The Cost of a Good Cup of Coffee [NonCon] [Mind Control] [Foot Fetish] [Step-Mom] [Confusion] [LGBT]

Blair stumbled in through the front door. She dropped her bag to the floor and leaned against the wall panting. With a great amount of effort she finally managed to get her breathing under control. Blair had no idea what had come over her, one minute she had been enjoying her coffee (americano with oat milk, no dairy of course) the next her head had been spinning. Her body had flushed red hot and strangest of all she had felt turned on. Not a gentle arousal like she had felt when fooling around with her ex. There was no slow build up here. Instead it had hit her like a freight train. Arousal so hot and heavy she had dropped her coffee and groaned out loud in the middle of the cafĂ©. Utterly embarrassed she had grabbed her bag and fled back to her step-mother’s house which was far closer than her apartment. The arousal was still there and she needed to do something about it. She knew her step-mother kept her old bedroom exactly how it was when she’d moved out at eighteen. Blair hoped to god that she wasn’t in so that she could sneak upstairs to get herself off.

“Honey is that you? I didn’t think you were visiting until the weekend.”

Blair’s heart dropped as she heard the voice from the kitchen. Usually she’d have loved to hear the sunshine bright tones of her step-mother, but not today.

“Yeah, I just needed to grab something from my old room is that ok?” Blair replied, trying to keep the tremble out of her voice.

Blair stepped into the kitchen, stealth in this matter was pointless now. Grace stood leaning against the door frame at the far side of the room, right in the path Blair needed to take. The two women could not have looked less alike. Blair was pale skinned with black hair. The colour was a running theme with her, as she complemented her looks with black tattoos, clothes and lipstick. Her step-mother however, was far less monochromatic. A tight pair of denmin shorts and a red plaid shirt contained her tanned curves. Whilst her body was softer than Blair’s she still certainly turned heads in the street. Often joking that she was the blonde MILF of the neighbourhood.

“Of course its okay hon! You know I love it when you stop by. I’ll make us both a coffee while you go get what you need.”

Grace was all smiles as she moved into the kitchen, busying herself with the task of making their drinks. Blair swore under her breath. This situation was getting further and further out of hand. Instead of replying she just nodded quickly, stepping to move past Grace and out of the kitchen. Blair however, did not get that far. As she stepped past her step-mum, Blair’s nose was filled with the scent of her. She froze, still as a statue, her already skyrocketing arousal shooting even higher. What the hell was wrong with her? It was taking all of her willpower not to whimper from the ever growing heat in her core.

“What’s wrong dear?” her step-mum asked, “if you just wanted a hug you could have just asked silly!”

The moment Grace’s hands touched the bare skin of Blair’s neck was like someone had electrocuted the younger woman. The skin to skin contanct. The intimacy. It sent sparks of ecstacy coursing through her body. So intense was it that Blair jumped back in shock, the moan that had escaped her lips still ringing in her ears. She stood there trembling, panting. Blair was trying her best not to look at her step-mum now, she looked different to her eyes.

She looked sexy, her own step-mum was turning her on just looking at her.

“Blair honey are you alright? I didn’t mean to surprise you…”, Grace stood with her arms held out and a hurt look on her face.

Panic was flooding Blair’s body. Competing with arousal to flood her brain. She had no clue what was happening to her. Then, like the clouds parting, her next action became perfectly clear to her. A voice entered her head and pushed past all the thoughts trying to warn her something was wrong.

*Kiss her.*

Blair’s body moved without her input. She slipped between her step-mum’s out stretched arms, placed her hands on either side of her face and then kiseed her deeply. For a moment Grace melted into it, then it was her turn to jump back in shock.

“What on earth are you doing Blair?” Grace exclaimed, “I know you’re a growing young woman and you have urges and-”

*Tell her the filthy thoughts in you head.*

Blair froze in horror, the voice again. Again, despite her mind’s protests, her body moved on it’s own accord.


Grace froze in place stunned and speecless. Her mouth moved soundlessly.

*We both know you have worse than that in there.*

Blair’s face twisted into a confused grimace, she clamped her hands over her mouth. How was this happening to her? Panic boiled up in her gut as she could do nothing but stare in mute horror as her hands slowly lowered away from her mouth.

