Pleasure Island – A Jennifer Stokes story – ch.8 [f/f][20s-30s][plot]


It was about six weeks after the party at the luxury two story penthouse, and things around the office seemed to be back to normal, meaning boring.

Tess still saw Jennifer a few times a week at lunch, but her friend was busy with a project for a new client, and couldn’t always make it. When they did meet, Jennifer seemed distracted. The exciting sexual tension between them following the party had been understandable, but now that had faded.

One afternoon, Tess was sitting at her desk when her phone vibrated, indicating an email. She always kept her phone on vibrate, so it didn’t bother other people.

A funny thing happened though. At exactly the same time her phone buzzed, she was sure she heard a ding sound coming from somewhere near her.

Tess didn’t think anything of it at first, it was a busy office and people were always getting emails or texts.

When she opened the message and read it, she just sat at her desk in shock. Then a huge grin crept across her face.

The message read, ‘You have been invited to a very special gathering, details to follow.’

The simultaneous ding could only mean one thing. Someone near her, someone she worked with every day, had gotten that same message.

*‘Who could it be?’* she thought. Tess wandered around, looking suspiciously at one person after another, but after several minutes, had absolutely no idea, and gave up.

Her phone buzzed again. It was a text from Jennifer. -You busy? Can you come to my office?

-Be right there, she replied.

Tess knocked, but didn’t wait for an answer and walked into Jennifer’s office.

Her friend was sitting on the edge of the desk and Tess took a seat in one of the leather chairs directly in front of her.

“Hi,” she said, “you got the message too I presume?”

“I sure did. And you’re never going to guess, but so did someone else in my department.”


“Yep. I heard a phone bing when the email was sent. I thought about it, but I have no idea who it could be, althoughI’m very curious.”

“Well, that’s interesting.”

“So what sort of party do you think it will be this time?” Tess asked.

“A sex party!”

“Really? I never would have guessed,” said Tess sarcastically.

Both of their phones buzzed.

“Oh, here we go!” Jennifer said. She had to reach behind her on the desk to retrieve hers and as she did, her legs parted. The further she stretched, the wider her legs opened.

From where she was sitting, Tess had a perfect view up Jennifer’s skirt. She completely forgot about the phone vibrating in her hand, as she watched the skirt creep higher up Jennifer’s thigh, until the lacy tops of her stockings were just visible.

*’Mmm, stockings eh?’* Tess thought. Mentally she willed the skirt to keep going. *’Come on….just a little higher, show me what else you’ve got under there,’* though she knew the answer to that very well.

Tess averted her eyes just in time, as Jennifer grabbed her phone and turned back around.

“Let’s see what this says.”

Jennifer read the message out loud. “The details for the upcoming event are as follows.

Date: Three weeks from tomorrow.

Place: Small, private island in the Bahamas. All transportation will be arranged.

As always, please keep this information private.

Thank you.”

“You know what his means don’t you?” asked Jennifer.

“Yes,” said Tess.

*’I’m going to make you cum so hard!’* thought Tess.

*’I’m going to get fucked in the ass!’* thought Jennifer.

“Pool party!” they both shouted.
