ask. I’m going to start building your training packet.” Alan had already turned away from Rachel pulling up files from the computer and printing them off. Rounding the corner there was a small hallway with eight lockers. Grabbing a tactical belt with a can of mace and a pair of cuffs attached she clipped it on around her waist before donning her nametag and badge. She looked like Alan except with longer hair and breasts thanks to the unisex outfit they both shared.

“No gun?” Rachel called out before she shut the metal door of her locker with a clang.

“Unarmed. What, would you trust a bunch of low wage testosterone filled guards walking around the mall with trigger fingers, not me. That’s how you get killed or you kill someone.” Fair enough she thought to herself before popping out from the hallway Alan already stapling a stack of papers together.

This was his strength. Alan was never late, never wasted his shift, and knew the job better than anyone in the company. Just as easily as he controlled the conversation he had planned out Rachel’s first five shifts working alongside himself controlling her work pace too. Included in the package was a list of what to do in case she forgot and a map detailing tasks and where they were located in the mall. “Made it myself, been training so long that I built this to make it easier on new hires. Here have a water I keep the fridge stocked full.” Alan handed her a bottle of water along with the papers to which she eagerly took a swig of. Something about this room and possibly Alan himself seemed to dehydrate her.

They left after she’d flipped through the papers and set it down on the desk to review later after the tour Alan had urged her to go on with him. Everything seemed pretty straightforward, make sure people don’t steal stuff and if they do call the real police. Sure there was inspecting fire extinguishers and checking alarms but Rachel felt a blind person with no arms would find the job easy to do. Something felt off though.

People virtually ignored her. To hell with virtually, most store employees looked right through her and stayed transfixed on Alan. Every corner of the mall they walked into he had their complete and undivided attention and the only time someone so much as gave her a glance was when Alan introduced her. It was sort of freaky the amount of respect he seemed to pull from a dead end job, admirable sure, but freaky. Alan kept telling her they’d warm up to her eventually and that the first week was always rough until she built up some rapport.

“Hey it’s almost five, let’s go see the manager of the mall before we continue. If we’re lucky he may not have left for the evening.” Without waiting for her consent Alan nearly dragged Rachel in tow and within seconds they were in the property managers office. Even here the slightly rotund man behind the desk who was at the top of the mall food chain locked his eyes on Alan and didn’t even glance at her. “Sorry to bother you big guy, this is Rachel the new guard. I’m backing her up this week so try not to come down too hard on her Mike.”

“Nice to meet y–” Mike jumped in his seat startled that Rachel was there. It felt insulting to consistently get overlooked, but jumping at her even talking? What was Alan the God of the mall and was she a pariah? “You. Nice to meet you.” she finished.

Mike nodded and went back to staring at Alan. “Rachel go patrol around the courtyard I have some stuff to talk about over here. Real boring, standard checkoffs I need to see how far out we are on.” the room felt cold as Alan locked eyes with Mike and Rachel took her queue and hastily made her retreat the door shutting behind her the click of a lock the last thing she heard from the other side before she continued the hallway patrol they had been on.

Alan turned slowly back towards Mike the color quickly draining from the latter mans face. Stepping behind the desk Alan closed the blinds and switched off the light plunging them into darkness, the glow of the monitor lighting up the side of Mike’s face. Alan walked back to the front of the desk and leaned down bracing himself with his hands placed on the hardwood surface his face inches away from Mike’s the glow of the monitor exposing a face of smoldering contempt. “Mike. You just made me look bad. I’m not training a new guy in a week because you can’t keep your mind on task. She stays for a year or I take a pound of flesh off of you for every day she doesn’t stay. Do you weigh 365 pounds Mike?” The room plunged into complete darkness as the monitor switched to sleep before the lock was undone and the door opened again Alan’s back silhouetted from the outside light “Oh, and Mike, unless you plan on fattening up this stays between you and me.”

The door clicked shut and Mike remembered to breath slumping in his chair as if all his bones had just turned to jelly. He gasped threatening to suck the oxygen from the room as his lungs went into overdrive. Meanwhile Alan pushed the hiccup aside and put on the smile he had lost momentarily before leaving the management office completely behind to go and search for his trainee. The shift went pretty smooth after that and before they knew it it was lunch time.

