Deprivation [M45 – F20][Control][Sex toys]

“Fuck, I’m broke”

Erica sighed as she looked at the state of her bank account. At this point, it was unclear how she was going to make it until the end of the month. She had always been academically gifted but financially challenged. Fortunately, luck and hard work had landed her a scholarship to a good university. Unfortunately, this only covered tuition. It was her responsibility to pay for all living expanses. Of course, as many other students, she had a part time job. This was barely enough, even if she decided to live sparingly. She wanted to discover what the world could offer, what her books and blogs could only describe. And so, she set off to the notice board in the quad in hopes that there would be a miracle solution to her financial woes.

As fate would have it, one poster caught her eye and ironically it was by far the plainest notice there. Next to the colourful and boldly written calls to activities and part time jobs, this one was a simple piece of white paper asking for volunteers for a science experiment on the perception of tactile sensations. The pay was excellent but it did come with a few restrictions: the candidates must be willing to spend the night in the lab and be void of any substances including caffeine and alcohol. Erica snorted. Good luck finding that on a university campus. There was a phone number that asked potential candidates to call a certain Professor Olsen to set up a preliminary interview. Erica paused. She nervously bit her lip wondering what to do. She wasn’t sure she wanted to spend the night in a lab then again the payment would ensure that she would make it until the end on the month easily. “Fuck it” she muttered taking down the number in her phone.


Erica had kept the phone number nearly forgetting about it for a few days. She finally decided to call. The dial tone rang. Once. Twice. Thrice. And on the fourth, a male voice transmitted to her ear:

“Professor Olson speaking.” said the deep voice with a hint of an accent.

“Hi, Professor Olson! My name is Erica and I’m a student here. I saw your add on the notice board and was hoping to know a bit more about your experiment.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you Miss …” He paused expectantly. Hypnotised by his deep voice, Erica responded with a few seconds delay.

“Roberts. Erica Roberts.”

“Miss Roberts. I am glad that you have shown some interest in this experiment. I have some shortly upcoming prior engagements and will not be able to discuss the matters further with you today. Are you available on any of the following times: Thursday 5PM, Friday 9AM or Friday 5PM?”

“I can do Thursday”

Professor Olson acknowledged and proceeded with instructions on how to get to his office. Erica took note and tried to focus on what was being said rather than how it was being said. Professor Olsen had a calm yet authoritative voice. It was the voice of someone who listened to better command the ones around him. Once the conversation ended, Erica found herself suspended between curiosity and a hint of arousal.


The day of the interview arrived quickly and Erica was running late. One of her professors had rambled on beyond the end of the lecture end and eager to maintain her grades, she stayed behind.

“Shit. 5:17”

Finally, she arrived in front of Professor Olsons door. She knocked still panting.
“Come in” came the same voice she had heard over the phone. Without any signal distortion, its qualities seemed to have been amplified. Erica attempted to regain her composure and breath before entering. She pushed the door the open. A tall man was standing next to a large wooden desk packing a leather satchel with papers and note books. The office was extremely tidy and clean. There was a small round table with a few chairs in front of a white boards covered in writings and equations.

“You are late”

“Sorry, I…”

“Take a seat” interrupted professor Olson pointing at the chair tucked beneath the small table.

Erica did as she was told – a feeling of intimidation creeping down her spine.

“I appreciate you volunteering for this experiment. I would appreciate even more that – if you are to participate – we maintain a strict schedule as to not interfere with the experimental conditions. There are many potential confounding factors and I wish to minimise their respective influences. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Professor” replied Erica lowering her head.

“Good. Now, tell me about yourself”. Erica was not looking at him but she could tell that a smile had emerged on his face. She dared to look back up. Professor Olson had icy blues eyes accompanied by light brown hair braided into a tight knot on the back of his head. His unmistakably Scandinavian features as well as the beard gave him the look of a well-groomed viking. This did not aid Erica’s state of flusterment: ever since she had watched the TV show Vikings, she had developed a fantasy of nordic men. Nevertheless, she launched into an introduction. Professor Olson listened without interrupting until Erica fell silent.

“Very well. I think you are the kind of candidate we are looking for. I believe I should give you some background on what experiment we will be running. We are trying to map and isolate the neural pathways that are linked to physical sensation. The main objective here is to understand which target regions can be manipulate to reduce negative sensations in patients that are chronically in pain. Many have focused on this in the past but the trend was always to target pain receptors and reduce their sensitivity. We would like instead to increase the activity of pleasure receptors.”

