The Tomb of Kummunmee [Halloween silliness][mummy domme][monsters][so many bad jokes][BDSM][warning – it gets weird]

Laura Hilfarm groaned with heated desperation as she pressed her sticky labia together with the slick fingers of one hand while her other moved fitfully from one heaving breast to the other teasing at her rigidly hard nipples. She arched off the sleeping bag as her fingers parted the wet folds of her sex stroking against the hood of her clitoris before easing her lips together once more. She shuddered in a near orgasm gasping into the cramped confines of her tent. Despite the cold desert night outside her body was heated with arousal.

The rocking motion of the camel she had been riding for days, the pressure between her legs, the isolation of the desert, the loneliness and the bitter chill of the desert nights had conspired to drive her to masturbate herself to sleep each night in her tent. But it had become something more: a challenge she set herself. Each night she masturbated and took her straining twitching body to the dripping edge of release but she would not allow herself an orgasm until she found the lost tomb of king Kummunmee.

She was close now she could feel it. Not close to the tomb she still had no idea where that was but weepingly close to an orgasm. She sank back onto her sweaty sleeping bag groaning with frustration.

She was a professional tomb rai….. explorer…a tomb explorer. She never raided tombs. What was the difference between raiding and exploring? Some less generous people had suggested it was about cup size. Laura was rather less dramatically endowed than her more famous contemporaries. Laura herself maintained it was about approach. She studied she explored she did not steal she did not raid.

She did not cum either. She bit her lip with frustration regretting her self imposed denial. She had been alone for weeks. The locals had refused to accompany her. Half were scared off by the legendary curse of Kummunmee the other half were already working for those poseurs Lady Croft, Dr Jones and the unfeasibly attractive Professor Fox.

Laura herself was a rather bookish looking woman. Tanned and slim with her dark hair cut in a short practical bob. She had watery green eyes and a sharp prominent nose. Her delicate breasts formed perky cones straining the fabric of the cargo shirts she wore with the sleeves rolled to expose her softly muscled forearms. Her legs were long and athletic usually displayed in khaki shorts which revealed the long scar down her left leg. She had similar scars on the left side of her torso.

The injuries were from falling through a glass display case while cleaning it at the museum – her day job – but she told people the scars were from a giant octopus attack. Better for her tomb cred.

Thinking about Sydney Fox took Laura painfully close to the edge.

“Uhhh…yes..I’ll hunt your… relics…yes…I’ll hunt them so hard…”

She moaned lost in her fantasy. Her leg jerked kicking open the tent flap. The sandstorm raging outside was suddenly inside the tent. The clouds of grit scoured her naked body as she struggled to seal the door.

She succeeded but only after the wetness between her legs was thoroughly coated inside and out with sand. She cleaned herself as much as she could but didn’t have water to waste. Tomorrows camel ride was going to be even less comfortable than usual.

Her relationship with the stubborn camel was challenging at best. In her frustrated state the warm muscular bulk moving rythmically between her thighs had taken her to the brink of orgasm more than once which was a level of intimacy the camel was not really comfortable with. Bad enough it had to listen to her moaning in her tent every night. Laura was herself embarrassed but at least she now knew why they called it a hump.

The sand made things worse adding friction to the already difficult partnership.

Seeing the Oasis ahead was a relief. A pool fed by a waterfall from a grey rock formation thrusting up from the desert sands in a decidedly phallic manner.

Laura didn’t notice. Instead she yanked her shorts down and waded into the cool water splashing it against her tormented sex.

The camel made a sound suspiciously like laughter. Laura bathing in the oasis waters looked back in anger at the mocking face of the beast. She peeled off her dusty shirt and sports bra throwing them at the camel which ignored her and began drinking contentedly from the pool.

Naked Laura was enjoying the feel of the cool water on her trail worn body when she noticed something glinting in the cave beyond the waterfall.

She waded over and stepped through the waterfall. And there it was:

The jewelled falcon of Kummunmee. The stuff that dreams were made of and marker to the entrance of the lost tomb. Behind the majestic falcon the cave stretched back into darkness but Laura could see the shape of a sarcophagus surrounded by golden canopic jars containing the removed organs of the mummified king.

She took a step forwards into the burial chamber. The delicate uptilted peaks of her breasts quivered with her excited breath.

Her hand slipped down her body to the wet hair between her legs. She had found the tomb so now she could…no! Priorities! First examine the find, she told herself strictly. She rather liked the dominant way she talked to herself. It occurred to her that just maybe she had been alone too long.

She heard a grinding sound of stone on stone and paralysed with shock she watched as the lid of the sarcophagus crashed to the ground.

“Who dares disturb the rest of king Kummunmee?”

The voice was a dry rasp which echoed around the chamber. Torches flickered into life illuminating the scene as a hideous bandaged apparition rose from the sarcophagus.

