Yet I found it Enjoyable [23F] [F/M] [ teasing] [orgasm] [oral]

We host an intern from a nearby institution once per year. typically a junior or senior in college, with the goal of giving them practical work experience in the profession before they graduate. Obviously, it’s a big issue for the intern. Our proprietor enjoys giving back and is an alumnus. Having an additional (unpaid) hand to help with administrative tasks, typing, errands, and other small tasks might be useful for us as well.

Charlie lacked any unique qualities. He was a nice guy and a fantastic student, and I don’t say it in a bad way. But none of this was motivated by him in any way. It’s not that he was simply too attractive or too endearing for me to reject. In really, it was more about me than it was about him.

That summer, I had been divorced for approximately a year. Longer separation doesn’t make it more real, though. At first, it had been difficult. I cried into my pillow a lot of lonely evenings. But as they say, time is a great healer. I began going out with pals and making new male buddies. It was also exhausting. They say there are many fish in the sea, but they fail to mention that there is also a great deal of trash. I kept finding myself on dates with losers, liars, or fantastic guys with whom I just didn’t click. I had a couple casual relationships, but nothing that lasted or was extremely fulfilling. When I met Charlie, I was taking a sabbatical for my own mental health.

Although he worked in my division, I didn’t really interact with the interns much. He was introduced to everyone by Debra, an HR representative. My office door was open when she arrived, so she greeted me there. Charlie came across as decent and competent enough to land this internship. I hardly gave him a second thought. He kept popping up in the office throughout the week. In the break room, by the water cooler, or outside in the sunshine. He was a bright young man who enjoyed reading during his lunch break. He would enjoy the warmth of the sun while reading outside. I used to ask him about what he was reading because I could see him from my window. Usually, it was a classic like Charlotte Bronte, George Elliot, or Jane Austen. He claimed that he enjoyed female authors from this era. He stated he respected anybody who had the bravery and fortitude to publish in a field that was predominately male.

Additionally, I sometimes feel like they have more to say.

Charlie and I got to chatting more and more. He was a curious young man, right? Guy. Definitely not a child, but not quite a man either. After a few weeks, I was at a happy hour hosted by my employer. Charlie was present, but our conversation was limited to a simple “hi” and “thank heavens it’s Friday.” He said that he would be going camping and solo backpacking in the mountains this coming weekend. He didn’t strike me as the outdoorsy, energetic sort. But after leaving the office and becoming a little more at ease, I could see it more clearly. I squeezed his arm and sent him good luck. Obviously just a friendly gesture.

Margaret joked with me, “Erin, if you stop short that boy is going to run you over.”

“I don’t understand,” I said as I grabbed my beer at the bar. We all tended to take advantage of the Friday night happy hours because they didn’t typically offer them. It had been a tough week, but we were capable of going rather hard. A large client, like county-wide large, had just been signed by us. There were therefore many reasons to rejoice.

“Charlie! That youngster is smitten.” Margaret made fun. She was one of the people who worked the hardest to help me move on from my ex-husband and was my closest friend in the office. However, she was a tease and a gossip.

Come on, now. Rolling my eyes, I “Don’t act absurdly. Nobody wants a long-term divorce like I do.” In an attempt to end the conversation, I joked about it. But it wasn’t too dissimilar from how I actually felt. Not someone like Charlie, who is young, attractive, and just starting out in life.

“Oh, kindly! He’s youthful and seductive, while you’re lovely and talented. He must jerk off to you every night, I wager.”

Margaret was clearly inebriated. Not too long after I got her into the cab, I was on my way home with an open bottle of wine and a warm bubble bath. Prior to speaking, Margaret did not pause. Charlie most certainly did not “jerk off” to me. That’d be insane. That would be absurd, right? Wow, how weird would that be.

I began to feel cozy and comfortable. The bath and the beverages were doing an excellent job. It was unusual to see Charlie in a casual setting like the bar tonight. It’s like getting a glimpse into someone else’s private life. the life they conceal from their jobs. A distinct, more precise persona.

