I hooked up at Halloween party. (M25, F23)

I hooked up at a Halloween party, a few weeks ago.

I remember not wanting to go, and regretting my decision as soon as I knocked on the front door. A coworker of mine was hosting the party, and it was more of a courtesy invite, one I didn’t even intend on acknowledging. But I started thinking about how I stay in every year, and every time I do nothing for the spooky season I end up regretting it and kicking off the holidays depressed.

Coworker was married, and the party was something she and her husband threw every year. They only had two rules: BYOB, and wear a costume. So I thought fuck it, stopped by the local Halloween shop and bought myself a Ghostface costume. Yeah, like the one from Scream.

A six-pack purchase later, and I found myself standing in front of the door at the Halloween party, knocking. I figured the costume would at least keep my identity a secret for a while, and I could at least have a little fun and dip out when I’d had enough. Nobody really talked to me at work, so even if I didn’t reveal my face, it’s not like it would matter.

Anyway, the door opens, and I’m there holding a six-pack and a prop knife. Everyone cheers at the costume, most of them already tipsy. Aside from a few I vaguely recognize, the house is full of people I’ve never seen before. The coworker who’s hosting asks me who I am, and I keep quiet and hold up the beer as an offering. I continue the act to remain anonymous, because behind the mask I’m freaking out because there’s so many people. I weave through drunk mummies, a human sized-slice of pizza, and an inflatable T-rex, pausing only to hive five people and fake stab with the prop knife. Keeping the act up makes people laugh, and eventually they forget about who I am underneath and I’m able to keep a low profile.

I make my way to the snack table, and decide I’d rather not eat anything with the costume on, so I stick to beer. I sneak sips under the mask as people mingle around me, dismissing all conversation with silent gestures that provoke further laughter. People seem to enjoy it, so I keep the bit up and move on to my next beer. Lost in a crowd of people dressed as other people, I actually start having fun. I was totally content just vibing in the corner by myself, until another costume caught my eye, and I couldn’t look away.

Leaning next to the island in the kitchen was another Ghostface, undeniably female, and incredibly hot. She was standing next to her friend, a tall blonde recognizably dressed as Princess Peach. I was drawn to her legs; the tight checkering of fishnet leggings accompanied by the bulk of platform boots. Buckles ran all the way up the boots, like something you’d see in a video game cosplay. She was much shorter than Peach, but to me, she was the main attraction. My staring was interrupted, when I realized they had spotted me, and were waving me over. Peach, with wild waving arms, and with the Ghostface looking bashful next to her. I tried to play coy, mostly because during my incognito staring I was starting to chub up.

I sheepishly pointed to myself, as if to say: Oh me?

“Picture! Let me get a pictuuuuuure!” Peach was saying, holding up her thumbs and fingers to imitate a camera. I reluctantly headed over, and the closer I got to them, the more I realized Peach was a little drunk.

“Oh my god, let me get a picture of you two!” She said excitedly, pointing to girl Ghostface, who seemed a little embarrassed but giddy. I gave her a silent thumbs up and waved to girl Ghostface, standing awkwardly next to her with beer in hand. We stood there for a moment while Peach got out her phone, and she started to frown.

“Come oooon, get closer. Don’t be shy” She said, and startled to giggle. Girl Ghostface and I looked at each other, our comically blank faces expressionless as we shrugged. Girl Ghostface nodded and got closer, wrapping a slender arm around my waist. The feeling of her awkward embrace was nice, and I tried not to overstay my welcome. I kind of hovered over her, and I was surprised when she grabbed my arm so I could hold her closer.

Peach laughed and cheered and assaulted us with the flash of her phone’s camera. People in the background cheered as well, some mentioning something along the lines of that’s badass, how cute, scream couple, before going back to their business. A few others stopped to take pictures as well. Peach laughed and I could hear girl Ghostface giggling as well. I looked down at her for a moment, taking a second to see her bust that was pushing the limit of the cloak she was under. Seeing the swell of her breasts and the boots poking out from underneath the cloak; it was something dreams were made of. I was thankful my cloak would hide whatever arousal I had brewing.