“I am so dripping wet at the thought of sucking your toes!” she blurted out before managing to cover her mouth with her hands once more.

“Blair! What in tarnation is wrong with you? I am your step-mother! I will-”

Grace stopped and began to cough. Once the coughing fit had subsided she stood there panting, her face and neck were flushed.

“Well I’ll be, if it hasn’t taken a turn for the warm in here,” Grace exclaimed while fanning her face with a hand, “just let me undo my top a little…”

It all seemed to happen in slow motion to Blair, each button undone on Grace’s top exposed a little more skin. The more she saw, the more aroused she could feel herself getting. Those full breasts, she just wanted to squeeze them, to suck on them. Her soft midriff, Blair craved to run her feet up it. To feel that comforting skin under her sensitive soles. Worst of all, Blair had no clue why she was feeling this, they weren’t her fantasies. Grace had now unbuttoned all of her shirt, letting it hang open.

“Oh that’s so much better, perhaps Blair you want to do the same? It could be fun, I’ve always wanted to get up close and personal with those cute little tits after you pierced them. Especially as you seem to be enjoying the sight of me…” with that last sentence Grace nodded down towards Blair’s crotch.

Sure enough, as Blair ran a hand over it, a large dark wet patch was clearly visible on her jeans. She was so aroused she had soaked through her trousers! Blair quickly looked around for something to cover the wet patch. Seeing a kitchen towel on the side she reached for it.

*Oh no you don’t. If you want that you can use your feet for it. *

Blair’s arm dropped limp as though she was a puppet with it’s strings cut. As she did so she kicked off both of her Converse. Using the kitchen side to balance she lifted one leg, foot pointed, and grasped the towel in between her toes. Blair pulled it towards her off the side, wherein she lost her grip and it fell to the ground. For the briefest of moments, Blair stared at it, wide eyed. Then, like a startled rabbit she took off, sprinting her way across the kitchen and up the stairs.

Anne chuckled to herself as she watched Blair sprint upstairs from her vantage point. The kitchen window was perfectly situated for her to see through it from within her car sat just across the road. Right now she was staring at a very confused looking Grace, who had only just noticed her shirt was undone. Clearly the pheromone secretion function of her control chip had worked perfectly, driving the older woman’s arousal higher in an instant. The control chip itself had been almost insultingly easy to plant into Blair. Each little chip was water soluble, it broke down into an almost countless amount of cooperating nanites. Slip one into her coffee and Blair now belonged to Anne. She had to admit the power it gave, the humiliation it let her mete out, was intoxicating. She could feel her cock pressing hard against the tight fabric of her leggings. Anne would head in to enjoy the fun in a moment, right now she wanted to run a few more tests.

And after all, why shouldn’t she stroke herself off whilst doing it?

Blair slammed the door shut behind her. Her whole body was shaking. This entire situation made no sense but none of that mattered right now. All she needed, all she craved, was to get off. She pawed at her t-shirt, eager to get it off but lacking the focus to do it quickly. Her trousers followed and she let out a low moan. The feeling of air on her bare skin was ecstatic, it was like every nerve in her body was super charged. Blair dived onto the bed, she just needed pleasure, where it came from was no matter. There was certainly no time for her to grab her toys. Instead she knelt on the bed, angling one leg so that the heel of her foot pressed against her clit. She wasted no time in beginning to hump away. Immediately her eyes shot open wide as the wave of pleasure hit her. A small voice at the back of her mind was screaming at her about how humiliating this was. The rest of her simply did not care. It felt better than anything she had ever felt before. Still, she had the piece of mind to clamp a hand over her mouth to muffle her moans. Moans that were getting ever louder as within a matter of seconds she was already approaching orgasm.

*Moan as loud as you can and cum.*

Blair’s hands both flew forwards and gripped the bedsheets for dear life. Wave after wave of pure pleasure wracked her body, her arms trembled with the effort of preventing herself from falling forwards. The moan that escaped her throat was loud enough that she was sure the neighbour’s across the road had heard. Blair’s heart pounded in her chest, she had no doubt that her step-mother must have heard that too. Desperately she tried to still her panting breath, straining to hear if Grace was coming up the stairs. The arousal hadn’t faded, she knew she would have to play with herself again but she couldn’t do it if her step-mother was around.