Before I arrived at his page, I wasn’t even aware that I was using Instagram. He didn’t publish a lot, and even less of his own photos. But the ones he produced were elegant, classical, and artistic. He had a warm, sincere, and easygoing smile. There seemed to be no girlfriend. Which was strange because he was actually such a brilliant, nice, and attractive guy.

Several images of him rock climbing with friends. He was wearing a harness around his waist and legs.

scrolled swiftly past that one.

Not to mention absurd, if he jerked off to me. That would be absurd. Nobody who considered themselves “normal” would do that. Right, they didn’t masturbate in front of other people. Definitely not me. I had affairs with my thoughts, deeds, and imaginations. To people, no. How even would it be like?

In the previous year, I had grown very comfortable with my own body. It’s not like I never touched myself before; I did. However, in the past, it had always been about “getting it over with”: making short, violent motions to cause orgasm and continue with my day. It had little to do with sex, which was about making my spouse happy. We did have a good sexual life, that is not to say. It was alright. Since the divorce, though, masturbation has become more personal for me: discovering what I like, taking my time, getting to know my own boy and mind, and being aware of what turns me on and off. Play around with pressures, angles, and toys. experimenting with penetration, my clit, and even my ass. It turned into an adventure.

Tonight, I discovered myself on that road. I started gently stroking my nude body as warm water and bubbles surrounded it. My neck is quite delicate. I had a dream about gentle lips and someone caressing me. speaking softly in my ear. As I move my hands to my breasts and cup and feel them, my breathing becomes more rapid. massage and groping I can feel their warmth and weight. I’m massaging and squeezing, my nipples being delicate to the touch. wishing for a warm mouth and a waiting tongue. Gently sucking and licking that eventually becomes more vigorous. His love for me intensifies, and he starts to lose control. I picture his hands there while my own hands descend my body.

In my other hand, I’m holding my phone with Charlie’s Instagram open. He was very attractive. What a sweet smile. So wise and considerate. Perhaps he did harbor a small crush on me? He would always greet me and tell me about his day while also bringing me coffee or a croissant for morning. He was hard for me to see naked and touching me. The warm, supple skin on the inner of my leg was stroked by my hands as they progressed to my thighs. While I writhed in the tub, water gently splashed all around me. My pussy was softly aching with an urge to be stroked. I imagined Charlie stroking himself while exhaling heavily and keeping his eyes tightly shut. He played with his balls, right? Pulling and squeezing them while he touched himself? Or perhaps he could just cup them in his hand and feel the weight of his delicate manhood? With the water splashing all around me, I was now stroking my cleavage. I was curious as to his flavor. I imagined him in my mouth as I licked my lips. picture him inside of me My entire body shivered, I felt myself tighten up, and my toes curled up in orgasmic pleasure. My breathing was labored and my heart was racing. Not nearly finished, my puss throbbed. Needy. Needing more so badly.

That evening, I emailed Charlie a “follow request.”

I’ll be honest, when I woke up, I felt a little humiliated. I felt a little filthy and ashamed because I was twice his age. I was in bed contemplating. And the more I considered it, the better I felt. I did feel unclean. I felt like I was… free? In addition, I hadn’t broken any laws. I hadn’t made myself look bad. Actually, I hadn’t done very much at all. I didn’t think about it again for the remainder of the weekend.

My phone notified me as I was getting ready for bed on Sunday night. Charlie liked a picture and accepted my instagram invitation. It was from when I was still dating, a few months ago. Simply put, it was a selfie. I wanted to capture how attractive and confident I was feeling, if only for the sake of my own self-esteem. I have my makeup and hair done. Red lips, dark eyes. a short, black dress with plenty of cleavage and leg showing. Charlie had also enjoyed it. Charlie liked the sexiest, most provocative image on my page.

I awoke the following morning feeling… I felt what? powerful, feminine, and bold. I felt the want to err. And I was so horny. I couldn’t remember any specifics, but I was aware that my dreams had been sexy and erotic. I was in bed massaging my clit ferociously with my hand between my legs. My linens were thrown off the side of the bed when I turned around in it. My orgasm was strong, protracted, and utterly disappointing. I took a shower and dressed for work. My nipples were sensitive and protruded into the fabric of my bra. I thought about going braless. Due to my damp vagina, my panties felt warm and uncomfortable.

