Dressing Room (Fiction)

Walking around the mall, I wasn’t really thinking about much, just wondering if I’d find anything to wear I liked. It was because of this that I almost missed a really good-looking older guy looking my way.

If I were to guess, I’d say mid to late fourties, though his wife(?) or whatever was definitely in her early twenties. I’d always been a little intrigued by that. An older man with a younger woman. And he was looking right at me.

He smiled a knowing smile as if to say , “I know you think I’m hot. And I plan to take you”. And apparantly that was right because he nodded to a little boutique off behind me.

I’d been avoiding it because it’s kind of pricey, but I thought hell let’s see what happens.

When he quietly left her arguing with some guy at a kiosk and walked that way, I knew I was in.

He went in before me and apparantly had thought about this because he already had the girl picking out outfits for me to try on. Their changing room was more of a changing area with mirrors all around the outside and only light curtains to stop anyone from walking in. With the several big leather chairs and boothes to the side for changing, it was set up like a showroom. Change in the boothe and model for whomever happens to be sitting there.

Well, this is just what we did. I began trying stuff on and modeling them in the order he set, and I could see his desire growing. I kept thinking his wife would walk in, and I didn’t even know his name. And a few other things besides. But I couldn’t stop.

It was because of this that I hadn’t noticed the clothes getting skimpier. And when I realized the next set was a sheer teddy with stockings and a garter, I hesitated. But then I thought screw it. He obviously wants to see me, and I really want to be seen.

When I walked back into the room, the sales lady was standing there with a portable charge unit. Obviously, he had paid for something. She looked dead at me and gave an appraising look. Then, she smiled her approval.

And stayed next to the curtain.

I started to walk suggestively around the room, and I guess it was all a bit too much for him. He walked up behind me while I was facing one of the really big mirrors.

Pressing himself against my bac, he began to caress my body, and I could feel my self respondinggettingg VERY wet, and he was definitely getting hard.

I could see the sales lady’s smile knowing that I was about to be taken by this stranger. She stood there just watching.

There was a voice outside the curtain and suddenly she left. I heard the voice of his wife distinctly say, “But I saw him come in here”.

And the other sales lady said, “You’re mistaken. We have a very private customer in the back and you have to leave”.

“Here’s his picture. Are you sure it’s not him?”

As he slips the lingerie to the side and slips his cock inside me from behind. Just like that, he simply pushed inside me, filling me deep.

“No ma’am, it’s not. That gentleman came and left. He’s probably looking for you in the mall somewhere”.

The curtains move as his hard dick slips in deeper still. So big.

“Just let me check. For my peace of mind.”

“Ma’am, we can’t violate their privacy. Please, just go look for him and I’m sure you’ll find him. Please. I hate to say this but must insist. I will call security if need be”.

My quiet cumming was too much for him. He spins me around and backs me against the mirror. With one hand holding my arms above my head, my legs over his hips, he takes me hard and kisses me deep.

“Wel, okay. But I’ll be back if I don’t find him”.

And I guess she left because the 1st sales lady walks back in, and the other watches from the open curtain.

If anyone had walked into the store in that moment, within three steps they would see me off the ground, being fucked hard by a total stranger.

Then I came, and the world ended. Him cumming deep inside me just put me further over the edge. It was as if it would never stop.

After a moment he slipped out. Spent. Quickly straightening himself up he left me there slumped against the mirror. The girl just let the curtain drop as he walked out and I heard him say “There you are dear. I’ve been looking for you everywhere”.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/z0c46s/dressing_room_fiction

1 comment

  1. Damn. Pi didn’t know I wanted to do that before reading this. Now it’s at the top of my list.

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