Scotty & His Mom – A Cruise Like No Other – Part 19 [m/s inc]


This story was written at the request of a fellow Redditor who rewards me with pics of his smokin hot mom. I know he’ll enjoy it. I hope you do too! See my profile for previous parts.

Key characters:
Scotty – the son; 25yo; 6 ft; 190 lb; athletic build; blonde hair; hazel eyes; 8-inch cock

Renee – Scotty’s hot curvy, MILF mom; 49yo; 5′ 4”; 160 lb; 36DD-24-38; blonde hair; hazel eyes

Ray – swinger Renee & Scotty meet on cruise. 5′ 10”; 170 lb; dark hair & eyes; 7-inch cock; wealthy.

Stephanie – Ray’s swinger partner and hot THICC MILF; 5′ 3”; 166 lbs; 34DD-24-44; dirty blonde; blue eyes


Stephanie and Renee woke refreshed and filled with lust and arousal. They ordered breakfast and showered together, making sweet love under the cascading water; putting on a show for the young, attractive, male porter who delivered their meals and watched them.

Renee found the exhibitionism so hot that she was aroused again after they dried off and the porter left. But the smell of bacon lured them to the meals. They ate, groaning in pleasure and toasting with their mimosas.

“I can’t get over your tits,” Stephanie said, sitting across from Renee at the table in their luxury suite. “I just want to have them in my mouth constantly.” She added, chuckling. Renee winked.

“Feeling is mutual,” Renee said. “Yours are so…pendulous. Beautiful. I love that you’re not too tanned. They have that milky white, creamy…,”

“Mom look,” Stephanie finished for her. “They’re mom breasts.” She continued, as Renee listened, munching on a bacon strip. “At least that’s what most of the young men I fuck tell me.”

“Do most of them have mommy fantasies?” Renee asked, recalling a few of the young men who had suggested to her they hook up, and she role-play as their hot mom. She had declined every one – not because the fantasy turned her off.

The fantasy simply hit too close to home for Renee, reminding her that she was a hot mom in real life with an adult, hot son, too. But these last few days had tested her; weakening her resolve enough that she let her mind wander a few times to fantasies and sexual images of her handsome, adult son.

“Are you kidding?” Stephanie answered, digging into her eggs. “Every single one of them has broached that subject.” She added. Renee’s mind flashed an image of her son stroking his cock in the shower, and she wondered if he had those fantasies? She saw Stephanie looking back at her curiously. “Haven’t yours?” Stephanie asked, assuming Renee had had her share of young adult men. Renee smirked.

“I don’t think I have ever fucked anyone younger than forty or so, maybe 35ish?” She said, as Stephanie dropped her fork and interrupted with her mouth full.

“Girl,” Stephanie mumbled, “Seriously? You don’t know what you’re missing. The 20 or 25 year olds will worship you…worship! And they have staying power. Endless orgasm of what you want them to do.” Stephanie said exasperatingly. Then she shook her head. “I can’t imagine you haven’t had your share of hot, young twenty-something men hit on you.” She continued. “It must be by choice.” Renee gazed back at her friend but said nothing.

“Idunno, I just somehow avoided it,” Renee responded, knowing the reason was because most of these young, hot men would remind her of her son while she was fucking them, and she didn’t want to go there.” She decided to change the subject back to their tits. “Anyway, have you ever thought about piercing your nipples?” Renee asked. Stephanie nodded no.

“I like to keep them looking like mommy tits,” Stephanie said, adding, “You know? For the boys.” She quipped, chewing and swallowing. She sipped on her mimosa, winking at Renee.

“I’ve thought about getting my nipples pierced,” Renee said, as Stephanie eyed her stiffening nipples.

“Do it!” Stephanie said. “I noticed your belly button is pierced. Anything else?”

“No,” Renee answered. “Thought about my tongue but passed on it. One guy suggested getting my pussy pierced but passed on that too. But nipples pierced intrigues me.” Renee continued. “The thought that you would see them under the top is…idunno…tantalizing.” She ended.

“Your tits are tantalizing, period.” Stephanie said without hesitation. “I bet there’s a shop on the ship that does piercings.” Stephanie said. Renee’s eyes lit up.

“Now that is a great idea!” Renee responded, stressing the words ‘that’ and ‘great’.

* * *

Nearly an hour later, Renee was admiring her new nipple piercings in the mirror of the shop, as Stephanie stood behind her, gazing at them with lust in her eyes.

“You wanna take them between your teeth, don’t you?” Renee teased, looking at Stephanie through the reflection. Stephanie groaned at the thought. Renee threw on her pink bikini top, admiring how the tiny barbells were visible under her material.