“So what’s your deal? I walked around here once with the boss and none of the people gave him the amount of respect I see everyone give you.” It had been nagging at Rachel for hours. At one point she swore she heard someone cry after they left the a store. Nothing added up, why was Alan seemingly the one in charge in every situation even when the people involved supposedly had more pull than a mall cop? The only people who treated him like how you’d expect him to be treated were the customers of which Alan was nothing but smiles and good manners towards even the ones who treated him like dirt.

A grin popped onto Alan’s face “you see Rachel, all it is is just hard work. Elbow grease. I’ve been here for five years.” It was eerie the smile he wore seemed genuine but it never reached his eyes. He reminded Rachel a lot of her older sister who had developed a ‘retail smile’. “Everyone out there knows I run a tight ship when I’m clocked in, they are just afraid I’ll bring policy down on them if they put a toe out of line because I’ve done it.”

Rachel didn’t buy it, but after this week they’d only see each other every so often so as long as it didn’t hurt her job it was better to just ignore it. Taking another gulp from her third bottle of water to wash down the last bite of food she punched back in for her shift. Alan was leaving it all to her while he caught up paperwork and filing that he’d let build up for a few days and she appreciated the sudden freedom this bought her. Right off people took more notice of her and smiled or waved as she walked by, which admittedly was a boost to her confidence after being a shadow to Alan.

The end of her shift was approaching, customers had long since went home so the last couple of hours was just making sure no one broke in or if tenants needed an escort out. Even though it was winding down Rachel kept wiping sweat off her forehead as if she was doing the hardest workout of her life. She had been downing the bottles of water but nothing was cooling her off ‘shit, I can’t get sick my first shift, there is no way they’ll keep me on’ briskly she walked to the women’s restroom to freshen up.

She almost didn’t recognize herself her long red hair was matted with sweat and her face was flushed pink. Groaning she leaned over the sink, her body felt like it was smoldering when a stall opened up behind her. A pair of hands with purple polished nails was all she could see of the other girl as she washed her hands “you look bad, listen if you need to puke the stall behind you is the only non low flow in the whole mall. You can use the other’s but you’ll be flushing all night.” Rachel croaked out a thank you to the mystery girl and dove into the stall choosing to sit.

It wasn’t her stomach it was her whole body. Rachel had been aware of a wet sensation coming from her pussy as if someone had turned an unseen faucet on full and there was no way of stopping it. Her breasts heaved with every breath she took electricity dancing across her chest originating from the sensation of her very hard nipples being trapped by her bra.

‘I can’t walk around like this, oh god what is happening!’ Rachel thought as she frantically kicked her pants off in the stall ripping her soaked teal panties away only to send waves over her body as her hand couldn’t stop from rubbing her slit as her other pressed on her clit sending her hips bucking. ‘Please Alan don’t come looking for me, please don’t, please fuuuuck this isn’t enough I need a toy!’

Rachel continued rubbing feeling an orgasm right on the edge while trying to keep from crying out hoping if she could just stay quiet she could orgasm get a grip on herself and leave with her secret intact. *Clack*. The restroom door, someone was here. Using every ounce of willpower she could muster Rachel halted her hands and bit her lip shut refusing to let even so much as a whisper escape. That’s when she saw the hole, one hole in the stall next to her. The stall the stranger had just went in. The hole that a limp dick flopped through. The hole that had a large enough of an opening that a swollen pair of balls swung free.

A whimper slipped out. This would scratch the itch but it was wrong, she was torn over what she wanted and what she knew was right. All that mattered was her needs, job be damned, she needed this it was past wanting. As her mouth took the flaccid member in Rachel’s mind went blank. She knelt there her head bobbing back and forth on the dick that had been so graciously offered to her. Rachel pressed a middle finger deep inside her pussy cupping the mans balls with her free hand in order to get him hard fasters. There was no hiding the sounds of her sloppily blowing the stronger as those sounds mixed with the wet noises of her middle finger pumping in and out of her dripping orifice her juices running down her leg just as pre-cum trickled down her throat.

