Slut Wife, Taboo Life Pt.2 [cuck/NTR] [Cheating] [Incest] [his/her POV]

The Next Day

Heather was at school and then she was going out with Lindsay after, Jared was working late, and I was watching daytime tv, bored out of my mind. I wanted to get a job or something but with this living situation being temporary, it didn’t make sense. Jared talked about finding me something at his work, although it didn’t seem like it was happening.

I cracked a bottle of Riesling and started doing some mid-day drinking. It helped make Judge Judy seem more like a comedy instead of a sad view of the world we live in.

*Knock knock*

I was a little confused as I looked at the door. We hadn’t had a single visitor or anything since we arrived here. I headed to the door to see the concierge of the building standing there with a white box wrapped with a red ribbon.

“This came for you Mrs. Williams.” The concierge said as he handed me the elegant looking box.

I closed the door and flopped back on the couch as I examined the mysterious package. There was a typed card.

‘I will be there in an hour. Make sure you’re wearing this when I come to the door.’ Signed with a large J at the bottom.

Must be another one of Jared’s fun date ideas. I was flushed with excitement as I untied the ribbon and opened the box to find some sexy lace lingerie and a pair of platform Louboutin heels. My eyes went wide, and I started hyperventilating with joy. It was game time as I stripped out of my less than attractive comfy clothes and sprinted for the bathroom to get ready. An hour wasn’t a lot of time, but challenge accepted.

I took the fastest shower in my life with a shave, then did my hair and makeup. I must say, I was extremely impressed with myself. I grabbed the box and began inspecting its contents.

I started with the panties. Black low rise Brazilian lace that just felt expensive as I slid them up my long legs. They wrapped around my butt perfectly and indented between my cheeks like they were moulded to me. I turned to get a good look at my backside in the mirror and was blown away. My small ass has never looked so full and luscious before.

I was teeming with anticipation as I put on the matching black lace bralette. I struggled at first as I tried to pull it down over my breasts. It seemed small and I didn’t want to stretch it. After a moment of delicate pulling, it flowed around me like a glove. It hugged my torso like it was designed for me specifically and held my breasts like a pair of hands groping the soft flesh.

Next, I slid on the black stay up stockings that made my legs look long and sexy. I was in absolute heaven as I admired my figure. I felt so good about myself that I could burst.

I was putting the box away when I noticed one final trinket at the bottom to complete the ensemble. A black lace choker. It fit so well with Jared’s desire to dominate me. I couldn’t wait to see what scenario he was going to make of this.

I headed to the living room to get another glass of wine, checking myself out on every single reflective surface I passed.

*Knock knock*

Why is he knocking? I wondered as I approached the door. The clacking sound of my heels gave away my chance to try to sneak up to the peephole, so I decided not to take the necessary precautions one should when opening the door in almost nothing. Dumb I know but… we all have our moments, right? I took a deep breath as I checked the mirror one last time and then struck a sexy pose as I opened the door.

“Mr. Miller!” I gasped as I slammed the door shut, resting my back on the door as if it might burst open while I tried to catch my breath.

What the fuck is he doing here?

*Knock knock*

I felt panicked and looked for something to cover myself.

*Knock knock*


I opened the door enough for me to peek around it and hide my body.

“Um… hi…. sorry I was expecting my husband.”

“Are you going to invite me in?” John’s eyes were piercing as he stood there looking very sharp in his black tailored suit and off-white shirt with a couple buttons popped at the top. It formed so well to his body that I couldn’t help but imagine the muscular physique the suit was hiding giving him that mysterious James Bond look. I love spy movies.

“Um… yes sir,” I didn’t know why I was calling him sir but for some reason, in that moment, it felt appropriate. “Just let me change into something more appropriate.”

“Nonsense, you’re dressed exactly as you should be,” John said as he pressed his hand on the door, gradually applying pressure to open it further.

I wanted to resist but something inside insisted that there was no point. I reluctantly gave in as L moved with the door using it for cover while John crossed the threshold into our condo.

