A Cabin with Friends [MMF] – PART 1

This story contains Male on Male, Male on Female, and Male and Male on female content. If that’s not your jam, you may want to skip! Also, it’s a long one, so be prepared! Otherwise, happy reading!


She felt her cheeks growing red, keenly aware that only darkness hid her body’s growing excitement. Madison, or Madi to those close to her sat in awed silence, intently focused on what was unfolding across the campfire. Two of her long time friends, Thomas and James, both of whom she’d known for more than a decade had just revealed something completely unexpected; not only were they both into men, but they had casually hooked up with one another numerous times. And while this was incredibly surprising to Madison, it was her own body’s response to the news that shocked her most.

Having suspected the confession to be nothing more than a joke, Tori, another of the assembled friends urged the men to offer proof that what said was true. Like the others gathered, she had known Thomas and James for many years and knew both to be very much into women. So she like the others found it hard to believe what the two were claiming. What followed this dare is what captured Madi’s full attention; the two men now sat side by side, slowly kissing. Watching this ignited a flame deep within her, and she couldn’t help but stare wide-eyed toward the display. Unconsciously and ever so subtly her legs spread in response, letting the early autumn air ride up her summer dress, bringing much needed cooling to her inner thighs.

As the embrace ended the two men smirked, proud of the awkward silence that followed. This was finally broken when, after several moments Amy, another of the group stood abruptly, asserting this recent revelation to be far more than her somewhat intoxicated brain could handle at that moment. Taking her boyfriend Damien’s hand and urging him to follow her, she wished the rest of the friends a goodnight and led the way towards the nearby cabin.

It was the act of Amy and Damien standing up and beginning to walk away that finally broke Madison’s trance. An overwhelming feeling of embarrassment now crept in as she realized she had been intently staring and there was a good chance one or more of the gathered friends had noticed. Quickly averting her gaze from across the fire, an amusing thought popped into her head; the recent show had likely turned Amy on as much as it had herself, and that’s probably why she was in such a rush to escape.

A few more minutes and another round of drinks passed, with Thomas, James, Madison and Tori remaining around the fire. The four chatted and eventually the conversation circled back to sexuality, as is often the case when relatively young and fit people come together. While her friends all shared stories, many of which she had heard before, Madi simply confessed she hadn’t engaged in too much sexually since they had last caught up; her most recent partner was more into playing with himself and watching porn than playing with her, and although they had experimented with a few things, she wasn’t at all satisfied so ended things with him. She then jokingly added that her recent sexual dry-spell mixed with the current conversation and the few drinks she’s just consumed had her more aroused than she’d normally admit. While by no means drunk, she felt comfortable and safe with these friends so had no reason to hide her frustrations, although perhaps the alcohol did have enough of an effect to loosen her tongue more than normal. She finished her confession by casually adding that although she had not yet had the opportunity to do so, she wanted to experience being with a girl one day and was incredibly happy Thomas and James had been able to share experiences together.

Teasing her best friend, Tori chimed in after hearing her friend’s confession, giggling as she spoke. “If saying you want to hook up with a girl is your attempt to get into my pants, you’ll have to work harder than that my dear friend. I’m no hussy. At the very least you’ll need to buy me dinner and a heck of a lot of drinks first.”
Madison simply rolled her eyes as she often did in response. This was clearly a mistake however, as Tori upped the ante, a devilish smile spreading across her face before sheepishly adding “I knew all along you’re a big horndog, I just never knew there was such deviance waiting to be released; no wonder you were eye-fucking Tommy and James so hard a minute ago.”

Madi could have been knocked over with a feather in that moment. So somebody had noticed! Madison’s face immediately turned red, and this time it did not go unnoticed by the others. James then offered another thought, poking even more fun at his friend and doing his best to shock Madi, Tori and to some extent Thomas too. “Imagine how flustered you’d have been if we pulled down our pants and sucked each other’s big ol’ cocks instead!”

James’s statement, taken as nothing more than a crude joke led to laughter from all present and provided an opportunity for the conversation to shift once more. At first mindless small talk followed, but eventually the conversation shifted to a more somber topic, one not yet broached; the reason why the group of six friends, including the four still circling the campfire had made a pilgrimage to a rickety cottage in the middle of the forest.