Gasping she let the fully erect cock spring out of her mouth as she firmly held his balls, “if you don’t make me cum I will end your ability to even think of an erection.” The shaft twitched glistening in the light from Rachel’s spit. Standing up she braced an arm on the opposite wall while guiding herself towards the strangers swollen member the head pushing against her lips and her pussy offering little resistance as he slid into her nearly all the way to the hilt “ah!” it was a sound equal parts pain and pleasure as Rachel stretched to take all of him pushing herself towards the gloryhole to make sure he couldn’t possibly go deeper, she needed all of him.

Rachel stood there for what seemed like an eternity, legs shaking from squatting down and a wetness stuck to the shaft of the stranger a cocktail of saliva and natural lubricant. Pulling away her back arched as the fleshy cock drug against the walls her pussy her lips gripping not wanting to let go. Then she went wild grunting and panting as if she was an animal in heat both arms bracing against the opposite wall as she slammed against the wall behind her repeatedly plunging the strangers dick into her depths. “God, you’re big, whoever you are you’re tearing me up!” He was large, probably one of the bigger ones she’d tried and none of those had she fucked as eagerly as this mystery man or as with as much vigor as the sound of her ass smacking against the wall tried to drown out her cries of pleasure.

Rachel clawed at the metal of the stall as she felt herself on the edge. The wall behind her shook violently as the man started to buck, “Fuck, fuck fuuuuuck cum in me baby, you can do it baby.” She cried out as she held still and then cooed encouragement for her partner as her hips spasmed and she came impelled on him clamping tightly on his cock as she rode out her orrgasm, liquid squirting out around her pussy dripping onto his balls as the stranger groaned and shot stream after stream of cum into her the white pearly fluid leaking from inside her as he pulled away his rapidly deflating member still impressive in size. Rachel collapsed to the floor her hips still bucking a mixture of her fluid and his semen dripped onto the ground as she looked behind her gratefully taking him back into her mkuth sucking him clean.

She had no idea why she talked that way to him, or why she let him ejaculate inside of her, or why she was tonguing his head getting every last drop of cum out, and she didn’t care. Rachel could feel the hunger of needing to screw fading gradually. Giving his dick one last solid suck it popped free from her lips with an audible sound. Unknown to her a phone pulled away from the top of the door to her stall, held by a hand with purple painted fingernails. It had been there from the start from her finger fucking, to sucking a dick, and getting creampied and had captured it all.

Slipping a pair of heels on outside of the restroom the click of the recorder’s steps echoed around the empty hallway. Video after video starter to upload along with a plethora of pictures taken between clips, she felt a little bad for Rachel but that was life here. ‘This should make it even now,’ she thought, ‘we can get out of here.’ The echo of her high heels stopped outside of the security office and the door swung open for her.

“You’ve been a real angel Micah. I’m downloading the videos now.” Alan grinned wide, an empty grin that never reached his eyes once in the history that Micah had witnessed it.

“Does this clear our debt? Can my husband and I stop this? He got the last one pregnant please tell me this is it.” She couldn’t hold back, tears had started to stream down her cheeks as he continued to grin at her.

“Tell you what, if Rachel stays, all you have to do is let me fuck you until you’re pregnant and we’ll call it good. Now get out of here before she shows up.” Alan waved Micah away and let the door close on her as she sniffled and tried to blot away the smeared mascara. Almost done, but why, why could she feel a wet spot spreading when he said she’d have to make love to him until she was carrying his baby and why did she feel happy when she thought of him violating her again.


Rachel finished gathering up her stuff, and tried her best to clean up the still leaking cum before dressing. Thank god Alan didn’t come looking for her, and thank god she was going home. This would just be her secret, well hers and whoever she just let have sex with her. when Rachel got to the office Alan was already gone and the shift replacement was waiting for her to punch out and go home of which she did as fast as humanly possible before her coworker got to asking questions.

Still, why was there a gloryhole in a mall? More important Rachel could have sworn that she had used the same stall earlier and it hadn’t been there. No, she was positive it hadn’t been there. As Rachel’s mind continuing to clear more and more things didn’t sit well with her about the mall and something felt really off about her trainer Alan

Maybe she wouldn’t be back.

End part 1

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/752epa/mfstr8_evil_works_a_swing_shift