[MF, Bro/Sis, Incest, Voy] Thin walls, close lodging Chapter 2

Eventually I started to learn the names of the people that she brought to the house frequently. Zach, Jeff, Dylan.. there are a few others but now their names escape me. Many would only come over once and I would never see them again.

If I was in the front area of the living space, which I was a lot if I was playing video games or watching TV, I would wait a few minutes until after she went to her room with her companion and then I would go into my room next door. I would listen to her suck through the thin walls and I would masturbate while listening.

It’s strange, I discovered later in our relationship that when I had full access to her body I actually got bored quickly once the novelty of sex wore off. But in these early days the voyeuristic pleasure of listening to her in her intimate moments never ceased to set aflame intense sexual desire.

It was another day in my room listening to her suck and I was holding my dick in my hand, stroking. I remember listening, trying to make what was happening. These weren’t the normal sounds I was used to hearing. I heard him say “c’mon” and then “Please.” And then more urgently “Please!” Then a little later I started to hear the mattress rhythmically squeaking. She was getting fucked! I had never heard that before.

It was at once exciting and anti-climatic. After several minutes the squeaking stopped. I heard them getting dressed. Not long after her gentleman left. I usually stay in my room for a while after to maintain the illusion that I was unaware of what was happening but this time I left I room shortly after I heard the front door closing. I think I wanted to see my sister just after she just got done getting fucked.

My sister had just closed the front door and she was walking back to her room. I stood outside my door just staring at her, knowing her pussy had just gotten fucked. I didn’t know the details but I remember visualizing her tight pussy being filled with hot cum. I realize now that all of my fantasies were also prophetic in that I always imagined her being a passive recipient of these acts rather than an active participant.

“What?” She asked. I was just standing outside my room staring at her.

“Nothing.” I said. I wanted to ask her if she just got done getting fucked. I wanted to know how it felt. I wanted to know if he took advantage of her. I wanted to know why she invited so many men over and gave them blowjobs. But I didn’t ask any of that.

Much later I extracted her entire sexual history (and also added to it). She said one time someone just asked while hanging out and she said yes and then it got around that she would give blowjobs if you asked and she felt it was kind of expected of her even if sometimes she didn’t want to. She said that one time she said no and the person got mad and she had to do it anyways so she figured she just might as well do it. “It’s not sex so it’s not a big deal.” She had a strange way of compartmentalizing things in her brain.

I guess the next thing that happened must have happened after I lost my job. I say that because that must be the reason why I was around the house later in the evening when I would previously be at work. The timeline of events with my sister and the timeline of life events gets mixed up.

But what I remember is we were in the front room watching Netflix. Well, she was in the front room watching Netflix under a big white blanket and at some point, I decided to join her. I’m not sure if she wasn’t used to me being there or if she didn’t care because eventually, I notice she wasn’t wearing anything under the blanket. Not a stitch.

I’m going to recreate this scene as best as I can, drawing from both my memory and a reconstruction of the bits I don’t remember.

We were in the front room. She was on the couch, covered by the white blanket. Me on the loveseat across. I don’t remember what show we were watching or if it was a movie. I first became aware when the blanket slipped down and exposed her collar bones. Was she wearing a bikini underneath? Was she topless?

The laundry made a musical chime indicating the laundry was done.

“Can you move my laundry from the washer to the dryer?” She asked, eyes affixed to the screen.

“Move your own laundry,” I said

“I’m not dressed. I don’t want to walk over there.”

“Why are you not dressed? You’re naked under the blanket?” I said

“I never wear clothes while doing laundry if I can help it because then the clothes I’m wearing are dirty. I like to have all of my clothes completely clean when I’m done.” She said

“So you just walk around naked while doing laundry?”

“I’m wearing a blanket. Fine, I’ll get the laundry done.” She said

She got up from the couch and bundled the blanket around her. It was a large blanket and it was easily big enough to cover her. She bunched it up in front of her. I watched her walk from the couch.

