Scotty & His Mom – A Cruise Like No Other – Part 16 [m/s inc]


This story was written at the request of a fellow Redditor who rewards me with pics of his smokin hot mom. I know he’ll enjoy it. I hope you do too! See my profile for previous parts.

Key characters:
Scotty – the son; 25yo; 6 ft; 190 lb; athletic build; blonde hair; hazel eyes; 8-inch cock

Renee – Scotty’s hot curvy, MILF mom; 49yo; 5′ 4”; 160 lb; 36DD-24-38; blonde hair; hazel eyes

Ray – swinger Renee & Scotty meet on cruise. 5′ 10”; 170 lb; dark hair & eyes; 7-inch cock; wealthy.

Stephanie – Ray’s swinger partner and hot THICC MILF; 5′ 3”; 166 lbs; 34DD-24-44; dirty blonde; blue eyes


“Hang Gliding or Rock Wall?” Scotty asked Ray? They were both staring at several climbers climbing an intimidatingly high wall. Beyond the wall, hang gliders screamed as they flew beyond the edge of the ship and over the water. Ray looked at Scotty, who was seemingly mesmerized by the activities.

“Either,” Ray answered. But he had other plans of which Scotty was unaware. “Or, we could do something entirely different.” He said, as Scotty glanced at him.

“Like what?” Scotty asked. Ray glanced around to make sure no one was in ear shot.

“How…open minded are you, Scotty?” Ray asked. Scotty’s smirk disappeared.

“Look,” Scotty said, “I’m not into men, dude.” He added. Ray chuckled.

“That’s not where I’m going with this,” Ray clarified, letting the question hang. Scotty gazed at him.

“Guess I’m pretty open-minded,” Scotty answered, “I mean, I have limits.”

“Such as?” Ray inquired. Scotty thought for a moment.

“Def no young shit,” Scotty replied, “no blood or shit or scat or whatever it’s called. Snuff doesn’t do anything for me.” He finished, looking at Ray. “What about you?” He asked. “Limits?”

“Same exact as you listed. Maybe add extreme pain…I don’t dig that.” Ray added.

“So,” Scotty continued, “what do you have in mind?” He asked Ray.

“I’ve been in this lifestyle a while, Scotty,” Ray explained. “And over time, you meet people whose trust you earn and are then rewarded with….how shall I say? Private shows that the ship’s organizers know about but look the other way because hosts are usually very, very wealthy.” Ray said.

“What kind of private shows?” Scotty asked.

“Private shows that have a huge following, huge audience. Shows that are definitely beyond vanilla sex and definitely very taboo,” Ray explained, “but not as extreme as what you listed as limits.” Ray said.

“Okay, so…?” Scotty said.

“So,” Ray explained, “one of these friends of mine is hosting a private show every day all week. The next one starts in…,” Ray continued, gazing at the time on his phone, “twenty minutes. Just enough time for us to meander to the banquet room they’ve rented out. Interested?” Ray finally asked. Scotty nodded yes, as Ray smiled and led them away from the vanilla rock climbing.

* * *

“Thank you, all, for coming. As you know, this is a private, discrete event by invitation-only. Each of you who were invited had a plus-1 guest you could bring and which we we trust will be equally discrete.” The nude host of the private show announced.

Ray and Scotty were seated in sofa chairs that had been laid out in a small banquet room of the ship. There were no windows and the lights were very dim. The room was set up in presentation mode. Chairs had been lined up against the perimeter of 3 walls and 2-chairs butted against the center of the 4th wall in front of all the other chairs. Every chair was filled by mostly naked men and women who had a view of the 2-chairs. In front of the two chairs – a thick, quilted blanket lay on the floor.

As they waited, Ray’s phone dinged, indicating a text message. He glanced at it. It was from Stephanie. He read it:

theyre mother and son

Ray smirked, glancing at Scotty and thinking to himself that Stephanie was right all along. Scotty and Renee were mother and son. To avoid rousing suspicion from Scotty, he did not respond to Stephanie. Instead, he watched Scotty scanning the crowd and realized that this sex show could actually be the catalyst the young man needed to make a move on his mom. If, that is, Scotty and Renee hadn’t been bluffing all along and were already fucking? Like Stephanie, Ray was determined to find out. He turned back to the host.