While the group had known each other for more than a decade and had stayed relatively close over time, it had been five years since they managed to find time to come together as one group. After leaving college each member of the once incredibly tight-knit clique had gone their separate ways, with careers, relationships and life slowly pulling them in separate directions. Unfortunately tragedy, as is often the case, is what finally brought them back together. While the group had discussed returning to the cottage they now inhabited on an almost yearly basis, plans just never seemed to pan out. Now the group was back together though, celebrating the life of Anton, a man who had once been a member of their friend group. Sadly he had died a few months earlier in a small plane crash. Now the remaining friends found themselves together once more, having resolved to finally return to a place of fond memories, a cabin hours away from the civilization where they had shared a week together in the autumn following their graduation.

As the conversation turned to reminiscing over the past and the absolute ridiculousness the group of friends had engaged in during their college years, Tori grew quiet. While Anton had been close with all of the gathered friends, he and Tori had been very close. They had dated for most of college and had only broken up due to their different life paths. While they had never stopped caring for each other deeply, life just got in the way. Eventually they concluded that things between them weren’t meant to be, and agreed to just be friends. That this choice was mostly Tori’s weighed heavily on her now, the current conversation being a reminder that she would never see who she still considered the love of her life ever again.

“Hey Tori, you okay?” Madison asked, sensing her friend’s sudden melancholy.

“Yeah I’m fine, this place just has me remembering how things were.” Came her subdued response. “None of us are getting younger and it’s really crazy how things can change in an instant,” she trailed off, realizing how dark her mood had suddenly become. “Anyways, I’m going to hit the sack for the night. You guys don’t stay up too late.” Although impossible to tell through the darkness, Madison suspected her friend may have been fighting back tears and needed a bit of alone time to grapple with her thoughts. To some extent that was really the point of the trip for all the friends, but Madison knew Tori was feeling it even more than the others.

Standing up, Tori collected a few of the beer and soft drink cans left lying around before heading in for the night and exchanging final good night wishes with her friends. Madison asked if her friend wanted company, but Tori said no, she really just needed a few minutes alone. Begrudgingly Madison accepted this and hugged her best friend, bidding her a good night. What followed was several moments of silence before James restarted the conversation, awkwardly returning back to a topic from earlier in the night. “So you’re thinking about switching teams and going after the ladies now?” He joked, hoping to lighten the mood.

“Shut the fuck up.” Madison shot back with a slight chuckle. Although perverts, her friends usually knew just what to say to break up an awkward silence. “I just believe variety is the spice of life. You two seem to have adopted a similar philosophy by the looks of things. How in the heck did the whole thing between you two start?”

James and Thomas looked back and forth at each other before Thomas said something that piqued Madison’s interest immensely. “Do you really want to know? If we tell you, you have to swear to God not to tell a soul!”

Madison of course took the bait, asking for the details and promising to never tell a soul. “It was Amy.” Thomas then whispered, causing Madison to make a face that could best be described as simultaneously expressing shock, curiosity and confusion.

“Last year the three of us hung out, one thing led to another, and we ended up having a threesome. You cannot say anything though, I’m pretty sure Damien doesn’t have a clue! And well, that experience led us to explore things one on one a few times afterwards, and we didn’t hate it.”

The admission shocked Madison to her absolute core, even more than finding out the two men had been hooking up. Reflecting back on what had happened earlier, she now questioned her original interpretation of Amy’s reaction to the men kissing; perhaps she hadn’t been turned on by the display, maybe the reason for her sudden need to leave was because of guilt? Or maybe it was even fear that her own secret would be revealed. She and Damien had been dating for at least four years without any sort of breaks as far as Madison knew, so if he wasn’t aware or involved, a hookup between Amy, Thomas and James certainly meant she had crossed the line into cheating territory.

“Holy shit!” Was all Madison could muster in response. A moment of silence passed as she processed the new information, seeming to start asking a question then stopping herself several times.

James then spoke once more. “So, what Tori said earlier, were you actually watching us? Do you like the idea of two guys together or what?”

“Yeah I do. I find it ridiculously hot.” She shyly responded. The two men then looked back and forth at each other, appearing to read the other’s mind.

“So of course feel free to say no, and if you do please don’t judge me for asking,” Thomas started before hesitating, seemingly struggling to find the right words to continue. “Umm, would you like to watch me suck James’s cock?”

Shocked by the question Madison could barely put the words together to respond, but eventually was able to collect herself. “Yes…I would.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/yada5b/a_cabin_with_friends_mmf_part_1


  1. Great story! Soo hot. Just wanted to make you aware of this sub: r/bistoriesgonewild
    They would love this.

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