My Excellent Vacation Part 1[Creampie][Pool][Voyeur][Masturbation][Everyone is 18+]

June 19th

“Happy Birthday!” my wife Sarah says as she hands me an envelope. She shifts in her seat slightly with a nervous smile. She’s not usually the type to get nervous, in fact, she’s one of those free-spirited girls that go along with anything, no questions asked.

I take the envelope between my fingers and notice that it’s slightly heavier than I would have expected. It is scarlet in color with my name written across the front. Turning it over, I see a silver wax seal stamped with the image of a lotus flower. I bring the sides of the envelope together, opening it slightly as I look inside. Inside, there is something shiny, a razor-thin object about the size of a dollar bill. I reach inside and pull out a shiny golden bill, I read “1 troy oz .9999 fine gold” stamped on the bottom right corner. I notice her nervous smile widens slightly.

“Turn it over,” she says impatiently.

Stamped on the golden ticket in an intricate swirling script are the words. “June 20 through 27 Admittance One”.

“What’s this for?” I ask.

“You’ll see,” Sarah responds. “Pack up, we’re leaving first thing in the morning.”

“Babe, I can’t just up and leave without even letting the office know.”

“Don’t worry, I arranged this vacation with Bradley. I told him it was a surprise and to not spoil anything for you.”

With a level of skepticism, I grab my phone and give him a quick call to confirm. The phone rings twice before I hear, “Hello?”

“Hey, did my wife talk to you?”

“Yeah, I thought you were already gone, why are you calling?” he responds.

“Just double checking, are you sure you’ll be fine?”

“One hundred percent. Just have fun, and relax, you deserve it, buddy.”

I cringe slightly, I hate being referred to as buddy.

“Thanks, I guess I’ll see you in a week.”

I hang up the phone and put it back in my pocket.

“You know, phones aren’t allowed there,” Sarah says.

“But, what if my office needs me?”

“Though shit, they already know they won’t be able to get ahold of you. They’re adults, they can get along for a week without you.”

She’s probably right, but I couldn’t call them adults. Sometimes managing my staff is like herding cats. I snicker to myself at the thought as I head upstairs and begin packing a bit of everything not really knowing what to expect. The two suitcases were filled with about double what I’d normally bring along. I lastly add the black leather travel bag with my toiletries before closing the suitcases. I bring the two bags down to the foyer and leave them just inside the door.

I’ve never taken a spontaneous trip like this before, and I have a slightly uneasy feeling in my belly. A spur-of-the-moment weekend vacation where we head to the beach for two or three days, sure. A week though?

I hear Sarah say from the dining room, “Come on, let’s eat and get to bed, we need to leave early.”

Chicken marsala…my favorite.

June 20

We had left the house around 6am and had been driving for just over three hours at this point and on and for the last thirty minutes, we’d been on this single winding road passing between hills on either side. I’ve never felt so isolated in my entire life.

“How the hell did you even find out about this place?” I ask.

Sarah doesn’t say a thing but responds with that same nervous smile I saw last night. After a few more minutes, we pull up to a large gate. Sarah rolls down her window and presses a button on the intercom, almost immediately, you hear the speaker crackle, but nothing is said.

“Total freedom,” Sarah says with her voice noticeably shaking.

The speaker makes a high-pitched tone as the large iron gate swings inward and approaches three stories tall mansion The driveway goes in a counterclockwise circle around a rather vulgar fountain which depicts a porcelain woman on her knees and water gushing between her legs in front of a man with his hands on his hips and fluids shooting at short intervals from the tip of his exaggeratedly large phallus directly into her open mouth. I stare in disbelief as I realize the statue depicts the man cumming into this woman’s mouth with the woman squirting into the shallow pool of water below.

Our car comes to a stop at the bottom of a set of stairs leading up to a large set of double doors. I exit the car and pull my luggage from the trunk. I then reach in and pull Sarah’s luggage out and realize this is much lighter than it should be.