“Who dares raid my tomb!” Intoned the risen cadaver of King Kummunmee itself.

“I’m not..”

“You’ve come to hunt my relics haven’t you?”

“No! I’m an archaeologist!”

“That’s what they all say. Bunch of perverts with whips and leather jackets!”

Laura stared at the bandage wrapped creature. It’s atrophied and rotted body radiated an awful otherworldly power that held her helpless. It’s skull like head surveyed her with burning green eyes.

“Why are you naked?”

“I was bathing and….”

“Sure you were. Archaeologists! Perverts! The lot of you!”

The creature shuffled towards her. It stank of dust and ancient herbs. Scarabs scuttled away from it’s feet.

“All who disturb my tomb was face the trial of denial!”

‘ The trial of the Nile?”

“Denial! Don’t make me say it again. First you will be annoinnted with the oils of sacred torment.”

Laura found her legs parting involuntarily as the mummy approached. It’s bandaged claws ran across her shuddering breasts then down to the vulnerable mound of her vulva.

” You must learn the penalty for disturbing my slumber I have been entombed 2000 years. I am old beyond your comprehension.”

“I’m not into age play!”

The undead creature took one of the jars from beside it’s sarcophagus. It broke the wax seal releasing a cloud of acrid fumes. It’s bony fingers scooped up a blob of yellowish paste from the jar and applied it to the puffy pink domes of Laura’s nipples.

She groaned at the burning sensation which quickly turned to intense sexual need as her nipples tightened to almost painful hardness. Her small breasts flushed with sexual heat.

She saw the monsters claw laden with the ointment moving down between her open legs.

“Not there! Don’t put it on me there!” She whimpered helplessly.

The probing bandage wrapped claw spread her labia and pulled back the shielding folds around her clitoris. Laura wailed as her entire clit was covered in the paste. The undead king smeared the aphrodisiac paste across her labia and worked it up inside her vagina while she squirmed helplessly.

Laura shuddered as the ointment took effect leaving her sexual organs swollen with need and oozing thickly down her trembling thighs. She was so desperately in heat she was ready to beg.

“Now you are prepared the trial of denial can begin!”

“The trial of the Nile?”

“Don’t, you’re already in enough trouble.”

The creature unwound a length of yellowing knotted bandage from it’s skeletal arm. It threaded the bandage between Laura’s trembling legs pulling the fabric up against the oiled wet slit of her sex pressing her aching clit. With a claw holding the bandage at either end it began slowly dragging the bandage back and forth against the slippering lubricated flesh.

“You will endure a pass of my sacred bindings for every year of my entombment. If you are able to endure without reaching your climax then you may leave but if not you will be entombed forever as my concubine.”

“Ahhh…ohh ..that feels good..oh..this isn’t fair! You don’t know what I’ve been doing.”

“I know all. The desert sands have no secrets from me…pervert archaeologist!”

“Ahh…please slow…oh..slow down..ahh..”

Laura sobbed and writhed her fingernails digging into her palms as she fought for control. She bit her lip her body arching against the relentless back and forth of the bandage. She cried out at the erotic torture.

“Ahhh.. I can’t take this..ohh…I’m so close…ahhh…”

“I can sense you are close to joining my eternal harem!” Hissed the mummy triumphantly.

“So…so.. close…mercy…please… ahhh..I’m not concubine material…ohh…”

She was on the edge of losing control when she saw the markings on one of the nearest canopic jars.

“Give in let it happen raider of tombs!”


Laura still had control over her shaking hands. She thrust one hand into the canopic jars breaking the seal and wrapping her hand around the two dried up spherical organs stored in the jar. She squeezed.

“Ahhhh!!!!” The mummy’s unearthly screech echoed around the chamber. It staggered back clutching it’s groin.

“You archaeological witch! Do you know what’s in that jar?! How dare you!!!” Screeched the mummy.

“Are you asking me if I’ve got the balls?..because…”

Laura shook the jar which rattled. The mummy whimpered. Laura was now able to move again.

“Now let’s renegotiate! Or I feed these to my camel.”

“Yes yes anything. You’re free to go! The curse is lifted! I uncurse you!”

“And you agree to help me write a paper on this place. I’m going to be so famous! I’ll get tenure!”

“What the actual…ahhh..alright!!!”

Laura turned to walk out then hesitated.

“Umm this is awkward but I’m kind of worked up and that whole bandage thing was really doing it for me…do you want to…umm..finish that off ? Maybe we could make it a regular thing?”

“Archaeologists!” Hissed King Kummunmee but he started unwinding his bandages again.

“Just pretend you’re paralysed by my unearthly power? Please?”

“Hey if we can find the right jar I’ll give you a blowjob.”

“Ooh …it’s the big jar.”

“That’s what they all say.”
