The Security Guard (part 1)

I’d had a great rapport with the security guard at work for a couple of years. I called her my ‘work wife’ for quite a while and often spent my breaks talking or walking the halls with her since our breaks had lined up quite nicely. We had gotten to be pretty good friends and a lot of our conversations would have bordered on more than flirtatious to the casual observer. I think we had shared more in common in our home lives with not being 100% satisfied physically, and the friendship we had built at work just sparked something that we weren’t expecting, but neither of us argued with.

Most of our walks were harmless, day-to-day talk, but occasionally turned into flirtatious innuendo. Neither of us had sex as often as we’d liked, and we’d gotten comfortable enough talking about it. She had that full figure that I just could NOT get out of my head, no matter how much I tried. Her long, wavy hair was always pulled back, but I couldn’t help but picture it down and surrounding me. I kept making jokes that I had a ‘hiding spot’ that was out of camera range to go to every time we got flirtatious and she would jokingly say that she would find it eventually.

I had actually had a spot, though. I’d only used it a couple of times before. Both were times after our walks that we had been extra flirty and I just could NOT help myself. I HAD to cum thinking of her. This time was no different. We had been chatting on a walk around the building and had just happened to have been extra flirty. I had to cum before I finished the day, or I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on work at all. I found my ‘spot’ and started to fantacize about what we would do together.

“What. The. FUCK?!” she exclaimed as she held the door open with one hand, her flashlight in the other.

There was no way around it. I had been caught red-handed, pants unzipped with my cock out, masturbating in what I THOUGHT was a hidden room in the basement of the office building. Not only that, but I was caught by the very person that I had been masturbating at the thought of. The sudden rush of seeing her face come through the door as I was stroking myself to the very thought… I ALMOST came. There was just enough shock to keep that from happening, thank the gods. I knew I was in enough trouble as it was, but that would’ve only made it 10 times worse… Or so I thought.

“I, uh… Fuck. I am SO SORRY! I can’t even say it’s not what it looks like…” I was starting to ramble and trail off. I mean, what ELSE do you do at that point? I started to put my dick back in my pants and cover myself back up. Then I heard the door click shut, thinking surely you had stepped back out, but your flashlight was still on me. Without the backlight of the hall, I could barely see your outline because of your own light.

I was still in panic mode, thinking surely that my career and life were over. It really hadn’t registered that you were still in the room with me until you spoke.

“So THIS is the ‘hiding spot’ you’ve been joking about. I mean I THOUGHT it was a joke, at least…” then you trailed off, your flashlight slowly making its way from my face down to what was still in my hand.

Trying to put my still hard dick away, completely embarassed about what was happening, I heard your voice. “What do you thing you’re doing?” In my panic, I couldn’t hear the playfulness in your voice as you asked.

“I’m sorr…” I tried to say, but you interrupted me.

“All this time you’ve talked about your spot, and you weren’t kidding…” you said as you stepped up to me, grabbing my hand and pulling it away from my dick. “We could have been doing this together?” you asked, your flashlight going dark, as I felt your hand wrapping around my hard cock. I breathed in a gasp of complete extacy as I felt you pull me in closer with that hand. “We could have been having some FUN.”

A whole new rush of feelings hit me. I had this fantasy dozens of times, but never expected it to actually happen. “We… We could have?” I asked, trying to gather my bearings. There was no sounding suave right now. She had me stumbling over my words and, quite literally, in the palm of her hand. She was enjoying the power trip, and I was coming around to the idea really fast, too.

She gave the sexiest, most devious chuckle I have ever heard. The sound of the flashlight getting set down in the near-empty room. “Why don’t you tell me EXACTLY what you thought you were doing in here, sir,” she said in an authoritative voice as she stroked my shaft once, then pulled me closer still with it. “And better yet,” she leaned into me and bit my earlobe, “WHO you were thinking about while you were doing it.”