“I won’t be staying.” Sarah finally says, “but enjoy everything they have to offer”.

I immediately think to myself how shitty this vacation is going to be. How am I going to make it a week without fucking my beautiful wife?

She gives me a quick kiss before closing the trunk, getting into the driver’s seat, and driving off leaving me standing at the entrance of a mansion with only my luggage. The doors open as I hear, “This way please”.

I grab my luggage and walk up the stairs. Passing through the double doors I look forward as a woman greets me behind a cherry wood desk. “May I see your ticket?” she asks and I present her with the golden ticket I was given last night. She smiles brightly and hands me a folded piece of paper and says “Your wife has planned out your entire stay.”

I open the paper and read, “9:30am – Room 108 – Massage with Amber”.

I check my watch to see that it’s 9:25.

“You ‘d better get a move on if you are to make your appointment,” the woman says as she points off to my right. “Just follow this until you see the room number posted at the door. No need to knock, she’s already expecting you”.

I walk for a bit and finally find the door. The number 108 is etched into a bronze placard. I turn the doorknob and enter the room. The scent of lavender fills the air as I breathe in deeply. There are two seats against the wall with light blue and white paisley upholstery and a table in the center of the room. On the opposite wall from the chairs is a wall-sized mirror, to the right of that is a door made of what appears to be walnut.

“Good morning, My name is Amber and I will be your masseuse. Are there any areas that you are having issues with or places that you are uncomfortable with?”

I had been to a rinky-dink massage parlor once before and they were a little….handsy shall we say. This place looks like a professional place. Unworried, I respond, ” No, no, I’m fine with whatever you feel is best.”

Looking Amber over, She has brown hair and eyes, pink lip gloss, and a cute little turned-up nose. She’s wearing dark gray leggings and not wanting to stare, I glance down quickly and can make out her pussy lips through the tightly stretched fabric. Her curves are on full display as her massive tits are smashed into the shirt tucked in at the waist with her nipples pushing through. I

Amber smiles and says, “Please disrobe, you can place your clothes on the chair. When you’re ready, lay face down under the sheet and shout for me.” I nod as she walks through the door near the mirror. I remove my shoes and socks, and place them under the chair, followed by unbuttoning my shirt which is folded and placed on the chair. I pull my undershirt off, fold it, and place it atop the other shirt. Lastly, I unbutton my fly and unzip my pants, pulling them off, folding them, and placing them with my shirts. I turn toward the mirror and look myself over only in my underwear. I have a light tan, thin but still muscular. My light blonde hair drapes over my shoulders as I look down at my midsection. I parse my lips as I contemplate whether I should leave them on or not. Ever since that one massage, I have left my underwear on. I glance around and feeling safe I ultimately decide to slide them off. I fold them in half as I place them down on top of my other clothes.

I walk towards the table looking at myself in the nude. The sheets are lifted as I may my way underneath. I position my face in the hole at the top of the heated table and position the sheet over me. It covers me from just under the armpits to just above my knees.

“I’m ready,” I say with a raised voice ensuring that Amber can hear me.

I close my eyes and begin to relax as I hear the door open.

“Please let me know if the pressure is too much,” Amber says as she proceeds to give me the best massage I had ever experienced in my life. She started with my feet, and worked over each leg individually, lifting the sheet just under my cheeks so that she could properly work on my thighs. I hoped only for a moment that her hands would brush over my balls, but no, this was obviously a professional masseuse. She lifts the sheet from my shoulders and folds it over my butt exposing my back. After the back she then worked on each arm to the hands, when she finishes with my fingers she adjusts the sheet once more covering my back. She then proceeds to work on my shoulders, neck, ears, and finally my scalp. I’ve never felt this much attention to detail and for the first time ever, it didn’t feel that the massage was being rushed in any way. As I begin to fall asleep, I feel the sheets lift.

“Please turn over,” Amber says.

