
That remarkable hesitation

when we meet

for the first time

at the coffee house

when I drop a silent half-note

into the melody

of our sparkling conversation

because I look at your face

and your smile


all my clever thoughts.



I said the bar is noisy

and I purposefully

act like

I’m trying to speak loudly

but actually

speak softly

so I can repeat myself

but I have to lean in

like a thief

who steals a sample of your scent,

a glimpse of the little muscles in your neck,

and the whisper of a touch as my cheek grazes yours

that sends heavy electrons

all the way

to the soles

of my feet.



under the stars

I realize

we haven’t bothered with a destination

then we stop

by a maple tree

still holding hands

we face one another

and then I see it—

that invisible explosive revelation

that you want to kiss me

as much

as I want to kiss you.


The door clicks loudly

finally alone

and safe

we both sigh in relief.

kissing is different

with no one watching.

our hands join the celebration

the back of your neck

my hair

your warm face

my bicep

the small of your back

my hardness traced

all while

in this present moment

eyes to eyes

peaceful smiles

words expressed

that we have no words for.


On my knees

On your knees

those amazing shoes unbuckled

my shoes untied

your smooth calves caressed

my legs held tightly

kisses up your thighs

kisses up my thighs

with two hooked fingers I slide your panties down as you raise your hips before me and I see you glisten,

you release me from boxers and gently rest the side of your face against my hardest cock

Did I groan out loud

or from somewhere



That your legs open before me

is a moment unto itself.

That I am between them

is a moment unto itself.

That your nipples dance freely

is a moment unto itself.

That we look at each other like best friends sharing a memory of a summer bonfire at the lake while we each offer a hand to clasp and with your other you press your fingernails into my chest and with my other I stroke your singing pussy with the tip of my singing cock

is a moment

that feels like

it has become

the center of the universe.


I position myself

You position yourself self

gentle nudges

but I need whispers

like the recitation

of ancient blessings.

I lean over

“I need to be in you”

“I need you in me”

“I want to be in you deeply”

“I want you to fuck me deeply”

“Hold me in your warmth. Fuck me”

“I will fuck every drop of cum out of you”

“You are so beautiful”

“Shut up and fuck me”

That’s enough whispering.

And the blissy transcendence

that passes over your face

as I slowly slide

into you

is the most wonderful moment

of all the most wonderful moments.



the sweat

and whatever else

has dried.

I must bury my face in your hair

and you must touch my abdomen

because even in the twilight of consciousness

we don’t want to forget

where we are.


Years later

you come home.

Another hectic day.

I take your purse. And briefcase. And phone. And lead you to the back porch.

I bring you a glass

of Laetitia Estate’s Pinot Noir

lift your feet into my lap

and rub

as you tell me everything

about your day

until it flies away

like an owl

and all that remains

is just you



with happy feet.

after delicious silence

you open your eyes

and look at me

and then I ask you

“So how is that lovely pussy of yours?”

and thousands of little moments


all at once.