Since she had spent the night at Stephanie’s room, she had not had the chance to change clothes. So she was still sporting her black shorts and pink bikini top with black polka dots, holding up her succulent tits with thin straps.

“Ray wants to meet for lunch. He texted Scotty.” Stephanie started to say, reading her texts from her phone.

Thirty minutes later, Scotty; his mother, Renee; Stephanie and Ray were sitting at a high-top table for four at the ship’s popular promenade bar and restaurant. They were enjoying strong pitchers of margaritas, and snacking on small plates. Stephanie had shed her clothes, as had Ray. Scotty and his mom still had their clothes on, but Scotty’s eyes kept focusing on the piercings poking through his mother’s bikini top.

“When did you get your nipples pierced?” Scotty asked his mother without pretense. His mother looked at him and smiled.

“About an hour ago.” Renee answered, looking down at her tits, along with the rest of her party. “Stephanie forced me.” She added, jokingly lying. Stephanie began to feign coughing and choking. She gazed at Renee, smirking.

“Woman,” Stephanie replied, seeing yet another opportunity to press. “If I forced you into anything, you’d be spread open on this table with the three of us taking turns eating your pussy.” She said, teasingly. Her eyes met Renee’s, then Scotty’s and back to Renee’s. She saw Renee swallow hard. Again,Stephanie and Ray were not supposed to know that Renee and Scotty were mother and son, so Stephanie could make the harmless joke.

“Why on earth would you get your nipples pierced and not show them off?” Ray teased. Renee smiled, timidly. “C’mon, Renee,” Ray pressed, knowing he and Stephanie were wearing the mother and son down, although Ray and Stephanie were continuing to play along that they were only friends. “Show those fantastic tits off!” He said loudly. Stephanie joined in.

“Yeah, show those mouth-watering tits off, baby!” Stephanie said loudly. Several intoxicated patrons overheard and joined in.

“Yeah, show us your tits!” A naked man said, eliciting cheers. His naked, overweight wife or partner in her 50s chimed in.

“C’mon sweetheart,” she said. “We’re all family for 10 days on this ship.” She said, laughing at the joke. But the reference to family reminded Renee of her son sitting not several feet from her. She met his gaze and he was smirking.

“C’mon Renee,” Scotty said, being careful not to reference her as ‘mom’. He continued. “Everyone wants to see your beautiful breasts.” He said. It was the first time that Scotty had made any kind of sexual reference to his mom about her body. She found it oddly exciting. Renee’s resolve was wearing thin, as she met Stephanie’s gaze. Stephanie winked and nodded for Renee to do it.

“Oh what the hell!” Renee said, shedding her top. The crowd around her erupted in cheer, as she felt all eyes zeroing on her stiffening nipples. She averted her son’s gaze, smiling widely and looking around her and anywhere but at her son.

Stephanie put an arm around Renee’s shoulder, bringing her breasts next to Renee’s and showing them off. Ray immediately snapped a picture before Renee could argue. She said nothing. But as everyone chatted, her eyes kept glancing at her son, whose gaze kept darting to his mother’s bared breasts and nipples. She couldn’t help in getting excited at the knowledge that everyone was admiring her breasts – including her own handsome, adult son.

Suddenly, the four of them heard a sexy, male voice call out Ray’s full name. Ray turned and recognized the man as a business partner and client. They, both, knew of the other’s lifestyle and had been respectful in being discrete. So Ray was not concerned being recognized.

“Marcus!” Ray said happily, as the two men shook hands.

The truth was, Ray had reached out to Marcus the day before to help him with his plan to wear Renee down and get her to fuck her son. Marcus was in his late 40s and a former bodybuilder who still looked fantastic. He was covered in sexy tattoos and always well-tanned. His straight, white, beaming smile and piercing blue eyes usually made women fawn. Marcus was naked and just below his washboard abs, his healthy, thick cock hung invitingly. Renee and Stephanie both gazed at it for a long second.

“Everyone,” Ray said, “this is Marcus. We have occasionally done business together.” Ray added, as Marcus nodded to everyone. When his eyes met Renee’s gaze, he lingered; his smile widening. His eyes took her pierced nipples in and then he met her gaze again. “Nice to meet you.” He said to everyone, but his gaze was on Scotty’s mom.

“Hi,” Renee said barely above a whisper.

Scotty had figured out what was going on and glanced at Ray who discretely winked at him. Marcus was going to worm his way into taking his mom to see the mother-son private show. Scotty felt his cock growing under his shorts, and he realized that among the four, he was the only one left who was fully dressed.

He planned to change that.