“Are you alright Blair honey? I heard you… Ahem… I heard you cry out,” her step-mum’s voice sounded up from the foot of the stairs.

*Invite her up.*

“Come on up, I’ve got something to show you!”

Blair began to breathe so heavily she was sure she’d hyperventilate. This time she hadn’t even had time to resist the voice. Now her step-mum would see her like this, naked and with her own wetness soaking her heel. Blair moved to get her t-shirt off of the floor.

*No. Lie back, spread your legs, and begin to play with yourself.*

Blair immediately changed the direction of her motion, instead flopping backwards onto the bed, her hair forming a black star around her head. Although she dreaded it she knew what was going to happen now. Almost in slow motion she could hear her step-mum’s steps coming up the stairs as her legs inched wider. As Grace reached her door her legs were as wide as they could be, knees bent, anyone who walked through that door would see her glistening wet pussy on full display.

Including her step-mum.

The door handle turned as Blair’s hand moved of it’s own accord. Her entire world changed as she began to play with her clit. The pleasure was even more intense than before, suddenly nothing else in the world mattered other than getting more of it. Dimly she was aware of her door opening. Of the shocked gasp of her step-mother as she took in the sight before her. Blair was beyond caring, her whole existence was simply that glorious growing bliss between her legs.

“Oh my… Honey… I’ll leave you to it…” stammered Grace, wide eyed from the doorway.

“No, please… Stay… I want to feel you…” panted Blair in desperation, acting without the voice now, so needy was she feeling.

Through lidded eyes she could make out her step-mum, she looked stunned, she looked flushed red again but most of all she looked like she was rubbing herself through her shorts. Slowly, carefully, as though she wasn’t sure of her actions, Grace moved forwards onto her hands and knees at the foot of Blair’s bed.

“Blair hon, we really shouldn’t do this, it’s wrong… But I just can’t help myself.”

“Then worship me from my feet upwards and I’ll make you cum” spoke Blair in words that were not her own, as she proffered Grace her foot.

Grace sat staring, nervously chewing on her bottom lip. Trying in desperation to resist, Blair knew her step-mum to be someone who had always found feet unappealing. The pheromones coursing through her system however, were far stronger than anyone’s willpower. Slowly she reached out and took Blair’s foot in her hand, caressing along the arch with her thumb. Blair let out a low groan in response, she had stopped touching herself to enjoy this all the more. Her groans grew even louder as Grace took each of her toes into her mouth one at a time, running her tongue along the underside of them. Blair’s feet were normally sensitive and so now with whatever was happening to her body this was like heaven. She writhed and moaned, squirming around as the feel of her step-mum’s mouth brought bliss to her. Grace for her part seemed to also be enjoying herself, she was rubbing herself through her shorts once more, groaning and moaning as she explored her daughter’s foot.

*Step it up a notch.*

Blair had no desire to resist anymore, the voice in her head was only making her do what was best for her. She brought her leg up, out of Grace’s grip and instead hooked it around the back of her step-mum’s head. Then with one smooth motion she pulled Grace down onto the bed, Blair now positioned straddling her head, facing towards her feet. Grace gasped in delight, wasting no time burying her face in Blair’s pussy, eagerly eating her out. Moaning and shaking as she was, it took Blair a few attempts to unbutton Grace’s shorts before throwing them across the room. Much to her surprise her step-mum had been going commando. Grace’s pussy was soaked with her own arousal, it dripped down, following the line of her ample ass cheeks to pool on the bed beneath her. Blair had never tasted pussy before, but something within her guided her actions. Tentatively she leaned forwards, her tongue parting the glistening lips before her in one long, slow downwards motion.

She tasted like heaven itself.

Sweet and warm. Sensations flooded her body. This was new, this was exciting, Blair needed more. She picked up the pace, her tongue applying more pressure than before. There was no rhythm, no sensual teasing. Just pure primal need making Blair lap at her step-mother’s pussy like she was dying of thirst. Grace had stopped her enjoyment of Blair, she lay there now moaning and writhing in bliss, pinned under the younger woman. Blair knew exactly what that wonderful voice would want of her. She turned one of her feet inwards, her toes pressed right up against the older woman’s head. Grace got the message straight away. She opened her mouth wide began to suck on Blair’s big toe. The sensation of her moaning with her mouth wrapped around it was driving Blair wild. She could feel her own pussy dripping onto her step-mother’s head beneath her, both were too lost in this wonderful mix of sensations to care.

