The Coffee Shop – Part 1 [MF] [Public] [Oral] [Pussy Licking]

*“I’m closing up, you’re going to need to go”*

Startled by the comment, I am pulled from my reverie to the bluest pair of eyes I’d ever seen. I had been vaguely aware of the dimming lights and the cityscape turning dark but true to form, I’d been lost in the romantic pursuits of others in a book.

I nod slightly at the man, offering a shy smile as I move to pack up. Taking out my phone I look up the timetable for the next bus, gently swearing under my breath as I realize that the next one wouldn’t be for another 30 minutes. It wasn’t a bad neighbourhood, but not one I was keen to linger in too long later in the evening.

*“Everything okay?”* He asks me while wiping down tables.

I’d been coming to this shop in the afternoons for weeks and I’d be lying if he hadn’t been a part of the reason. He had an easy smile and friendly demeanour but something lurked beneath the surface and I found it endlessly intriguing.

*“My bus isn’t for another 30 minutes, I think I’m going to have to call an uber, its just a pain – nothing for you to worry about”*

*“Well it’ll take me another 30 to close up so you’re welcome to hang out until then, but you’ll need to move behind the counter”* He gestures to the wide wooden bar that had kept us divided as customer and client up until this point.

*“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to impose.”*

*“It’s not a problem. It’ll give me some company during the monotony and a chance to question you on your coffee choices”*

*“What’s wrong with a pumpkin spice latte?”* I ask with mock defensiveness as I moved to stand.

*“What’s right with a pumpkin spice latte?”* he shoots back.

His eyes meet mine before travelling gently down my body, as if caressing every curve of my body before returning to stare deep into me. The hint of a smile on his lips while his eyebrow raised slightly, I feel a flush overcome my body, unsure of if it is with the shame of my coffee choice by a professional or the way he seemingly fucked my body with his eyes.

I duck behind the counter while he dimmed the lights so low they were almost off. I watched him stack chairs methodically on the tables, as the gentle sounds of city traffic whooshes by. It feels weird to be in the shop when it was this quiet, as it was so often bright and bustling with music playing and the sound of the steamer going off intermittently.

*“Penny for your thoughts?”*

Snapping back to reality I realize he’d come back behind the counter to join me and was leaning against the back bar nonchalantly.

*“I was just thinking about what it’s like to be here after close. Its kind of like being in a school late at night”* I hop up to sit on the counter where I’d picked up my offending pumpkin spice lattes from him all week.

*“Are you often breaking into schools?”* He asks with a laugh and an arched brow.

*“Only when there are hot teachers there”* I quipped back.

*“And what about hot coffee shop managers?”* I blushed at his brazen question, noticing his voice getting a bit lower.

*“I don’t need to break into coffee shops, I just need to come here nearly every day for weeks and hope I get noticed”*

*“Oh I’ve noticed you. I noticed you the first day you came in, it was kind of hard not to”*

*“Because my coffee choice offends you?”*

*“Because you’re the most captivating person that’s come into my shop in a long time”* His eyes locked on mine and darkened.

My breath hitched and I felt my face flush. I’d never been called captivating before and the way he said it held such sinful promise. I couldn’t lie, he was hot. All dark hair, blue eyes and tattoos. He was easily my type down to the lasting remnants of a once slightly stretched lobe.

*“What captivates you?”* I ask shakily as I leaned back.

*“For starters, the soft curves of your body.”* He steps closer between my thighs, hands skimming up my hips.

*“Your pretty eyes”* He gets even closer, a hand moving to caress my cheek.

*“Those unbelievably delicious lips”*

*“H-how do you know they’re delicious?”* My voice barely above a whisper.

*“Just a working theory, shall we test it?”*

I nod ever so slightly as he tilts my chin towards him to gently kiss me. The hand on my lower back holding me closer to him as the other tangled in my hair. I melt into him, my lips parting for his tongue to slip into my mouth deepening the kiss. A growing warmth pooling low in my belly and suddenly it feels like I need him closer, his mouth everywhere.

I nipped at his bottom lip eliciting a groan from deep in his throat, his hand sliding effortlessly under my shirt. That feeling in my belly going damp as his thumb trailing across my bra covered nipples, instantly responding to his touch. His mouth leaves mine as brushes my hair off my shoulder and then

I feel his tongue dip into that sensitive spot where my neck and shoulder meet.

I barely recognize myself. I feel too hot, too liquid and too needy for his touch. My legs wrapping around his waist to bring him even closer, allowing him to press the thickening length in his jeans against the apex of my thighs. I feel feral as I basically hump him to get that friction against my clit, aching to spiral further into my pleasure.

*“Naughty girl, you like this”.* He laughs as he nips his way up my throat.

I give him a shy smile.

*“You’re wearing far too many clothes”* He tells me between more breathless kisses.

*“Oh is that so?”* I try to be coy and teasing but my words drip with lust.

