Fantasy Fingers

Hello Princess,

I have a scenario for you to enjoy…

We’ve met up in a hotel room for a time of play. You’re in a fantastic outfit for daddy- long stockings, gloves, a black thong. Your lips latch onto mine the moment I walk in the door. My eyes turn dark with lust and GREED. I’m going to have as much of you as I want. You just crave the feeling of being taken- I can taste it on your lips. Your neck might as well have a tattoo of my hand on it because you have become so familiar with the feeling. The feeling of being overtaken, muscled, tamed.

Why do we understand each other in our special way? I suspect it’s because I know you can never be tamed-truly tamed. And that resistance, that deep groaning flame that shoots from you when I am with you has changed me. It lets me know I am not alone in my burn. Colliding with you in every possible way and getting as deep inside you as you will allow is my ultimate joy as you know me today.

So I push you away from our kiss, causing you to take two steps back. Your wry little smile greets me with a “hiiiiiyeee” and an innocence so believable I’m tempted to lay you down, stroke your hair, and assure you of my protective care as daddy. I take one of those two steps towards you and breathe in ready to tell you what is going to happen next and you place your gloved hand over my mouth, inserting a finger into my mouth, curiousity lighting up your doe eyes as you watch me cope with a moment of you taking charge. I quickly smirk and you realize you’re safe- daddy is liking this.

That finger stays in my mouth while the other fingers tickle my chin and lips. Your thumb reaches up and pets my nose. I wink and wonder what you are feeling.

You then place your other gloved, tantalizing hand on your own breast and squeeze before running your fingers up your neck and along your face and lips. You pull your finger out of my mouth and start to slowly run your hands down your body. While you do you glance at the obvious bulge in my pants.

“It’s been so long since I’ve had you princess.”
“And what are you going to do about that?” you ask, rubbing your hands along your breasts, your nipples poking through your fingers.


It’s all in the fingers this time. I glide them over every inch of you. From your fingertips to your neck I touch you lightly. I feel goosebumps on your skin as I do so and I hear the hurt in your breath. Impatience is rising in you as I touch your silky long legs in the stockings you put on for me- I won’t be taking them off even though your eyes are daring me to tear them to shreds. The patience game is one that I enjoy and this time, it is my fantasy. And it’s all in the fingers.

I guide you towards the bed and turn you around, placing your hands on the bed and bent over at a nice 90 degree angle. I stop and stare at you, taking in the dark beauty of our situation. You and I are a wildfire created and contained by our minds and our agreement. The hurt in your face in wanting me to get moving results in a brisk *spank* on your ass. I then run a finger along your spine to your face and insert it into your mouth.

“Suck my finger the way you did the first night we fucked.”

You do- and you playfully lick and tease and worship that finger I’ve offered to you. You groan impatiently and try to touch my cock and *smack* another swift spank to the ass cheek.

“Daddy has his desire for this meeting and you must understand that it will be different. You don’t ALWAYS get to have daddy’s cock inside you. That could spoil you princess- and I like you just as you are.”

I’ve placed you on all fours now on the bed.

My fingers, wet from your sucking, start caressing your swollen pussy. Sliding along you and feeling your skin between your legs engorge makes me feel so fucking powerful. You are totally mine. You couldn’t be in a more vulnerable place, shallow breathing and working hard not to groan lest you receive more handprints on your cheek.

After a minute but for you it feels like much longer, I slide my middle finger inside you. A little whimper slips out of your mouth. It’s a delicious sound- a mix of fear and excitement in it.

Here we are…

All fours looks good on you baby. I like fingering you because it allows me to see different views of you while I do so. Your pussy is so tight around my middle finger I wonder how I am able to slide my thick manhood inside you. I realize then just what you mean when you say you love all of the sensations. There must be a supreme amount of pleasure receptors flashing your brain with overloads of oxytocin and endorphins when my cock enters you, expands to full size, then glides, slides, grinds inside you. All your instincts are wired to give me what I want in that moment.

For now I feel you tightening like a child to a parent’s finger around mine. Such a sweet girl, clinging to Daddy.

I’m exploratory, patient, calm- it seems different to you. To be this owned- to know you get to be a pleasure-giver in a different way than most women ever will. You’re still trying to figure out what I’m after. This, right here, is what I’m after. Your willingness, my direction.

“Will you put more fingers inside me Daddy?”

I slowly pull my finger out and you hold your breath, still staring straight ahead.

You can’t see but I am full on erect, eyes completely delighted. It’s impossible for me to put into words the ecstasy I feel just having you in the room with me, let alone dressed like my darkest dreams and submissively asking for pleasurable play.

I circle around to the side of the bed and gently press on your cheek so your head turns and our eyes meet. I say, “Please be more specific. I am here for you as much as you are here for me.”

You shyly look down at the bed.

“Uh uh uh…no no.” I say. “I need your pretty eyes looking into mine when we speak.”

You gain some gumption, look up at me and say, “Sir- I would like permission to speak at all times during this meeting while your fingers are inside me.”

“Sweet darling,” I reply, “that sounds like a great idea. For the rest of our time together, I want you to feel completely free to speak anything you’re feeling while my fingers play inside you.”


One two three-no it takes four fingers inside you before you say “yes, that’s about the right size- that’s what Daddy’s cock feels like.”

I’m licking my lips, jealous of my fingers for getting to set fire to your insides. I remember momentarily that it is actually our minds that have brought all of this to life- how incredible.

“Yes daddy- do the middle finger again. Yes, yes, oh fuck that’s nice that’s RIGHT. It’s not your cock but THANK YOU OHHH.”

“Again, that’s a nice touch you found there. Yeah…touch those two fingers against my clitoris. Daddy, are you enjoying this?”

“Absolutely!” I cup your ass and kiss your lower back while I keep grinding my middle finger inside you the way that got you groaning a moment ago. I won’t get too stuck on that motion because I know there is not a formula- this is a dance, it’s a work of art. Your quivering reaches a new peak as I flip my hand from palm up to palm down and can put a downward pressure inside you.

“What do you think of that princess?”

“Uhhhhh daddy” you say shakily, your voice getting shallow as my hand gets wetter from your body’s response. “Don’t stop. Don’t ask- just keep doing it and go harder. Choke me!”

The choke- my princess’ go to for making sure she feels SOMETHING. I love to choke her not because it’s the only thing that she’ll feel but because I know it takes her somewhere else. It’s also recklessly brutal looking.

I grab your left breast and play with your nipple some more while I finger you and then you scream “MY NECK!”

I increase the speed of my fingers hitting your clitoris and sliding inside you and slowly but very firmly wrap my hand around your neck. I’m looking down at you like any skilled craftsman would at his masterpiece. To be ten feet away and able to see all of what we are doing is what I really wish for. But this will do just fine for now.

As my hand clamps you with various amounts of pressure from my fingers you start to breathe aggressively, almost angrily shouting “more, faster, HARDERRR!”

Then you start to burst- you told me you used to do this but now here, once again, you DO- a full on stream starts to pour and shoot from you all over my hand, my arm, and soaking the bed. You can’t stay on all fours so you fall onto the bed causing my hand to release your neck and I instead pet your face, caressing you and caring for you as I see the mix of agony and beautiful release come together for your moment. I’m overcome at how beautiful it all is and emotionally look into your shocked and helpless eyes and assure you.

“Good girl, good. Let it out. Let it all out here. I’ve got you, you are safe. This is what you were made for. I am so proud of you!”

And I am. Seeing you able to release again and connect to that part of yourself makes me joyful. I’m paralyzed in a sort of peaceful pause.


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