The Bet [M27/M24] [Trap] [Roommate] [Blow Job] [Anal]

Roommates. We all love them, we all hate them. Most of them tend to be nothing put a big pain in the backside. But there are those rare ones, those you really get along with. And I had one of them, a couple of years ago. I was twenty three years old, he was twenty six years old when we first moved in together.

We shared a relatively big flat. Each one of us had an own room, we had a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. We rarely ever argued, we shared cleaning duties, and it worked, we had something to talk about. We sometimes cooked for each other, and we loved to enjoy a drink together while having your typical male to male conversations.

We were living together for about a year when we were sharing a late afternoon drink in the living room. We were talking about this, we were talking about that and then the topic, the conversation moved towards woman. And well, all of a sudden, out of thin air, my roommate made made one comment. He did it in a very jerky, arrogant and confident way: “Those traps. Nothing easier to than to tell the difference between a trap girl and a “real” girl.”

I couldn’t let this stupid claim of him letting go unanswered. Because I had one secret he didn’t new off. And this assumption of him, it was nothing but a blunt attack on myself. I had too give him counter. So I asked him in a very snippy way: “You sure about that? You wanna bet on it? You wanna bet on the fact, that you can tell the difference between a trap and a so called real girl?”

He was surprised by my answer. He was surprised how aggressive I got. But he didn’t change his opinion at all. He accepted my bet. To spice things up, the looser had to clean the bathroom for one whole year. Once a week. Well, at least when he was in town.

My roommate accepted it all. He still was sure about the fact that he would win. But he asked me one more question: “When will my test be? And were will my test be?

After hearing his last question, I just smiled at him. I told him that it will be sooner or later. That it could be anywhere. And that giving a certain date, a certain location would make the test obsolete. Because it had to happen out in the wild. In a real life situation.

Once the bet was set, we finished our drinks together. We kept on taking, but the topic of it went somewhere else. About fifteen minutes later the drink was empty, the conversation was over – no, not in an awkward way, it just was done – and I went back into my room. In there, I opened a drawer and pulled my favorite dress out of it.

My roommate left the living room too. Shortly after me. He yelled an “I am out” into the apartment before he closed the door behind him. Luckily I knew exactly where he went. Down to his favorite pub. Just around a few corners, to hang out, to drink with his friends, to hit on some girls, to bring one of them back home with him. And to fuck the shit out of hear. But not today. Today his evening would end in a different way.

As soon as he left the flat, my transformation began. I went into the bathroom, to shave myself. To turn my body from a little bit hairy – I haven’t got that much body hair, and I tend to smoothen up myself about once a week – to completely soft and smooth. It took me some time, but it was worth my while.

Then it was time to put on some nice lingerie, yes it was no first time for me, to put on some makeup, to make my hair – it was long enough to turn it into something nice and female – and to put on some ear clips. Then I jumped into my favorite dress, the one I mentioned above, got some female shoes out of a drawer and I fished my purse out from beneath the bed.

Into the purse I put some makeup, some lipstick, some condoms, my wallet, some condoms and the biggest bottle of lube that fit in there. Now I was ready and dressed up. I was dressed to impress. I was looking nothing but gorgeous. Female and gorgeous. I took a few snaps of myself with my phone, then I hit the street. Walking directly towards the pub my jerky roommate was siting in.

Over at the pub I placed me damn hot ass in front of the bar. I ordered a drink using my female voice – luckily I had some proper voice training in my teenage years, my parents wanted to turn me into a singer, or an actor, they weren’t that sure about it, so I was able to pull that stunt. Then I looked over to my roommate. As expected he was sitting at a table, hanging out, drinking with his friends. It didn’t took long and I had his full attention.

About fifteen minutes later he was sitting next to me. Not having any damn clue, not having a suspicion that the hot girl he was talking with, that he was flirting with was his roommate, the one he made a bet with earlier that day. He even paid me a drink or two. He clearly wanted me. He wanted to fuck me. And I, I granted him his wish. I signaled him to follow me to the bathroom.

Not even a minute after me he came into the restroom. He closed the door behind him. We looked each other in the eyes. And without saying anything I went down on my knees in front of him, I unzipped his pants, pulled them and his underwear down to set his rock hard dick free. Yes, like every good girl, I tried my best to give him a raging boner while flirting with him. And by the looks of it, I succeeded in doing so.

At first I squeezed his balls a little bit. I gave him a few gently strokes. He already began to moan out loud. Then I wrapped my lips around his glans. I sucked on it for some time. His moaning got more and more intense. Then I took his rock hard dick deeper and deeper. His dick sliding down my throat, I have to admit, it felt good. Better than good. It really made me horny. It gave me nothing but a raging, pre cum dripping boner.

After some time sucking his rock hard dick while enjoying the taste of it, when he was really close to dump his tasty, sticky load down my throat, I stopped. I stood up. I lifted my dress. I showed him my rock hard dick. I showed him my rock hard dick inside my girls panties: “I think you just lost a bet. You clean the bathroom for the next year.”

There was a shocked, anxiety filled impression on his face. He really wasn’t suspecting anything at all. I really got him. He froze for some time. He blushed. He clearly had lost his bet, and to my surprise, he was man enough to admit it. But it just took him some time to get the following words out: “Yup, I lost the bet. I fear I have to clean the bathroom for one year. But for now, the two of us, we are not done in here.”

Then he looked at me with a very devilish, with a very horny smile. I immediately knew what he was up to. I opened my purse, I handed him a condom and the lube. He took me, he grabbed me by my waist, he turned me around and bent me over. Then he put the condom on his dick and drowned it all in lube. While I pulled up my dress, while I pulled down my panties. Then he slid his rock hard cock inside me.

From the moment on when his glans entered my tight fuck hole moaning escaped my throat. It felt nothing but good. He gently slid his dick deeper inside me. It now felt even better. He knew what he was doing. He did it slowly. He held himself back to get me used to the feeling of having something up my ass.

When I was at the point were it began to feel really good, when my tight hole was stretched out enough, I told him to fuck me. To take me hard. To give me everything he had in him. To turn me into his bitch. To turn me into a happy girl. And he complied.

He fucked me hard, he fucked me deep, he fucked me as fast as he could. It didn’t took long and his body was covered in sweat. It all felt nothing but awesome, it was nothing but a huge fucking turn on for the two of us.

Meanwhile our moaning was filling the restroom. More and more tension built up. His still rock hard dick was sliding in and out of my dirty hole, it felt better with every thrust he gave me. I felt some inner heat building up. My eyes were turning around in circles. I had to hold onto something. I was lost. He fucked me so damn fucking good.

Then one last and final thrust. I felt his cock twitching inside my ass. He just dumped a huge and nasty load inside me. Feeling that, gave me the rest. My legs began to shake, my body began to tremble. My balls emptied themselves through my meanwhile limp dick. I had an awesome full body orgasm. I was on the verge of collapse. My roommate turned me into a very, very happy and satisfied girl.

After we came together, he pulled out in a very gentle, slow way. He needed some time to regain himself, I needed some time to regain myself. When we both were up and running again, we both cleaned up ourselves as good as we could. We put on our underwear again. He put on his pants again. Once we were done, before leaving the restroom he, my roommate, just looked me in the eyes: “From now on when I am horny, I come over to your room, to cure my nasty urges.”


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