*My, my, you two are quite the pair of sluts. Come downstairs and let me in, then the real fun can begin.*

Anne strode confidently up to the front door of the house. Everything was going even better than she had hoped. Blair had taken to the control chip incredibly well. The pheromone secretion had allowed for levels of control over Grace that had far exceeded expectations. Anne was glad now that she had taken the pheromone nullifying pill whilst in the car. It would not do for her to lose control now and given how sensitive her throbbing cock was feeling rubbing against her leggings she certainly did not require the aid in arousal. She barely had to wait for a second before the door swung open. Stood there, as commanded, was Blair. The command had of course said nothing about Blair getting dressed or cleaning herself up. So in full view of her neighbours and any passers-by she was still stark naked, mouth and pussy coated in drool and their sweet nectar. Grace stumbled into the kitchen behind her only wearing her shirt and an expression of confusion.

“Blair baby, come back to bed please! I need more, you promised you’d make me cum!” Grace paused for a second as she caught sight of Anne in the doorway, her brain was so addled with lust she didn’t even think to cover up, “who are you you?”

“I am the person who is going to give you both far more pleasure than you’ve ever imagined,” Anne replied with a smirk.

She stepped into the house without asking, giving Blair a light smack on the ass as she passed and receiving a delighted yelp in return. Grace for her part stood confused. Torn between the promise of pleasure and her survival instinct desperately trying to warn her that something wasn’t quite right here. She stood there squirming, looking around meekly, trying to catch the eye of Blair who just stood, staring blankly ahead. It was fascinating, Anne thought, watching her mind try to fight what was coursing through her system. Time to put her in her place. Anne took another step forwards, Grace’s eyes widened like a deer caught in the headlights and she backed up, trying to put some distance between them.

“I don’t know what’s going on, I was talking to Blair and then. Oh my days did we? I can’t belive. Oh my!” Grace rambled on incoherently as she backed up against a wall.

Anne approached slowly, there was no need at all for her to rush. She stepped in front of Grace and cupped the older woman’s cheek gently in her hand. At first she flinched away, so Anne sent a command to the chip to increase pheromone production. The effect was immediate. Anne watched as Grace’s pupils widened, that telltale pink flush of heat blossomed up her neck and the older woman began to lean into Anne’s hand. This was far too easy.

*Come over here and kneel by my feet. Set an example for your step-mother.*

She didn’t have to turn and look to know Blair had done as she was told. The battle was gone from Grace’s expression now, instead she stood. Staring from her daughter to the bulge in Anne’s leggings. Anne applied the smallest amount of downwards pressure to Grace’s shoulder and the woman lowered herself down onto her knees in front of Anne, where she licked her lips in nervous anticipation.

“I certainly chose the best two to make into my first little controlled pets,” laughed Anne as she reached out to stroke the cheeks of her new playthings, “you two just look perfect down there for me. Now, let’s put you to the test…”

With that, Anne reached down and pulled the waistband of her leggings down slowly. Both women before her seemed utterly hypnotised as inch by inch she exposed her cock. By the time it sprung free, erect and ready, the poor eager Blair had a line of drool running from her chin down over her perky tits.

*Go on my little pet, worship it.*

Blair leaned forwards, her mouth open wide and tongue out. She started with the head of Anne’s cock, swirling her tongue around it, savouring the taste and the feel of it. The mindless woman groaned in excitement, rubbing her thighs together in a vain attempt to apply any pressure to her pussy. Using one hand she then tilted Anne’s cock upwards, Blair gently sucked on each of Anne’s balls. Moving on she pressed her tongue at he base of the shaft, wiggling it slightly, before slowly licking her way up the entirety of the object of her affection. Upon reaching the head Blair opened her mouth once more and, whilst stroking with one hand around the base, began to lovingly suck Anne off. Grace was looking at the whole display with a look approaching pure rapture.

“Mmm I knew you’d have a talent for that Blair, you do make such a good plaything.” Anne turned to Grace, tilting her head up to meet her eyes with a finger underneath her chin, “you’re oh so desperate to have a taste yourself aren’t you? I can see it in your eyes.”