He took a moment to survey her reaction. Erica swallowed her saliva and simply nodded. He continued:

“To achieve this, the experimental subject – that would be you if you accept – will be placed in a sensory deprivation tank and exposed to increasingly high sexual stimuli. We are interested in both the build up to orgasm but also the orgasm itself and this provides the strongest subject response and can be used as reference point. We can use your baseline and orgasm response as a way to normalise and scale brain activity measures.”

Erica’s blood had undoubtedly flushed to her cheeks after hearing the professors words. Sexual stimulation? Orgasm? Sensory deprivation? What was she getting herself into?

“Do not worry though. I will not be present with you in the tank room. You will have as much privacy as required. The stimulation will be carried out remotely using wireless sex toys. We have a selection that you can choose from. I will only monitor your brain activity and there is a microphone switch that you can activate if you ever require any assistance”.

Erica could have sworn that he had put more emphasis on that last part.

“Do you only do this with female subjects?” Erica asked divided between caution and mounting arousal. In a strange way, this man in front of her was going to lead her to orgasm.

“No, we also have male candidates although the data is not as good. The tests generally don’t run as long and we can only achieve one peak response per session.”

Erica smiled at the implications. She imagined some frat boy stuck in that tank with his own semen floating around. This idea lead to a second implication: Professor Olson was hopping her to achieve “peak response” more than once.

“I think that I would be interested in trying this out. It will be good for science right?” Erica said her voice quivering slightly.

“Of course. I will give you a series documents that will go through the experimental procedure as well as some documents that you are to sign showing that you are a willing participant. I would suggest you read through them and consider this carefully. It is a particular experience to say the least. If signed, you can give me call and we will schedule the experiment date.”

Erica took the documents, thanked the professor for his time, and left his office. As soon as she stepped out, the wetness between her legs was a clear signal as to which decision she should make.


The day of the experiment was upon her. She had followed the professor’s directive and avoided any stimulants, yet she was not able to avoid manual stimulation. She could not help but fantasise about this viking of a man helping her to climax over and over again though she did wish that it did not go through the medium of a remote sex toy.

Professor Olson had lead her to the deprivation tank chamber. It was a large room with large steel tank on the far side adjoined with a bathroom filled with amenities and towels. In front of the tank was a table with close to a dozen sex toys of all shape and sizes. Erica’s mouth gaped in fascination.

“Don’t worry, these are either new or have been sterilised. I would recommend the Lovense Lush 3 as it reduces the movement on your part but please use whichever one you feel more comfortable with. We also find that many women are more familiar with it’s shape.”

Erica smiled sheepishly and took hold of the vibrator. Olson showed her the tank and where the microphone was. He pointed to the bathroom and indicated that she could undress there.

“Once you are ready, please put this headgear on and get into the tank. Once you are in, call on the microphone and I will remotely close the doors and start the experiment. We recommend that you cut the microphone during your time in the tank. For privacy purposes. Do you have any question before we start?”

Erica simply shook her head. And with that professor left the room. She stood there considering the space around her. She looked at the table of sex toys and back at the tank. After a few minutes of pondering what she had gotten herself into to pay for her living expenses, she slid out of her clothes and into the tank. The water was extremely pleasant and slightly salty. She pushed the microphone button on the side of the tank:

“I am ready. I am in the tank” she said

“Understood. We will begin shortly. I will close the doors, please take a few minutes to get use to the tank. Once your signals have stabilised, I will commence the stimulation.”

The microphone went quite and a few second later the door sprung alive and enclose Erica in the dark chamber. It was black as pitch and the only thing she could hear was the sound of her breath and slight movement of the water. She managed to quickly find a comfortable floating position and gently started to play with herself. It did not take long before she was able to receive the toy within her. She slid it in with a shiver of pleasure racing down her spine. She laid there floating in complete darkness and silence wondering when it would begin.

A vibrational jolt took her by surprise. It was subtle but here, in this environment where her brain had nothing else to focus on, it felt electrifying. She moaned in pleasure. The vibration shifted to a steady low frequency pulse increasing and decreasing in intensity every few seconds. Erica started to moan softly. She brought her hand to her breast and pinched her nipple in concert with the pulsating vibrations between her legs. Suddenly, the frequency increased rapidly and came to a sudden halt before starting once more. The combination made Erica’s toes curl in pleasure. The rhythmic pulse intensified in a crescendo matched by the volume of moans. Deep contractions indicated that she was getting close to achieve climax. She could see the summit of that hill. Just in her grasp. So close. Yes. Yes. Yes. Abruptly, the summit seemed to shrink away as the vibration stopped. No! Why?