With my eyes closed, I do as I am instructed and I feel the light sheets sink down, draping over my body. Opposite the last time, she works from my head down to my stomach as she digs her fingers deep into my abs. She brings the sheet back and lifts the sheets again to access my thighs. I feel my cock twitch as my body anticipates my cock being grabbed, but again she remains professional and brings the sheets down. Any anxiety that I’ve had is now gone, as there’s no other opportunity for me to question my loyalty to my wife. After she finishes with my feet I feel the sheet slide down over my left side. I open my eyes and attempt to grab it only to realize Amber is completely naked, her D cups shake with each step as I feel myself becoming hard. I want to protest but my body controls me as the only movement I can make is my lifting and relaxing with every pulse. She positions herself over her thighs, her slit obscured by my stiff cock leaving the triangle of her trimmed pubic hair pointing down at me. She reaches down and pulls out some oil over my cock. My brain is telling me to protest, but my body resists. She can see me tense as she reassures me that “this is okay”.

“Okay?” I think to myself as she wraps her hands around my cock and begins pumping up and down my cock occasionally twisting her hands around me in opposite directions. I feel precum run up my shaft and out my tip. I watch her as her thumb runs over my head and collects the precum with her thumb and she uses this as lube over my frenulum. My body tenses as she nods with a smile. knowing what is about to come. She begins pumping my dick again with both hands until the moment of my release she brings one of her hands down to my base and squeezes setting me over the edge. Every time my cock contracts she eases the grip and slides her hand upward. I feel five or six ropes of cum spray across my body up to my chin. As my orgasm subsides, my cock lightly pulses releasing a constant dribble of cum into my belly button which is now overflowing. Amber lifts herself off my thighs and I watch her soft ass juggle as she walks over to a shelf holding towels. She begins running the towel over me as I tell her, “It’s okay, I’ll do it”.

She nods and says, “I’ll let you get dressed.” she walks back through the door near the mirror which closes gently. I take the towel and walk toward the mirror, making sure that I’m completely cleaned up. Ashamed at the fact that I’ve now cheated on my wife, I can’t even bring myself to look into my own eyes. I toss my clothes back on and walk out the door back to the lobby with my head held low, knowing I was able to resist the hand job at the sketchy parlor, but I didn’t have enough self-control here. I think, “this is going to be a long trip,” wonder if my wife knew that this would happen, would she have left me here?

As I pass through the lobby, I hear. “Welcome back sir, how was your massage?”

“It was umm, it was good. Thanks,” I say not wanting to get Amber in trouble.

She hands me another piece of paper, which I take.

Opening it I see, “11:45 – Room 102 – Lunch Sashimi”.

I check my watch and look around, spotting a similar placard marked 102.

I walk through the doors and enter a small room. Before me is a single chair with a cloth draped over the table. I take the seat as a beautiful woman dressed as a geisha hands me a pair of ivory chopsticks and bows. She pulls the sheet off the table revealing a spread of various cuts of fish laid out upon a naked woman wearing only a blindfold holding so still that I can’t even see her belly rise with each breath.

There is something uniquely sexy about this as I take a piece of fish from her below her breasts and dip it into the soy sauce just below her naval. It’s fine, as long as I leave the important bits covered. Pieces of yellowtail cover her nipples, the white fish contrasting against her olive skin. My eyes run down her body and a piece of what looks like snapper covers her pussy. I snicker at the irony. I’m a fairly picky eater when it comes to sashimi. I know the fish I like, I know the dishes, and I avoid the uni and the tako. There weren’t that many pieces and now I’m running out of the pieces I like. I stare at the yellowtail, “fuck it,” I decide as I take a slice from her right breast exposing the dark color of her small, hard nipples that look like tiny pebbles. After I eat that piece, I do the same with the next nipple, leaving her tits completely exposed.

The geisha takes a small porcelain vat and pours liquid into her deep belly button. “Drink,” she says.