Grace simply nodded, the pheromones had driven her arousal too high for in-depth conversation.

“Well, I will let you have a turn. In fact I will make you cum. First though, you have to do something for me. Will you do that?” Anne teased, almost drunk on the power this was giving her.

“Yes… Please… Anything…” Grace pleaded.

“Anything?” Anne mocked, “be careful of your choice of words. To give you what you crave I’ll have to make you just like your cock-sucking whore of a daughter. All it will take is you sucking it too to fall under my spell.”

The glassy eyed Grace’s only response was to open her mouth wide and stick her tongue out in a mimicry of what Blair had done.

“Good girl” grinned Anne as she pulled her cock away from Blair.

Blair seemed to pout a little at this but otherwise said nothing. Anne turned to face Grace and pulled out another control chip. She placed it on top of the head of her cock.

“Come, embrace being my pet as well.”

Grace leaned forwards, mouth wide, she took the entirety of Anne’s drool slicked cock in one go. Anne felt the tip press against the back of Grace’s mouth, the tip onto which she had placed the chip. The effect was instaneous. As soon as it hit the wet back of Grace’s throat the chip dissolved and flooded into her system. The older plaything’s eyes flew wide open and her back arched, a trail of spit arcing out of her mouth as she left Anne’s cock. She moaned in pure bliss as the chip sunk it’s claws into the pleasure centres of her brain. Anne looked on in amusement. She could see the muscles Grace’s body standing taut and rigid as wave after wave of pure unfiltered lust hit her. In a minute or so the process had completed. Grace collapsed onto the floor in an undignified heap next to Blair who seemed not to notice what was going on around her. Anne smiled triumphantly. Now to enjoy both her playthings.

*Get up. Grace, on the kitchen counter, legs spread. Blair bend over in front of her.*

Both women moved like puppets whose strings had just been pulled. One moment stillness and the next moving into place without question. Neither was displaying any signs of their previous apprehension at being placed into such depraved situations with each other. Quite the opposite in fact, both women were panting, sweat beginning to glisten on their skin as their arousal drove their body temperature ever higher.

*Blair, return to savouring your step-mother’s pussy.*

Grace’s moans echoed around the small kitchen as Blair’s tongue began it’s sinful work. The chip enhanced sensation to a mind melting degree and already Grace’s legs were shaking as her orgasm barrelled closer.

*No cumming until told.*

Grace let out a brief moan of anguish before those of pleasure returned to take over. For her part, Anne had only eyes for the sight before her. Blair’s tight, pale ass, bent over right in front of her. She could see the strings of her wetness sticking to those toned white thighs. Anne ran a finger between Blair’s pussy lips, eliciting a low moan from the woman. She was as soaked as she appeared. There was no need for foreplay here, no need for any build-up. Anne simply stepped up behind her and rammed her girthy member home. For a brief moment Blair’s programming was overridden. The pure pleasure of being filled so fully overloaded her brain, her head snapped upwards and she froze in place. Unable to even moan. Just to whimper. Then Anne began to move. Blair felt even more amazing than she had expected, she was that tight that Anne had to move slowly to begin with. Chuckling and moaning to herself at the sight of Blair frozen in place as she fucked her. Anne slowly began to pick up her pace, ploughing the tight goth girl pussy whilst her step-mum watched, panting and desperate for her own release. Time to have a bit more fun, thought Anne.

*Wake up.*

This was a far quicker way to remove the chip’s control, one moment both were poised exactly where Anne wanted them. The next their bodies slumped, suddenly lacking instructions. Fog would be filling their heads right now as their brains tried to make sense of the mess of endorphins that had flooded them.

“Where, where am I?” came the confused voice of Blair.

Grace was sat on the kitchen side, blinking, mouth agape, clearly not coming round as fast as her daughter.

“Fuck! Who are you? What are you-”

Blair’s exclamation was cut off by a primal moan as Anne thrust forwards burying her cock up to the hilt within her.

“Oh fuck that feels amazing! Don’t stop! Please!” begged Blair.

“I will, if you kiss up your step-mother’s foot for me.”

Anne could feel Blair’s body tense through her cock. Her pussy was practically squeezing Anne in desperation. Slowly she began to pull out, Blair immediately tried to push backwars, begging for her to stop.