*“It is so.”* His fingers dance along the waistband of my jeans, before palming my centre completely.

*“I think you want these off just as bad as I do”* He continues to rub me through my jeans as the electric bundle of nerves screams at me to leave any sense of decorum behind.

*“Won’t someone see?”* I ask cautiously.

*“We’re relatively hidden from street view for what I want to do to you and that pretty pussy. And I can wipe the cameras, or we can keep the video for later”* He winks at me and I can barely think beyond that growing need.

*“Okay”* I say, and his fingers deftly undo the button and zipper while I thank my lucky stars that I wore cute panties today. He shimmies my jeans down my thighs to my ankles where I kick them off in a very uncoordinated attempt at helping. His fingers dipping softly down the centre of my panties and I hear him inhale sharply.

*“So wet for me already, fuck”*, the stroking continuing in an infuriatingly slow fashion. I try to tilt my hips trying to force him to touch me harder.

*“Impatient too”* he says as he plays with the seams of my panties, toying with me.

*“Please”* I whimper.

He gives me a wicked grin as he pushes my panties aside and parts me gently. I almost come apart with that easy touch, the feeling of him finally touching the most intimate part of me too much to bear. His fingers circling my entrance and spreading wetness up against my clit. I can feel my legs shaking as my pleasure coils tighter and tighter.

Headlights flash past the window cause me to turn my head in worry and its at that precise moment that he chooses to press two fingers into me. Curling ever so slightly he touches the sweet spot in me that makes me see stars behind my eyelids. His thumb increases pressure as the slow, tortuous internal strokes keep pace. I’m vaguely aware that I’m moaning and panting as my pleasure continues to build in agony.

*“Eyes on me”* he says. I stare back at him while he spreads my thighs almost obscenely wide.

*“Oh god, oh god”* I ride his hand in a futile attempt for release, but his steady hand on my hip keeps me in place. I settle for pulling him closer to me and kissing him hard, if not sloppily. My tongue dancing along his and biting his lower lip before moving down his neck. I feel him shudder and groan, pleased that I’m affecting him as much as he is me.

He pulls back to look me in the eyes, slowing his strokes.

*“I want to press my face into your beautiful wet flower and not let me up until you’re satisfied. Is that okay?”*

A single throb deep in my pussy begs me to comply and I take grip his hair as I kiss him. When I release him he pushes me to lie flat on the bar, my hair cascading over the edge as he holds my thighs firm. Time seems to crawl and I can feel the anticipation building until his tongue comes down on me in one smooth lick.

My body tenses under him but as I settle in, any nerves of being this vulnerable to him falls further away. He doesn’t need to hold my thighs open as they gladly welcome him to take whatever he wants from me. I hear him exhale with pleasure as I realize my hand is in his hair again.

His tongue flicks expertly over me, sending electric waves over my body, his hands rubbing all along my body. The vertical strokes giving to way for when he finally sets on sucking on my clit, the feeling almost too much to take and then he spears me with his fingers again. My pussy clenching with the unexpected fullness.

My reaction spurs him on and his fingers begin to push into me with more intent, as if determined to send me hurtling over the edge. The stroking of my front wall combined with his incessant sucking have my nerves on a razor’s edge.

*“Cum for me”* he says, reading my mind.

And suddenly its all too much. I cry out with my hands gripping his hair so tight it must hurt him. My body shaking and curling in on itself as my orgasm reaches its peak before that explosion of ecstasy has my back arched. Waves of my pleasure washing over me, but his fingers keep the frenzied pace.

*“Again. I know you’re not satisfied with just one”*

Pulling my limp body up to him, he kisses me passionately and I taste my pleasure on his tongue. I might normally find the thought of his moustache and tongue coated with my wetness embarrassing but here and now it might be the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted. Fingers working over me deftly, the heel of his hand pressed hard into my clit, my body coils tight before springing into another orgasm.

He kisses me as I come down from that high, my entire body feeling liquid. The haze of lust still settled around me as I reach down to stroke the impressive length of him straining through his jeans.

*“Your turn, I think”*

**Tip your baristas, not just the hot ones.**

**This is my first post here so please be kind.**



  1. This is so well written… I forgot how much better erotica is when it isn’t written by men. And I don’t know anything about you but I’m getting the impression you’re not a man lol

  2. Very well written, good use of paragraphs, and text is extra-smokin’ hot !!
    This is a good stroke story, as they say on Stories online.
    Great sentience structure, and onomatopeic wording makes the piece come alive.
    now following you

  3. So well done. Within the first paragraph the words were gone and the scene was just playing out in my head. Your pacing was amazing and your careful breaking down of barriers was well defined and flowed effortlessly. I noticed. Well done.

    Also, as a guy, let me assure you there is absolutely no shame in pumpkin spice * munches on pumpkin spice cookie hot out of the oven * Nothing at all! ;)

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