Family Beach Vacation

The Outer Banks a great place to take the kids on a beach vacation. Lots of Wild life activities, restaurants and lots of shopping. This is their second 4th of July vacation ay the Outer Banks, The fireworks are set off on the beach; they explode directly over your head. On this warm afternoon my husband took the kids on a Dolphin watch while I stayed behind. I wanted to enjoy the beach alone for once. I liked sitting at the water’s edge letting the waves wash over my feet and up my legs. It cooled me off and relaxed me.

The waves were coming up my legs and just touching my pussy which gave me a gentle tingling sensation. There were a group of people in their early 20’s next to me drinking and enjoying the beach. I noticed one guy looking at me every closely. This gave me a sense of excitement and adventure. I lean back on my elbows and closed my eyes and to my surprise I was imagining his fingertips moving up and down my inner thighs with the movement of the waves. He was in between my legs touching me softly caressing me. I could feel his breathe on my cheeks and lips. My excitement grew and I dare not open my eyes in case he was really there. I stayed there for a while but then then the tide was changing and the sensation was lost. I open my eyes and look over and he was still looking at me. I felt embarrassed so I got up to go to our room that looked over the beach.

I open the sliding door to let in the breeze and I can see him on the beach. I position a chair just inside the room that allows me to feel the breeze but stay out of the sun. I have never been to a nude beach but always wanted to and wondered what it was like so I take off my top to feel the breeze across my breasts. As I sit there with my eyes closed my thoughts drift back to him. The gentle breeze on my nipples makes me imagine he is there, he gently takes my nipple in his mouth and uses his tongue to make it wet then moves to the other. I lick my finger and moisten my nipple and the cooling sensation makes my nipple erect and very sensitive. So I do the same to the other then take my finger tips and gently run them around my breasts, they become incredibly sensitive. After doing this for a few minutes my body takes over and I go with it. I move my hand to my knee and touch my legs like it was him. I move my fingers up and down my legs slowly gently then move up to my pussy. I spread my legs out and move the suit bottoms to the side. I touch my shaved pussy lips and move my finger around the tip of the lips. . I them move my finger inside the lips to the wet inner area. I slowly feel under the lips to the entrance of my pussy. I then move my finger up under my clit and circle around it and up and down the shaft of it. My body tenses and I flick the tip of it as if he is licking me. It does not take long for my body to respond, my head goes back my pelvis rises and the orgasm over takes me. I open my eyes and he is looking in my direction, I stand exposing my breasts to him I touch my nipples. I turn to lay on the bed lay down close my eyes. I imagine taking my husband on the beach late at night and making him fuck me.
She wakes from her nap, swings her legs on to the floor. Still topless she stands and walks to the open door overlooking the beach. The sun is stating its long summer decent. The beach is less crowded as people move in for dinner.  He is still there but does not look her way. She turns as the door to her room opens and the kids rush in to tell her about their adventure. They have seen her topless before and thought nothing of it. Her husband obviously likes her that way and moves to kiss her and accidently brushes her breast.  She reaches down for a quick grab then turns her attention to the kids. They excitedly tell her about the dolphins and show her the pictures. Dinner is next on the schedule. She wears a wrap around shrong bottom and top. This outfit feels like being nude in public, she loves the daring of it. At the restaurant the only place to sit is at the bar. To the kids it’s a fun adventure, they can watch the bartenders. He husband sits between them and they pepper him with questions about what the drinks, ingredients ect. She turns around to check out the crowd. There sits the guy from the beach with his friends, he is looking at her. She smiles and he smiles back. She starts to get wet, instantly.
                He gets up and walks her way; he motions his head to follow him. He is headed for the bathrooms.  She turns and tells her husband she is going to pee.  She follows him down a hall way they pass the bathrooms and through a door at the end of the hall.  It’s a small dark room a closet really,
He turns to her and says” I think you’re really beautiful”
“You’re not bad yourself” she says
“How long are you here for?” he asks
“Till Saturday” she says
“Same” he says
They stand and look at each other. She leans forward and kisses him. She opens the door to go back to her Family.
Back at the hotel she and her husband sit on the balcony chatting about their day. He has no idea the secrets she holds.  Once the kids fall asleep she suggests they take a walk on the beach
They walk for a short distance and she suggests they move towards the dunes. It’s darker there and hard to see from the water’s edge.  She sits down in the sand and positions him in front of her. She pulls down his shorts and he pops up. She reaches for it and says “I have been waiting all day”. She puts him in her mouth sucking his cock. She loves the feel of it as it enters and exits her mouth. The head moves along inside. It opens her lips and passes along her tongue to the back of her mouth.  She can taste the cum. After a couple minutes she says “Now fuck me”.  She lay back in the sand spreading her legs. He kneels down in front of her then on top of her. He enters her slowly. She feels his cock rub her clit as it enters her.  The head slides into her pushing deeply. The head pulls out then in slowly. They share passionate kisses as he fucks her. Her hands pull him into her. She is cumming quickly in this position. He continues fucking her and kissing her. He wants her to cum again before he does. He feels her pussy tighten and her back arch as she cums on his growing cock. She relaxes to his rhythm encouraging him. She says “Cum in me” He dose as told. She feels the squirt and he relaxes.  He is surprised she wanted to this.  She was never this adventurous. They walk back to the hotel and fall sleep in each other’s arms.
She wakes before the sun rises so she can get a few sunrise pictures to post online.  Walking down the beach she meets other photographers wanting the same pics to post for their Facebook friends. After walking about a mile she sees him. It’s The young guy from the beach and restaurant.  He does not see her as she approaches. She walks but next to him and stops. He turns and is surprised to see her. She smiles and he kisses her. He holds her close and she feels his excitement.  She says “let’s go in the water”  They put their cameras down on her flip-flops. What she doesn’t know is that she accidently hit the record button for the video feature on her camera. They wade out about shoulder deep. She turns to him and pulls his suit down just enough so his cock is free. She wraps her arms around his neck and wraps her legs around his waist. She pushes herself on to his cock. They let the wave action do the fucking for them as they make out.  She forces herself to fuck faster feeling him push in rhythm.  She is not going to orgasm this way but that’s OK. The daring of this will last her through many sexual encounters.  She watches his face as he cums in her.  They walk back to the beach, gather their cameras, her video still recording. Walking back together they talk as if nothing happened.  She sees her husband and kids in the distance, without saying a word they split and she moves off to meet her family.