“Well, I’ve already gone this far,” I think to myself I bring my lips down around her belly button and suck the sake in. The geisha nods and pours another. One after another until I watch the last remaining drops of sake pour from the vat. I’m buzzing pretty well at this point and the geisha begins clearing most of the remaining sushi, leaving the snapper around her pussy, and makes one last offer. The geisha walks to the side of the table where this lady’s legs are resting, she reaches under the table and the table folds down, the blindfolded lady’s knees bending as gravity pulls her feet downward. She spreads the woman’s legs wide and pulls her down while rotating the table counterclockwise. With the world spinning around me I gasp as I see her outer and inner labia spread wide exposing her light pink gaping pussy directly in front of my face. I feel myself salivate with anticipation as the geisha tells me, “Lick the pussy and eat the fish.” I feel my heart rate increase and my cock pulses in anticipation. I can tell this woman knows what’s next as I see a clear drop of fluid run from the bottom part of her pussy and drip down onto the table. The tip of my tongue collects the drop from the table and runs up her exposed flesh before sucking the snapper from atop her clit into my mouth. The salty and sweet juice from this woman accent the taste of the fish. “This is much better than soy sauce,” I think to myself as I take another lick up her pussy and take another piece of fish into my mouth. This time, she lets a moan escape her. I feel myself growing hard as I rationalize things at this point. “Well, I’ve gone this far, but as long as I don’t fuck her, I’ll be okay.” I see her pussy contract once as I drag my tongue up to another running drip of her juices. I wrap my hands around her thighs and bring them over my shoulders as I bring my lips down around her throbbing clit. I suck it hard as move the rip of my tongue against her. Finally, I feel her legs shake as her clit begins contracting hard against my tongue as I push it hard against her. She screams as her juices run down my chin. I lick up what I can before swallowing it down, her taste reminding me of my wife.

“Fuck, I did it again.” I think to myself feeling a similar sense of shame. It’s one thing sitting by while someone jerks off my cock, I made this woman cum because I wanted to. I knew full well what I was doing and not only did I cause her to orgasm, I drank her in and swallowed her down.

I snap back to realize as the geisha hands me a moist towel. I wipe my face cleaning her juice from me as I stand and walk out the door, with my erect cock straining hard against my pants. As I return to the lobby, I am again greeted by the redhead at the front desk.

“How was your lunch sir?”

“It was delicious,” I respond and feel my cock tense momentarily upon reflection.

She hands another piece of folded paper.

I open it and read what is next.

“1:00 – Room 208 – Shower and rest”.

She motions toward the stairs behind her. “Just make sure you’re back here for your next event at 7pm”.

I walk up the stairs and quickly make my way to the next room. I see my luggage has already been brought up. I close the door behind me and begin unpacking my clothes, either putting the clothes in the dresser or hanging them up in the closet. This takes about 15 minutes or so. I then begin stripping out of my clothes and proceed to the door leading to the restroom. Expecting the toilet and shower, I am surprised to see that there is only a toilet, vanity, and yet another door opposite where I stand. I open that door and flip the switch, lighting the room. The walls are glassy black, like onyx. Satisfied, I quickly remove my pants releasing my still-stiff cock.

I start the shower and take a step back until I see steam coming from the water. I step forward into the water. Still drunk and horny, I grab my cock in my left hand and keep my grip loose as I run up and down my cock. Suddenly the lights dim as I see a different light turn on. The walls are now completely transparent as I realize it’s not an onyx wall, it’s a two-way mirror and I’m surrounded by 4 women masturbating.

I’ve never seen anything like this before. There are mattresses about waist-high on either side of the walls. I take some conditioner as I begin stroking myself examining each woman.