“I see you got my package,” John smiled as he walked in and looked around.

“Uh… your package? I think this must be some sort of mix-up,” I pleaded as I continued to hide behind the door that, from John’s vantage point, was no longer covering as much as I would have liked.

“No, no mix-up,” John turned to me and smirked, getting some amusement from my precarious situation with my feeble attempts to conceal myself. “Will you come out from there please?” He signalled with his finger for me to come towards him.

“Uh… I’m really not …” I started before being swiftly interrupted.

“Now! …please,” John raised his voice. His roar seemed to echo through the condo forcing compliance.

I should have asked him to leave at once, but I just couldn’t. There was something about him that just compelled me to obey despite how much I tried to fight it. And so, I did. I released the door as it creeped shut on its own. When it finally clicked shut, I felt it. The sound was a signal that there was no escape, no way out. The click of the door felt like a chain was just lashed around my neck.

“Very nice,” John’s eyes wandered over my body, evaluating me, invading me, penetrating me. “Come,” John said as he reached for my bottle of wine on the nearby kitchen counter. He took a glass off the rack above and poured himself some of the wine. His actions were so smooth and confident. Almost as if everything around him belonged to him.

I slowly stepped forward as instructed, feeling incredibly exposed. “I don’t think this is appropriate sir, I’m a married woman,” there was that ‘sir’ again.

“Show me,” he gestured with his finger for me to spin around, ignoring my plea for this to end.

I took a deep breath as I did as he asked, slowly and steadily spinning, one foot over the other as I displayed myself to him.

“Stunning Jessica. I mean really… stunning,” he seemed to loosen up from his dominating demeanour.

“Thank-you sir,” I blushed. The compliment was disarming. It felt as if a calm flowed over me. My heart mellowed down and I was finally able to keep myself from panting. It made me feel good about myself. Like I required his approval and now that I had it, I knew I was okay.

“So how are you liking L.A. so far?” John asked so casually as if none of this was out of the ordinary. He topped up my wine glass on the counter and handed it to me.

We shared a glass of wine and a conversation in the kitchen. I knew I should have felt very exposed in front of him, but aside from the first few minutes, I didn’t. I felt natural and comfortable. He was an extremely easy person to be around even if I was in a lewd state. Still… I was worried. He bought me this lingerie and demanded I wear it. How much longer would it be until his hands were on me. I didn’t know if I could stop it… or if I would even want to. I didn’t want to cheat on Jared anymore and a feeling of guilt started to creep in.

“Well, we should get going?” John said as he stood from his seat at the kitchen island.

“Wait what? Where are we going?” I didn’t even know we had a plan.

“First, a late lunch.”

“Oh…okay. I am a little hungry, I guess. Just let me get dressed,” I started to go to my bedroom.

“No, you’re fine the way you are,” John said sternly.

I’m sorry, what? I froze in place. There was no fucking way I was going to leave the house like this… or so I thought anyway.

“I can’t go out like this… I’m almost naked and exhibitionism isn’t my thing,” I thought back to the island and realized that might have been a bit of a lie. “Plus, my neighbours might see and the guy at the front desk and everyone else …”

“Are you done?” John seemed to be enjoying my breakdown.

I could feel that winning was impossible, but I had to draw the line somewhere and we were already way past that line. “I… I can’t… I can’t to that… please don’t make me do that…” I pleaded.

John wasn’t having it, “you can do it, and you will. I don’t like being the bad guy but if you force me to, I will be the worst guy you could ever imagine. Jared’s career will be gone and I’ll be damn sure to make it so that he will be lucky to get a job in fast food after I’m done with him, your daughter will be lucky to get into a community college, and everything you care about can be taken away just like that,” John snapped his fingers with a thundering crack. “This isn’t anything sinister. It’s lunch and don’t worry, I won’t touch you unless you want me to.”

You could play this scenario in your head and imagine how you would react, but the feeling when you are really in it, it’s like nothing I can even describe. It’s a helplessness that is undeniable. A shock like being punched in the stomach. It was a tear in my world but despite all this… I wasn’t afraid of him or what he would do… I was only afraid to say no.

