Turning the Babysitter Into a Good Girl, Chapter 3 [slow burn] [18 year old] [good girl] [virgin] [sexy dad] [coming of age] [teen romance] [age gap] [Dom sub] [long story] [multiple chapters]

[Read Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ysv1bw/turning_the_babysitter_into_a_good_girl_chapter_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

[Read Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/yv7e7o/turning_the_babysitter_into_a_good_girl_chapter_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

Our main character just had a mortifying but deliciously sexy encounter with the smoldering Daddy of the kid she babysits. He ended the exchange by calling her a good girl, which is new territory for her…

[Author note: This is a shorter chapter, so the next one is coming tomorrow! Also, all teens are 18+]

*Good girl… good girl… good girl…* The phrase plays in my head with the rhythm of my bike pedaling on my way to Elle’s. *And his voice, god, his voice when he said it.* A deep timbre I don’t hear from the boys at school. *Why did he say it? And why did it affect me so?* I use the time it takes to get to Elle’s to really analyze what happened. James had brought a feeling to the surface I’d never considered: a longing to be under the influence of strong authority. A pleasure in feeling smaller, knowing I can lose control and he’ll take charge. And a deep desire to do whatever needs to be done to please such a man. I acknowledge my longing to hear him say it again. *Good girl.* I don’t consider myself a people-pleasing doormat, but I ache to do something to please *him.*

*James.* I’d just addressed him for the first time, though, with a roll of my eyes, I recall how I fumbled in the delivery. It just doesn’t feel right to call him by his first name as though we’re equals. I softly sigh, remembering the solid shape of his undressed body, those firm arms, the slight curve of his mouth, and the mysterious gleam in his eye when he called me *”good girl.”* I’m dying to know what he was thinking. *Shit, I would’ve stayed on my knees in front of him all day, if he would’ve asked me.* He’d probably have enjoyed it, one hand caressing the back of my neck, the other moving down to his underwear to reach into the slit, and pull out his-

*Stop it!* I tell myself. *Pull yourself together!* Elle is going to think I’m insane if I show up to her house, breathless with stories of Jacob’s dad’s dick in my face. Besides, as I turn onto Elle’s street, I quite literally left that behind me for the day. Soon it’ll be time to hang out with everyone, which I have been eager for all day.

In the moments before I turn onto the familiar cracked driveway and run upstairs to greet my best friend, I recover as best as I can from the afternoon’s strange events. As we lounge and chat in the dappled sunlit bedroom, any residual reaction to James’ behavior just comes across as nerves for tonight. 

*I still want Ethan,* I assure myself. I had a crush on him for so long, and he confessed he liked me one night when a group of us was hanging downtown in the park. The two of us were sitting on a bench off to the side, while the others were goofing off near the edge of the fountain. He told me he liked me, and I told him I liked him back, and we held hands the rest of the night. Our first kiss was sweet. He was always sweet, and so cute, and fun to be with. It worked out well that he was friends with Trevor, because then the boys could hang out with Elle and me and we’d all have a blast. Not a bad way to spend the final months of senior year. Milkshakes and car rides, movies and lazy weekends in the park. Like a coming-of-age film.

*And I’m ready to make him my first… someday.* I can’t imagine it will be too much longer, but I want to enjoy each deeper level of closeness before rushing too fast. I think about how he looked today at school. *My hot boyfriend with the cute floppy brown hair that I can’t help but run my fingers through when we kiss. And he wants me too.* 

Elle is talking to me, excitedly, asking how I’m feeling, and I tune back in to re-engage with the real world. 

“I wonder if his dick is bigger than Trevor’s”, she considers, taking a bite of a twist of red licorice. We’re both sprawled on her bed. I look at her and we both dissolve into giggles. “How am I supposed to measure *that?”* I ask. 

“All boys measure their dicks”, Elle says, with seeming authority. “Okay then, how big is Trevor?” I ask. Elle looks at her licorice, takes a little bite and then holds it up. “This big.” There’s a pause and then we burst out laughing again. *I’m so glad Elle and I have each other,* I think to myself with a grin. We’re playing music, and we’d just finished doing each other’s eyeliner, take two. After the first try we realized we were clearly a little too inspired by *Euphoria* and that those looks do not fly in the real world. Multiple selfies later, we washed it off and went for a much more subtle, but still noticeably enhancing, style.

We hear Trevor’s car outside, the telltale rattle alerting us to its arrival. “Let’s do this!” Elle says, pulling me up off the bed. We thump down the stairs, calling out a goodbye to her parents. Ethan gets out of the car to pick up my bike and put it in Trevor’s trunk. *See? Ethan has strong arms too.* I say to myself, realizing I still have some lingering memories of those… *manly* arms… I shake the thought from my head and kiss Ethan hello before he slides into the backseat with me, Elle claiming the front passenger seat. Trevor shifts into reverse, and pulls out onto Elle’s street.

“Ooh, we should stop by Dairy Queen first,” I say. Ethan looks at me and squeezes my hand with a smile, as Trevor turns right onto the main road through the city. We zoom away, windows down, music blasting, ready for whatever the night holds.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/z1aqns/turning_the_babysitter_into_a_good_girl_chapter_3


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