“I can see your entire ass,” I said and I could. She bunched the blanket in front of her but her butt was exposed. I watched her round globes of flesh until she knelt in front of the washer in the hallway to get her laundry out.

“Well just don’t look.” She said, irritated

“Can I walk around naked? Would that be ok?” I asked

“I don’t care because I’m not looking. You could be naked as a Jay right now,” she said distractedly as she moved her laundry from the washer to the dryer. She had moved the blanket around and it was completely covering her now.

I didn’t say anything. I had an erection and I was too horny to operate as if nothing had happened. I debated going to my room and rubbing one out.

She sat back down on the couch. I remember that I sat in the silence of the room for at least a few minutes, working up the courage. At least I undid my belt and pulled it out of my jeans with a flourish.

“I’m actually gonna do that. These clothes are a little stuffy.” I said

“Ok.” Angelica said without looking at me. I learned she had a way of ignoring events she found uncomfortable but at the time I thought she might be mad.

I pulled off my shirt and my jeans and set them neatly on the floor. I was still in my tight white underwear, my erect penis straining against the thin fabric, but I was unwilling to make the leap to full nudity yet. I made an exaggerated stretching motion.

“Oooh! Feels good. Feels nice to be out of those jeans. But now, I’m a little chilly. Can I hunker under that blanket?” I said and I walked over to her couch.

She didn’t say anything as I sat down and offered no resistance when grabbed the blanket and got under it. The blanket was small enough that I could feel her body heat as I sat underneath it. The sides of our bodies rubbed against each other and moved further to her side of the couch.

“Here, now I’ll be clothed in the blanket too,” I said and yanked my underwear loose. It felt good to have my large erection unconstrained.

I just sat there naked next to my sister with a huge boner. I started stroking myself lightly while we both stared at the TV screen.

“Angelica… suck me.” I said finally. She said nothing.

“Suck me.” I repeated

“No.” She said quietly


“Cuz it’s gross.”

“I know you suck dick. I can hear you.”

“I know you listen. You always go to your room whenever I have company over. It’s weird.”

“It’s just another dick. You’ve never turned anyone else down.”

“I’m not gonna suck your dick.” Her eyes never left the TV screen, never looking at me. “If you’re horny then just jerk off.”

I continued to stroke myself.

“Can I at least look at you, then?” I asked

She didn’t say anything. I lifted the blanket up and lowered my head under it. She was slightly turned to the side so her butt faced me. I reached under the blanket and rubbed her butt cheek with the back of my hand. It was hot to see the backside of my sister even though the view wasn’t ideal.

“Can you move? Either on your back or more on your stomach?” I asked

Without saying a word she completely rolled over and got on her knees so her back side faced me. She put her both of her arms on the side of the couch and buried her head. Her entire pussy and ass were facing me. It occurred to me that she was in the perfect position to be mounted. I gave each of her butt cheeks a little squeeze and looked at her tiny puckered butthole. I ran my hand on the underside of her pussy, feeling her vaginal entrance.

Later, when I was free to take what I wanted, I found I preferred anal sex. It felt more intimate and personal. I knew she disliked it but unlike regular sex that made her more aware and present during the act. She had to communicate with me if she wanted to make it so the act didn’t hurt her.

This was before all that. I just looked at her forbidden nakedness and came quickly, spilling my seed all over the blanket, leaving a large stain.

Later, if she walked around the house naked or in her underwear she learned that was an invitation to have me fuck her. Sometimes it seemed she didn’t care. Other times, she must have known that I was spent after I dumped several loads into her earlier in the day so it made no difference.

This is a good place to pause. It’s been a lot of build-up with no penetration but believe me, I had to endure a much longer period of anticipation and longing.


End chapter two. As always interact in some way if you enjoy so I know you’re out there. Thank you.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ykoict/mf_brosis_incest_voy_thin_walls_close_lodging

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