What was going on with me?

It was hell at work. I was unable to concentrate on any of my tasks. I was sitting by myself in my office, awkwardly shifting in my seat to try to scratch the itch between my legs. In my underwear and down my leg, I could feel myself getting moist. From my window, I observed Charlie. He was reading his book while relaxing outside at the picnic table. He appeared sun-tanned from his hike. Now that his clothing were off, I could see his body. youthful, powerful, and macho. not the men I had been seeing at all.

I had to duck out and finger myself in the restroom. My underwear was drenched. I was becoming irrational. What the hell was going on, Goddammit? I had never before been this dependent or fixated.

Just before I closed for the day, Charlie dropped by my workplace.

Hello, Erin! He spoke upbeat while beaming a smile my way. making me squirm in my chair He revealed a flower that was concealed behind his back. “This weekend while I was out, I spotted this. I was reminded of you by that. I guess it’s stupid, but there must be something peculiar about the shape and color. It is powerful but passionate, artistic and colorful but tough. I was just reminded of you by that.”

It was pressed and dried to make it last, and it was blue and yellow. To accept it, I got to my feet and spun it around in my fingers.

Oh, screw it. I said and gave him a kiss.

The following day was… typical? I felt ecstatic when I awoke. I smiled foolishly as I got dressed for work. Nobody in the office had any knowledge or suspicions. In the hallway, I noticed Charlie by himself. When he noticed me, he flushed and grinned sheepishly. I approached him, lightly squeezed his arm, and kissed him on the cheek. To get to his face, I had to stand on my tiptoes.

As I sat in my office, I pondered yesterday night. I just blew up when he gave me the flower. My critical, analytical brain shut down, and the cavewoman inside of me seized over. She was well-informed and knew what she wanted. I grabbed him and gave him a kiss, which astonished and surprised him. But it didn’t take him long to put his hands on me and nudge me in that direction. His taste on my mouth and his lips on mine. It was swift and intense, and then it was over.

He exclaimed, his heart pounding next to mine, “Wow.” Even though his arms were still around me, I was still intimidated by him.

Charlie, I’ll see you tomorrow. I muttered before giving him another kiss. He grinned, nodded, and walked away. I lingered for a short while more before leaving.

The remainder of the day gradually gave way to the remainder of the week. I looked at Charlie, smiled at him, and laughed with him. Innocent, discrete flirtation when no one was looking. gentle touches His hungry eyes were on me, and I could feel them. Eventually, after a week of teasing, Friday arrived. Charlie had agreed to remain late so I could finish a job. We were soon the only two in the office.

I was dressed in leggings and a short skirt, which was just on the cusp of being proper for work. Charlie had been gazing at me all day, either at my ass or at my legs. I liked catching him since I got to witness his shy smile and guilty expression afterward. a subdued “I’m sorry, not sorry” smile. I crept off to my office after everyone had left for home. I undid my leggings, exposing my long, bare legs and my short skirt. I wasn’t wearing any pants. Charlie was summoned to my office.

My legs were crossed as I said to him, “Close the door behind you.” And he did. His eyes gently swept over me from top to bottom, taking everything in. I gradually uncrossed and then parted my legs. My skirt automatically began to lift as I did this, showing my bare pussy. His eyes got wide, and a little sigh came from his mouth.

He sighed, “Fuck.” “I-”

I spoke up for him. I commanded, “Take your pants off.” My heart was racing, and I was both nervous and delighted about what I was doing. His hands trembled as he struggled with his belt. He seemed just as anxious as I was. When he finally managed to untie it, he dragged his underwear and slacks down to his ankles. I bit the inside of my lower lip as I saw him standing there. I commanded, removing my shirt while I let my hands softly caress my thigh. He stood in front of me more or less shirtless as he undid his shirt, never taking his eyes off of me.

His cock was hanging between his legs and was firmly in the alert position.