I nodded as I headed over to the kitchen island, setting down my glass and picking up my phone. I stood at his side and looked at him, letting him know that I was ready. My heart was pounding again as we entered the hallway. Pounding so hard in my chest that I could feel it resonating through my body. *Thump, thump, thump, * it went in my chest like a beating drum, I could hear it louder and clearer than my clacking heels on the floor. It was like nothing I had ever felt before

We stood waiting for the elevator to open. I could only pray that nobody was on it when it arrived. As if God was taking a day off though, the door chimed and there was my timid neighbour, coming back home with yet another Starbuck frap. I was about to turn my back to her, but it was too late. She was already stepping out and paused misstep, taking a quick look at me, and then continuing as if nothing was happening. I could only imagine what she was thinking of me. I didn’t have to imagine what John was thinking of the petite brunette as she walked to her door. His gaze was locked on like he was ready to pounce but he contained himself and entered the elevator.

The door opened to the lobby and that feeling I had was getting even stronger. My nerves were on the brink, and I felt like I was just about to go over the edge on a rollercoaster, flying down the giant drop at top speed as my stomach creeped into my chest. I was starting to feel excitement. There standing in the lobby was a professional looking and incredibly attractive redhead holding a tablet. She approached us almost instantly.

“Jessica, this is my assistant Sarah,” John made the introduction as the woman gave me a quick discreet glance to size me up.

“It’s a pleasure,” she said with a fake smile before opening the tablet and tapping on it like she was trying to punch her finger through the screen. She didn’t seem phased by my attire. Maybe she was expecting it or maybe she just didn’t care, unlike the concierge who I could see from the reflection in the glass was drooling over my ass. “Everything is on schedule Mr. Miller,” Sarah turned for the door as we followed.

I glanced back at the concierge gawking at me, however, when I turned to look at him, he was reading a magazine. “Hmm…” I wondered if my mind was playing tricks on me when I saw him with my own eyes, looking like he was just minding his own business. I guess I just expected him to be looking so I just manifested it. Or maybe deep down inside I wanted him to look. I shrugged it off and followed John to the black SUV waiting for us outside. My first real exhibitionist experience was… well it wasn’t underwhelming thus far… maybe just whelming. That’s a word, right?

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” John buckled his seatbelt before pulling out his phone. Sarah did the same, sitting in the seat adjacent to us but still facing us like in a limo.

“Uh…well it wasn’t exactly the most comfortable experience of my life… not that this is much better,” I squirmed in my seat as the cold leather stuck to my skin. The squeaky tearing sound every time I moved made me feel more awkward. Like any sexiness I could have been putting out there, was completely overshadowed by my inability to be graceful.

John glanced over at me with a look of disapproval. Like when a parent stares down a child that’s not behaving. I immediately sat still, avoiding making any more unnecessary noises with my body.

John’s glare broke into a grin as he chuckled, “well, I can’t say you’re not adorable that’s for sure.” He reached over and brushed a strand of hair from my face. “If it makes you feel better, I could ask Sarah to undress as well so you’re not the only one that’s so exposed?”

I looked up at Sarah as I pondered. Her bitch vibe made it very tempting but the look on her face made me think she might try to poison me if I agreed, “umm, no … I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“Suit yourself,” John sat back in the chair as the vehicle headed off. “So, I hear our daughters have become good friends?”

“Oh, yeah. We had seen Lindsay the other day and had a girl’s day. I’m glad they got close because Heather seemed very lonely.”

“Lindsay as well,” John looked out the window, actually seeming like a concerned parent. After our interactions today, it was difficult to see his more human side but here it was. Seeing someone’s compassion for another certainly has a way of changing your perspective. “Perhaps I should book you all a spa day as a way of thanking you for taking my daughter out.”