That was, until the pictures were over and girl Ghostface turned and gave me an unexpected hug. The hug was innocent, I know, but I wasn’t prepared for it, and unintentionally jabbed the poor girl in her hip with my growing erection. To make matters worse, I felt her flinch away from it.

“Fuck, I’m so sorry, it’s—” I started mumbling behind the mask.

She shrugged me off and giggled again, not drawing attention to what happened. She held up a finger as if to say “wait a second” and dug underneath her cloak, where I guessed her purse was hiding.

She mumbled something like “It’s alright, it’s alright” before holding up her own phone and asked for a selfie. I agreed, embarrassed, and Peach started walking away, drunkenly harassing someone dressed as The Crow. Girl Ghostface got closer again, and snapped a few pictures of us making peace signs.

With that, girl Ghostface waved goodbye and disappeared back into the crowd. I watched her go, wishing I would’ve tried to talk to her or something, instead of prodding her with my boner.

I mingled for a little while longer, and decided maybe it was time to nope out of there. I still had almost a full beer left, but I wasn’t quite feeling it. I turned and headed back to the kitchen to dump the rest out, and was met by a stampede of costumes. The human pizza was chasing the inflatable T-rex, and they crashed right into me. I was lucky enough to not get knocked down, but I knocked over a bunch of solo cups when I slipped against the counter, as well as emptying most of my remaining beer all over myself. People simultaneously boo’d and cheered, and I waved apologetically as a flood of beer soaked my sleeve and completely saturated the glove.

The human Pizza and the T-Rex apologized, but the damage had been done. Beer was dripping from my glove and sleeve, and now down one pant leg. I only drank a little more than one beer, but if I drove home like this and got pulled over, I would be fucked.

I didn’t want to leave the scene a disaster so I started picking up the mess, clumsily gathering solo cups behind the poor visibility of the mask. Human pizza felt bad and started to help, unraveling paper towels while inflatable T-rex stood by awkwardly and ashamed for moral support. Once that was done, I parted ways with the uncanny group and set out to find a bathroom to rinse some of the beer off. I wanted to stay incognito, so I kept my cool and smoothly made an exit. However, my smooth exit got increasingly bumpy as I realized I was dripping beer everywhere.

I quickened my pace and headed down the hall, sidestepping people in costume while trying to see the best I could. A classic Dracula with a long fancy cape near a linen closet, someone dressed as a horse with one of those goofy masks guarding a bedroom doorway, and in the furthest corner… Princess Peach and The Crow making out.

The door at the end of the hall was lit up, and slightly cracked. I could see the bathroom tile underneath, and gave an impatient courtesy knock, beer dripping onto the floor as I waited for an answer. Over the noise of the party, I didn’t hear anything.

I went into the bathroom quickly, immediately locking the door behind me. I went to the sink first, ignoring my derpy masked face as I pulled at one of my gloves. I was trying to contain the mess, and didn’t want to be touching everything with soggy beer hands. I peeled the glove off and started the water in the sink before pulling the other one off. I still felt it trickling down my leg, so I was already undoing the button on and grabbing at the zipper of my pants. If I could find a towel or maybe some toilet paper to saturate it, maybe it wouldn’t be so…

“Need some help?”

The voice was muffled but sobering. I hoped to god I hadn’t stumbled in on someone fucking, or even worse… taking a shit. I looked over slowly and saw girl Ghostface, who seemed to be busy fixing one of her boots before I barged in. She was standing over the toilet, one foot resting on the closed seat as she messed with one of the buckles. Her cloak was hiked as was the miniskirt she wore underneath, showing off the entirety of one fish-netted thigh.

“Oh fuck, I’m sorry so, again—” I started, waving my hands guiltily, “I didn’t mean to, I was just—”

“Shhh,” She said, silencing me with a finger to her Ghostface mouth. I stared at her in awe as she finished fastening her boot. She let the skirt stay up for a moment, running her hands over her thigh before covering herself. I thought of apologizing again, or something cool to say.