To the left, I see a woman that appears to be Filipino with her pussy smooth and bald. Her legs are straight up with her heels against the wall, her ring and middle fingers pushed deep into her pussy fucking herself her tits are smaller and don’t move much but when she cums, her pelvis lifts up into the air as her thighs shake violently… To the right of her, I see a dark-skinned ebony queen her pussy spread wide with her light pink entry contrasting against her dark pussy lips. She’s almost doing the splits with her feet against the glass. She has a vibrator against her clit and thrusts her hips against it, which causes her massive tits to sway. I see her tense as her pussy begins to push outward momentarily before snapping in a leg shaking perfectly timed orgasm. To the right. Against the right wall, the woman on the left is the geisha I had seen earlier. Her kimono was tossed aside in a hurry exposing her long black wiry hair clinging to her skin soaked from her pussy, her legs are bent backward with her knees facing forward, and I can see her pussy grips her dildo until it can’t pull any further before it trusts back into her. Lastly, to her right is a redhead I immediately recognize to be the receptionist. Her freckles stand out against her pale skin. Her moderate tits sway as she moves her fingertips over her clit almost obscuring her red pubic hair. Her pussy is almost pushed all the way up to the glass as her feet lie flat against it. The has ghost nipples that can hardly be made out. I can see her pussy swelling and changing color to a darker shade of pink as I see her cheeks and chest go a flushed red. Her legs shake uncontrollably as she squirts all over the glass in front of her. As her orgasm subsides, your juices leave lines on the glass as gravity pulls it down.

I take my pick and start stroking my cock in front of my favorite girl. It’s a hard choice as they are all absolutely breathtaking. I imagined what it would be like fucking the pussy before me. I feel my balls pull tight as I squeeze my dick tight at the base and feel myself cum. After two strong contractions, I loosen my grip causing two thick ropes of cum to fly onto the glass in front of me, and watch it streak down, reminding me of the cum tributes I’ve seen on Reddit where the guy explodes onto their tablet. I milk the rest of my cum from my cock as it swirls and makes itself down the drain.

Spent and exhausted, I finish my shower. Too tired to put my clothes back on, I made my way back to the bed and fell asleep on top of the silk sheets in my naked splendor wondering what my wife would think if she could only see me.

The alarm wakes me at 6:30. I walk to the vanity and see my hair looks wild. That’s what happens when you fall asleep with wet hair. I wet and comb my hair so it’s less messy, not knowing what to expect, I dress myself to the nines and head back down to the lobby where I am greeted again by the same redheaded woman. This time, I look at her differently and can picture her outside of her work attire, a pleated black skirt and white blouse. I awkwardly avoid eye contact as I am again handed another slip of paper.

“Thank you,” I say with a dry raspy voice.

I open the slip and read, “7:00 – Swimming Pool – Alexia”.

“Excuse me,” I say to the redhead.

“Yes sir, how can I help you?”

“You said my wife had planned out my entire stay?”

“Yes sir, everything.”

I think to myself, “she would have known about the massage..and the sushi girl, and the shower…”.

“Everything,” she repeats slowly.

I think to myself again, “If Sarah had planned everything out, I would probably upset her if I held back.” I decided, whatever goes, goes and if anything goes sideways I’ll explain it that way. I love my wife and don’t want to upset her. After all, a lot of planning had to go into this.

“Which way to the pool?” I ask, still avoiding looking into her eyes.

“Just walk around the stairs behind me and that will lead you to the pool.” I walk around the stairs and I’m able to see the pool through the windows. I walk through the door and am approached by Alexia.

I’m about 6 foot and stand much taller than this woman. She must be about 4’11-5’1″ by my best guess. Her black hair is pulled back into two braids and then tied back in a single ponytail, her big brown eyes staring up at me. My eyes run over her Latina body and I see her inner lips hang out slightly as she stands there with her legs slightly apart. For as small as she is, I’m captivated by how large her tits are. She has large nipples pointing down at an angle surrounded by her dark areolas. She begins to strip me from my clothes.