“Oh John, that’s not necessary,” even though that sounds like a wonderful time, it somehow felt like I would be taking advantage of his generosity. Maybe it is more than deserved though since he is making me walk around in public half naked.

“I insist,” John replied with that dominating tone. “Sarah, set that up.”

Sarah nodded and began punching away at her tablet once again.

“And how about you? Have you made any connections since arriving here?” John asked.

“Connections, well…” I took a moment to think about this. I mean the answer was no, but I didn’t want to come across as a pathetic woman that had no friends. “I met some people but nothing I would take seriously.”

“I’ll introduce you to my wife then, she has plenty of connections around town and would be more than happy to show you around.”

“That would be nice,” I wondered what type of woman would marry a man like this. She would have to be strong and bold to contest his alpha exterior. Breaking my thought process, I finally realized that we were pulling into an airport. “Wait, I thought we were just going for lunch?”

“We are,” John chuckled as the SUV pulled up to a beautiful black private jet with the crew patiently waiting outside for us.

I was in awe and feeling a little excited. So much so that I completely forgot about my predicament as I peered out the window to the extravagant plane. “I’ve never been on a private jet before,” I said with joy.

John and Sarah seemed to ignore my excitement as they exited the vehicle and headed to the plane. I quickly scurried behind them to keep up, almost losing it when my heel got stuck in a small crack in the tarmac. Luckily, I was able to save it without anyone seeing.

“Good afternoon, Mr Miller,” the pilot said as we approached the waiting crew. A male and a female pilot with a very slim blonde that I could only assume was the flight attendant.

“Good afternoon, Tom, where is Yuri?” John asked.

“Unfortunately, Yuri is unavailable today, fortunately, my wife Samantha was available to take the second seat.”

“Awe that’s so wonderful, you guys get to work together?” I fawned over the lovely couple. I wished Jared and I could have something like that. They seemed like two people that complement each other so well.

Sarah shot me a quick glare as if I had done something wrong. John however, ignored my probably out of place comment as if he was fixated on something more pertinent.

“Not as often as I would like but yes, sometimes if we get lucky enough,” the pilot responded with a friendly smile. “And might I say, you look very beautiful today mam.”

I looked down to my exposed body and blushed, once again realizing that I’m not exactly here by choice and very outside my level of comfort.

“I’m not a fan of the pants,” John said as he towered over the brunette pilot, inspecting her from top to bottom.

Samantha looked down to understand what John was talking about, “these are my standard issue…” she started but was elbowed by her husband who quickly interjected.

“Apologies Mr. Miller, it won’t happen again,” Tom replied nervously as his confused wife looked up to him, wondering what the issue was.

“I don’t understand, what should I be wearing?” A bewildered Samantha asked.

“A skirt would be more appropriate I think, I like women that work for me to express their femininity,” John said as he continued to examine the woman.

Samantha took a good look at me with a concerned expression, “But, I …” She was interrupted by her nervous husband again.

“Samantha will do whatever you request Mr. Miller,” Tom gripped his wife’s hand as if begging her not to speak again.

“I would hope so,” John climbed the stairs into the plane with Sarah in tow. I followed behind them, trying to cover my ass with my hand.

The interior was beyond what I was imagining. Burgundy leather with gold trim and graphite accents. This was definitely a step beyond first class.

John took a seat on the couch and patted the seat beside him. Round two with the clingy leather seating. This time I gently lowered myself, ensuring I would land in my final position. Hey, that’s an airplane pun! I’m so funny sometimes. This time I was successful in not making a fool out of myself as I got comfortable.

John raised his hand in the air, signalling over the blonde flight attendant. “Scotch,” He ordered.

The blonde turned to me, “and for you, mam?”

The idea of alcohol did seem like an essential at this point, “do you have any champagne?” The cliche drink of choice when you’re on a private jet.

“Yes mam, we have a few different selections,” the flight attendant responded.

“Just bring a bottle of Bollinger,” John said as his attention returned to his phone.

This is just a sample of my story. Want to read the rest? You can find it here

Or search Lindsay Miller on Smashwords