In the end, I swallowed hard and nodded.

She walked over mysteriously, my hands still frozen on my half-pulled zipper. Silently she reached out and touched them, her hands soft and graceful as she leaned in close, standing on her tippy toes to whisper in my ear. The last words I would hear from her that night, and the most important.

“Did you come here alone?”

“Yes.” Through the screen of my mask, I looked at her little hands at my waist. Little delicate fingers, but most importantly, no ring.

Words seemed no longer appropriate for our encounter.

After holding my hands for a moment, she reached past them and undid the zipper herself. My heart started to race, and in the anticipation of her advance, I found myself frozen. I was taller than her but I felt myself shrinking before her, suddenly dominated by her soft and gentle hands. I looked down at the boots poking out from her cloak, and felt my arousal return quickly. An arousal she caressed slowly through the thin layer of my briefs.

She admired it silently, and I reached for her mask, wanting desperately to see her face. She pulled away and grabbed my hands, and redirected them to her breasts instead. I touched them slowly and ran my thumbs over them, getting lost in the weight of them as she dug into my briefs. It dawned on me that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Just as my thumbs graced the outline of pierced nipples, I felt myself becoming painfully hard in her hands. This seemed to please her.

Listening to the sink faucet run, I was imprisoned by her alluring touch. I felt bad about the beer dripping from my costume, but she didn’t seem to mind. Without a word, she crouched down, tilted back her mask, and took me in her mouth.

She moved slowly at first, wrapping her lips around my head and working her tongue in circular motions. She took pleasure in teasing me, spreading her legs wide and adjusting the mask as a shield before reaching between them. A moan escaped the lips wrapped around me as she pushed me down her throat, her fingers disappearing in a circular motion as she started to please herself.

I felt throbbing in the wetness of her mouth, paralyzed by the elegant drag of an apparent tongue piercing. Torn between wanting to stand there and the urge to face-fuck her, I settled at a happy medium, wanting to express my enthusiasm without ruining the moment. Cautiously I placed one hand on her shoulder and rested the other on the back of her neck, holding her in place while I gently pressed my hips forward. Each consecutive prod pushed further than the last, easing my way all the way in until my head pressed the back of her throat. She would hold her breath through each deep push, moving her head from side to side and dragging her tongue with it.

Each time I looked down all I could see was the offset Ghostface mask. Even though I was dying to see what was underneath, I respected that this was how she wanted it to be. When I came to terms with it, the thrill of anonymity started to excite me.

Girl Ghostface started deepthroating more aggressively, leaning into each mild thrust and stretching her tongue as far as she could. I could hear the muffled gargle grow each time, until it felt like I was gagging her with it. By the time one of her hands snaked around the back of my thigh and pulled me into her, I felt the sudden rush of the climax coming. I wanted nothing more than to let her have it, but in the back of my mind, I felt like I shouldn’t.

I froze and tapped her shoulder, slowly withdrawing myself before it was too late. My message seemed to be received, and I caught a glimpse of her gaping mouth. Tongue sticking out and longing for more, drool streaming down precious lips. She pulled the mask back down and stood, still catching her breath. It was then I panicked, realizing I hadn’t brought a condom. I didn’t think I’d have the chance for one tonight.

After seeing her dig into her purse again, I learned it was a precaution she had hoped for. She tore the little package eagerly and rolled the rubber onto me, taking the time to feel me throb every inch of the way. We were both breathing hard now, an echoing huff that quickened as she bent over the sink and raised her skirt, already pulling down her black lace underwear. She took the time to free one of her clunky platform boots before spreading her legs.

I wanted more time to take it in and enjoy, but she was ready now. She pushed her ass out toward me, her creepy yet hilarious Ghostface peeking at me in the mirror. With the light shining above, I could see the faint outline of her eyes and the heavy blush below them. When I was looking too long, she wagged what was in front of me to remind me she was waiting.