It return with increase vigour. She was climbing that hill again, every metaphorical step brining her closer to the summit. And yet she was denied once again.

“Professor Please… Don’t do this to me. I… can’t. I want it… I want it so bad. Please give it to me” she whispered.

The vibration was restored but this time it was intense. Relentless. Powerful. The image of professor Olson popped into her head. She gasped for air. How she wished he was taking her. How she wish his hand and hard member would take her with the same intensity. The fact that he was controlling this, that he was the one doing this brought out the primal lust hidden within her.

“Oh… Fuck. OH FUCK. FUCK!”

Her body convulsed as the fierce waves of an orgasm took over her. Her hand slammed into side of the tank. Her head arched backwards.

“OH FUCK ME! Please Professor FUCK ME. I WANT YOU INSIDE OF… me” she screamed as she finally reached the summit of that hill. She panted. She tried to catch her breath.
“Professor Olson… No one… has made me cum like that before… No one. Fuck, I wish you could fuck me for real.”

A voice came through the darkness.

“This is a first, Miss Roberts. I believe you might have mistakingly opened a connection between us. Please relax. We will continue shortly.”

Erica felt her stomach drop yet a sense of even more primal arousal take over her. She was ashamed that he heard that but she also hoped that he would oblige her. As her breathing started to stabilise, she closed her eyes in anticipation. As previously, it started with the same undulating low frequency pulse. She let the waves of pleasure crash against her shores. The door to the tank hissed and slowly opened. Taken aback, Erica jolted up the toy still pulsating between her legs. There in front of her, she saw Olsen. Despite the dim light she could see an unmistakable bulge in his trousers.

“Maybe a more hands on stimulation would lead to better results” He whispered while unbuttoning his shirt. “Lay back down, Miss Roberts and close your eyes”

She did as she was told without any hesitation. The toy started to vibrate according to saw like pattern, increasing gradually then dropping abruptly. At each step the summit was higher than the previous one and the drop less consequential. She heard the door of the tank close.

“Do not open your eyes, Miss Roberts”

She felt the professors hand caressing the her ankle and gently coming up her leg. He made his way to her breasts and pinched her nipple. Erica grabbed his hand wanting him, willing him to grab firmly. He pushed her hand away.

“No. I conduct this experiment. Not you.”

He pinched her other nipple more firmly. As he was leaning over her, she could feel the heft of his manhood laying upon her lower thigh. She moaned in pleasure. She wanted to grab it. She wanted to hold it. In a lusty haze, her hand went up to his engorged member. He flicked away her hand.

“I said no, Miss Roberts”

The crescendo of pulses were crashing down on here like waves announcing a storm. Suddenly, she felt his lips on her breast, his mouth teasing her nipple. He lifted her slightly out of the water and started to kiss her breast hungrily.

Olsen’s hand migrated south and applied pressure upon the toy between Erica’s legs. She felt his body shift as he placed himself between her legs. He slowly pulled the toy out of her and placed the bulk of it of her pubis and clitoris. Without a word, he completely filled the empty space within her. Erica let out a scream of pleasure. He took her hand and placed it on the toy.

“Hold it” he ordered. She obliged.

“Do you feel the vibrations?” He asked.

“Yes, professor”


He started to thrust in rhythm with the toy. Each powerful vibrational pulse accompanied by an equally power thrust. Olsen held her by the hips, lifting her up as if she were made of feathers. Erica propped herself up on her elbows and opened her eyes. She could not see a thing – the chamber was still pitch black. She could only hear the sloshing of water, her moans and the beastly groans of Professor Olsen.
She felt that she was back on that hill again. This time it felt like a mountain, she was climbing higher and higher. The summit was nearly in view. Right over that ridge. Thrust after thrust, she was getting closer. And finally she was there. An Ecstatic howl marked her arrival.

Erica let herself float in the warm water in the after glow of what would only be described as the ascension of mount Everest. Olsen gently lowered her waist into the water.

“Excellent. I am sure you have provided me with valuable data Miss Roberts”

“Did you… did you cum?” she asked still trying to catch her breath.

“I did not. This was not the point”

Erica reached for his erection. He was still hard. She could feel it twitching. She wanted him to finish. She wanted to make this man feel the way he had made her feel. He pushed her hand away.

“Now is not the moment, Miss Roberts. However, I am sure that we can find a more convenient time”.

Erica was eager to please him. She wanted nothing more than to see him take pleasure. She would do anything, let him do anything. Use her as he pleased.