Her hands run from my thighs over my cock to my shirt which she unbuttons starting at the top. She slides my dress shirt off and tosses it aside with little care. I lower myself to help her pull off my undershirt. I step out of my shoes as she undoes my belt. With my fly undone and the zipper down, my pants fall to my ankles. I didn’t wear underwear this time as my cock springs free. She teases me with a long lick from base to tip before taking my hand and pulling me toward the pool. I pull my socks off just as I step down into the warm water.

I watch her slit as she kicks her legs, a frog swimming toward a waterfall. She beckons me over with a finger and I oblige. It takes me less time to swim to her. The water here is about 5 ft deep. She wraps her arms around my neck and brings her legs up as they wrap around my waist. She pulls herself up and presses her lips against mine. I open my mouth allowing her tongue in. Her tits press against my chest while my stiff cock is sandwiched between us. I run my hands down her back, over her ass, and spread her lips with my middle fingers.

She moans into my mouth as I push a finger into her as I begin to finger fucking her. She leans backward, which pushes her pelvis harder into my cock. As I continue fingering Alexia, she grinds her hips causing her clit to rub against the underside of my throbbing cock. I close my eyes and push into her clit and feel the walls of her pussy contract around my finger.

She pushes her lips against mine again as she adjusts her position, my finger sliding from her. With my hands holding her ass I feel her lift and tilt her pelvis until my cock head is squeezed just at her opening. Her eyes close as she drops herself down upon my throbbing cock. My cock pushes deep until it comes to a stop, her pussy unable to accommodate my entire size. I pull my head away and look down to see about an inch and a half of my cock still exposed. I watch her lift and drop back down over me as she moans and whimpers with the slightest bit of pain in her voice.

“I’m sorry,” I moan into her mouth, but she just sushes me by bringing a finger up to my lips. I playfully bite her finger as I feel her drop down on me again. With me deep inside she rotates her hips pushing me into every inch of her.

She looks into my eyes and screams, “I’m cumming!”. She holds herself in place as I feel her tight pussy contracting around me, coaxing the cum from my aching balls. I feel myself release some precum and pull out immediately so I don’t cum inside her. A look of disappointment appears on her face and she swims away. When she arrives at the side of the pool, she spreads her arms wide and rests her arms on the legs, and leans back. She swings her pussy toward me in presentation.

“Cum inside me Papi,” she says with a demanding moan.

“My wife has to know about this too, right?” I think to myself as I feel myself release more precum into the pool with the thought of it. I bring myself up against her again and drive my cock back inside her gaping and swollen pussy. She cries again as I bottom out once more. Not wanting to disappoint Alexia again, I quickly pump my cock in and out of her, I watch her breasts sway violently in the water and I pound her with increased intensity. Finally, I crash into her and hold her in pleasure as my dick erupts my thick seed inside her, my cock pulsating in a way from base to tip pushing every last drop from my body. She cries as I feel her pussy contract and pulsate tighter over my cock, pulling the last bit from me. I pull my cock out and with it a large portion of my load. I watch my cum float and separate in a dance as the current from the pool moves it around gracefully. She squeezes more out of her vagina which also floats and separates into its own threads which join in a dance. I watch her run her fingers through the water collecting our cum and she rolls it between her fingers and brings my eyes down to look at her pussy which is noticeably dark and swollen and continues to dance around.

“Are you okay,” I ask.

“Yes, just sore. I’ve never had a cock that big before.”

I give her another passionate kiss before lifting myself out of the pool, grabbing a towel, and drying myself off before putting my clothes back on. I walk through the lobby for the last time today and I’m again stopped by the redhead.

“That was hot.”

“Pardon me?” I ask.

“I couldn’t help myself, I know it’s unprofessional, but I had to watch you and Alexia fuck.”

My heart races with the realization that someone had just watched me bang this tiny woman.

“Ahem,” she clears her throat. “Dinner is set up in your room,” she says as she hands me another piece of paper.

I wait until I’m in the bedroom before opening this one. With my heart pounding, I unfold the paper. I feel my heart skip a beat as my eyes read over.

“10am – Rooftop – Rayna, Rebecca, Ria”




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