“OK, OK , OK, please just stop… Please, I need more…” she pleaded.

Blair took a deep breath and picked up Grace’s foot gingerly. Her step-mother blinked once more, the light returning to her eyes.

“Blair! What are you doing? Stop that!”

Despite her protests Grace still let out a low groan as Blair’s lips came in contact with her foot. She at least had the wherewithal to look embarrassed as each subsequent kiss brought similar reactions.

“Good girls” cooed Anne as she began to move her hips once more.

Blair’s head fell forwards and she dug her fingers into her step-mum’s thighs as the pleasure hit her.

*And now stop thinking again my lovely playthings.*

Anne stopped as both went rigid once more. Time, she thought, for the grand finale.

*Onto the floor, on your backs, legs up, both of you.*

Silently but swiftly both women got into place. Anne turned and pulled a chair over to where they lay on the tiled floor. She sat on the edge of the chair, taking a moment to slowly stroke herself and enjoy the humiliating sight in front of her. Two grown women both posing like dumb little puppets. This was such an excellent start to her master plan.

*Both of you, using the soles of your foot, get me off.*

The women at her feet stared back blankly as they lifted their feet up in response. It was Anne’s turn to moan as her cock was wrapped in the soft, warm skin of their feet. Both eager to please their new puppeteer they moved in tandem. Anne gripped the sides of the chair and threw her head back. This was heaven indeed. The other two women’s own moans mingled with her own, their sensitive soles bringing them almost as much pleasure. Anne could feel her cock begin to throb and pulse, clearly so could Blair and Grace as they picked up their pace, pressing a little harder against Anne’s shaft.

“Good… Girls…” panted Anne as she looked down at her playthings.

It might have just been her imagination as the pleasure built ever higher within her but she could have sworn their was a glint of intelligence behind their eyes. Almost as though they knew what they were doing and were loving it. As if to prove her point Blair lifted her other foot without prompting, placing her big toe against that wonderfully sensitive spot on the back of the head of Anne’s cock. Without breaking eye contact with her puppeteer she began to move it in circles. Anne moaned, she could feel her legs begin to shake as her building orgasm reached that point of no return. The feeling of Blair’s additional pleasing was just too much.

*You cum when my cum lands on your skin.*

The tempo of both women increased as that instruction reached their minds. They were as eager as Anne for her to finish, they knew that was the only way they would finally get their release.

And get their release they all did.

Anne’s orgasm hit her like a freight train, she had never cum as hard as this before. Her legs shook violently, her iron like grip on the chair caused the wood to creak, all as her cock spurted rope after rope of thick cum over the eager women at her feet. They in turn behaved exactly as instructed. As the first drops of hot cum splashed onto their bare skin they were lost to ecstacy. Both collapsed back onto the floor, eyes rolled back into their heads and backs arched.

It took Anne a moment or two to catch her breath after she had finished. Experimentally she reached out to the control chips that gave her power over the undignified forms on the floor. Nothing. No response. She could tell they were still working but it seemed the orgasms had fried the two women’s brains too much for them to function. No matter. She would try the last function she wanted to test.

Post-control suggestion.

Blair awoke groggily on the floor of her step-mother’s kitchen. She had no recollection of how she had gotten here. She stretched her legs out to ease a stiffness that had taken root in them, then she looked around. Her step-mother Grace lay next to her, a similar look of shock on her face. Much to both of their shock, both of them were naked. They recoiled from each other as though they had been electrocuted.

“What’s happened? How did we get here?” blurted Grace, “and what is that all over your face Blair hon?”

Blair reached a tentative hand up to her face, she could feel something sticky and warm on her cheek. She dipped her finger into it and looked at what was there.


Blair felt her heart hammering in her chest. Just what in the fuck had happened here? She looked over at her step-mother, she was similarly messy. She desperately wanted to go clean herself up. First though, there was something she just had to do. She didn’t know why she had to do it but something deep within her was telling her she would feel good if she did it. Clearly Grace had the same idea as both stood up at the same time. Without quite knowing why, both of them moved towards the door, following the orders of a voice echoing around in their heads.

*When you wake up, walk outside and say hi to your neighbours.*

This was a commission by a client who wished to remain anonymous.