“And, now, without further ado, I present you….Akira and Yamato,” the announcer finished. From the main door, a mature Japanese woman looking to be in her mid-to-late 40s appeared. Following her was a younger, Japanese-American man that looked to be in his mid-to-late 20s. They were both naked and very shapely, as they each took a seat in the two chair facing the audience. The woman spoke with a very slight accent.

“Hello, everyone. I am Akira. This is my son, Yamato.” She said. Yamato said hello in perfect English. Akira continued. “As you may or may not know, incest is legal in Japan.” Akira said. “My son and I have been in a consensual, sexual relationship since he was 20 years old, nearly 7 years ago. After 3 years living in secrecy in the U.S., we moved to Japan, where we basically live as mother and son…and lovers. We are here today to put on a show for you but wanted to take a few minutes to answer any questions you might have about our relationship.” Akira finished. Scotty gazed at Ray and smiled.

“You still okay with this?” Ray asked.

“Absolutely,” Scotty whispered, as they turned back to Akira and her son. Scotty’s cock was fully hard under his shorts.

“Is incest really legal in Japan?” Came the first question from a female.

“Yes,” Yamato, the son, answered, “and it’s also not a crime in China, South Korea, um… Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and I think parts of south America.” He finished.

“Are you biological? Adopted? Or step?” A male voice asked.

“Biological,” Akira answered. And as if she had encountered this question before, she continued. “Your gracious host has photocopies of our IDs that prove our relation.”

“How did it start?” Scotty asked. Ray smiled at him. The new knowledge that Scotty and Renee were mother and son made Ray’s cock unfurl when he heard Scotty’s question. Ray was sure Scotty wanted to fuck his mother, if he wasn’t already. Ray smiled to himself as Akira answered Scotty’s question in great detail.

“My husband had a self-admitted Asian fetish after serving in Vietnam. After his return, he traveled many times over the years to Japan and used a marriage service to meet me. We were married in 1994. He was 42, I was 19. Yamato was born a year later in 1995 when I was 20.” She sighed deeply and continued. “My husband was an alcoholic and abuser. In retrospect, I think he suffered from PTSD and the alcohol helped numb the pain. He died of liver failure in 2000 at 48 years of age. Yamato was only 5. I raised him as a single mom, and we became close. When he was 19 and I 39, he had a bad experience with a girlfriend, and I tried to comfort him emotionally one night. I had not had the touch or emotional fulfillment of a man in years. Being close to my son that night; the vulnerability…the physicality…just did something to me. I got aroused. And apparently, he was feeling it, too, as we cuddled and caressed each other. The sexual energy was undeniable, so one thing led to another, and we ended up kissing – timidly at first but then, as our passion grew, so did our kissing. And that led to us making love that night.”

“We thought it was a one time thing,” Yamato interjected, “but we both enjoyed it.” He said, looking at his mom. “A lot.” He added.

“A lot.” Akira reiterated. She took over speaking. “We talked about it and agreed that we were both adults, both emotionally mature and both consenting to what happened. And we both sheepishly admitted that we wanted it to happen again. So we basically said ‘fuck society’ and started having regular sex.” She ended.

‘Did it get easier each time?” A male voice asked.

“Yes,” Akira responded. “We were so nervous that first time. The second and third time, not so much. But after a while, the guilt and doubt disappeared, replaced by pure love and unbridled lust.” She said, a bit sexily.

“Do you ever regret it?” This time, it was another female.

“No.” mother and son answered in unison.

“Do you ever fuck instead of making love?” A man asked. A few chuckles filled the room, as Akira nodded yes.

“Yamato can have a dom side, and I am naturally a sub, particularly with him,” Akira said. “He is also unusually gifted in size – must be from the American side.” She quipped, as a few from the audience chuckled. She continued. “Yamato measures nearly 8 inches and sometimes, I beg him to destroy his mother’s pussy and asshole. When I tease him like that, he gets this… wild look in his eyes and this animalistic passion that comes over him, and he fucks his mother mercilessly. Those are the times I cum the hardest.” She ended. There was silence for a few long seconds before a single voice was heard whispering.

“Fuck,” someone said. Akira smiled, thinking a perfect time to start the show

“Enjoy the show,” Akira said, as she and her son moved onto the quilted comforter.