I said, not letting the emotions in my voice show, “Stroke yourself for me.” His hand slid to his cock, which he carefully started to stroke. His eyes were fixed on my pussy, and he was breathing heavily. In time with his hand’s rhythm, I softly massaged my private parts. I eagerly watched as he carefully stroked himself. I could see cumin slowly pouring out the thick head, and it was wetting his cock. His entire body jerked slightly in amusement. I spread my labia by lowering my fingers from my clit. I carefully took my hand out from between my legs when a large strand of grool become tangled around my fingers. I lifted my hand to my mouth and gently sucked my own fluids off of my fingers as I gazed into his eyes.

Oh, shucks. Charlie cried out. God, Erin, I love you so much. He said, his hand now moving more quickly and his voice trembling. I remained silent and simply observed as his big balls swayed back and forth. His cock’s head was changing color and becoming more gorgeous in both shape and size. Like a mushroom that begs to be eaten. My hands swiftly swung back to my own neediness as his tempo quickened. His breathing was disturbed by short grunts, small whimpers, and quiet sighs of ecstasy as he stroked faster and faster. My face caught his attention before my pussy. His eyes were wild with want, and his face contorted in passion.

I saw as his balls began to swing more and more, cumulated and in need of release. His trembling increased as his thrusting alternated between being swift and ferocious and slow and meticulous.

Oh my God Erin, Fuck. He gave me his undivided attention as he gazed up at me admiringly. “Fuck…” His eyes were tightly closed as he concentrated entirely on the pleasure between his legs. He murmured, “I think-I think I’m about to cum.” At that precise moment, he appeared to be both wonderfully sexy and little and delicate. With his comments, I could feel my own body shivering.

I was unable to speak loudly, so I simply said, “Please do it.” Then, with a bit more assurance, he said, “Cum for me, Charlie.”

He groaned in a guttural tone, and his hand started moving slowly up and down his shaft. As I watched him shudder with his eyes tightly closed, I shook. I observed as a man half my age had an encounter with me. A warmth that started in my vagina eventually spread throughout my entire body. The thick ropes of white sperm that were pouring out of his cock and hitting the ground audibly were visible to me. He continuously fired thick jizz rope after rope. My body tightened up in my own orgasm as my toes curled. I didn’t look away from Charlie. Not covered in his own semen, his cock throbbed in his fingers. We both stayed put, exhaling hard and unsure of what to say or do next. Until Charlie pulled his pants back up over his dripping, sticky cock, we stayed in that position for a bit. I straightened my skirt and crossed my legs. He carefully tucked in his shirt and buttoned it.

I’m sorry, I mean… He tripped over his words as he spoke.

“Charlie, have a great weekend.” So I told him. He gave me a smile.

You also.

I spread my legs out again after he went and fingered myself into another orgasm.

The weekend passed swiftly. I must admit that I had some regrets over our meeting and dreaded the coming work week. I didn’t know if Charlie was going to boast about what transpired between us to any of his buddies or, God forbid, one of our employees. At the office, everything seemed normal, but my heart was beating quickly. I tried to convey to Charlie that things were now strictly business by dressing in a conservative pantsuit. I didn’t want to have to explain to him that any sort of romance was plainly out the window and that he needed to act professionally and move past our past interactions. God, I was so foolish. I couldn’t believe I allowed this to occur.

Then I noticed him. He entered my workspace. He was naked and masturbating for me where he had been standing only a few nights earlier. The spot where he orgasmed on the carpet between us was still visible. He gave me a charming, carefree smile. I grinned back at him as my heart started to beat a little faster.

Hello, Erin! He spoke upbeat and carelessly.

In a voice that was far more seductive than I had intended, I said, “Charlie.” Or was it perhaps considerably less seductive than I desired?

Enjoy your weekend, please? He sipped from his coffee. His pocket was in his other hand.

“It was alright. slow and soothing You?”

He nodded. “Same.”

And with that, I was certain. He would preserve our secret, I knew. He would be discreet, professional, and available as needed. Furthermore, I was confident that wouldn’t be our final meeting. I understood I desired more. I had a desire for him.