I cleared my throat and peeled back the veil, first for the costume cloak, second for the pleated skirt I wish I had more time to enjoy. Perfect legs in thigh-high fishnets with an ass to die for. I grabbed each cheek firmly and spread her lips with my thumbs, watching her drip before easing myself in. I worked it in slowly, letting her moisture slicken me so I didn’t pull with the condom. I worked it back painfully slow, and by the time I gave her all of it, I felt the tightness of her squeeze.

The condom held back the tide, but not by much. Slow gestating motions quickly escalated to hard thrusts, my hands gripping her hips firmly as she pushed off the sink. I could feel her cumming already, a tight squeeze she embraced by hunching over the sink, her hands catching the running water in the faucet. I kept pushing, keeping the momentum as I ran my hands up the arch of her back. I took in the little details as I could; the soft rhythm of her moans, and the strands of purple hair poking from behind the cowl of her mask.

My hands moved on their own, devouring her frame and gracing the exposed hair I was lucky to see. Her moans got louder and I pushed deeper, a perfect fit plunging through her tight contractions. When her breathing grew ragged, I risked a handful of her purple hair, and yanked her playfully by the nape and pulled her back to me. She hissed and leaned against me, and I could smell a hint of her perfume in the humid air. Keeping her hair taut I held her tight with an arm around her stomach, each throb inside her provoking a squeeze. I felt the building finish again, and welcomed it by going faster.

There was a knock at the door, and we both froze.

“Come on, some of us gotta piss out here!” Someone yelled drunkenly. Laughter echoed afterwards.

We looked at each other in the mirror, a brief deer-in-headlights behind the mesh. The water ran and we caught our breath, the heat building in my face from the desire to finish. We waited silently, and after a few seconds, the drunken footsteps sauntered away.

Just as I thought the jig was up, she pulled off me, and started to climb onto the sink. I helped her up and lifted the skirt, my dripping erection easily finding her again. I thrust in hard and kept at it, an aggression she welcomed by wrapping her legs around me. I started going fast, determined to finish what I was so lucky to start. My hands traced a final time, feeling each feature as she squirmed with pleasure.

The curve of her stomach as she held her breath in agony.

The bounce of her breasts under the soft cloak.

The exposed porcelain skin of her taut neck.

My thumbs traced the outline of the mask, and I considered lifting it, to see the beauty that lie beneath.

I would get no such thing.

Girl Ghostface grabbed both of my hands and forced them around her neck, and I indulged by wrapping my fingers gingerly. She encouraged my squeezing with the grip around my shaft, a sign that told me she was reaching her own cusp.

With one hand choking her against the mirror and the other touching those wonderful fishnets I fucked her harder, feeling the rush of the climax push out of my control. With hard and deep thrusts I pumped the condom full, each spurt coaxed by her tight squeezes as she shivered underneath me. Once she claimed the last drop, I released her, and she momentarily collapsed against the mirror.

She giggled as I took off the condom, and tossed the full rubber into the trash. I helped her off the sink and we straightened ourselves up, both of us moving shakily from the heat of the moment. I washed my hands as she pulled her underwear on, and before she headed for the door, she gave me a tight hug.

She opened the door and I followed her out shyly, barely able to see as I came down from the high. We only made it two steps into the hall before someone stopped us…

… and asked to take our picture.

We obliged happily, both of us burning up behind the black and white disguise as Ghostface. We posed for a few pictures, stragglers jumping in to drunkenly add it to their snap. We all laughed together, and when the crowd dispersed, Girl Ghostface pulled away like nothing happened.

Drunk Princess Peach was waving her over, laughing with The Crow by her side. I took it as my cue to leave, deciding I would lose the costume once I got outside and drive home normally. Just as I reached for the door I felt a tug at my sleeve.

Girl Ghostface gave me one last hug, slipping something into my hand before returning to the party.

I left feeling like a million bucks, stinking of beer, and dying from the heat inside my costume. I took it off when I got to my car, taking care not to ruin the napkin she gave me. Scrawled across it in pen, was her phone number.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/yq74z1/i_hooked_up_at_halloween_party_m25_f23


  1. Very hot story, I almost expected for her to give her panties to the guy as well.

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