Afternoon nap [MF]

“I’m just going for a lie down,” she says. On the surface a simple statement, but in the subtext there’s a world of nuance.

It’s an invitation, of course. An acknowledgement of the unspoken, well, also sometimes spoken, recognition that we’re both always up for a little something filthy.

I resist, at least for a little while, but the decadent call of cool sheets and a warm, soft body would test the resolve of anyone.

I slip into the room quietly, and listen for her breath. The soft golden glow of the autumn sun through the curtains casts a richly surreal light across the white sheets and the shape of her body beneath.

A pile of crumpled fabric that I recognise as every stitch of clothing she was wearing a few minutes ago brings a smile to my face, and I quietly get to work making my own neat(ish) pile.

I slide in one leg first, doing all I can to spare her the draught of cool air, and stretch out under the crisp cotton. This would be a guilty luxury if I was alone, but the warm glow of her body in reach just there makes it so much more than even that.

She rolls to face me, judging her moment perfectly and our tongues entangle in time with our legs. The swirl of her tongue against mine and the hook of her heel around my calf brings me into our bubble as the rest of the world fades away.

My hand slides under her pillow as the other slides from her shoulder to her hip, and my thigh is squeezed tightly between hers. All as well practiced and natural as breathing, as we fit together with hardly a gap.

Her hand presses me back gently, and she slides on top of me as I roll onto my back. The ease with which I slip inside her tells me she was already touching herself when I stepped into the room, silently rubbing circles around her clit with her fingertips in hope and expectation of company.

A hint of a smirk passes across her mouth in acknowledgement of my discovery, but she distracts me with a roll of her hips and a brush of her nipples against my chest, without once letting our tongues part.

She finds a rhythm without hesitation, gripping me tight and pressing her clit hard against the base of my cock. I concentrate on the sensations and let her take her pleasure at exactly the pace she wants.

Her breath becomes more ragged, and she lifts herself up slightly to look at me. I bite my lip at how beautiful she looks, and tense my pelvic floor a little harder. A soft moan then she closes her eyes and quickens her pace a little.

Another minute passes in hushed movement, and she opens her eyes again. Her cheeks are beginning to flush pink, and in another moment she looks into my eyes with a silent plea.

I make her wait a beat or two, the power in my hands for just that long, then I whisper.

“Good girl. Cum for me…”

She does, with a moan and a tension flowing through her body. Her fingers tight on my shoulders, as she holds on through the waves. Then she’s through the peak and she lays her head on my chest as her hips buck involuntarily against me.

I smile to myself as the tension melts away, and her fingers tangle in the hair on my chest. Now we sleep.



  1. Very nice and romantic you get a very good sense of reality, a real moment from the past.

  2. I would be much more interested in naps in that situation! Good job on the writing.

  3. Ugh I wish a guy would write this to me. I loved it! You captured that first moment of skin to skin contact that’s hard to put into words, but I was definitely feeling it. A simple joy everyone appreciates but no one takes the time to recognize.

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